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▌15:48:30▐ STARTING ANALYSIS ▌15:48:30▐ SHARD=web_tests ▌15:48:30▐ SUBSHARD=2 RUNNING: cd packages/flutter; ../../bin/flutter test -v --platform=chrome --web-renderer=html --dart-define=DART_HHH_BOT=false test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart test/gestures/tap_test.dart test/widgets/inherited_test.dart test/painting/image_stream_test.dart test/widgets/route_notification_messages_test.dart test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart test/foundation/collections_test.dart test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart test/widgets/binding_first_frame_developer_test.dart test/foundation/consolidate_response_test.dart test/rendering/transform_test.dart test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart test/painting/oval_border_test.dart test/material/menu_style_test.dart test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart test/widgets/shadow_test.dart test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart test/services/system_chrome_test.dart test/material/checkbox_test.dart test/semantics/semantics_owner_test.dart test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart test/animation/live_binding_test.dart test/material/app_bar_test.dart test/gestures/scale_test.dart test/widgets/intrinsic_width_test.dart test/painting/image_decoder_test.dart test/material/time_picker_test.dart test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart test/painting/border_test.dart test/widgets/heroes_test.dart test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart test/material/input_decorator_test.dart test/material/filter_chip_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart test/material/stepper_test.dart test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart test/material/radio_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_2_test.dart test/services/font_loader_test.dart test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_3_test.dart test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart test/widgets/run_app_test.dart test/material/action_chip_test.dart test/rendering/selection_test.dart test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart test/scheduler/binding_test.dart test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart test/material/badge_test.dart test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart test/widgets/page_view_test.dart test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart test/material/search_test.dart test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart test/widgets/async_test.dart test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart test/widgets/build_fail_test.dart test/widgets/set_state_1_test.dart test/material/data_table_test.dart test/painting/text_span_test.dart test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart test/widgets/layout_builder_and_state_test.dart test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart test/services/use_platform_channel_without_initialization_test.dart test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart test/material/selection_area_test.dart test/widgets/binding_cannot_schedule_frame_test.dart test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart test/animation/tween_test.dart test/widgets/global_keys_moving_test.dart test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart test/material/slider_test.dart test/widgets/text_semantics_test.dart test/services/system_sound_test.dart test/material/scaffold_test.dart test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart test/material/material_test.dart [ +8 ms] Could not interpret results of "git describe": 3.12.0-4.0.pre.109 [ +20 ms] executing: uname -m [ +4 ms] Exit code 0 from: uname -m [ ] x86_64 [ +66 ms] Found 103 files which will be executed as Widget Tests. [ +6 ms] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidGenSnapshotArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'IOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterWebSdk' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'LegacyCanvasKitRemover' is not required, skipping update. [ +2 ms] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerDebugSymbols' is not required, skipping update. [ +40 ms] Artifact Instance of 'MaterialFonts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'GradleWrapper' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidGenSnapshotArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'IOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ +6 ms] Downloading Web SDK... [ +169 ms] Content md5 hash: 1JMuSyNnB68KM0A7KN+9SA== [+3122 ms] Downloading Web SDK... (completed in 3.3s) [ +3 ms] executing: unzip -o -q /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/downloads/ -d /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/flutter_web_sdk [+1853 ms] Exit code 0 from: unzip -o -q /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/downloads/ -d /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/flutter_web_sdk [ +21 ms] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterSdk' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerDebugSymbols' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'FontSubsetArtifacts' is not required, skipping update. [ ] Artifact Instance of 'PubDependencies' is not required, skipping update. [ +62 ms] Skipping pub get: version match. [ +281 ms] shaderc command: [/b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/impellerc, --sksl, --iplr, --sl=build/unit_test_assets/shaders/ink_sparkle.frag, --spirv=build/unit_test_assets/shaders/ink_sparkle.frag.spirv, --input=/b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/shaders/ink_sparkle.frag, --input-type=frag, --include=/b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/shaders, --include=/b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/shader_lib] [ +321 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +1 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +1 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +11 ms] /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart --disable-dart-dev /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/frontend_server.dart.snapshot --sdk-root /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/flutter_web_sdk/ --incremental --target=dartdevc --experimental-emit-debug-metadata -DDART_HHH_BOT=false -DFLUTTER_WEB_AUTO_DETECT=false -DFLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA=false --output-dill /b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_test.QFPHHK/out --packages /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/package_config.json -Ddart.vm.profile=false -Ddart.vm.product=false --enable-asserts --track-widget-creation --filesystem-root /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test --filesystem-root /b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_test.QFPHHK/ --filesystem-scheme org-dartlang-app --initialize-from-dill build/03e5918dc4547b93bfbd04bd5587d1ec.cache.dill.track.dill --platform file:///b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/flutter_web_sdk/kernel/ddc_outline_sound.dill --verbosity=error --sound-null-safety [ +13 ms] <- compile org-dartlang-app:///main.dart 00:00 +0: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart [+43796 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F0&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +116 ms] [CHROME]: [ +1 ms] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:01 +0: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart 00:02 +0: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart 00:02 +0: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getOffsetForCaret control test 00:02 +1: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getOffsetForCaret control test 00:02 +1: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getFullHeightForCaret control test 00:02 +2: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getFullHeightForCaret control test 00:02 +2: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getPositionForOffset control test 00:02 +3: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getPositionForOffset control test 00:02 +3: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getBoxesForSelection control test 00:02 +3 ~1: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getBoxesForSelection control test 00:02 +3 ~1: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getBoxesForSelection test with multiple TextSpans and lines 00:02 +3 ~2: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getBoxesForSelection test with multiple TextSpans and lines 00:02 +3 ~2: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getBoxesForSelection test with boxHeightStyle and boxWidthStyle set to max 00:02 +3 ~3: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getBoxesForSelection test with boxHeightStyle and boxWidthStyle set to max 00:02 +3 ~3: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getWordBoundary control test 00:02 +4 ~3: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getWordBoundary control test 00:02 +4 ~3: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: overflow test 00:02 +4 ~4: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: overflow test 00:02 +4 ~4: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: maxLines 00:02 +4 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: maxLines 00:02 +4 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: changing color does not do layout 00:02 +5 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: changing color does not do layout 00:02 +5 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: nested TextSpans in paragraph handle textScaleFactor correctly. 00:02 +6 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: nested TextSpans in paragraph handle textScaleFactor correctly. 