gclient sync --no-history -v --output-json /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t/tmpdpzW6w.json in dir /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart: allow_subannotations: False base_name: 'gclient sync' cmd: ['gclient', 'sync', '--no-history', '-v', '--output-json', '/b/s/w/ir/tmp/t/tmpdpzW6w.json'] cwd: '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' env: {} env_prefixes: {'PATH': '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/depot_tools'} env_suffixes: {} infra_step: True name: 'gclient sync' nest_level: 0 ok_ret: frozenset([0]) trigger_specs: () full environment: BOTO_CONFIG: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/gsutil_task/.boto BUILDBUCKET_EXPERIMENTAL: FALSE CIPD_CACHE_DIR: /b/s/cipd_cache/cache CIPD_PROTOCOL: v2 DEVSHELL_CLIENT_PORT: 43289 DOCKER_CONFIG: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/docker_cfg_task DOCKER_TMPDIR: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/docker_tmp_task GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM: 1 GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT: 0 HOME: /home/swarming INFRA_GIT_WRAPPER_HOME: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/git_home_task INVOCATION_ID: fa2cace30100450a82da7be08848c306 JOURNAL_STREAM: 8:33888 LANG: en_US.UTF-8 LOGDOG_COORDINATOR_HOST: logs.chromium.org LOGDOG_STREAM_PREFIX: buildbucket/cr-buildbucket.appspot.com/8923003058495649088 LOGDOG_STREAM_PROJECT: fuchsia LOGDOG_STREAM_SERVER_PATH: unix:/b/s/w/ir/tmp/ld.sock LOGNAME: swarming LUCI_CONTEXT: /b/s/w/itaYWsqD/luci_context.536341814 MAC_CHROMIUM_TMPDIR: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t NO_GCE_CHECK: False PATH: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/depot_tools:/b/s/w/ir/cipd_bin_packages:/b/s/w/ir/cipd_bin_packages/bin:/b/s/cipd_cache/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD: /b/s/w/ir PYTHONIOENCODING: UTF-8 PYTHONUNBUFFERED: 1 SHELL: /bin/bash SHLVL: 1 SWARMING_BOT_ID: fuchsia-debian-32-c272138d-us-central1-b-vdjk SWARMING_EXTERNAL_BOT_SETUP: 1 SWARMING_HEADLESS: 1 SWARMING_SERVER: https://chromium-swarm.appspot.com SWARMING_TASK_ID: 42b1ffeb47414d11 TEMP: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t TEMPDIR: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t TMP: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t TMPDIR: /b/s/w/ir/tmp/t USER: swarming VPYTHON_VIRTUALENV_ROOT: /b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython _: /b/s/w/ir/cipd_bin_packages/vpython Your copy of depot_tools is configured to fetch from an obsolete URL: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools Timeout; not updating remote URL. Looking for .gclient starting from /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart Loaded .gclient config in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart: solutions = [ { "name" : "sdk", "url" : "https://dart.googlesource.com/sdk.git", "deps_file" : "DEPS", "managed" : False, "custom_deps" : { }, "custom_vars": {}, }, ] sdk (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk at refs/remotes/origin/master [0:00:00] ________ unmanaged solution; skipping sdk [0:00:00] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/buildtools/linux-x64/clang:fuchsia/clang/${platform} (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. [0:00:00] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/buildtools:gn/gn/${platform} (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. [0:00:00] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/tests/co19_2/src:dart/third_party/co19 (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. [0:00:00] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/d8:dart/d8 (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. [0:00:00] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/gsutil:infra/gsutil (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. [0:00:00] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/markupsafe (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/markupsafe at 8f45f5cfa0009d2a70589bcda0349b8cb2b72783 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_markupsafeSNzUNG' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_markupsafeSNzUNG/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/third_party/markupsafe.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_markupsafeSNzUNG /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_markupsafe_EtSpQ1' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_markupsafe_EtSpQ1'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (204 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 14, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 7% (1/14) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 14% (2/14) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 100% (14/14) [0:00:00] remote: Total 14 (delta 0), reused 14 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/markupsafe' [0:00:01] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/src/third_party/markupsafe [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:01] Checked out 8f45f5cfa0009d2a70589bcda0349b8cb2b72783 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:01] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/charcode (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/charcode at v1.1.2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/charcode.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_charcode_095wfG' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_charcode_095wfG'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 17, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 5% (1/18) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 11% (2/18) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (18/18) [0:00:01] remote: Total 18 (delta 0), reused 12 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/charcode' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/charcode [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:01] Checked out v1.1.2 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:01] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/args (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/args at 1.4.4 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/args.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_args_Z77tWQ' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_args_Z77tWQ'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 38, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/38) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 10% (4/38) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (38/38) [0:00:01] remote: Total 38 (delta 0), reused 11 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/args' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/args [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.4.4 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/args' [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/args [0:00:01] * tag 1.4.4 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:01] Checked out ec0c73ee40d54583ac6c194d56296dbe6cc1e3cb to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:01] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/http_multi_server (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/http_multi_server at 2.0.5 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/http_multi_server.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_multi_server_pcULqe' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_multi_server_pcULqe'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 18, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 5% (1/18) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 11% (2/18) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (18/18) [0:00:01] remote: Total 18 (delta 0), reused 11 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http_multi_server' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http_multi_server [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 2.0.5 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http_multi_server' [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http_multi_server [0:00:01] * tag 2.0.5 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:01] Checked out 9a19f118bf16540ac65c7e33b06d2af0f35e5926 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:01] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/boolean_selector (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/boolean_selector at 1.0.4 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/boolean_selector.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_boolean_selector_lt3Owg' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_boolean_selector_lt3Owg'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 34, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/35) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 11% (4/35) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (35/35) [0:00:01] remote: Total 35 (delta 1), reused 18 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/boolean_selector' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/boolean_selector [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:02] Checked out 1.0.4 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/convert (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/convert at 2.0.2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/convert.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_convert_uHZJ9v' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_convert_uHZJ9v'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 35, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/36) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 11% (4/36) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (36/36) [0:00:01] remote: Total 36 (delta 3), reused 23 (delta 3) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/convert' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/convert [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 2.0.2 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/convert' [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/convert [0:00:01] * tag 2.0.2 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:02] Checked out b0eaba4a5a9462b807b18e92a671910849c53acf to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/http_retry (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/http_retry at 0.1.1 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/http_retry.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_retry_bs8pl_' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_retry_bs8pl_'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 14, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 6% (1/15) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 13% (2/15) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (15/15) [0:00:01] remote: Total 15 (delta 0), reused 9 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http_retry' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http_retry [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.1.1 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http_retry' [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http_retry [0:00:01] * tag 0.1.1 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:02] Checked out 0674d8f92aa3171c2e154af3f3b07104b872dffa to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/fixnum (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/fixnum at 0.10.9 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/fixnum.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_fixnum_fteqo2' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_fixnum_fteqo2'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 23, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 4% (1/24) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 12% (3/24) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (24/24) [0:00:01] remote: Total 24 (delta 0), reused 12 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/fixnum' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/fixnum [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:02] Checked out 0.10.9 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/glob (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/glob at 1.1.7 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/glob.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_glob_H4KuNi' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_glob_H4KuNi'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 23, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 4% (1/24) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 12% (3/24) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (24/24) [0:00:01] remote: Total 24 (delta 0), reused 14 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/glob' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/glob [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:02] Checked out 1.1.7 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/http_throttle (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/http_throttle at 1.0.2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/http_throttle.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_throttle_5nNlIW' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_throttle_5nNlIW'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 14, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 6% (1/15) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 13% (2/15) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (15/15) [0:00:01] remote: Total 15 (delta 0), reused 9 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http_throttle' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http_throttle [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.0.2 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http_throttle' [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http_throttle [0:00:01] * tag 1.0.2 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:02] Checked out 93e5224cb8c48462a502164b0611a9c868009b4f to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/bazel_worker (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/bazel_worker at 0.1.14 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/bazel_worker.