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/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/cmake -GNinja '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=/b/s/w/ir/cache/goma/client/gomacc' '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=/b/s/w/ir/cache/goma/client/gomacc' '-DCMAKE_ASM_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=/b/s/w/ir/cache/goma/client/gomacc' '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang' '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang++' '-DCMAKE_ASM_COMPILER=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang' '-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/ninja' '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=' '-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang;lld' '-DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES=compiler-rt;libcxx;libcxxabi;libunwind' '-DSTAGE2_LINUX_aarch64-linux-gnu_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-arm64' '-DSTAGE2_LINUX_armv7-linux-gnueabihf_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-armhf' '-DSTAGE2_LINUX_i386-linux-gnu_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-i386' '-DSTAGE2_LINUX_x86_64-linux-gnu_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64' '-DSTAGE2_FUCHSIA_SDK=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/sdk' '-DCMAKE_AR=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-ar' '-DCMAKE_LINKER=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/ld.lld' '-DCMAKE_NM=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-nm' '-DCMAKE_OBJCOPY=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-objcopy' '-DCMAKE_OBJDUMP=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-objdump' '-DCMAKE_RANLIB=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-ranlib' '-DCMAKE_STRIP=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-strip' '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_C_FLAGS=-I/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/include -I/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/include/libxml2' '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-I/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/include -I/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/include/libxml2' '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64/lib -L/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/lib' '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64/lib -L/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/lib' '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64/lib -L/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/lib' '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64' '-DBOOTSTRAP_LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=x86_64-linux-gnu' '-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/lib' '-DCMAKE_EXE_SHARED_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/lib' '-DCMAKE_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64' '-DLLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=x86_64-linux-gnu' -C /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/llvm-project/clang/cmake/caches/Fuchsia.cmake /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/llvm-project/llvm in dir /b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/llvm_build_dir: allow_subannotations: False base_name: 'clang.configure' cmd: ['/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/cmake', '-GNinja', '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=/b/s/w/ir/cache/goma/client/gomacc', '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=/b/s/w/ir/cache/goma/client/gomacc', '-DCMAKE_ASM_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=/b/s/w/ir/cache/goma/client/gomacc', '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang', '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang++', '-DCMAKE_ASM_COMPILER=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang', '-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/ninja', '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=', '-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang;lld', '-DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES=compiler-rt;libcxx;libcxxabi;libunwind', '-DSTAGE2_LINUX_aarch64-linux-gnu_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-arm64', '-DSTAGE2_LINUX_armv7-linux-gnueabihf_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-armhf', '-DSTAGE2_LINUX_i386-linux-gnu_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-i386', '-DSTAGE2_LINUX_x86_64-linux-gnu_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64', '-DSTAGE2_FUCHSIA_SDK=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/sdk', '-DCMAKE_AR=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-ar', '-DCMAKE_LINKER=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/ld.lld', '-DCMAKE_NM=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-nm', '-DCMAKE_OBJCOPY=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-objcopy', '-DCMAKE_OBJDUMP=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-objdump', '-DCMAKE_RANLIB=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-ranlib', '-DCMAKE_STRIP=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/llvm-strip', '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_C_FLAGS=-I/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/include -I/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/include/libxml2', '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-I/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/include -I/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/include/libxml2', '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64/lib -L/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/lib', '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64/lib -L/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/lib', '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64/lib -L/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/lib_install/lib', '-DBOOTSTRAP_CMAKE_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64', '-DBOOTSTRAP_LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=x86_64-linux-gnu', '-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/lib', '-DCMAKE_EXE_SHARED_FLAGS=-static-libstdc++ -ldl -lpthread -L/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/lib', '-DCMAKE_SYSROOT=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64', '-DLLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=x86_64-linux-gnu', '-C', '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/llvm-project/clang/cmake/caches/Fuchsia.cmake', '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/llvm-project/llvm'] cwd: '/b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/llvm_build_dir' env: {} env_prefixes: {} env_suffixes: {} infra_step: False name: 'clang.configure' nest_level: 1 ok_ret: frozenset([0]) trigger_specs: () full environment: BOTO_CONFIG: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/gsutil_task/.boto BUILDBUCKET_EXPERIMENTAL: FALSE CIPD_CACHE_DIR: /b/s/cipd_cache/cache CIPD_PROTOCOL: v2 DEVSHELL_CLIENT_PORT: 33703 DOCKER_CONFIG: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/docker_cfg_task DOCKER_TMPDIR: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/docker_tmp_task GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM: 1 GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT: 0 HOME: /home/swarming INFRA_GIT_WRAPPER_HOME: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/git_home_task INVOCATION_ID: e36aac066fca45a4b4291f51bcc3ed48 JOURNAL_STREAM: 8:24896 LANG: en_US.UTF-8 LOGDOG_COORDINATOR_HOST: LOGDOG_STREAM_PREFIX: buildbucket/ LOGDOG_STREAM_PROJECT: fuchsia LOGDOG_STREAM_SERVER_PATH: unix:/b/s/w/ir/tmp/ld.sock LOGNAME: swarming LUCI_CONTEXT: /b/s/w/itR_8633/luci_context.201022907 MAC_CHROMIUM_TMPDIR: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t NO_GCE_CHECK: False PATH: /b/s/w/ir/cipd_bin_packages:/b/s/w/ir/cipd_bin_packages/bin:/b/s/cipd_cache/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD: /b/s/w/ir PYTHONIOENCODING: UTF-8 PYTHONUNBUFFERED: 1 SHELL: /bin/bash SHLVL: 1 SWARMING_BOT_ID: fuchsia-debian-32-c272138d-us-central1-b-52tt SWARMING_EXTERNAL_BOT_SETUP: 1 SWARMING_HEADLESS: 1 SWARMING_SERVER: SWARMING_TASK_ID: 419e90015b656811 TEMP: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t TEMPDIR: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t TMP: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t TMPDIR: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t USER: swarming VPYTHON_VIRTUALENV_ROOT: /b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython _: /b/s/w/ir/cipd_bin_packages/vpython loading initial cache file /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/llvm-project/clang/cmake/caches/Fuchsia.cmake -- The C compiler identification is Clang 8.0.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 8.0.0 -- The ASM compiler identification is unknown -- Found assembler: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang -- Check for working C compiler: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang -- Check for working C compiler: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang++ -- Check for working CXX compiler: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/bin/clang++ -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Warning: Did not find file Compiler/-ASM -- Performing Test LLVM_NO_OLD_LIBSTDCXX -- Performing Test LLVM_NO_OLD_LIBSTDCXX - Success -- Looking for dlfcn.h -- Looking for dlfcn.h - found -- Looking for errno.h -- Looking for errno.h - found -- Looking for fcntl.h -- Looking for fcntl.h - found -- Looking for link.h -- Looking for link.h - found -- Looking for malloc.h -- Looking for malloc.h - found -- Looking for malloc/malloc.h -- Looking for malloc/malloc.h - not found -- Looking for pthread.h -- Looking for pthread.h - found -- Looking for signal.h -- Looking for signal.h - found -- Looking for sys/ioctl.h -- Looking for sys/ioctl.h - found -- Looking for sys/mman.h -- Looking for sys/mman.h - found -- Looking for sys/param.h -- Looking for sys/param.h - found -- Looking for sys/resource.h -- Looking for sys/resource.h - found -- Looking for sys/stat.h -- Looking for sys/stat.h - found -- Looking for sys/time.h -- Looking for sys/time.h - found -- Looking for sys/types.h -- Looking for sys/types.h - found -- Looking for termios.h -- Looking for termios.h - found -- Looking for unistd.h -- Looking for unistd.h - found -- Looking for valgrind/valgrind.h -- Looking for valgrind/valgrind.h - not found -- Looking for zlib.h -- Looking for zlib.h - not found -- Looking for fenv.h -- Looking for fenv.h - found -- Looking for FE_ALL_EXCEPT -- Looking for FE_ALL_EXCEPT - found -- Looking for FE_INEXACT -- Looking for FE_INEXACT - found -- Looking for mach/mach.h -- Looking for mach/mach.h - not found -- Looking for histedit.h -- Looking for histedit.h - not found -- Looking for CrashReporterClient.h -- Looking for CrashReporterClient.h - not found -- Looking for linux/magic.h -- Looking for linux/magic.h - found -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found -- Looking for pthread_getspecific in pthread -- Looking for pthread_getspecific in pthread - found -- Looking for pthread_rwlock_init in pthread -- Looking for pthread_rwlock_init in pthread - found -- Looking for pthread_mutex_lock in pthread -- Looking for pthread_mutex_lock in pthread - found -- Looking for dlopen in dl -- Looking for dlopen in dl - found -- Looking for clock_gettime in rt -- Looking for clock_gettime in rt - found -- Looking for pfm_initialize in pfm -- Looking for pfm_initialize in pfm - not found -- Looking for pthread.h -- Looking for pthread.h - found -- Looking for pthread_create -- Looking for pthread_create - found -- Found Threads: TRUE -- Could NOT find LibXml2 (missing: LIBXML2_LIBRARIES LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Looking for xar_open in xar -- Looking for xar_open in xar - not found -- Looking for arc4random -- Looking for arc4random - not found -- Looking for backtrace -- Looking for backtrace - found -- backtrace facility detected in default set of libraries -- Found Backtrace: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/cipd/linux-amd64/usr/include -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_WERROR_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY_NEW -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_WERROR_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY_NEW - Success -- Looking for _Unwind_Backtrace -- Looking for _Unwind_Backtrace - not found -- Looking for getpagesize -- Looking for getpagesize - found -- Looking for sysconf -- Looking for sysconf - found -- Looking for getrusage -- Looking for getrusage - found -- Looking for setrlimit -- Looking for setrlimit - found -- Looking for isatty -- Looking for isatty - found -- Looking for futimens -- Looking for futimens - found -- Looking for futimes -- Looking for futimes - found -- Looking for posix_fallocate -- Looking for posix_fallocate - found -- Looking for sigaltstack -- Looking for sigaltstack - found -- Looking for lseek64 -- Looking for lseek64 - found -- Looking for mallctl -- Looking for mallctl - not found -- Looking for mallinfo -- Looking for mallinfo - found -- Looking for malloc_zone_statistics -- Looking for malloc_zone_statistics - not found -- Looking for getrlimit -- Looking for getrlimit - found -- Looking for posix_spawn -- Looking for posix_spawn - found -- Looking for pread -- Looking for pread - found -- Looking for realpath -- Looking for realpath - found -- Looking for sbrk -- Looking for sbrk - found -- Looking for strerror -- Looking for strerror - found -- Looking for strerror_r -- Looking for strerror_r - found -- Looking for strerror_s -- Looking for strerror_s - not found -- Looking for setenv -- Looking for setenv - found -- Looking for dlopen -- Looking for dlopen - found -- Looking for dladdr -- Looking for dladdr - not found -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_MTIMESPEC_TV_NSEC -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_MTIMESPEC_TV_NSEC - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_MTIM_TV_NSEC -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_MTIM_TV_NSEC - Success -- Looking for __GLIBC__ -- Looking for __GLIBC__ - found -- Looking for sched_getaffinity -- Looking for sched_getaffinity - found -- Looking for CPU_COUNT -- Looking for CPU_COUNT - found -- Looking for pthread_getname_np -- Looking for pthread_getname_np - found -- Looking for pthread_setname_np -- Looking for pthread_setname_np - found -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ATOMICS_WITHOUT_LIB -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ATOMICS_WITHOUT_LIB - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ATOMICS64_WITHOUT_LIB -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ATOMICS64_WITHOUT_LIB - Success -- Performing Test LLVM_HAS_ATOMICS -- Performing Test LLVM_HAS_ATOMICS - Success -- Performing Test SUPPORTS_VARIADIC_MACROS_FLAG -- Performing Test SUPPORTS_VARIADIC_MACROS_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test SUPPORTS_GNU_ZERO_VARIADIC_MACRO_ARGUMENTS_FLAG -- Performing Test SUPPORTS_GNU_ZERO_VARIADIC_MACRO_ARGUMENTS_FLAG - Success -- Native target architecture is X86 -- Threads enabled. -- Doxygen disabled. -- Go bindings disabled. -- Could NOT find OCaml (missing: OCAMLFIND OCAML_VERSION OCAML_STDLIB_PATH) -- Could NOT find OCaml (missing: OCAMLFIND OCAML_VERSION OCAML_STDLIB_PATH) -- OCaml bindings disabled. -- Could NOT find Python module pygments -- Could NOT find Python module pygments.lexers.c_cpp -- Could NOT find Python module yaml -- LLVM host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -- LLVM default target triple: x86_64-linux-gnu -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FPIC -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FPIC - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_FPIC -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_FPIC - Success -- Building with -fPIC -- Performing Test SUPPORTS_FVISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN_FLAG -- Performing Test SUPPORTS_FVISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_WERROR_DATE_TIME -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_WERROR_DATE_TIME - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_WERROR_DATE_TIME -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_WERROR_DATE_TIME - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_WERROR_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY_NEW -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_WERROR_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY_NEW - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_CXX11 -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_CXX11 - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_MISSING_FIELD_INITIALIZERS_FLAG -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_MISSING_FIELD_INITIALIZERS_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_IMPLICIT_FALLTHROUGH_FLAG -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_IMPLICIT_FALLTHROUGH_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_IMPLICIT_FALLTHROUGH_FLAG -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_IMPLICIT_FALLTHROUGH_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_COVERED_SWITCH_DEFAULT_FLAG -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_COVERED_SWITCH_DEFAULT_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_COVERED_SWITCH_DEFAULT_FLAG -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_COVERED_SWITCH_DEFAULT_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_CLASS_MEMACCESS_FLAG -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_CLASS_MEMACCESS_FLAG - Failed -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_NOEXCEPT_TYPE_FLAG -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_NOEXCEPT_TYPE_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test CXX_WONT_WARN_ON_FINAL_NONVIRTUALDTOR -- Performing Test CXX_WONT_WARN_ON_FINAL_NONVIRTUALDTOR - Success -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_DELETE_NON_VIRTUAL_DTOR_FLAG -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_DELETE_NON_VIRTUAL_DTOR_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_DELETE_NON_VIRTUAL_DTOR_FLAG -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_DELETE_NON_VIRTUAL_DTOR_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test C_WCOMMENT_ALLOWS_LINE_WRAP -- Performing Test C_WCOMMENT_ALLOWS_LINE_WRAP - Failed -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONVERSION_FLAG -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONVERSION_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONVERSION_FLAG -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONVERSION_FLAG - Success -- Performing Test LINKER_SUPPORTS_COLOR_DIAGNOSTICS -- Performing Test LINKER_SUPPORTS_COLOR_DIAGNOSTICS - Success -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FNO_FUNCTION_SECTIONS -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FNO_FUNCTION_SECTIONS - Success -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FFUNCTION_SECTIONS -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FFUNCTION_SECTIONS - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_FFUNCTION_SECTIONS -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_FFUNCTION_SECTIONS - Success -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FDATA_SECTIONS -- Performing Test C_SUPPORTS_FDATA_SECTIONS - Success -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_FDATA_SECTIONS -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_FDATA_SECTIONS - Success -- Found PythonInterp: /b/s/w/ir/cipd_bin_packages/python2.7 (found version "2.7.14") -- Constructing LLVMBuild project information -- Linker detection: LLD -- Targeting X86 -- Targeting ARM -- Targeting AArch64 -- Looking for sys/resource.h -- Looking for sys/resource.h - found -- Clang version: 8.0.0 -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_NO_NESTED_ANON_TYPES_FLAG -- Performing Test CXX_SUPPORTS_NO_NESTED_ANON_TYPES_FLAG - Success -- Could NOT find Z3 (missing: Z3_LIBRARIES Z3_INCLUDE_DIR) (Required is at least version "4.7.1") -- Setting next clang stage to: stage2 -- LLD version: 8.0.0 CMake Warning (dev) at utils/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt:3 (project): Policy CMP0048 is not set: project() command manages VERSION variables. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0048" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. The following variable(s) would be set to empty: PROJECT_VERSION PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. -- Failed to find LLVM FileCheck -- Found Git: /b/s/w/ir/cipd_bin_packages/git (found version "2.17.1.chromium15 / Infra wrapper (infra/tools/git/linux-amd64 @ Ekj2vguJrYM9lu187ZJAw2m8VRwjNNH_QfZgu6h5cRMC)") -- git Version: v0.0.0 -- Version: 0.0.0 -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_STD_CXX11 -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_STD_CXX11 - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WALL -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WALL - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WEXTRA -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WEXTRA - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSHADOW -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSHADOW - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_PEDANTIC -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_PEDANTIC - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_PEDANTIC_ERRORS -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_PEDANTIC_ERRORS - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSHORTEN_64_TO_32 -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSHORTEN_64_TO_32 - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WFLOAT_EQUAL -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WFLOAT_EQUAL - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_FSTRICT_ALIASING -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_FSTRICT_ALIASING - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_FNO_EXCEPTIONS -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_FNO_EXCEPTIONS - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSTRICT_ALIASING -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSTRICT_ALIASING - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WD654 -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WD654 - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WTHREAD_SAFETY -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WTHREAD_SAFETY - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_SAFETY_ATTRIBUTES -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_SAFETY_ATTRIBUTES -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_SAFETY_ATTRIBUTES -- failed to compile -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_COVERAGE -- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_COVERAGE - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_GNU_POSIX_REGEX -- Performing Test HAVE_GNU_POSIX_REGEX -- Performing Test HAVE_GNU_POSIX_REGEX -- failed to compile -- Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_REGEX -- Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_REGEX -- Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_REGEX -- success -- Performing Test HAVE_STEADY_CLOCK -- Performing Test HAVE_STEADY_CLOCK -- Performing Test HAVE_STEADY_CLOCK -- success -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/rt/clang90vvok/llvm_build_dir