00:02 +6 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: toStringDeep 00:02 +7 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: toStringDeep 00:02 +7 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: locale setter 00:02 +8 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: locale setter 00:02 +8 ~5: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: inline widgets test 00:02 +8 ~6: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: inline widgets test 00:02 +8 ~6: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getBoxesForSelection with boxHeightStyle for inline widgets 00:02 +8 ~7: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: getBoxesForSelection with boxHeightStyle for inline widgets 00:02 +8 ~7: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: inline widgets multiline test 00:02 +8 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: inline widgets multiline test 00:02 +8 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Does not include the semantics node of truncated rendering children 00:02 +9 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Does not include the semantics node of truncated rendering children 00:02 +9 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Supports gesture recognizer semantics 00:02 +10 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Supports gesture recognizer semantics 00:02 +10 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Supports empty text span with spell out 00:02 +11 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Supports empty text span with spell out 00:02 +11 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Asserts on unsupported gesture recognizer 00:02 +12 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Asserts on unsupported gesture recognizer 00:02 +12 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: assembleSemanticsNode handles text spans that do not yield selection boxes 00:02 +13 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: assembleSemanticsNode handles text spans that do not yield selection boxes 00:02 +13 ~8: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: assembleSemanticsNode handles empty WidgetSpans that do not yield selection boxes 00:02 +13 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: assembleSemanticsNode handles empty WidgetSpans that do not yield selection boxes 00:02 +13 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection subscribe to SelectionRegistrar 00:02 +14 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection subscribe to SelectionRegistrar 00:02 +14 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection paints selection highlight 00:02 +15 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection paints selection highlight 00:02 +15 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection getPositionForOffset works 00:02 +16 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection getPositionForOffset works 00:02 +16 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can handle select all when contains widget span 00:02 +17 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can handle select all when contains widget span 00:02 +17 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection - character 00:02 +18 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection - character 00:02 +18 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection - word 00:02 +19 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection - word 00:02 +19 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection - line 00:02 +20 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection - line 00:02 +20 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection - document 00:02 +21 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection - document 00:02 +21 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection when no active selection 00:02 +22 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can granularly extend selection when no active selection 00:02 +22 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can directionally extend selection 00:02 +23 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can directionally extend selection 00:02 +23 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can directionally extend selection when no selection 00:02 +24 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: Selection can directionally extend selection when no selection 00:02 +24 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: can just update the gesture recognizer 00:02 +25 ~9: test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart: can just update the gesture recognizer 00:02 +25 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart [+2709 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F1&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 00:03 +25 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart [ +98 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:04 +25 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart 00:05 +25 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart 00:05 +25 ~9: test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart: English translations exist for all CupertinoLocalization properties 00:05 +26 ~9: test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart: English translations exist for all CupertinoLocalization properties 00:05 +26 ~9: test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart: CupertinoLocalizations.of throws 00:05 +27 ~9: test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart: CupertinoLocalizations.of throws 00:05 +27 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart [+2422 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F2&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +32 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:06 +27 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart 00:07 +27 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart 00:07 +27 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: ElevatedButtonThemeData lerp special cases 00:07 +28 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: ElevatedButtonThemeData lerp special cases 00:07 +28 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: Material3: Passing no ElevatedButtonTheme returns defaults 00:08 +28 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: Material3: Passing no ElevatedButtonTheme returns defaults 00:08 +29 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: Material3: Passing no ElevatedButtonTheme returns defaults 00:08 +29 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: Material2: Passing no ElevatedButtonTheme returns defaults 00:08 +30 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: Material2: Passing no ElevatedButtonTheme returns defaults 00:08 +30 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Button style overrides defaults 00:08 +31 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Button style overrides defaults 00:08 +31 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Button theme style overrides defaults 00:08 +32 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Button theme style overrides defaults 00:08 +32 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Overall Theme button theme style overrides defaults 00:08 +33 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Overall Theme button theme style overrides defaults 00:08 +33 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Button style overrides defaults, empty theme and overall styles 00:08 +34 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Button style overrides defaults, empty theme and overall styles 00:08 +34 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Button theme style overrides defaults, empty button and overall styles 00:08 +35 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Button theme style overrides defaults, empty button and overall styles 00:08 +35 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Overall Theme button theme style overrides defaults, null theme and empty overall style 00:09 +35 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Overall Theme button theme style overrides defaults, null theme and empty overall style 00:09 +36 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, ElevatedButton style overrides] Overall Theme button theme style overrides defaults, null theme and empty overall style 00:09 +36 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: Material 3: Theme shadowColor 00:09 +37 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: Material 3: Theme shadowColor 00:09 +37 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: Material 2: Theme shadowColor 00:09 +38 ~9: test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart: Material 2: Theme shadowColor 00:09 +38 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart [+4210 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F3&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +85 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +16 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:10 +38 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart 00:11 +38 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart 00:12 +38 ~9: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart 00:12 +38 ~9: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle in a Button compiles and does not crash 00:12 +38 ~10: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle in a Button compiles and does not crash 00:12 +38 ~10: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle default splashFactory paints with drawRect when bounded 00:12 +38 ~11: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle default splashFactory paints with drawRect when bounded 00:12 +38 ~11: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle default splashFactory paints with drawPaint when unbounded 00:12 +38 ~12: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle default splashFactory paints with drawPaint when unbounded 00:12 +38 ~12: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle renders with sparkles when top left of button is tapped 00:12 +38 ~13: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle renders with sparkles when top left of button is tapped 00:12 +38 ~13: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle renders with sparkles when center of button is tapped 00:12 +38 ~14: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle renders with sparkles when center of button is tapped 00:12 +38 ~14: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle renders with sparkles when bottom right of button is tapped 00:12 +38 ~15: test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart: InkSparkle renders with sparkles when bottom right of button is tapped 00:12 +38 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/gestures/tap_test.dart [+2082 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F4&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +33 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:13 +38 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/gestures/tap_test.dart 00:14 +38 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/gestures/tap_test.dart 00:14 +38 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should recognize tap 00:14 +39 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should recognize tap 00:14 +39 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should recognize tap for supported devices only 00:14 +40 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should recognize tap for supported devices only 00:14 +40 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Details contain the correct device kind 00:14 +41 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Details contain the correct device kind 00:14 +41 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: No duplicate tap events 00:14 +42 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: No duplicate tap events 00:14 +42 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should not recognize two overlapping taps (FIFO) 00:14 +43 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should not recognize two overlapping taps (FIFO) 00:14 +43 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should not recognize two overlapping taps (FILO) 00:14 +44 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should not recognize two overlapping taps (FILO) 00:14 +44 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Distance cancels tap 00:14 +45 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Distance cancels tap 00:14 +45 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Short distance does not cancel tap 00:14 +46 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Short distance does not cancel tap 00:14 +46 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Timeout does not cancel tap 00:14 +47 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Timeout does not cancel tap 00:14 +47 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should yield to other arena members 00:14 +48 