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CASE IdAllocatorTests [STARTED] (TestInitializedEmpty) [IGNORED] (TestSingleAlloc) [IGNORED] (TestSingleMarkAllocated) [IGNORED] (TestMarkAllocatedTwice) [IGNORED] (TestFreeTwice) [IGNORED] (TestAllocInterleaved) [IGNORED] (TestAllocAll<51>) [IGNORED] (TestAllocAll<64>) [IGNORED] (TestAllocAll<64 * 63>) [IGNORED] (TestAllocAll<64 * 64>) [IGNORED] (TestAllocAll<2 * 64 * 64>) [IGNORED] (TestGrow<5, 11, 63>) [IGNORED] (TestGrow<6, 37, 64>) [IGNORED] (TestGrow<16, 64, 101>) [IGNORED] (TestGrow<32, 64, 128>) [IGNORED] (TestGrow<32, 64 * 64, 1 << 20>) [IGNORED] (TestGrowSteps<1, 1 << 15>) [IGNORED] (TestGrowSteps<128, 1 << 20>) [IGNORED] (TestShrink<63, 11, 5>) [IGNORED] (TestShrink<64, 37, 6>) [IGNORED] (TestShrink<101, 64, 16>) [IGNORED] (TestShrink<128, 64, 32>) [IGNORED] (TestShrink<1 << 20, 64 * 64, 35>) [IGNORED] (TestShrinkSteps<1, 1 << 15>) [IGNORED] (TestShrinkSteps<128, 1 << 20>) [IGNORED] (TestReset<51>) [IGNORED] (TestReset<64>) [IGNORED] (TestReset<64 * 63>) [IGNORED] (TestReset<64 * 64>) [IGNORED] (TestResetGrow<5, 11, 63>) [IGNORED] (TestResetGrow<6, 37, 64>) [IGNORED] (TestResetGrow<16, 64, 101>) [IGNORED] (TestResetGrow<32, 64, 128>) [IGNORED] (TestResetGrow<32, 64 * 64, 1 << 20>) [IGNORED] (TestResetShrink<63, 11, 5>) [IGNORED] (TestResetShrink<64, 37, 6>) [IGNORED] (TestResetShrink<101, 64, 16>) [IGNORED] (TestResetShrink<128, 64, 32>) [IGNORED] (TestResetShrink<1 << 20, 64 * 64, 35>) [IGNORED] CASE IdAllocatorTests [PASSED] ==================================================== Results for test binary "/boot/test/sys/id_allocator-test": SUCCESS! All test cases passed! CASES: 1 SUCCESS: 1 FAILED: 0 ====================================================