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_bazel_worker_v2RjQc' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_bazel_worker_v2RjQc'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 51, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/51) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 11% (6/51) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (51/51) [0:00:01] remote: Total 51 (delta 2), reused 24 (delta 2) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/bazel_worker' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/bazel_worker [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.1.14 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/bazel_worker' [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/bazel_worker [0:00:02] * tag 0.1.14 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:02] Checked out fed792f99858c9c52719cb840dd7988e47fbbc70 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/crypto (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/crypto at 2.0.6 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/crypto.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_crypto_USubbK' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_crypto_USubbK'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 33, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/34) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 11% (4/34) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (34/34) [0:00:01] remote: Total 34 (delta 0), reused 9 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/crypto' [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/crypto [0:00:02] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:02] Checked out 2.0.6 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/http (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/http at 0.12.0 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/http.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_TGYMf0' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_TGYMf0'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 55, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/55) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 10% (6/55) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 98% (54/55) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (55/55) [0:00:02] remote: Total 55 (delta 6), reused 18 (delta 6) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http' [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http [0:00:02] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.12.0 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http' [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http [0:00:02] * tag 0.12.0 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:03] Checked out c78767ebc3442b172d1b129325b9b2087b96b68a to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:03] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/http_parser (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/http_parser at 3.1.1 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/http_parser.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_parser_ihBllI' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_http_parser_ihBllI'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 29, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/30) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 10% (3/30) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (30/30) [0:00:01] remote: Total 30 (delta 0), reused 13 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http_parser' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http_parser [0:00:01] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 3.1.1 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/http_parser' [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http_parser [0:00:02] * tag 3.1.1 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:02] Checked out d0b3ea0b9b58d1fb1aa3e5d255855294d4b9b9d8 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/json_rpc_2 (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/json_rpc_2 at 2.0.9 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/json_rpc_2.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_json_rpc_2_le4aMF' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_json_rpc_2_le4aMF'... [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 34, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/35) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 11% (4/35) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (35/35) [0:00:01] remote: Total 35 (delta 0), reused 13 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/json_rpc_2' [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/json_rpc_2 [0:00:02] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:02] Checked out 2.0.9 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/logging (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:01] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/logging at 0.11.3+2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/logging.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_logging_8IEyit' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:01] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_logging_8IEyit'... [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 16, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 6% (1/16) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 12% (2/16) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (16/16) [0:00:01] remote: Total 16 (delta 0), reused 10 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/logging' [0:00:01] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/logging [0:00:02] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.11.3+2 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/logging' [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/logging [0:00:02] * tag 0.11.3+2 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:02] Checked out 5114313f3572a249eb23924ed342d44818904136 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:02] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/collection (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/collection at 1.14.11 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/collection.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_collection_mibNME' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_collection_mibNME'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 65, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/65) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 10% (7/65) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 83% (54/65) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (65/65) [0:00:02] remote: Total 65 (delta 1), reused 22 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/collection' [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/collection [0:00:02] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.14.11 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/collection' [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/collection [0:00:03] * tag 1.14.11 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:03] Checked out e823e0a5f55a5ee98b5ae15ab62b06a2d8d331d0 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:03] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/dart2js_info (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/dart2js_info at 0.5.15 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/dart2js_info.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_dart2js_info_bWXdHI' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_dart2js_info_bWXdHI'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 65, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/65) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 10% (7/65) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 84% (55/65) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (65/65) [0:00:02] remote: Total 65 (delta 1), reused 29 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/dart2js_info' [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/dart2js_info [0:00:02] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.5.15 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/dart2js_info' [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/dart2js_info [0:00:03] * tag 0.5.15 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:03] Checked out aa5cee59203b71c737b29af9ba4b8b16fea9e0eb to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:03] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/buildtools/clang_format/script (Elapsed: 0:00:03) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/buildtools/clang_format/script at c09c8deeac31f05bd801995c475e7c8070f9ecda ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/buildtools/clang_format/_gclient_gittmp_scriptk5UCcW' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/buildtools/clang_format/_gclient_gittmp_scriptk5UCcW/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/llvm-project/cfe/tools/clang-format.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/buildtools/clang_format/_gclient_gittmp_scriptk5UCcW /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/buildtools/clang_format/_gclient_script_dYkmML' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/buildtools/clang_format/_gclient_script_dYkmML'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (204 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 127, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (2/127) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 10% (13/127) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 93% (119/127) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 100% (127/127) [0:00:01] remote: Total 127 (delta 77), reused 125 (delta 77) [0:00:01] Receiving objects: 0% (1/127) [0:00:01] Receiving objects: 10% (13/127) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 81% (103/127) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 100% (127/127) [0:00:03] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/77) [0:00:03] Resolving deltas: 41% (32/77) [0:00:03] Resolving deltas: 100% (77/77) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/buildtools/clang_format/script' [0:00:03] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/llvm-project/cfe/tools/clang-format [0:00:03] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:03] Checked out c09c8deeac31f05bd801995c475e7c8070f9ecda to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:03] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/async (Elapsed: 0:00:03) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/async at 2.0.8 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/async.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_async_vOJdeJ' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_async_vOJdeJ'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 87, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/87) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 10% (9/87) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 67% (59/87) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (87/87) [0:00:02] remote: Total 87 (delta 0), reused 19 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/async' [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/async [0:00:02] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 2.0.8 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/async' [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/async [0:00:03] * tag 2.0.8 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:03] Checked out e6b76c3a490f012311fe0325f3a977cf5ca4ff79 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:03] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/csslib (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/csslib at 0.14.4+1 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/csslib.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_csslib_nkpjbY' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_csslib_nkpjbY'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 60, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/60) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 10% (6/60) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 86% (52/60) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (60/60) [0:00:02] remote: Total 60 (delta 1), reused 25 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/csslib' [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/csslib [0:00:02] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.14.4+1 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/csslib' [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/csslib [0:00:03] * tag 0.14.4+1 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:03] Checked out 4c423e3844a4023bf64c134120979ba7f2cd83e4 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:03] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/markdown (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:01] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/markdown at 2.0.2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/markdown.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_markdown_y51Nza' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:01] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_markdown_y51Nza'... [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 85, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/85) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 10% (9/85) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 70% (60/85) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 100% (85/85) [0:00:03] remote: Total 85 (delta 0), reused 43 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/markdown' [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/markdown [0:00:03] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 2.0.2 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/markdown' [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/markdown [0:00:04] * tag 2.0.2 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:04] Checked out 9c16013563ceeab4e58b932842c682010705f357 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:04] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/matcher (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:01] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/matcher at 0.12.3 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/matcher.