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Flags: --gtest_random_seed = 1555556875 [==========] Running 141 tests from 10 test cases. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 23 tests from ZxTestCAssertionsTest [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.Fail ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:20: error: Failure: Failure condition met. Something bad happened Expected: 0 Actual : 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertTrueAndFalse [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertTrueAndFalse (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertTrueAndFalseFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:37: error: Failure: Expected false is true. EXPECT_TRUE suceed Expected: 0 Actual : 1 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:38: error: Failure: Expected true is false. EXPECT_FALSE succeed. Expected: 1 Actual : 0 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertFalseFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:45: error: Failure: Expected true is false. ASSERT_FALSE success. Expected: 1 Actual : 0 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertTrueFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:52: error: Failure: Expected false is true. ASSERT_TRUE succeed. Expected: 0 Actual : 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertEQSuccess [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertEQSuccess (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertEQFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:75: error: Failure: Expected 2 == 1. EXPECT_EQ inequality detection succeeded. Expected: 1 Actual : 2 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:76: error: Failure: Expected b == a. EXPECT_EQ inequality detection succeeded. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertEQFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:82: error: Failure: Expected 2 == 1. ASSERT_EQ inequality detection succeeded. Expected: 1 Actual : 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertNESuccess [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertNESuccess (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertNEFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:101: error: Failure: Expected 1 != 1. EXPECT_NE equality detection suceeded. Expected: 1 Actual : 1 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:102: error: Failure: Expected a != a. EXPECT_NE equality detection suceeded. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertNEFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:111: error: Failure: Expected b != a. ASSERT_NE equality detection succeeded. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLT [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLT (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLTFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:131: error: Failure: Expected 2 < 1. EXPECT_LT failed. Expected: 1 Actual : 2 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:132: error: Failure: Expected b < a. EXPECT_LT failed. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLTFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:141: error: Failure: Expected b < a. EXPECT_LT failed. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLE [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLE (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLEFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:165: error: Failure: Expected 2 <= 1. EXPECT_LE failed. Expected: 1 Actual : 2 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:166: error: Failure: Expected b <= a. EXPECT_LE failed. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLEFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:175: error: Failure: Expected b <= a. EXPECT_LE failed. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGT [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGT (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGTFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:194: error: Failure: Expected a > b. EXPECT_GT succeeded. Expected: b Which is: 2 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGTFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:203: error: Failure: Expected a > b. ASSERT_GT succeeded. Expected: b Which is: 2 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGE [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGE (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGEFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:226: error: Failure: Expected 1 >= 2. EXPECT_GE failed. Expected: 2 Actual : 1 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:227: error: Failure: Expected a >= b. EXPECT_GE failed. Expected: b Which is: 2 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGEFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:237: error: Failure: Expected a >= b. EXPECT_GE failed. Expected: b Which is: 2 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.ZxTestCAssertionsTest (0 ms) [----------] 23 tests from ZxTestCAssertionsTest (1 ms total) [----------] 32 tests from ZxTestCAssertionTest [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertStrEq [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertStrEq (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertStrNe [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertStrNe (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertStrEqFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:271: error: Failure: Expected strings str2 == str1. ASSERT_STR_EQ failed to identify equal strings. Expected: str1 Which is: a Actual : str2 Which is: b [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertStrEqFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:281: error: Failure: Expected strings str2 == str1. ASSERT_STR_EQ failed to identify equal strings. Expected: str1 Which is: a Actual : str2 Which is: b [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNotNull [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNotNull (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNotNullFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:299: error: Failure: Expected a non null pointer. EXPECT_NOT_NULL identified NULL. Expected: ((void*)0) Which is: <nullptr> Actual : a Which is: <nullptr> [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNotNullFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:308: error: Failure: Expected a non null pointer. ASSERT_NOT_NULL identified NULL. Expected: ((void*)0) Which is: <nullptr> Actual : a Which is: <nullptr> [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNull [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNull (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNullFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:326: error: Failure: Expected a is null pointer. EXPECT_NOT_NULL identified NULL. Expected: ((void*)0) Which is: <nullptr> Actual : a Which is: 0x7ffe598d0860 