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should yield to other arena members 00:14 +48 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should trigger on release of held arena 00:14 +49 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should trigger on release of held arena 00:14 +49 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should log exceptions from callbacks 00:14 +50 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Should log exceptions from callbacks 00:14 +50 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: onTapCancel should show reason in the proper format 00:14 +51 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: onTapCancel should show reason in the proper format 00:14 +51 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: No duplicate tap events 00:14 +52 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: No duplicate tap events 00:14 +52 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: PointerCancelEvent cancels tap 00:14 +53 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: PointerCancelEvent cancels tap 00:14 +53 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: PointerCancelEvent after exceeding deadline cancels tap 00:14 +54 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: PointerCancelEvent after exceeding deadline cancels tap 00:14 +54 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: losing tap gesture recognizer does not send onTapCancel 00:14 +55 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: losing tap gesture recognizer does not send onTapCancel 00:14 +55 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: non-primary pointers does not trigger timeout 00:14 +56 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: non-primary pointers does not trigger timeout 00:14 +56 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Enforce consistent-button restriction: changing buttons before TapDown should cancel gesture without sending cancel 00:14 +57 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Enforce consistent-button restriction: changing buttons before TapDown should cancel gesture without sending cancel 00:14 +57 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Enforce consistent-button restriction: changing buttons before TapDown should not prevent the next tap 00:14 +58 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Enforce consistent-button restriction: changing buttons before TapDown should not prevent the next tap 00:14 +58 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Enforce consistent-button restriction: changing buttons after TapDown should cancel gesture and send cancel 00:14 +59 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Enforce consistent-button restriction: changing buttons after TapDown should cancel gesture and send cancel 00:14 +59 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Enforce consistent-button restriction: changing buttons after TapDown should not prevent the next tap 00:14 +60 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Enforce consistent-button restriction: changing buttons after TapDown should not prevent the next tap 00:14 +60 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Recognizers listening on different buttons do not form competition: A primary tap recognizer does not form competition with a secondary tap recognizer 00:14 +61 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Recognizers listening on different buttons do not form competition: A primary tap recognizer does not form competition with a secondary tap recognizer 00:14 +61 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Recognizers listening on different buttons do not form competition: A primary tap recognizer does not form competition with a tertiary tap recognizer 00:14 +62 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Recognizers listening on different buttons do not form competition: A primary tap recognizer does not form competition with a tertiary tap recognizer 00:14 +62 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Recognizers listening on different buttons do not form competition: A primary tap recognizer forms competition with another primary tap recognizer 00:14 +63 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Recognizers listening on different buttons do not form competition: A primary tap recognizer forms competition with another primary tap recognizer 00:14 +63 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A primary tap should trigger primary callbacks 00:14 +64 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A primary tap should trigger primary callbacks 00:14 +64 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A primary tap cancel trigger primary callbacks 00:14 +65 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A primary tap cancel trigger primary callbacks 00:14 +65 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A secondary tap should trigger secondary callbacks 00:14 +66 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A secondary tap should trigger secondary callbacks 00:14 +66 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A tertiary tap should trigger tertiary callbacks 00:14 +67 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A tertiary tap should trigger tertiary callbacks 00:14 +67 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A secondary tap cancel should trigger secondary callbacks 00:14 +68 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A secondary tap cancel should trigger secondary callbacks 00:14 +68 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A tertiary tap cancel should trigger tertiary callbacks 00:14 +69 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: Gestures of different buttons trigger correct callbacks: A tertiary tap cancel should trigger tertiary callbacks 00:14 +69 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: A second tap after rejection is ignored 00:14 +70 ~15: test/gestures/tap_test.dart: A second tap after rejection is ignored 00:14 +70 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/inherited_test.dart [+2642 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F5&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +9 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:15 +70 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/inherited_test.dart 00:16 +70 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/inherited_test.dart 00:16 +70 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Inherited notifies dependents 00:17 +70 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Inherited notifies dependents 00:17 +71 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Inherited notifies dependents 00:17 +71 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when reparenting state 00:17 +72 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when reparenting state 00:17 +72 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when removing node 00:17 +73 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when removing node 00:17 +73 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when removing node and child has global key 00:17 +74 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when removing node and child has global key 00:17 +74 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when removing node and child has global key with constant child 00:17 +75 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when removing node and child has global key with constant child 00:17 +75 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when removing node and child has global key with constant child, minimised 00:17 +76 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Update inherited when removing node and child has global key with constant child, minimised 00:17 +76 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Inherited widget notifies descendants when descendant previously failed to find a match 00:17 +77 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Inherited widget notifies descendants when descendant previously failed to find a match 00:17 +77 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Inherited widget doesn't notify descendants when descendant did not previously fail to find a match and had no dependencies 00:17 +78 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Inherited widget doesn't notify descendants when descendant did not previously fail to find a match and had no dependencies 00:17 +78 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Inherited widget does notify descendants when descendant did not previously fail to find a match but did have other dependencies 00:17 +79 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: Inherited widget does notify descendants when descendant did not previously fail to find a match but did have other dependencies 00:17 +79 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: BuildContext.getInheritedWidgetOfExactType doesn't create a dependency 00:17 +80 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: BuildContext.getInheritedWidgetOfExactType doesn't create a dependency 00:17 +80 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: initState() dependency on Inherited asserts 00:17 +81 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: initState() dependency on Inherited asserts 00:17 +81 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: InheritedNotifier 00:17 +82 ~15: test/widgets/inherited_test.dart: InheritedNotifier 00:17 +82 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/image_stream_test.dart [+2553 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F6&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +88 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +21 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:18 +82 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/image_stream_test.dart 00:19 +82 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/image_stream_test.dart 00:19 +82 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Codec future fails 00:19 +83 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Codec future fails 00:19 +83 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Decoding starts when a listener is added after codec is ready 00:19 +84 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Decoding starts when a listener is added after codec is ready 00:19 +84 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Decoding starts when a codec is ready after a listener is added 00:19 +85 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Decoding starts when a codec is ready after a listener is added 00:19 +85 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Decoding does not crash when disposed 00:19 +86 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Decoding does not crash when disposed 00:20 +86 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk events of base ImageStreamCompleter are delivered 00:20 +87 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk events of base ImageStreamCompleter are delivered 00:20 +87 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk events of base ImageStreamCompleter are not buffered before listener registration 00:20 +88 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk events of base ImageStreamCompleter are not buffered before listener registration 00:20 +88 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk events of MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter are delivered 