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_matcher_TCvsV8' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:01] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_matcher_TCvsV8'... [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 46, done [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/46) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 10% (5/46) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (46/46) [0:00:02] remote: Total 46 (delta 1), reused 11 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/matcher' [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/matcher [0:00:03] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.12.3 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/matcher' [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/matcher [0:00:03] * tag 0.12.3 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:03] Checked out 39e331429ae46669732b143c5c95b6953fcb39d4 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:03] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/mime (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:01] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/mime at 0.9.6+2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/mime.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_mime_hrwY4a' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:01] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_mime_hrwY4a'... [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 26, done [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/26) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 11% (3/26) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (26/26) [0:00:02] remote: Total 26 (delta 0), reused 12 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/mime' [0:00:02] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/mime [0:00:02] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.9.6+2 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/mime' [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/mime [0:00:03] * tag 0.9.6+2 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:03] Checked out b5078429af16ab9371316c9ede24ca12d5ffedee to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:03] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/oauth2 (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:02] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/oauth2 at 1.2.1 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/oauth2.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_oauth2_ir2E8T' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:02] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_oauth2_ir2E8T'... [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 29, done [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/30) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 10% (3/30) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 100% (30/30) [0:00:03] remote: Total 30 (delta 1), reused 10 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/oauth2' [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/oauth2 [0:00:03] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.2.1 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/oauth2' [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/oauth2 [0:00:03] * tag 1.2.1 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:03] Checked out dbe50748801245cbe97a4fb9edb46c45e570210e to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:03] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/pool (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:02] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/pool at 1.3.6 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/pool.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_pool_41PiAH' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:02] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_pool_41PiAH'... [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 17, done [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 5% (1/17) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 11% (2/17) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 100% (17/17) [0:00:03] remote: Total 17 (delta 0), reused 10 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/pool' [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/pool [0:00:03] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.3.6 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/pool' [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/pool [0:00:04] * tag 1.3.6 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:04] Checked out 6374e2c1f22a67b0ba0afabac63755d95e3bfcec to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:04] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/jinja2 (Elapsed: 0:00:04) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/jinja2 at 2222b31554f03e62600cd7e383376a7c187967a1 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_jinja2ggtyVS' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_jinja2ggtyVS/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/third_party/jinja2.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_jinja2ggtyVS /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_jinja2_jZXmir' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_jinja2_jZXmir'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (204 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 102, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (2/102) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 10% (11/102) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 63% (65/102) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (102/102) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 0% (1/102) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 10% (11/102) [0:00:03] remote: Total 102 (delta 53), reused 99 (delta 53) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 100% (102/102) [0:00:03] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/53) [0:00:03] Resolving deltas: 11% (6/53) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 100% (53/53) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/jinja2' [0:00:04] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/src/third_party/jinja2 [0:00:04] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:04] Checked out 2222b31554f03e62600cd7e383376a7c187967a1 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:04] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/path (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:02] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/path at 1.6.2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/path.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_path_feKCR8' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:02] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_path_feKCR8'... [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 39, done [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/39) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 10% (4/39) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 100% (39/39) [0:00:03] remote: Total 39 (delta 0), reused 14 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/path' [0:00:03] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/path [0:00:03] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.6.2 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/path' [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/path [0:00:04] * tag 1.6.2 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:04] Checked out 2f479a05ab88d31a6693fa2c9f4d28eed28311bc to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:04] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/plugin (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:02] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/plugin at f5b4b0e32d1406d62daccea030ba6457d14b1c47 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_plugin_PDCZW' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:02] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_plugin_PDCZW/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/plugin.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_plugin_PDCZW /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_plugin_CO1VKS' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:02] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_plugin_CO1VKS'... [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (404 bytes) [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 68, done [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/68) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 10% (7/68) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 100% (68/68) [0:00:04] remote: Total 68 (delta 27), reused 68 (delta 27) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/plugin' [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/plugin [0:00:04] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:04] Checked out f5b4b0e32d1406d62daccea030ba6457d14b1c47 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:04] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/pub_semver (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:03] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/pub_semver at 1.4.2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/pub_semver.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_pub_semver_RUUr48' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:03] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_pub_semver_RUUr48'... [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 25, done [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 4% (1/25) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 12% (3/25) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 100% (25/25) [0:00:03] remote: Total 25 (delta 0), reused 14 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/pub_semver' [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/pub_semver [0:00:04] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.4.2 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/pub_semver' [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/pub_semver [0:00:04] * tag 1.4.2 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:04] Checked out 9a66f3cefd54c61b5251d901cce7f7a5eb6b09ba to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:04] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/resource (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:03] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/resource at 2.1.5 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/resource.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_resource_Ue8_HE' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:03] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_resource_Ue8_HE'... [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 30, done [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/30) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 10% (3/30) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 100% (30/30) [0:00:04] remote: Total 30 (delta 1), reused 14 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/resource' [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/resource [0:00:04] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 2.1.5 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/resource' [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/resource [0:00:04] * tag 2.1.5 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:04] Checked out 70c759718b02e078b864ca46eb5dffcfa4bbcfc8 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:05] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_packages_handler (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:03] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_packages_handler at 1.0.4 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf_packages_handler.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_shelf_packages_handler_ERq4v5' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:03] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_shelf_packages_handler_ERq4v5'... [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 21, done [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 4% (1/22) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 13% (3/22) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 100% (22/22) [0:00:04] remote: Total 22 (delta 0), reused 17 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_packages_handler' [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/shelf_packages_handler [0:00:04] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:04] Checked out 1.0.4 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:04] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_static (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:03] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_static at v0.2.8 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf_static.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_shelf_static_zF5DUZ' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:04] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_shelf_static_zF5DUZ'... [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 33, done [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/34) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 11% (4/34) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (34/34) [0:00:05] remote: Total 34 (delta 0), reused 14 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_static' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/shelf_static [0:00:05] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:05] Checked out v0.2.8 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:05] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_web_socket (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:04] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_web_socket at 0.2.2+3 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf_web_socket.