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNullFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:336: error: Failure: Expected a is null pointer. ASSERT_NOT_NULL identified NULL. Expected: ((void*)0) Which is: <nullptr> Actual : a Which is: 0x7ffe598d0860 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertOk [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertOk (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertOkFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:359: error: Failure: Expected status is ZX_OK. EXPECT_OK failed to identify error. Expected: status Which is: -20 Actual : (0) Which is: 0 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertOkFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:367: error: Failure: Expected status is ZX_OK. ASSERT_OK failed to identify error. Expected: status Which is: -20 Actual : (0) Which is: 0 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEq [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEq (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:400: error: Failure: Expected &a same bytes as &b. EXPECT_BYTES_EQ identity failed. Expected: &b Which is: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 Actual : &a Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:412: error: Failure: Expected &a same bytes as &b. ASSERT_BYTES_EQ identity failed. Expected: &b Which is: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 Actual : &a Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesNe [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesNe (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesNeFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:438: error: Failure: Expected &a same bytes as &b. ASSERT_BYTES_NE identity failed. Expected: &b Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 Actual : &a Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesNeFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:450: error: Failure: Expected &a same bytes as &b. ASSERT_BYTES_NE identity failed. Expected: &b Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 Actual : &a Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqArray [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqArray (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqArrayFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:471: error: Failure: Expected a same bytes as b. ASSERT_BYTES_EQ identified different arrays. Expected: b Which is: 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 Actual : a Which is: 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertSingleCall [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertSingleCall (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesSingleCall [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesSingleCall (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:504: error: Failure: Expected fail is false. Expected to fail. Expected: fail Which is: true Actual : 0 Which is: false ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:510: error: Failure: Test registered fatal failures in HelperFnFatal(true). HelperFnFatal had a failure. This is expected. Expected: zxtest_runner_current_test_has_fatal_failures() Which is: true Actual : 0 Which is: false [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithoutFailure [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithoutFailure (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:523: error: Failure: Expected fail is false. Expected to fail. Expected: fail Which is: true Actual : 0 Which is: false [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertTrueCoerceTypeToBoolFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:535: error: Failure: Expected a is true. 0 coerced to false. Expected: a Which is: 0 Actual : 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertTrueCoerceTypeToBool [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertTrueCoerceTypeToBool (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertFalseCoerceTypeToBool [ OK ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertFalseCoerceTypeToBool (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertFalseCoerceTypeToBoolFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:556: error: Failure: Expected a is false. 1 coerced to true. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : 0 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.PromoteLiteralIntegersOnComp ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:596: error: Failure: Expected b == a. Expected: a Which is: -1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.PrintfLikeDescs ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:628: error: Failure: Expected a is false. Message Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : 0 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:629: error: Failure: Expected a is false. One 1 Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : 0 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:630: error: Failure: Expected a is false. More than one 1 1. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : 0 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:631: error: Failure: Expected a is false. More than one 1 1 1 1 1. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : 0 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.c:633: error: Failure: Expected a is false. More than one 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : 0 [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.ZxTestCAssertionTest (0 ms) [----------] 32 tests from ZxTestCAssertionTest (1 ms total) [----------] 2 tests from ZXTestCAssertionTest [ RUN ] ZXTestCAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNotNull [ OK ] ZXTestCAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNotNull (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZXTestCAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNull [ OK ] ZXTestCAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNull (0 ms) [----------] 2 tests from ZXTestCAssertionTest (0 ms total) [----------] 65 tests from ZxTestAssertionTest [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.Fail ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:21: error: Failure: Failure condition met. Something bad happened. Expected: false Which is: 00 Actual : true Which is: 01 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueAndFalse [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueAndFalse (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueAndFalseFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:38: error: Failure: Expected false is true. EXPECT_TRUE suceed Expected: false Which is: 00 Actual : true Which is: 01 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:39: error: Failure: Expected true is false. EXPECT_FALSE succeed. Expected: true Which is: 01 Actual : false Which is: 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertFalseFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:46: error: Failure: Expected true is false. ASSERT_FALSE success. Expected: true Which is: 01 Actual : false Which is: 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:53: error: Failure: Expected false is true. ASSERT_TRUE succeed. Expected: false Which is: 00 Actual : true Which is: 01 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertEQSuccess [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertEQSuccess (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertEQFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:76: error: Failure: Expected 2 == 1. EXPECT_EQ inequality detection succeeded. Expected: 1 Actual : 2 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:77: error: Failure: Expected b == a. EXPECT_EQ inequality detection succeeded. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertEQFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:83: error: Failure: Expected 2 == 1. ASSERT_EQ inequality detection succeeded. Expected: 1 Actual : 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNESuccess [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNESuccess (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNEFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:102: error: Failure: Expected 1 != 1. EXPECT_NE equality detection suceeded. Expected: 1 Actual : 1 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:103: error: Failure: Expected a != a. EXPECT_NE equality detection suceeded. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNEFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:112: error: Failure: Expected b != a. ASSERT_NE equality detection succeeded. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLT [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLT (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLTFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:132: error: Failure: Expected 2 < 1. EXPECT_LT failed. Expected: 1 Actual : 2 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:133: error: Failure: Expected b < a. EXPECT_LT failed. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLTFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:142: error: Failure: Expected b < a. EXPECT_LT failed. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLE [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLE (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLEFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:166: error: Failure: Expected 2 <= 1. EXPECT_LE failed. Expected: 1 Actual : 2 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:167: error: Failure: Expected b <= a. EXPECT_LE failed. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLEFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:176: error: Failure: Expected b <= a. EXPECT_LE failed. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGT [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGT (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGTFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:195: error: Failure: Expected a > b. EXPECT_GT succeeded. Expected: b Which is: 2 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGTFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:204: error: Failure: Expected a > b. ASSERT_GT succeeded. Expected: b Which is: 2 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGE [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGE (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGEFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:227: error: Failure: Expected 1 >= 2. EXPECT_GE failed. Expected: 2 Actual : 1 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:228: error: Failure: Expected a >= b. EXPECT_GE failed. Expected: b Which is: 2 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGEFailureFatal ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:238: error: Failure: Expected a >= b. EXPECT_GE failed. Expected: b Which is: 2 Actual : a Which is: 1 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertStrEq [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertStrEq (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertStrNe [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertStrNe (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertStrEqFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:272: error: Failure: Expected strings str2 == str1. ASSERT_STR_EQ failed to identify equal strings. Expected: str1 Which is: a Actual : str2 Which is: b [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertStrEqFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:282: error: Failure: Expected strings str2 == str1. ASSERT_STR_EQ failed to identify equal strings. Expected: str1 Which is: a Actual : str2 Which is: b [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNotNull [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNotNull (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNotNullFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:300: error: Failure: Expected a non null pointer. EXPECT_NOT_NULL identified NULL. Expected: nullptr Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Actual : a Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNotNullFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:309: error: Failure: Expected a non null pointer. ASSERT_NOT_NULL identified NULL. Expected: nullptr Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Actual : a Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNull [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNull (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNullFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:327: error: Failure: Expected a is null pointer. EXPECT_NOT_NULL identified NULL. Expected: nullptr Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Actual : a Which is: 80 08 8D 59 FE 7F 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNullFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:337: error: Failure: Expected a is null pointer. ASSERT_NOT_NULL identified NULL. Expected: nullptr Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Actual : a Which is: 60 08 8D 59 FE 7F 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertOk [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertOk (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertOkFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:360: error: Failure: Expected status is ZX_OK. EXPECT_OK failed to identify error. Expected: status Which is: -20 Actual : (0) Which is: 0 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertOkFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:368: error: Failure: Expected status is ZX_OK. ASSERT_OK failed to identify error. Expected: status Which is: -20 Actual : (0) Which is: 0 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEq [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEq (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:401: error: Failure: Expected &a same bytes as &b. ASSERT_BYTES_EQ identity failed. Expected: &b Which is: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 Actual : &a Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:413: error: Failure: Expected &a same bytes as &b. ASSERT_BYTES_EQ identity failed. Expected: &b Which is: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 Actual : &a Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesNe [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesNe (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesNeFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:439: error: Failure: Expected &a same bytes as &b. ASSERT_BYTES_NE identity failed. Expected: &b Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 Actual : &a Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesNeFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:451: error: Failure: Expected &a same bytes as &b. ASSERT_BYTES_NE identity failed. Expected: &b Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 Actual : &a Which is: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqArray [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqArray (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqArrayFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:472: error: Failure: Expected a same bytes as b. ASSERT_BYTES_EQ identified different arrays. Expected: b Which is: 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 Actual : a Which is: 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertSingleCall [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertSingleCall (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesSingleCall [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesSingleCall (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithFatalFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:508: error: Failure: Expected fail is false. Expected to fail. Expected: fail Which is: 01 Actual : false Which is: 00 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:514: error: Failure: Test registered fatal failures in HelperFnFatal(true). HelperFnFatal had a failure. This is expected. Expected: _ZXTEST_ABORT_IF_ERROR Which is: 01 Actual : false Which is: 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithoutFailure [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithoutFailure (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:527: error: Failure: Expected fail is false. Expected to fail. Expected: fail Which is: 01 Actual : false Which is: 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueCoerceTypeToBoolFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:539: error: Failure: Expected a is true. 0 coerced to false. Expected: a Which is: 0 Actual : true Which is: 01 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueCoerceTypeToBool [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueCoerceTypeToBool (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertFalseCoerceTypeToBool [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertFalseCoerceTypeToBool (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertFalseCoerceTypeToBoolFailure ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:560: error: Failure: Expected a is false. 1 coerced to true. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : false Which is: 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceNullPtrToBoolBase [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceNullPtrToBoolBase (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoercePtrToBoolBase [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoercePtrToBoolBase (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolBase [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolBase (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolNonCopyable [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolNonCopyable (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolNonMoveable [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolNonMoveable (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceNullPtrToBoolExplicitBase [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceNullPtrToBoolExplicitBase (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceExplicitTypeToBoolNonMoveable [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceExplicitTypeToBoolNonMoveable (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolExplicitBase [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolExplicitBase (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolExplicitNonCopyable [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolExplicitNonCopyable (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolExplicitNonMoveable [ OK ] ZxTestAssertionTest.CoerceTypeToBoolExplicitNonMoveable (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.PromoteLiteralIntegersOnComp ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:760: error: Failure: Expected b == a. Expected: a Which is: -1 Actual : b Which is: 2 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZxTestAssertionTest.PrintfLikeDescs ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:792: error: Failure: Expected a is false. Message Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : false Which is: 00 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:793: error: Failure: Expected a is false. One 1 Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : false Which is: 00 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:794: error: Failure: Expected a is false. More than one 1 1. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : false Which is: 00 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:795: error: Failure: Expected a is false. More than one 1 1 1 1 1. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : false Which is: 00 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:797: error: Failure: Expected a is false. More than one 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Expected: a Which is: 1 Actual : false Which is: 00 [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.ZxTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [----------] 65 tests from ZxTestAssertionTest (2 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from ZXTestAssertionTest [ RUN ] ZXTestAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNotNull [ OK ] ZXTestAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNotNull (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZXTestAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNull [ OK ] ZXTestAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNull (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZXTestAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNotNullFail ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:651: error: Failure: Expected some_fn is null pointer. Expected: nullptr Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Actual : some_fn Which is: F0 47 35 00 00 