00:20 +89 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk events of MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter are delivered 00:20 +89 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk events of MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter are not buffered before listener registration 00:20 +90 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk events of MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter are not buffered before listener registration 00:20 +90 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk errors are reported 00:20 +91 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Chunk errors are reported 00:20 +91 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: getNextFrame future fails 00:20 +92 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: getNextFrame future fails 00:20 +92 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStream emits frame (static image) 00:20 +93 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStream emits frame (static image) 00:20 +93 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStream emits frames (animated images) 00:20 +94 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStream emits frames (animated images) 00:20 +94 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: animation wraps back 00:20 +95 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: animation wraps back 00:20 +95 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: animation doesn't repeat more than specified 00:20 +96 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: animation doesn't repeat more than specified 00:20 +96 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: frames are only decoded when there are listeners 00:20 +97 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: frames are only decoded when there are listeners 00:20 +97 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: multiple stream listeners 00:20 +98 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: multiple stream listeners 00:20 +98 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: timer is canceled when listeners are removed 00:20 +99 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: timer is canceled when listeners are removed 00:20 +99 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: timeDilation affects animation frame timers 00:20 +100 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: timeDilation affects animation frame timers 00:20 +100 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: error handlers can intercept errors 00:20 +101 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: error handlers can intercept errors 00:20 +101 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: remove and add listener 00:20 +102 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: remove and add listener 00:20 +102 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStreamListener hashCode and equals 00:20 +103 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStreamListener hashCode and equals 00:20 +103 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Keep alive handles do not drive frames or prevent last listener callbacks 00:20 +104 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Keep alive handles do not drive frames or prevent last listener callbacks 00:20 +104 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter - one frame image should only be decoded once 00:20 +105 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter - one frame image should only be decoded once 00:20 +105 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Multi-frame complete unsubscribes to chunk events when disposed 00:20 +106 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: Multi-frame complete unsubscribes to chunk events when disposed 00:20 +106 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStream, setCompleter before addListener - synchronousCall should be true 00:20 +107 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStream, setCompleter before addListener - synchronousCall should be true 00:20 +107 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStream, setCompleter after addListener - synchronousCall should be false 00:20 +108 ~15: test/painting/image_stream_test.dart: ImageStream, setCompleter after addListener - synchronousCall should be false 00:20 +108 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart [+2934 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F7&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +21 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:21 +108 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart 00:22 +108 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart 00:22 +108 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData copyWith, ==, hashCode, basics 00:22 +109 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData copyWith, ==, hashCode, basics 00:22 +109 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData lerp special cases 00:22 +110 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData lerp special cases 00:22 +110 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData defaults 00:22 +111 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData defaults 00:22 +111 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: Default ListTileThemeData debugFillProperties 00:22 +112 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: Default ListTileThemeData debugFillProperties 00:22 +112 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData implements debugFillProperties 00:22 +113 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData implements debugFillProperties 00:22 +113 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme backwards compatibility constructor 00:23 +113 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme backwards compatibility constructor 00:23 +114 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme backwards compatibility constructor 00:23 +114 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme 00:23 +115 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme 00:23 +115 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme colors are applied to leading and trailing text widgets 00:23 +116 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme colors are applied to leading and trailing text widgets 00:23 +116 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects ListTileTheme's titleTextStyle, subtitleTextStyle & leadingAndTrailingTextStyle 00:24 +116 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects ListTileTheme's titleTextStyle, subtitleTextStyle & leadingAndTrailingTextStyle 00:24 +117 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects ListTileTheme's titleTextStyle, subtitleTextStyle & leadingAndTrailingTextStyle 00:24 +117 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile's titleTextStyle, subtitleTextStyle & leadingAndTrailingTextStyle are overridden by ListTile properties 00:24 +118 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile's titleTextStyle, subtitleTextStyle & leadingAndTrailingTextStyle are overridden by ListTile properties 00:24 +118 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects ListTileTheme's tileColor & selectedTileColor 00:24 +119 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects ListTileTheme's tileColor & selectedTileColor 00:24 +119 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme's tileColor & selectedTileColor are overridden by ListTile properties 00:24 +120 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme's tileColor & selectedTileColor are overridden by ListTile properties 00:24 +120 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile uses ListTileTheme shape in a drawer 00:24 +121 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile uses ListTileTheme shape in a drawer 00:24 +121 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects MaterialStateColor LisTileTheme.textColor 00:25 +121 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects MaterialStateColor LisTileTheme.textColor 00:25 +122 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects MaterialStateColor LisTileTheme.textColor 00:25 +122 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects MaterialStateColor LisTileTheme.iconColor 00:25 +123 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTile respects MaterialStateColor LisTileTheme.iconColor 00:25 +123 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData copyWith overrides all properties 00:25 +124 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileThemeData copyWith overrides all properties 00:25 +124 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme.titleAlignment is overridden by ListTile.titleAlignment 00:25 +125 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme.titleAlignment is overridden by ListTile.titleAlignment 00:25 +125 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme.merge supports all properties 00:25 +126 ~15: test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart: ListTileTheme.merge supports all properties 00:25 +126 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart [+4698 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F8&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +103 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:26 +126 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart 00:27 +126 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart 00:27 +126 ~15: test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart: Aspect ratio control test 00:27 +127 ~15: test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart: Aspect ratio control test 00:27 +127 ~15: test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart: Aspect ratio infinite width 00:27 +128 ~15: test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart: Aspect ratio infinite width 00:27 +128 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/foundation/collections_test.dart [+2310 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F9&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 00:28 +128 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/foundation/collections_test.dart [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +18 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:29 +128 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/foundation/collections_test.dart 00:29 +128 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: listEquals 00:29 +129 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: listEquals 00:29 +129 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: setEquals 00:29 +130 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: setEquals 00:29 +130 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: mapEquals 00:29 +131 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: mapEquals 00:29 +131 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: binarySearch 00:30 +131 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: binarySearch 00:30 +132 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: binarySearch 00:30 +132 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: MergeSortRandom 00:30 +133 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: MergeSortRandom 00:30 +133 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: MergeSortPreservesOrder 00:30 +134 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: MergeSortPreservesOrder 00:30 +134 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: MergeSortSpecialCases 00:30 +135 ~15: test/foundation/collections_test.dart: MergeSortSpecialCases 00:30 +135 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart [+2300 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F10&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +102 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:31 +135 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart 00:32 +135 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart 00:32 +135 ~15: test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart: Performance overlay smoke test 00:32 +136 ~15: test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart: Performance overlay smoke test 00:32 +136 ~15: test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart: update widget field checkerboardRasterCacheImages 00:32 +137 ~15: test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart: update widget field checkerboardRasterCacheImages 00:32 +137 ~15: test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart: update widget field checkerboardOffscreenLayers 00:33 +137 ~15: test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart: update widget field checkerboardOffscreenLayers 00:33 +138 ~15: test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart: update widget field checkerboardOffscreenLayers 00:33 +138 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/binding_first_frame_developer_test.dart [+2601 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F11&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +81 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +22 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:34 +138 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/binding_first_frame_developer_test.dart 00:35 +138 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/binding_first_frame_developer_test.dart 00:35 +138 ~15: test/widgets/binding_first_frame_developer_test.dart: first frame callback sets the default UserTag 00:35 +139 ~15: test/widgets/binding_first_frame_developer_test.dart: first frame callback sets the default UserTag 00:35 +139 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/transform_test.dart [+2038 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F12&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +98 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:36 +139 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/transform_test.dart 00:37 +139 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/transform_test.dart 00:37 +139 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - identity 00:37 +140 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - identity 00:37 +140 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - identity with internal offset 00:37 +141 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - identity with internal offset 00:37 +141 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - translation 00:37 +142 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - translation 00:37 +142 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - translation with internal offset 00:37 +143 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - translation with internal offset 00:37 +143 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - rotation 00:37 +144 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - rotation 00:37 +144 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - rotation with internal offset 00:37 +145 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - rotation with internal offset 00:37 +145 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - perspective - globalToLocal 00:37 +146 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - perspective - globalToLocal 00:37 +146 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - perspective - localToGlobal 00:37 +147 ~15: test/rendering/transform_test.dart: RenderTransform - perspective - localToGlobal 00:37 +147 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart [+2105 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F13&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +103 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:38 +147 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart 00:39 +147 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart 00:39 +147 ~15: test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart: Sliver in a box 00:39 +148 ~15: test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart: Sliver in a box 00:39 +148 ~15: test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart: Box in a sliver 00:39 +149 ~15: test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart: Box in a sliver 00:39 +149 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart [+2310 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F14&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 00:40 +149 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +9 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:41 +149 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart 00:42 +149 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart 00:42 +149 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: PhysicalKeyboardKey Various classes of keys can be looked up by code. 00:42 +150 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: PhysicalKeyboardKey Various classes of keys can be looked up by code. 00:42 +150 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: PhysicalKeyboardKey Values are equal 00:42 +151 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: PhysicalKeyboardKey Values are equal 00:42 +151 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: PhysicalKeyboardKey debugNames 00:42 +152 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: PhysicalKeyboardKey debugNames 00:42 +152 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Various classes of keys can be looked up by code 00:42 +153 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Various classes of keys can be looked up by code 00:42 +153 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Control characters are recognized as such 00:42 +154 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Control characters are recognized as such 00:42 +154 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Control characters are not using incorrect values 00:42 +155 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Control characters are not using incorrect values 00:42 +155 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Basic synonyms can be looked up. 00:42 +156 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Basic synonyms can be looked up. 00:42 +156 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Synonyms get collapsed properly. 00:42 +157 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Synonyms get collapsed properly. 00:42 +157 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Values are equal 00:42 +158 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey Values are equal 00:42 +158 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey keyLabel 00:42 +159 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey keyLabel 00:42 +159 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey debugName 00:42 +160 ~15: test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart: LogicalKeyboardKey debugName 00:42 +160 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/oval_border_test.dart [+2118 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F15&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +81 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +21 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:43 +160 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/oval_border_test.dart 00:44 +160 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/oval_border_test.dart 00:44 +160 ~15: test/painting/oval_border_test.dart: OvalBorder defaults 00:44 +161 ~15: test/painting/oval_border_test.dart: OvalBorder defaults 00:44 +161 ~15: test/painting/oval_border_test.dart: OvalBorder copyWith, ==, hashCode 00:44 +162 ~15: test/painting/oval_border_test.dart: OvalBorder copyWith, ==, hashCode 00:44 +162 ~15: test/painting/oval_border_test.dart: OvalBorder 00:44 +163 ~15: test/painting/oval_border_test.dart: OvalBorder 00:44 +163 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/menu_style_test.dart [+2048 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F16&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +85 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +19 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:45 +163 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/menu_style_test.dart 00:46 +163 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/menu_style_test.dart 00:46 +163 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle MenuStyle lerp special cases 00:46 +164 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle MenuStyle lerp special cases 00:46 +164 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle fixedSize affects geometry 00:47 +164 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle fixedSize affects geometry 00:47 +165 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle fixedSize affects geometry 00:47 +165 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle maximumSize affects geometry 00:48 +165 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle maximumSize affects geometry 00:48 +166 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle maximumSize affects geometry 00:48 +166 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle minimumSize affects geometry 00:48 +167 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle minimumSize affects geometry 00:48 +167 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle Material parameters are honored 00:49 +167 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle Material parameters are honored 00:49 +168 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle Material parameters are honored 00:49 +168 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle visual density 00:49 +169 ~15: test/material/menu_style_test.dart: MenuStyle visual density 00:49 +169 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart [+5463 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F17&debug=false 00:50 +169 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +14 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 00:51 +169 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart 00:52 +169 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart 00:52 +169 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile initial state (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 00:53 +169 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile initial state (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 00:53 +170 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile initial state (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 00:53 +170 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile initial state (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 00:53 +171 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile initial state (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 00:53 +171 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile Theme dependencies (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 00:54 +171 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile Theme dependencies (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 00:54 +172 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile Theme dependencies (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 00:54 +172 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile Theme dependencies (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 00:54 +173 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile Theme dependencies (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 00:54 +173 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile subtitle 00:54 +174 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile subtitle 00:54 +174 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile maintainState 00:54 +175 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile maintainState 00:54 +175 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile padding test 00:55 +175 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile padding test 00:55 +176 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile padding test 00:55 +176 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile expandedAlignment test 00:55 +177 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile expandedAlignment test 00:55 +177 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile expandedCrossAxisAlignment test 00:55 +178 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile expandedCrossAxisAlignment test 00:55 +178 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: CrossAxisAlignment.baseline is not allowed 00:55 +179 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: CrossAxisAlignment.baseline is not allowed 00:55 +179 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: expandedCrossAxisAlignment and expandedAlignment default values 00:55 +180 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: expandedCrossAxisAlignment and expandedAlignment default values 00:55 +180 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: childrenPadding default value 00:55 +181 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: childrenPadding default value 00:55 +181 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile childrenPadding test 00:56 +181 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile childrenPadding test 00:56 +182 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile childrenPadding test 00:56 +182 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile.collapsedBackgroundColor 00:56 +183 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile.collapsedBackgroundColor 00:56 +183 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile default iconColor, textColor 00:56 +184 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile default iconColor, textColor 00:56 +184 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile iconColor, textColor 00:56 +185 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile iconColor, textColor 00:56 +185 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile Border 00:56 +186 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile Border 00:56 +186 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile platform controlAffinity test 00:57 +186 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile platform controlAffinity test 00:57 +187 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile platform controlAffinity test 00:57 +187 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile trailing controlAffinity test 00:57 +188 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile trailing controlAffinity test 00:57 +188 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile leading controlAffinity test 00:57 +189 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile leading controlAffinity test 00:57 +189 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile override rotating icon test 00:57 +190 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile override rotating icon test 00:57 +190 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Nested ListTile Semantics 00:57 +191 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Nested ListTile Semantics 00:57 +191 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile Semantics announcement 00:57 +192 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTile Semantics announcement 00:57 +192 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Semantics with the onTapHint is an ancestor of ListTile 00:57 +193 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Semantics with the onTapHint is an ancestor of ListTile 00:57 +193 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Semantics hint for iOS and macOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 00:58 +193 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Semantics hint for iOS and macOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 00:58 +194 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Semantics hint for iOS and macOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 00:58 +194 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Semantics hint for iOS and macOS (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 00:58 +195 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Semantics hint for iOS and macOS (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 00:58 +195 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Material 2 ExpansionTile default iconColor, textColor 00:58 +196 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Material 2 ExpansionTile default iconColor, textColor 00:58 +196 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTileController isExpanded, expand() and collapse() 00:58 +197 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: ExpansionTileController isExpanded, expand() and collapse() 00:58 +197 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Calling ExpansionTileController.expand/collapsed has no effect if it is already expanded/collapsed 00:58 +198 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Calling ExpansionTileController.expand/collapsed has no effect if it is already expanded/collapsed 00:58 +198 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Call to ExpansionTileController.of() 00:58 +199 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Call to ExpansionTileController.of() 00:58 +199 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Call to ExpansionTile.maybeOf() 00:59 +199 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Call to ExpansionTile.maybeOf() 00:59 +200 ~15: test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart: Call to ExpansionTile.maybeOf() 00:59 +200 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart [+9034 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F18&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +86 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +19 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 01:00 +200 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart 01:01 +200 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart 01:01 +200 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: (setUpAll) 01:01 +200 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: Tasks are executed in the right order 01:01 +201 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: Tasks are executed in the right order 01:01 +201 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: 2 calls to scheduleWarmUpFrame just schedules it once 01:01 +202 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: 2 calls to scheduleWarmUpFrame just schedules it once 01:01 +202 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: Flutter.Frame event fired 01:01 +203 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: Flutter.Frame event fired 01:01 +203 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: TimingsCallback exceptions are caught 01:01 +204 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: TimingsCallback exceptions are caught 01:01 +204 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: currentSystemFrameTimeStamp is the raw timestamp 01:01 +205 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: currentSystemFrameTimeStamp is the raw timestamp 01:01 +205 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: Animation frame scheduled in the middle of the warm-up frame 01:01 +206 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: Animation frame scheduled in the middle of the warm-up frame 01:01 +206 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: Can schedule futures to completion 01:01 +207 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: Can schedule futures to completion 01:01 +207 ~15: test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart: (tearDownAll) 01:01 +207 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart [+2304 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F19&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +114 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 01:02 +207 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart 01:03 +207 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart 01:03 +207 ~15: test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart: MaterialStatesController constructor 01:03 +208 ~15: test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart: MaterialStatesController constructor 01:03 +208 ~15: test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart: MaterialStatesController update, listener 01:03 +209 ~15: test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart: MaterialStatesController update, listener 01:03 +209 ~15: test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart: MaterialStatesController const initial value 01:03 +210 ~15: test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart: MaterialStatesController const initial value 01:03 +210 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart [+2185 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F20&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 01:04 +210 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +20 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 01:05 +210 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart 01:06 +210 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart 01:06 +210 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: DialogTheme lerp special cases 01:06 +211 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: DialogTheme lerp special cases 01:06 +211 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Dialog Theme implements debugFillProperties 01:06 +212 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Dialog Theme implements debugFillProperties 01:06 +212 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Dialog background color 01:06 +213 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Dialog background color 01:06 +213 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog elevation 01:07 +213 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog elevation 01:07 +214 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog elevation 01:07 +214 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape 01:07 +215 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape 01:07 +215 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog alignment 01:07 +216 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog alignment 01:07 +216 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Dialog alignment takes priority over theme 01:07 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Dialog alignment takes priority over theme 01:07 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden [+3893 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +3 ms] Compiler will use the following file as its incremental dill file: /b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_test_compiler.AKSNXV/output.dill [ ] Listening to compiler controller... [ +1 ms] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerZQBMQJ/listener.dart [ +45 ms] /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart --disable-dart-dev /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/frontend_server.dart.snapshot --sdk-root /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/ --incremental --no-print-incremental-dependencies --target=flutter --experimental-emit-debug-metadata -DDART_HHH_BOT=false -DFLUTTER_WEB_AUTO_DETECT=false -DFLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA=false --output-dill /b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_test_compiler.AKSNXV/output.dill --packages /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/package_config.json -Ddart.vm.profile=false -Ddart.vm.product=false --enable-asserts --track-widget-creation --initialize-from-dill /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/build/test_cache/build/9040b3db94dd4582719c407252e30b8a.cache.dill.track.dill --verbosity=error 01:08 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden [ +9 ms] <- compile file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerZQBMQJ/listener.dart 01:09 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:10 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:11 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:12 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:13 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:14 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:15 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:16 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:17 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:18 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:19 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:20 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:21 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:22 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:23 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden [+15911 ms] <- accept [ ] <- reset [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerZQBMQJ/listener.dart took 15967ms [ +13 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageVPIOFB/image","key":"dialog_theme.dialog_with_custom_border.png","update":false} 01:24 +217 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden [ +851 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:24 +218 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom dialog shape matches golden 01:24 +218 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Icon Color - Constructor Param - highest preference 01:25 +218 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Icon Color - Constructor Param - highest preference 01:25 +219 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Icon Color - Constructor Param - highest preference 01:25 +219 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Icon Color - Dialog Theme - preference over Theme 01:25 +220 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Icon Color - Dialog Theme - preference over Theme 01:25 +220 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Icon Color - Theme - lowest preference 01:25 +221 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Icon Color - Theme - lowest preference 01:25 +221 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Icon Color - Theme - lowest preference for M3 01:25 +222 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Icon Color - Theme - lowest preference for M3 01:25 +222 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Title Text Style - Constructor Param 01:25 +223 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Title Text Style - Constructor Param 01:25 +223 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Title Text Style - Dialog Theme 01:26 +223 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Title Text Style - Dialog Theme 01:26 +224 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Title Text Style - Dialog Theme 01:26 +224 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Title Text Style - Theme 01:26 +225 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Title Text Style - Theme 01:26 +225 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Simple Dialog - Custom Title Text Style - Constructor Param 01:26 +226 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Simple Dialog - Custom Title Text Style - Constructor Param 01:26 +226 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Simple Dialog - Custom Title Text Style - Dialog Theme 01:26 +227 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Simple Dialog - Custom Title Text Style - Dialog Theme 01:26 +227 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Simple Dialog - Custom Title Text Style - Theme 01:26 +228 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Simple Dialog - Custom Title Text Style - Theme 01:26 +228 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Content Text Style - Constructor Param 01:26 +229 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Content Text Style - Constructor Param 01:26 +229 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Content Text Style - Dialog Theme 01:27 +229 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Content Text Style - Dialog Theme 01:27 +230 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Content Text Style - Dialog Theme 01:27 +230 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Content Text Style - Theme 01:27 +231 ~15: test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart: Custom Content Text Style - Theme 01:27 +231 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/shadow_test.dart [+2574 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F21&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +27 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 01:28 +231 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/shadow_test.dart 01:29 +231 ~15: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/shadow_test.dart 01:29 +231 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on BoxDecoration [+2315 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +1 ms] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerITFSRG/listener.dart [ +30 ms] <- recompile file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerITFSRG/listener.dart fed5dadd-0948-49f4-a2ea-be7c9a6463ff [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerITFSRG/listener.dart [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/flutter_build/dart_plugin_registrant.dart [ ] <- fed5dadd-0948-49f4-a2ea-be7c9a6463ff 01:30 +231 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on BoxDecoration [ +353 ms] <- accept [ ] <- reset [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerITFSRG/listener.dart took 385ms [ +9 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageGPIPJJ/image","key":"shadow.BoxDecoration.disabled.png","update":false} [ +721 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:31 +231 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on BoxDecoration [ +65 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageRNPDKC/image","key":"shadow.BoxDecoration.enabled.png","update":false} [ +253 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:31 +232 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on BoxDecoration 01:31 +232 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 0 [ +103 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageUAEBCW/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.0.png","update":false} [ +265 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:31 +233 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 0 01:31 +233 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 1 [ +102 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageTHVUIL/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.1.png","update":false} 01:32 +233 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 1 [ +274 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:32 +234 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 1 01:32 +234 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 2 [ +109 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageCFLQFC/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.2.png","update":false} [ +263 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:32 +235 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 2 01:32 +235 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 3 [ +103 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageKLPAZT/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.3.png","update":false} [ +263 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:32 +236 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 3 01:32 +236 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 4 [ +104 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageOAYWMV/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.4.png","update":false} 01:33 +236 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 4 [ +272 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:33 +237 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 4 01:33 +237 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 6 [ +127 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageZSQYDG/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.6.png","update":false} [ +273 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:33 +238 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 6 01:33 +238 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 8 [ +143 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageEFDNEK/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.8.png","update":false} [ +266 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:33 +239 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 8 01:33 +239 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 9 01:34 +239 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 9 [ +116 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageQEJIKA/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.9.png","update":false} [ +265 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:34 +240 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 9 01:34 +240 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 12 [ +135 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageODELPJ/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.12.png","update":false} [ +285 ms] <<< {"success":true} 01:34 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 12 01:34 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 [ +164 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageUWMUIT/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.16.png","update":false} 01:35 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:36 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:37 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:38 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:39 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:40 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:41 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:42 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:43 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:44 