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_shelf_web_socket_PfHJdR' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:04] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_shelf_web_socket_PfHJdR'... [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 16, done [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 6% (1/16) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 12% (2/16) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 100% (16/16) [0:00:04] remote: Total 16 (delta 0), reused 9 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_web_socket' [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/shelf_web_socket [0:00:04] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.2.2+3 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf_web_socket' [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/shelf_web_socket [0:00:05] * tag 0.2.2+3 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:05] Checked out 5a5addec249e86bbdaa60ee4a2e064a803def318 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:05] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/source_map_stack_trace (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:04] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/source_map_stack_trace at 1.1.5 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/source_map_stack_trace.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_source_map_stack_trace_pig2gV' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:04] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_source_map_stack_trace_pig2gV'... [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 16, done [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 5% (1/17) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 11% (2/17) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 100% (17/17) [0:00:04] remote: Total 17 (delta 0), reused 13 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/source_map_stack_trace' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/source_map_stack_trace [0:00:05] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:05] Checked out 1.1.5 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:05] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/cli_util (Elapsed: 0:00:04) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/cli_util at 4ad7ccbe3195fd2583b30f86a86697ef61e80f41 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_cli_utilojGSQl' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_cli_utilojGSQl/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/cli_util.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_cli_utilojGSQl /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_cli_util_CqVGOE' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_cli_util_CqVGOE'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (804 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 245, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (3/245) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 10% (25/245) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 56% (138/245) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (245/245) [0:00:02] remote: Total 245 (delta 119), reused 243 (delta 119) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 0% (1/245) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 10% (25/245) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 96% (236/245) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 100% (245/245) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/119) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 10% (12/119) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 100% (119/119) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/cli_util' [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/cli_util [0:00:04] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:04] = [up to date] change_verbose_logging -> origin/change_verbose_logging [0:00:04] = [up to date] dart_tool -> origin/dart_tool [0:00:04] = [up to date] pq-patch-1 -> origin/pq-patch-1 [0:00:04] = [up to date] rm_strong -> origin/rm_strong [0:00:04] Checked out 4ad7ccbe3195fd2583b30f86a86697ef61e80f41 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:04] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/html (Elapsed: 0:00:04) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/html at 0.13.3+2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/html.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_html_TsArXv' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_html_TsArXv'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 107, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 1% (2/107) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 10% (11/107) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 55% (59/107) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 100% (107/107) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 0% (1/107) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 10% (11/107) [0:00:03] remote: Total 107 (delta 30), reused 74 (delta 30) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 100% (107/107) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/30) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 13% (4/30) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 100% (30/30) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/html' [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/html [0:00:04] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.13.3+2 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/html' [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/html [0:00:05] * tag 0.13.3+2 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:05] Checked out 49a8d1eeeaca70357dad14f3c44d5d1ae33dde9e to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:05] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/WebCore (Elapsed: 0:00:06) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/WebCore at fb11e887f77919450e497344da570d780e078bc8 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_WebCoreZYLDdM' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_WebCoreZYLDdM/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/webcore.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_WebCoreZYLDdM /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_WebCore__dElp0' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_WebCore__dElp0'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (254 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1491, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (15/1491) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 10% (150/1491) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 60% (895/1491) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (1491/1491) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 0% (1/1491) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 10% (150/1491) [0:00:03] remote: Total 1491 (delta 806), reused 1279 (delta 806) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 100% (1491/1491) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/806) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 10% (85/806) [0:00:05] Resolving deltas: 100% (806/806) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/WebCore' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/webcore [0:00:05] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:05] = [up to date] delete-presubmit-hook -> origin/delete-presubmit-hook [0:00:05] Checked out fb11e887f77919450e497344da570d780e078bc8 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/intl (Elapsed: 0:00:05) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/intl at 0.15.7 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/intl.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_intl_e52WFF' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_intl_e52WFF'... [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 291, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 1% (3/291) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 10% (30/291) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 55% (161/291) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 100% (291/291) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 0% (1/291) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 10% (30/291) [0:00:04] remote: Total 291 (delta 46), reused 106 (delta 46) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 100% (291/291) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/46) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 10% (5/46) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 100% (46/46) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/intl' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/intl [0:00:05] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.15.7 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/intl' [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/intl [0:00:05] * tag 0.15.7 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:05] Checked out 77cdc5785f99b127e014be5e43fd739ec9027666 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:05] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/linter (Elapsed: 0:00:05) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/linter at 0.1.79 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/linter.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_linter_dxFCci' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:01] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_linter_dxFCci'... [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:01] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:01] remote: Counting objects: 437, done [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 1% (5/437) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 10% (44/437) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 55% (241/437) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 100% (437/437) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 0% (1/437) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 10% (44/437) [0:00:04] remote: Total 437 (delta 35), reused 177 (delta 35) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 100% (437/437) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/35) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 11% (4/35) [0:00:05] Resolving deltas: 100% (35/35) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/linter' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/linter [0:00:05] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.1.79 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/linter' [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/linter [0:00:06] * branch 0.1.79 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:06] Checked out fbec607591deb8c18f7a6cc16469a2d81c7a7dd9 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/mockito (Elapsed: 0:00:04) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:01] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/mockito at d39ac507483b9891165e422ec98d9fb480037c8b ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_mockito0ZJPVQ' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:02] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_mockito0ZJPVQ/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/mockito.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_mockito0ZJPVQ /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_mockito_xIDmyO' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:02] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_mockito_xIDmyO'... [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (gzip 1904 to 1015 bytes) [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 911, done [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 1% (10/911) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 10% (92/911) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 61% (556/911) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 100% (911/911) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 0% (1/911) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 10% (92/911) [0:00:05] remote: Total 911 (delta 506), reused 911 (delta 506) [0:00:05] Receiving objects: 100% (911/911) [0:00:05] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/506) [0:00:05] Resolving deltas: 10% (53/506) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 100% (506/506) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/mockito' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/mockito [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:06] = [up to date] alpha-2 -> origin/alpha-2 [0:00:06] = [up to date] mit-mit-patch-1 -> origin/mit-mit-patch-1 [0:00:06] = [up to date] three-oh-beta-compatibility -> origin/three-oh-beta-compatibility [0:00:06] = [up to date] two-two-one-plus -> origin/two-two-one-plus [0:00:06] Checked out d39ac507483b9891165e422ec98d9fb480037c8b to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:03] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf at 0.7.3+3 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/shelf.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_shelf_C1b_CU' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:03] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_shelf_C1b_CU'... [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 51, done [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/52) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 11% (6/52) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 100% (52/52) [0:00:04] remote: Total 52 (delta 0), reused 12 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/shelf [0:00:05] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.7.3+3 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/shelf' [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/shelf [0:00:05] * tag 0.7.3+3 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:05] Checked out 7f07d6354ed04949412ac06336a53ad8c876179b to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:05] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/source_span (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:04] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/source_span at 1.4.1 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/source_span.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_source_span_UL5N4S' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:04] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_source_span_UL5N4S'... [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 29, done [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/29) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 10% (3/29) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (29/29) [0:00:05] remote: Total 29 (delta 0), reused 11 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/source_span' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/source_span [0:00:05] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.4.1 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/source_span' [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/source_span [0:00:05] * tag 1.4.1 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:06] Checked out 32af36a7b3732c67bfe857c2f2c3bec3af287092 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/stack_trace (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:04] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/stack_trace at 1.9.3 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/stack_trace.