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Flags: Could not create ram_nand device, -10 --gtest_random_seed = 1555992996 [==========] Running 21 tests from 3 test cases. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 4 tests from RamNandCtlTest [ RUN ] RamNandCtlTest.TrivialLifetime [ OK ] RamNandCtlTest.TrivialLifetime (3 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandCtlTest.ExportConfig [ OK ] RamNandCtlTest.ExportConfig (0 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandCtlTest.ExportPartitions [ OK ] RamNandCtlTest.ExportPartitions (0 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandCtlTest.CreateFailure [ OK ] RamNandCtlTest.CreateFailure (0 ms) [----------] 4 tests from RamNandCtlTest (4 ms total) [----------] 8 tests from RamNandTest [ RUN ] RamNandTest.TrivialLifetime [ OK ] RamNandTest.TrivialLifetime (0 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandTest.DdkLifetime [ OK ] RamNandTest.DdkLifetime (0 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandTest.ExportNandConfig [ OK ] RamNandTest.ExportNandConfig (0 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandTest.ExportPartitionMap [ OK ] RamNandTest.ExportPartitionMap (0 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandTest.AddMetadata [ OK ] RamNandTest.AddMetadata (0 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandTest.BasicDeviceProtocol [ OK ] RamNandTest.BasicDeviceProtocol (0 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandTest.Unlink [ OK ] RamNandTest.Unlink (0 ms) [ RUN ] RamNandTest.Query [ OK ] RamNandTest.Query (0 ms) [----------] 8 tests from RamNandTest (2 ms total) [----------] 9 tests from NandTest [ RUN ] NandTest.QueueOne [ OK ] NandTest.QueueOne (0 ms) [ RUN ] NandTest.ReadWrite [ OK ] NandTest.ReadWrite (0 ms) [ RUN ] NandTest.NewChip [ OK ] NandTest.NewChip (18 ms) [ RUN ] NandTest.QueueMultiple [ OK ] NandTest.QueueMultiple (1 ms) [ RUN ] NandTest.OobLimits [ OK ] NandTest.OobLimits (0 ms) [ RUN ] NandTest.ReadWriteOob [ OK ] NandTest.ReadWriteOob (0 ms) [ RUN ] NandTest.ReadWriteDataAndOob [ OK ] NandTest.ReadWriteDataAndOob (0 ms) [ RUN ] NandTest.EraseLimits [ OK ] NandTest.EraseLimits (0 ms) [ RUN ] NandTest.Erase [ OK ] NandTest.Erase (0 ms) [----------] 9 tests from NandTest (22 ms total) [----------] Global test environment tear-down. [==========] 21 tests from 3 test cases ran (29 ms total). [ PASSED ] 21 tests