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CASE ralloc_tests [STARTED] Region Pools [IGNORED] Alloc by size [IGNORED] Alloc specific [IGNORED] Add/Overlap [IGNORED] Subtract [IGNORED] Allocated Walk [IGNORED] CASE ralloc_tests [PASSED] CASE ralloc_c_api_tests [STARTED] Region Pools (C-API) [IGNORED] Alloc by size (C-API) [IGNORED] Alloc specific (C-API) [IGNORED] Subtract (C-API) [IGNORED] Allocated Walk (C-API) [IGNORED] CASE ralloc_c_api_tests [PASSED] ==================================================== Results for test binary "/boot/test/sys/region-alloc-test": SUCCESS! All test cases passed! CASES: 2 SUCCESS: 2 FAILED: 0 ====================================================