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_stack_trace_WjMKZ9' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:04] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_stack_trace_WjMKZ9'... [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 32, done [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/32) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 12% (4/32) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (32/32) [0:00:05] remote: Total 32 (delta 0), reused 16 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/stack_trace' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/stack_trace [0:00:05] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.9.3 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/stack_trace' [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/stack_trace [0:00:06] * tag 1.9.3 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:06] Checked out ba2bb8fdc5542cf8120de769e8e0835d1b9bbf97 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/stream_channel (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:04] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/stream_channel at 1.6.8 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/stream_channel.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_stream_channel_EfDWoU' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:04] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_stream_channel_EfDWoU'... [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 38, done [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/38) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 10% (4/38) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (38/38) [0:00:05] remote: Total 38 (delta 0), reused 17 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/stream_channel' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/stream_channel [0:00:05] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:06] Checked out 1.6.8 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/string_scanner (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:05] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/string_scanner at 1.0.3 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/string_scanner.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_string_scanner_t2UfDJ' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:05] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_string_scanner_t2UfDJ'... [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 26, done [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/27) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 11% (3/27) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (27/27) [0:00:05] remote: Total 27 (delta 1), reused 14 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/string_scanner' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/string_scanner [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.0.3 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/string_scanner' [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/string_scanner [0:00:06] * tag 1.0.3 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:06] Checked out 779f239c997a031f483a25a56ed27b1f094db0f2 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/term_glyph (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:05] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/term_glyph at 1.0.1 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/term_glyph.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_term_glyph_i0_Ttr' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:05] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_term_glyph_i0_Ttr'... [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 23, done [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 4% (1/23) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 13% (3/23) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (23/23) [0:00:05] remote: Total 23 (delta 2), reused 17 (delta 2) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/term_glyph' [0:00:05] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/term_glyph [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.0.1 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/term_glyph' [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/term_glyph [0:00:06] * tag 1.0.1 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:06] Checked out 86f07c0a1b54fb6553ce7f268539fde7a6ab3169 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/test_descriptor (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:05] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/test_descriptor at 1.1.1 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/test_descriptor.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_test_descriptor_019pbV' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:05] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_test_descriptor_019pbV'... [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 27, done [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/28) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 10% (3/28) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 100% (28/28) [0:00:06] remote: Total 28 (delta 0), reused 8 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/test_descriptor' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/test_descriptor [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:06] Checked out 1.1.1 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/test_reflective_loader (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:05] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/test_reflective_loader at 0.1.8 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/test_reflective_loader.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_test_reflective_loader_N3W8cE' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:05] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_test_reflective_loader_N3W8cE'... [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 19, done [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 5% (1/19) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 10% (2/19) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 100% (19/19) [0:00:06] remote: Total 19 (delta 1), reused 12 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/test_reflective_loader' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/test_reflective_loader [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:06] Checked out 0.1.8 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/typed_data (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:05] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/typed_data at 1.1.6 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/typed_data.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_typed_data_MHnY3z' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:05] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_typed_data_MHnY3z'... [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 18, done [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 5% (1/19) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 10% (2/19) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 100% (19/19) [0:00:06] remote: Total 19 (delta 0), reused 11 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/typed_data' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/typed_data [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:06] Checked out 1.1.6 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/boringssl (Elapsed: 0:00:06) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/boringssl at bbf52f18f425e29b1185f2f6753bec02ed8c5880 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_boringsslY_guM6' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_boringsslY_guM6/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/boringssl_gen.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_boringsslY_guM6 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_boringssl_hfvNcL' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_boringssl_hfvNcL'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (254 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Sending approximately 18.42 MiB ... [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 673, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (7/673) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 10% (68/673) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 60% (404/673) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (673/673) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 0% (1/673) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 10% (68/673) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 69% (465/673), 13.34 MiB | 13.34 MiB/s [0:00:04] remote: Total 673 (delta 225), reused 673 (delta 225) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 100% (673/673), 13.34 MiB | 13.34 MiB/s [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/225) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 12% (27/225) [0:00:05] Resolving deltas: 100% (225/225) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/boringssl' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/boringssl_gen [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:06] = [up to date] gtest -> origin/gtest [0:00:06] Checked out bbf52f18f425e29b1185f2f6753bec02ed8c5880 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/observatory_pub_packages (Elapsed: 0:00:06) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/observatory_pub_packages at 0894122173b0f98eb08863a7712e78407d4477bc ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_observatory_pub_packageshTCNl4' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_observatory_pub_packageshTCNl4/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/observatory_pub_packages.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_observatory_pub_packageshTCNl4 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_observatory_pub_packages_nqqlDw' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_observatory_pub_packages_nqqlDw'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (254 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 6868, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (69/6868) [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 10% (687/6868) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 61% (4190/6868) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (6868/6868) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 0% (1/6868) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 10% (687/6868) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 73% (5014/6868), 5.07 MiB | 10.13 MiB/s [0:00:04] remote: Total 6868 (delta 3142), reused 6868 (delta 3142) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 100% (6868/6868), 5.07 MiB | 10.13 MiB/s [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/3142) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 10% (315/3142) [0:00:05] Resolving deltas: 88% (2766/3142) [0:00:05] Resolving deltas: 100% (3142/3142) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/observatory_pub_packages' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/observatory_pub_packages [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:06] = [up to date] update-constants -> origin/update-constants [0:00:06] Checked out 0894122173b0f98eb08863a7712e78407d4477bc to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:06] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/utf (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/utf at 0.9.0+5 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/utf.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_utf_hwgf0w' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_utf_hwgf0w'... [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 32, done [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/33) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 12% (4/33) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 100% (33/33) [0:00:06] remote: Total 33 (delta 0), reused 16 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/utf' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/utf [0:00:07] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:07] Checked out 0.9.0+5 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/tools/sdks:dart/dart-sdk/${platform} (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:07] Started. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/mustache (Elapsed: 0:00:05) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:02] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/mustache at 5e81b12215566dbe2473b2afd01a8a8aedd56ad9 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_mustachemwI3_V' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:02] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_mustachemwI3_V/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/external/github.com/xxgreg/mustache --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_mustachemwI3_V /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_mustache_f1fJr0' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:02] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_mustache_f1fJr0'... [0:00:02] POST git-upload-pack (354 bytes) [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:02] remote: Counting objects: 1195, done [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 1% (12/1195) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 10% (120/1195) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 65% (777/1195) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 100% (1195/1195) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 0% (1/1195) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 10% (120/1195) [0:00:05] remote: Total 1195 (delta 844), reused 1183 (delta 844) [0:00:05] Receiving objects: 100% (1195/1195) [0:00:05] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/844) [0:00:05] Resolving deltas: 13% (112/844) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 100% (844/844) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/mustache' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/xxgreg/mustache [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:07] = [up to date] ft-reflectable -> origin/ft-reflectable [0:00:07] = [up to date] handlebars-helpers -> origin/handlebars-helpers [0:00:07] = [up to date] no_mirrors -> origin/no_mirrors [0:00:07] Checked out 5e81b12215566dbe2473b2afd01a8a8aedd56ad9 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/protobuf (Elapsed: 0:00:04) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:03] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/protobuf at 0.9.0 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/protobuf.