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZXTestAssertionTest.ZXTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZXTestAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNullFail ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:658: error: Failure: Expected some_fn non null pointer. Expected: nullptr Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Actual : some_fn Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZXTestAssertionTest.ZXTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZXTestAssertionTest.MemberMethodFunctionNull [ OK ] ZXTestAssertionTest.MemberMethodFunctionNull (0 ms) [ RUN ] ZXTestAssertionTest.MemberMethodFunctionNullFail ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:680: error: Failure: Expected &MyClassWithMethods::MyMethod == method. Expected: method Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Actual : &MyClassWithMethods::MyMethod Which is: 00 75 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ../system/ulib/zxtest/test/integration/assertions_test.cpp:681: error: Failure: Expected method non null pointer. Expected: nullptr Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Actual : method Which is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [ FAILED ] ZXTestAssertionTest.ZXTestAssertionTest (0 ms) [----------] 6 tests from ZXTestAssertionTest (0 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from CPrintTest [ RUN ] CPrintTest.Uint32 [ OK ] CPrintTest.Uint32 (0 ms) [ RUN ] CPrintTest.Int32 [ OK ] CPrintTest.Int32 (0 ms) [ RUN ] CPrintTest.Uint64 [ OK ] CPrintTest.Uint64 (0 ms) [ RUN ] CPrintTest.Int64 [ OK ] CPrintTest.Int64 (0 ms) [ RUN ] CPrintTest.Str [ OK ] CPrintTest.Str (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from CPrintTest (0 ms total) [----------] 5 tests from PrintTest [ RUN ] PrintTest.Uint32 [ OK ] PrintTest.Uint32 (0 ms) [ RUN ] PrintTest.Int32 [ OK ] PrintTest.Int32 (0 ms) [ RUN ] PrintTest.Uint64 [ OK ] PrintTest.Uint64 (0 ms) [ RUN ] PrintTest.Int64 [ OK ] PrintTest.Int64 (0 ms) [ RUN ] PrintTest.Str [ OK ] PrintTest.Str (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from PrintTest (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from CTest [ RUN ] CTest.AutoRegister [ OK ] CTest.AutoRegister (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from CTest (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from Test [ RUN ] Test.AutoRegister [ OK ] Test.AutoRegister (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from Test (0 ms total) [----------] 1 test from TestFixture [ RUN ] TestFixture.AutoRegister [ OK ] TestFixture.AutoRegister (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from TestFixture (0 ms total) [----------] Global test environment tear-down. [==========] 141 tests from 10 test cases ran (5 ms total). [ PASSED ] 68 tests [ FAILED ] 73 tests, listed below: [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.Fail [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertTrueAndFalseFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertFalseFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertTrueFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertEQFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertEQFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertNEFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertNEFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLTFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLTFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLEFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertLEFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGTFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGTFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGEFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionsTest.AssertGEFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertStrEqFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertStrEqFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNotNullFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNotNullFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNullFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNullFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertOkFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertOkFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesNeFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesNeFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqArrayFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertTrueCoerceTypeToBoolFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.AssertFalseCoerceTypeToBoolFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.PromoteLiteralIntegersOnComp [ FAILED ] ZxTestCAssertionTest.PrintfLikeDescs [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.Fail [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueAndFalseFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertFalseFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertEQFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertEQFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNEFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNEFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLTFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLTFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLEFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertLEFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGTFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGTFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGEFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertGEFailureFatal [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertStrEqFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertStrEqFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNotNullFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNotNullFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNullFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNullFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertOkFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertOkFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesNeFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesNeFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertBytesEqArrayFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithFatalFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertNoFatalFailureWithFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertTrueCoerceTypeToBoolFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.AssertFalseCoerceTypeToBoolFailure [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.PromoteLiteralIntegersOnComp [ FAILED ] ZxTestAssertionTest.PrintfLikeDescs [ FAILED ] ZXTestAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNotNullFail [ FAILED ] ZXTestAssertionTest.FunctionPointerNullFail [ FAILED ] ZXTestAssertionTest.MemberMethodFunctionNullFail 73 FAILED TESTS All Checks Passed. Assertion errors displayed in the standard output is from validating the assertion mechanisms.