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To repro this locally, run the following line from the root of a 'infra' checkout: ./ run --properties-file - fuchsia <<EOF { "": "x64", "recipe": "fuchsia", "checkout.remote": "", "checkout.manifest": "flower", "checkout.project": "integration", "build.packages": [ "//bundles:buildbot" ], "$recipe_engine/path": { "cache_dir": "/b/s/w/ir/cache", "temp_dir": "/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt" }, "gcs_bucket": "fuchsia-build", "build.board": "boards/x64.gni", "board": "boards/x64.gni", "branch": "refs/heads/master", "$recipe_engine/isolated": { "server": "" }, "build.product": "products/core.gni", "revision": "56990414d571ea7359e4fa7f3c618f4a9b86d241", "$recipe_engine/swarming": { "server": "" }, "product": "products/core.gni", "repository": "", "buildername": "fuchsia-x64-fuzz_asan", "$recipe_engine/runtime": { "is_experimental": false, "is_luci": true }, "buildbucket": { "hostname": "", "build": { "created_ts": 1555791917549208, "tags": [ "builder:fuchsia-x64-fuzz_asan", "buildset:commit/git/56990414d571ea7359e4fa7f3c618f4a9b86d241", "buildset:commit/gitiles/", "gitiles_ref:refs/heads/master", "scheduler_invocation_id:9081057713116721456", "scheduler_job_id:fuchsia/fuchsia-x64-fuzz_asan", "user_agent:luci-scheduler" ], "bucket": "", "created_by": "project:fuchsia", "project": "fuchsia", "id": "8915627650222083344" } }, "variants": [ "{variant=\"asan-fuzzer\" target_type=[\"fuzzed_executable\"]}" ], "packages": [ "//bundles:buildbot" ], "build_type": "debug", "build.build_type": "debug", "repo": "fuchsia", "checkout.repo": "fuchsia", "remote": "", "target": "x64", "manifest": "flower", "project": "integration", "$recipe_engine/buildbucket": { "hostname": "", "build": { "tags": [ { "key": "buildset", "value": "commit/git/56990414d571ea7359e4fa7f3c618f4a9b86d241" }, { "key": "buildset", "value": "commit/gitiles/" }, { "key": "scheduler_invocation_id", "value": "9081057713116721456" }, { "key": "scheduler_job_id", "value": "fuchsia/fuchsia-x64-fuzz_asan" }, { "key": "user_agent", "value": "luci-scheduler" } ], "builder": { "project": "fuchsia", "builder": "fuchsia-x64-fuzz_asan", "bucket": "ci" }, "createTime": "2019-04-20T20:25:17.549208Z", "infra": { "buildbucket": { "serviceConfigRevision": "663297f94f6ea78ec1a4c95153bcf32853127445" }, "recipe": { "name": "fuchsia", "cipdPackage": "fuchsia/infra/recipe_bundles/" }, "swarming": { "priority": 30, "hostname": "", "taskServiceAccount": "" } }, "createdBy": "project:fuchsia", "input": { "gitilesCommit": { "project": "fuchsia", "host": "", "ref": "refs/heads/master", "id": "56990414d571ea7359e4fa7f3c618f4a9b86d241" } }, "id": "8915627650222083344" } }, "path_config": "generic", "bot_id": "fuchsia-debian-16-6907d2bd-us-central1-c-w7m1" } EOF To run on Windows, you can put the JSON in a file and redirect the contents of the file into, with the < operator.