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_protobuf_3urZeu' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:03] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_protobuf_3urZeu'... [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 350, done [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 1% (4/350) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 10% (35/350) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 76% (266/350) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (350/350) [0:00:05] Receiving objects: 0% (1/350) [0:00:05] Receiving objects: 10% (35/350) [0:00:06] Receiving objects: 94% (329/350) [0:00:06] remote: Total 350 (delta 61), reused 219 (delta 61) [0:00:06] Receiving objects: 100% (350/350) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/61) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 11% (7/61) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 100% (61/61) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/protobuf' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/protobuf [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 0.9.0 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/protobuf' [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/protobuf [0:00:07] * tag 0.9.0 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:07] Checked out 903498d54db6c97f358682ce1a2aaeb0ed9eba75 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/test_process (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:05] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/test_process at 1.0.3 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/test_process.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_test_process_3Hs6KR' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:05] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_test_process_3Hs6KR'... [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 14, done [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 6% (1/15) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 13% (2/15) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (15/15) [0:00:05] remote: Total 15 (delta 0), reused 11 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/test_process' [0:00:06] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/test_process [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.0.3 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/test_process' [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/test_process [0:00:07] * tag 1.0.3 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:07] Checked out 9e89438ab7319f91c00803eb5c2d91e066622a15 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/usage (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:05] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/usage at 3.4.0 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/usage.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_usage_xXEbg4' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_usage_xXEbg4'... [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 41, done [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/41) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 12% (5/41) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 100% (41/41) [0:00:06] remote: Total 41 (delta 2), reused 21 (delta 2) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/usage' [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/usage [0:00:07] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 3.4.0 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/usage' [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/usage [0:00:07] * tag 3.4.0 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:07] Checked out 5d29895633c256beb122e20f22ef876c48bd9fde to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/quiver (Elapsed: 0:00:04) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:03] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/quiver at 2.0.0+1 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/google/quiver-dart.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_quiver_oj3fiP' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:03] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_quiver_oj3fiP'... [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 156, done [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 1% (2/156) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 10% (16/156) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 66% (103/156) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (156/156) [0:00:05] Receiving objects: 0% (1/156) [0:00:05] Receiving objects: 10% (16/156) [0:00:06] remote: Total 156 (delta 8), reused 73 (delta 8) [0:00:06] Receiving objects: 100% (156/156) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/8) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 12% (1/8) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 100% (8/8) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/quiver' [0:00:06] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/google/quiver-dart [0:00:06] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 2.0.0+1 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/quiver' [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:07] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/google/quiver-dart [0:00:07] * tag 2.0.0+1 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:07] Checked out a0a2ddc25273d3f19c8805b1f078e2ae7d2b4a6c to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/watcher (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/watcher at 0.9.7+12 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/watcher.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_watcher_DDmM3I' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_watcher_DDmM3I'... [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 56, done [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/56) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 10% (6/56) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 100% (56/56) [0:00:07] remote: Total 56 (delta 1), reused 18 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/watcher' [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/watcher [0:00:07] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:07] Checked out 0.9.7+12 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/web_socket_channel (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/web_socket_channel at 1.0.9 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/web_socket_channel.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_web_socket_channel_SG0bgB' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_web_socket_channel_SG0bgB'... [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 32, done [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/32) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 12% (4/32) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 100% (32/32) [0:00:07] remote: Total 32 (delta 1), reused 18 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/web_socket_channel' [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/web_socket_channel [0:00:07] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.0.9 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/web_socket_channel' [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/web_socket_channel [0:00:07] * tag 1.0.9 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:07] Checked out 82cde37c47be306fb8bcc0d6e9c02bef652b8e31 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/package_config (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/package_config at 1.0.5 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/package_config.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_package_config_9NsRJ1' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_package_config_9NsRJ1'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 26, done [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/27) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 11% (3/27) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 100% (27/27) [0:00:07] remote: Total 27 (delta 0), reused 9 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/package_config' [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/package_config [0:00:07] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:07] Checked out 1.0.5 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/ply (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/ply at 604b32590ffad5cbb82e4afef1d305512d06ae93 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_plyVsviUv' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_plyVsviUv/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/third_party/ply.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_plyVsviUv /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_ply_pIQuU2' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_ply_pIQuU2'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (204 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 13, done [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 7% (1/13) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 15% (2/13) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 100% (13/13) [0:00:07] remote: Total 13 (delta 5), reused 13 (delta 5) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/ply' [0:00:07] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/src/third_party/ply [0:00:07] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:07] Checked out 604b32590ffad5cbb82e4afef1d305512d06ae93 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/dartdoc (Elapsed: 0:00:07) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:00] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/dartdoc at v0.28.0 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/dartdoc.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_dartdoc_DiNI5w' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:00] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_dartdoc_DiNI5w'... [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:00] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:00] remote: Counting objects: 251, done [0:00:00] remote: Finding sources: 1% (3/251) [0:00:01] remote: Finding sources: 10% (26/251) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 55% (139/251) [0:00:02] remote: Finding sources: 100% (251/251) [0:00:02] Receiving objects: 0% (1/251) [0:00:03] Receiving objects: 10% (26/251) [0:00:03] remote: Total 251 (delta 14), reused 151 (delta 14) [0:00:04] Receiving objects: 100% (251/251) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/14) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 14% (2/14) [0:00:04] Resolving deltas: 100% (14/14) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/dartdoc' [0:00:04] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/dartdoc [0:00:04] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin v0.28.0 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/dartdoc' [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/dartdoc [0:00:07] * tag v0.28.0 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:07] Checked out 3d314f003315f1201f377db698a9e3b896154698 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/yaml (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/yaml at 2.1.15 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/yaml.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_yaml_0RGUEt' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_yaml_0RGUEt'... [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 35, done [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 2% (1/35) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 11% (4/35) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 100% (35/35) [0:00:07] remote: Total 35 (delta 1), reused 15 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/yaml' [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/yaml [0:00:07] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 2.1.15 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/yaml' [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/yaml [0:00:07] * tag 2.1.15 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:07] Checked out 4d0598d87bdc8537f39d4fcf52f14b658b920f27 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:07] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/package_resolver (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/package_resolver at 1.0.4 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/package_resolver.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_package_resolver_fTO4c5' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_package_resolver_fTO4c5'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 32, done [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 3% (1/32) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 12% (4/32) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 100% (32/32) [0:00:07] remote: Total 32 (delta 1), reused 13 (delta 1) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/package_resolver' [0:00:07] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/package_resolver [0:00:07] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.0.4 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/package_resolver' [0:00:08] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:08] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/package_resolver [0:00:08] * tag 1.0.4 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:08] Checked out 67eb0f8553c38452c62a39450ddda2397346ea73 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/root_certificates (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:07] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/root_certificates at 16ef64be64c7dfdff2b9f4b910726e635ccc519e ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_root_certificatesGfulpI' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_root_certificatesGfulpI/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/root_certificates.