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00:00 +0: loading /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/out/release-x64/dartlang/gen/topaz/lib/setui/settings/service/lib_setui_service_test_service_test_dart_bootstrap.dart 00:00 +0: SetUi service gets an object that then gets updated 00:00 +1: SetUi service gets an object that then gets updated 00:00 +1: SetUi service mutates a value 00:00 +2: SetUi service mutates a value 00:00 +2: SetUi service mutates a value without listeners and closes after mutate 00:00 +3: SetUi service mutates a value without listeners and closes after mutate 00:00 +3: SetUi service calls initialize and close depending on listeners 00:00 +4: SetUi service calls initialize and close depending on listeners 00:00 +4: All tests passed!