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_root_certificatesGfulpI /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_root_certificates_yTAfsK' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_root_certificates_yTAfsK'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (204 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 8, done [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 12% (1/8) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 100% (8/8) [0:00:07] remote: Total 8 (delta 0), reused 4 (delta 0) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/root_certificates' [0:00:08] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/root_certificates [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] Checked out 16ef64be64c7dfdff2b9f4b910726e635ccc519e to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/http_io (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/http_io at 57da05a66f5bf7df3dd7aebe7b7efe0dfc477baa ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_gittmp_http_iokkawSJ' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_gittmp_http_iokkawSJ/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/http_io.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_gittmp_http_iokkawSJ /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_http_io_EtGx59' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_http_io_EtGx59'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (204 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 82, done [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/82) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 10% (9/82) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 100% (82/82) [0:00:08] remote: Total 82 (delta 8), reused 52 (delta 8) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/http_io' [0:00:08] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/http_io [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] Checked out 57da05a66f5bf7df3dd7aebe7b7efe0dfc477baa to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/tools/idl_parser (Elapsed: 0:00:00) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:07] Started. _____ sdk/tools/idl_parser at 5fb1ebf49d235b5a70c9f49047e83b0654031eb7 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/tools/_gclient_gittmp_idl_parserxIpz7d' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/tools/_gclient_gittmp_idl_parserxIpz7d/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/tools/idl_parser.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/tools/_gclient_gittmp_idl_parserxIpz7d /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/tools/_gclient_idl_parser_ljBTPI' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/tools/_gclient_idl_parser_ljBTPI'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (204 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 70, done [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 1% (1/70) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 10% (7/70) [0:00:08] remote: Finding sources: 100% (70/70) [0:00:08] remote: Total 70 (delta 38), reused 57 (delta 38) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/tools/idl_parser' [0:00:08] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/src/tools/idl_parser [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] Checked out 5fb1ebf49d235b5a70c9f49047e83b0654031eb7 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/pub (Elapsed: 0:00:05) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:03] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/pub at 9f00679ef47bc79cadc18e143720ade6c06c0100 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_pubJHjXue' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:03] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_pubJHjXue/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/pub.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_pubJHjXue /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_pub_YMWLyN' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:03] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_pub_YMWLyN'... [0:00:03] POST git-upload-pack (gzip 1104 to 623 bytes) [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:03] remote: Counting objects: 21163, done [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 1% (212/21163) [0:00:03] remote: Finding sources: 10% (2117/21163) [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 63% (13333/21163) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (21163/21163) [0:00:05] Receiving objects: 0% (1/21163) [0:00:05] Receiving objects: 10% (2117/21163) [0:00:06] Receiving objects: 87% (18412/21163) [0:00:06] remote: Total 21163 (delta 16131), reused 21095 (delta 16131) [0:00:06] Receiving objects: 100% (21163/21163) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/16131) [0:00:06] Resolving deltas: 10% (1616/16131) [0:00:07] Resolving deltas: 100% (16131/16131) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/pub' [0:00:08] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/pub [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] = [up to date] cleanup -> origin/cleanup [0:00:08] = [up to date] precompile-js -> origin/precompile-js [0:00:08] = [up to date] solver -> origin/solver [0:00:08] = [up to date] solver.simplify -> origin/solver.simplify [0:00:08] = [up to date] wip.solver -> origin/wip.solver [0:00:08] Checked out 9f00679ef47bc79cadc18e143720ade6c06c0100 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/source_maps (Elapsed: 0:00:03) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:04] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/source_maps at 8af7cc1a1c3a193c1fba5993ce22a546a319c40e ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_source_mapsZSk57V' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:04] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_source_mapsZSk57V/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/source_maps.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_source_mapsZSk57V /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_source_maps_lv8Y_f' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:04] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_source_maps_lv8Y_f'... [0:00:04] POST git-upload-pack (gzip 1054 to 582 bytes) [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:04] remote: Counting objects: 434, done [0:00:04] remote: Finding sources: 1% (5/434) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 10% (44/434) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 78% (339/434) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 100% (434/434) [0:00:06] Receiving objects: 0% (1/434) [0:00:06] Receiving objects: 10% (44/434) [0:00:06] remote: Total 434 (delta 288), reused 434 (delta 288) [0:00:07] Receiving objects: 100% (434/434) [0:00:07] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/288) [0:00:07] Resolving deltas: 14% (42/288) [0:00:07] Resolving deltas: 100% (288/288) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/source_maps' [0:00:08] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/source_maps [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] = [up to date] preserve_extensions -> origin/preserve_extensions [0:00:08] = [up to date] source-span -> origin/source-span [0:00:08] Checked out 8af7cc1a1c3a193c1fba5993ce22a546a319c40e to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/web_components (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/web_components at 8f57dac273412a7172c8ade6f361b407e2e4ed02 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_web_componentsU4u7bi' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_web_componentsU4u7bi/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/web-components.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_web_componentsU4u7bi /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_web_components_wNsaol' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_web_components_wNsaol'... [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (1004 bytes) [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 1063, done [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 1% (11/1063) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 10% (107/1063) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 84% (893/1063) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 100% (1063/1063) [0:00:07] Receiving objects: 0% (1/1063) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 10% (107/1063) [0:00:08] remote: Total 1063 (delta 804), reused 1061 (delta 804) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 100% (1063/1063) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/804) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 17% (143/804) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 100% (804/804) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/web_components' [0:00:08] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/web-components [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] = [up to date] above-script -> origin/above-script [0:00:08] = [up to date] cleanup -> origin/cleanup [0:00:08] = [up to date] crawler -> origin/crawler [0:00:08] = [up to date] html_imports -> origin/html_imports [0:00:08] = [up to date] htmlimport -> origin/htmlimport [0:00:08] = [up to date] inlining -> origin/inlining [0:00:08] Checked out 8f57dac273412a7172c8ade6f361b407e2e4ed02 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/dart_style (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/dart_style at 1.2.2 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/dart_style.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_dart_style_WcMMxw' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/_gclient_dart_style_WcMMxw'... [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:06] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:06] remote: Counting objects: 401, done [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 1% (5/402) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 10% (41/402) [0:00:08] remote: Finding sources: 100% (402/402) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 0% (1/402) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 10% (41/402) [0:00:08] remote: Total 402 (delta 3), reused 294 (delta 3) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 100% (402/402) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/3) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 33% (1/3) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg_tested/dart_style' [0:00:08] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/dart_style [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] Checked out 1.2.2 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/zlib (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:07] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/zlib at c44fb7248079cc3d5563b14b3f758aee60d6b415 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_zlibpJqSJE' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_zlibpJqSJE/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/third_party/zlib.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_gittmp_zlibpJqSJE /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_zlib_VwpHGW' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/_gclient_zlib_VwpHGW'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (204 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 155, done [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 1% (2/155) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 10% (16/155) [0:00:08] remote: Finding sources: 100% (155/155) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 0% (1/155) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 10% (16/155) [0:00:08] remote: Total 155 (delta 31), reused 89 (delta 31) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 100% (155/155) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/31) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 32% (10/31) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 100% (31/31) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/zlib' [0:00:08] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/src/third_party/zlib [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] Checked out c44fb7248079cc3d5563b14b3f758aee60d6b415 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/unittest (Elapsed: 0:00:02) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:05] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/unittest at 2b8375bc98bb9dc81c539c91aaea6adce12e1072 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_unittestApJs56' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:05] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_unittestApJs56/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/dart-lang/test.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_gittmp_unittestApJs56 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_unittest_mkWBaB' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:05] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_unittest_mkWBaB'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (gzip 8654 to 4355 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 11654, done [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 1% (117/11654) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 10% (1166/11654) [0:00:08] remote: Finding sources: 100% (11654/11654) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 0% (1/11654) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 10% (1166/11654) [0:00:08] remote: Total 11654 (delta 9009), reused 11654 (delta 9009) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 100% (11654/11654) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/9009) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 10% (901/9009) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 100% (9009/9009) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/unittest' [0:00:08] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/dart-lang/test [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] = [up to date] 0.11.x -> origin/0.11.x [0:00:08] = [up to date] 0.12.11+x -> origin/0.12.11+x [0:00:08] = [up to date] 0.12.18+x -> origin/0.12.18+x [0:00:08] = [up to date] add-fuchsia -> origin/add-fuchsia [0:00:08] = [up to date] build -> origin/build [0:00:08] = [up to date] build.node -> origin/build.node [0:00:08] = [up to date] ddc -> origin/ddc [0:00:08] = [up to date] wip.vm-debug-json -> origin/wip.vm-debug-json [0:00:08] = [up to date] x.no-content-shell -> origin/x.no-content-shell [0:00:08] Checked out 2b8375bc98bb9dc81c539c91aaea6adce12e1072 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/tcmalloc/gperftools (Elapsed: 0:00:01) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:07] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/tcmalloc/gperftools at e9ab4c53041ac62feefbbb076d326e9a77dd1567 ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/tcmalloc/_gclient_gittmp_gperftoolsyADHzz' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/tcmalloc/_gclient_gittmp_gperftoolsyADHzz/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/gperftools/gperftools.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/tcmalloc/_gclient_gittmp_gperftoolsyADHzz /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/tcmalloc/_gclient_gperftools_CCWnxa' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/tcmalloc/_gclient_gperftools_CCWnxa'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (gzip 3604 to 1851 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 6084, done [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 1% (61/6084) [0:00:07] remote: Finding sources: 10% (609/6084) [0:00:08] remote: Finding sources: 100% (6084/6084) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 0% (1/6084) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 10% (609/6084) [0:00:08] remote: Total 6084 (delta 4872), reused 6055 (delta 4872) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 100% (6084/6084) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/4872) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 12% (591/4872) [0:00:08] Resolving deltas: 100% (4872/4872) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/tcmalloc/gperftools' [0:00:08] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/gperftools/gperftools [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:08] = [up to date] at7_0-release -> origin/at7_0-release [0:00:08] = [up to date] at7_1-release -> origin/at7_1-release [0:00:08] = [up to date] at8_0-release -> origin/at8_0-release [0:00:08] = [up to date] master-issue_626 -> origin/master-issue_626 [0:00:08] = [up to date] rzinsly-master -> origin/rzinsly-master [0:00:08] = [up to date] wip-from-alk-for-review -> origin/wip-from-alk-for-review [0:00:08] Checked out e9ab4c53041ac62feefbbb076d326e9a77dd1567 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/pkg/test (Elapsed: 0:00:03) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:05] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/pkg/test at 1.3.4 ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://dart.googlesource.com/test.git --depth=1 /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_test_ZAL44L' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:05] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/_gclient_test_ZAL44L'... [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (167 bytes) [0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (176 bytes) [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 270, done [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 1% (3/270) [0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 10% (27/270) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 72% (195/270) [0:00:06] remote: Finding sources: 100% (270/270) [0:00:06] Receiving objects: 0% (1/270) [0:00:07] Receiving objects: 10% (27/270) [0:00:07] remote: Total 270 (delta 15), reused 80 (delta 15) [0:00:07] Receiving objects: 100% (270/270) [0:00:07] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/15) [0:00:07] Resolving deltas: 13% (2/15) [0:00:07] Resolving deltas: 100% (15/15) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/test' [0:00:08] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/test [0:00:08] = [up to date] master -> origin/master ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin 1.3.4 --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/pkg/test' [0:00:08] POST git-upload-pack (266 bytes) [0:00:08] From https://dart.googlesource.com/a/test [0:00:08] * tag 1.3.4 -> FETCH_HEAD [0:00:08] Checked out 6c6f4390a289db2cedd18a1eb159735b87e91e70 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:08] Finished. ---------------------------------------- sdk/third_party/boringssl/src (Elapsed: 0:00:18) ---------------------------------------- [0:00:06] Started. _____ sdk/third_party/boringssl/src at 702e2b6d3831486535e958f262a05c75a5cb312e ________ running 'git init --bare /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/boringssl/_gclient_gittmp_src6rpdzO' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:06] Initialized empty Git repository in /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/boringssl/_gclient_gittmp_src6rpdzO/ ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress --verbose https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl.git --template=/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/boringssl/_gclient_gittmp_src6rpdzO /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/boringssl/_gclient_src_cPcLVh' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' [0:00:07] Cloning into '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/boringssl/_gclient_src_cPcLVh'... [0:00:07] POST git-upload-pack (gzip 2054 to 1092 bytes) [0:00:07] remote: Sending approximately 145.69 MiB ... [0:00:07] remote: Counting objects: 1 [0:00:08] remote: Counting objects: 68112, done [0:00:08] remote: Finding sources: 1% (682/68112) [0:00:08] remote: Finding sources: 10% (6812/68112) [0:00:08] remote: Finding sources: 100% (68112/68112) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 0% (1/68112) [0:00:08] Receiving objects: 10% (6812/68112) [0:00:10] Receiving objects: 53% (36100/68112), 24.52 MiB | 16.35 MiB/s [0:00:11] Receiving objects: 64% (44106/68112), 48.09 MiB | 16.03 MiB/s [0:00:12] Receiving objects: 67% (45636/68112), 65.57 MiB | 16.39 MiB/s [0:00:13] Receiving objects: 68% (46317/68112), 83.85 MiB | 16.98 MiB/s [0:00:14] Receiving objects: 73% (49722/68112), 99.39 MiB | 16.64 MiB/s [0:00:15] Receiving objects: 81% (55171/68112), 116.61 MiB | 17.07 MiB/s [0:00:16] Receiving objects: 94% (64026/68112), 131.75 MiB | 16.78 MiB/s [0:00:17] remote: Total 68112 (delta 42323), reused 68111 (delta 42323) [0:00:17] Receiving objects: 100% (68112/68112), 139.39 MiB | 16.40 MiB/s [0:00:17] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/42323) [0:00:17] Resolving deltas: 10% (4238/42323) [0:00:18] Resolving deltas: 63% (26676/42323) [0:00:20] Resolving deltas: 69% (29221/42323) [0:00:21] Resolving deltas: 73% (30904/42323) [0:00:22] Resolving deltas: 84% (35555/42323) [0:00:23] Resolving deltas: 96% (40648/42323) [0:00:24] Resolving deltas: 100% (42323/42323) ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin --verbose' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/boringssl/src' [0:00:25] From https://boringssl.googlesource.com/a/boringssl [0:00:25] = [up to date] master -> origin/master [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2214 -> origin/2214 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2272 -> origin/2272 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2311 -> origin/2311 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2357 -> origin/2357 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2490 -> origin/2490 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2564 -> origin/2564 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2623 -> origin/2623 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2661 -> origin/2661 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2704 -> origin/2704 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2883 -> origin/2883 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2924 -> origin/2924 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 2987 -> origin/2987 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 3029 -> origin/3029 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 3071 -> origin/3071 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 3112 -> origin/3112 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 3202 -> origin/3202 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 3239 -> origin/3239 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 3282 -> origin/3282 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 3359 -> origin/3359 [0:00:25] = [up to date] 3538 -> origin/3538 [0:00:25] = [up to date] chromium-stable -> origin/chromium-stable [0:00:25] = [up to date] chromium-stable-with-bazel -> origin/chromium-stable-with-bazel [0:00:25] = [up to date] fips-20180730 -> origin/fips-20180730 [0:00:25] = [up to date] infra/config -> origin/infra/config [0:00:25] = [up to date] master-with-bazel -> origin/master-with-bazel [0:00:25] Checked out 702e2b6d3831486535e958f262a05c75a5cb312e to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits in this repo, you should use 'git checkout ' to switch to an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b ' to create a new branch for your work. [0:00:25] Finished. ---------------------------------------- ________ running 'download_from_google_storage --no_auth --no_resume --bucket dart-dependencies --recursive --auto_platform --extract --directory sdk/third_party/firefox_jsshell' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' 0> Downloading sdk/third_party/firefox_jsshell/linux/jsshell.tar.gz... 0> Extracting 5 entries from sdk/third_party/firefox_jsshell/linux/jsshell.tar.gz to sdk/third_party/firefox_jsshell/linux/jsshell Downloading 1 files took 14.403617 second(s) Hook 'download_from_google_storage --no_auth --no_resume --bucket dart-dependencies --recursive --auto_platform --extract --directory sdk/third_party/firefox_jsshell' took 14.49 secs ________ running 'download_from_google_storage --no_auth --no_resume --bucket dart-dependencies --platform=win32 --extract -s sdk/third_party/7zip.tar.gz.sha1' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' The current platform doesn't match "win32", skipping. ________ running '/b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython/ab5c79/bin/python sdk/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py --arch i386' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' Installing Debian Jessie i386 root image: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/build/linux/debian_jessie_i386-sysroot Downloading https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chrome-linux-sysroot/toolchain/7031a828c5dcedc937bbf375c42daab08ca6162f/debian_jessie_i386_sysroot.tgz ________ running '/b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython/ab5c79/bin/python sdk/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py --arch amd64' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' Installing Debian Jessie amd64 root image: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/build/linux/debian_jessie_amd64-sysroot Downloading https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chrome-linux-sysroot/toolchain/7031a828c5dcedc937bbf375c42daab08ca6162f/debian_jessie_amd64_sysroot.tgz ________ running '/b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython/ab5c79/bin/python sdk/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py --arch arm' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' Installing Debian Jessie arm root image: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/build/linux/debian_jessie_arm-sysroot Downloading https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chrome-linux-sysroot/toolchain/7031a828c5dcedc937bbf375c42daab08ca6162f/debian_jessie_arm_sysroot.tgz ________ running '/b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython/ab5c79/bin/python sdk/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/install-sysroot.py --arch arm64' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' Installing Debian Jessie arm64 root image: /b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/build/linux/debian_jessie_arm64-sysroot Downloading https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chrome-linux-sysroot/toolchain/7031a828c5dcedc937bbf375c42daab08ca6162f/debian_jessie_arm64_sysroot.tgz ________ running '/b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython/ab5c79/bin/python sdk/tools/android/download_android_tools.py' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' Running ['python', '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/depot_tools/gsutil.py', 'cp', 'gs://mojo/android/tool/0d320c50b0ed188c7e1182388e2beb623a1d307d.tar.gz', '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/android_tools/sdk.tar.gz'] Copying gs://mojo/android/tool/0d320c50b0ed188c7e1182388e2beb623a1d307d.tar.gz... / [0 files][ 0.0 B/412.4 MiB] - - [0 files][ 54.7 MiB/412.4 MiB] \ | | [0 files][160.4 MiB/412.4 MiB] / / [0 files][261.2 MiB/412.4 MiB] - \ \ [0 files][368.9 MiB/412.4 MiB] | | [1 files][412.4 MiB/412.4 MiB] Operation completed over 1 objects/412.4 MiB. Extracting Android tools (sdk) Running ['python', '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/depot_tools/gsutil.py', 'cp', 'gs://mojo/android/tool/e626c47cb82a7439b0eda03ac6e0e9e1e41c6093.tar.gz', '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart/sdk/third_party/android_tools/ndk.tar.gz'] Copying gs://mojo/android/tool/e626c47cb82a7439b0eda03ac6e0e9e1e41c6093.tar.gz... / [0 files][ 0.0 B/668.3 MiB] - - [0 files][ 47.4 MiB/668.3 MiB] \ | | [0 files][145.7 MiB/668.3 MiB] / / [0 files][235.4 MiB/668.3 MiB] - \ \ [0 files][331.8 MiB/668.3 MiB] | / / [0 files][425.1 MiB/668.3 MiB] - - [0 files][515.6 MiB/668.3 MiB] \ | | [0 files][614.9 MiB/668.3 MiB] / / [1 files][668.3 MiB/668.3 MiB] Operation completed over 1 objects/668.3 MiB. Extracting Android tools (ndk) Hook '/b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython/ab5c79/bin/python sdk/tools/android/download_android_tools.py' took 47.11 secs ________ running '/b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython/ab5c79/bin/python sdk/tools/buildtools/update.py' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart' ________ running '/b/s/w/ir/cache/vpython/ab5c79/bin/python sdk/build/vs_toolchain.py update' in '/b/s/w/ir/kitchen-workdir/dart'