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:45 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:46 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:47 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:48 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:49 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:50 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:51 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:52 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:53 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:54 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:55 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:56 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:57 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:58 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 01:59 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:00 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:01 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:02 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:03 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:04 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:05 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:06 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:07 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:08 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:09 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:10 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:11 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:12 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:13 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:14 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:15 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:16 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:17 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:18 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:19 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:20 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:21 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:22 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:23 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:24 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:25 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:26 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:27 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:28 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:29 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:30 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:31 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:32 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:33 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:34 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:35 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:36 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:37 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:38 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:39 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:40 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:41 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:42 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:43 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:44 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:45 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:46 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:47 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:48 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:49 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:50 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:51 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:52 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:53 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:54 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:55 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:56 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:57 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:58 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 02:59 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 03:00 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 03:01 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 03:02 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 03:03 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 03:04 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 03:05 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 [+90726 ms] <<< {"success":false,"message":"SkiaException: Skia Gold received an unapproved image in post-submit \ntesting. Golden file images in flutter/flutter are triaged \nin pre-submit during code review for the given PR.\n\nVisit to view and approve \nthe image(s), or revert the associated change. For more \ninformation, visit the wiki: \n\n\nDebug information for Gold --------------------------------\nstdout: \tGET Get \"\": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer. At common.go:40 retry.go:37 retry.go:24 common.go:34 goldclient.go:435 goldclient.go:412 goldclient.go:320 goldclient.go:280 cmd_imgtest.go:363 cmd_imgtest.go:294 command.go:860 command.go:974 command.go:902 command.go:895 main.go:54 proc.go:250 asm_amd64.s:1598\n\nstderr: Error running command: ''computing grouping for test \"widgets.shadow.ShapeDecoration.16\": retrieving groupings: making request to GET Get \"\": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer. At common.go:40 retry.go:37 retry.go:24 common.go:34 goldclient.go:435 goldclient.go:412 goldclient.go:320 goldclient.go:280 cmd_imgtest.go:363 cmd_imgtest.go:294 command.go:860 command.go:974 command.go:902 command.go:895 main.go:54 proc.go:250 asm_amd64.s:1598''\n\n\nresult-state.json: No result file found.\n"} 03:06 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 03:06 +241 ~15: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER TEST FRAMEWORK ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════ The following TestFailure was thrown running a test: Expected: one widget whose rasterized image matches golden image "shadow.ShapeDecoration.16.png" Actual: _WidgetTypeFinder:<exactly one widget with type "Container" (ignoring offstage widgets): Container(bg: ShapeDecoration( shadows: [BoxShadow(Color(0x33000000), Offset(0.0, 8.0), 10.0, -5.0, BlurStyle.normal), BoxShadow(Color(0x24000000), Offset(0.0, 16.0), 24.0, 2.0, BlurStyle.normal), BoxShadow(Color(0x1f000000), Offset(0.0, 6.0), 30.0, 5.0, BlurStyle.normal)] , shape: BeveledRectangleBorder(BorderSide(width: 0.0, style: none), BorderRadius.circular(20.0))) , constraints: BoxConstraints(w=100.0, h=100.0), margin: EdgeInsets.all(150.0))> Which: SkiaException: Skia Gold received an unapproved image in post-submit testing. Golden file images in flutter/flutter are triaged in pre-submit during code review for the given PR. Visit to view and approve the image(s), or revert the associated change. For more information, visit the wiki: Debug information for Gold -------------------------------- stdout: GET Get "": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer. At common.go:40 retry.go:37 retry.go:24 common.go:34 goldclient.go:435 goldclient.go:412 goldclient.go:320 goldclient.go:280 cmd_imgtest.go:363 cmd_imgtest.go:294 command.go:860 command.go:974 command.go:902 command.go:895 main.go:54 proc.go:250 asm_amd64.s:1598 stderr: Error running command: ''computing grouping for test "widgets.shadow.ShapeDecoration.16": retrieving groupings: making request to GET Get "": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer. At common.go:40 retry.go:37 retry.go:24 common.go:34 goldclient.go:435 goldclient.go:412 goldclient.go:320 goldclient.go:280 cmd_imgtest.go:363 cmd_imgtest.go:294 command.go:860 command.go:974 command.go:902 command.go:895 main.go:54 proc.go:250 asm_amd64.s:1598'' result-state.json: No result file found. When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: ../dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/errors.dart 294:49 throw_ ../packages/matcher/src/expect/prints_matcher.dart.js 433:22 fail ../packages/matcher/src/expect/prints_matcher.dart.js 410:18 <fn> ../packages/stack_trace/src/stack_zone_specification.dart.js 184:98 <fn> ../packages/stack_trace/src/stack_zone_specification.dart.js 236:16 [_run] ../packages/stack_trace/src/stack_zone_specification.dart.js 184:80 <fn> ../dart-sdk/lib/async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary ../dart-sdk/lib/async/zone.dart 1308:19 runUnary ../dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 156:18 handleValue ../dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 840:44 handleValueCallback ../dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 869:13 _propagateToListeners ../dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 641:5 [_completeWithValue] ../dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 715:7 callback ../dart-sdk/lib/async/schedule_microtask.dart 40:11 _microtaskLoop ../dart-sdk/lib/async/schedule_microtask.dart 49:5 _startMicrotaskLoop ../dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/async_patch.dart 181:15 <fn> The test description was: elevation 16 ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ 03:06 +241 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16 [E] Test failed. See exception logs above. The test description was: elevation 16 To run this test again: /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart test test/widgets/shadow_test.dart -p chrome --plain-name 'Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 16' 03:06 +241 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 24 [ +640 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageOTXZJS/image","key":"shadow.ShapeDecoration.24.png","update":false} [ +274 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:06 +242 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows on ShapeDecoration elevation 24 03:06 +242 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalLayer [ +216 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageHJBLFW/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalModel.disabled.png","update":false} 03:07 +242 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalLayer [ +270 ms] <<< {"success":true} [ +69 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageCZZECP/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalModel.enabled.png","update":false} [ +282 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:07 +243 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalLayer 03:07 +243 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 0 [ +95 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageJWNRDO/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.0.png","update":false} [ +260 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:07 +244 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 0 03:07 +244 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 1 [ +105 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageBRCYSC/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.1.png","update":false} 03:08 +244 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 1 [ +273 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:08 +245 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 1 03:08 +245 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 2 [ +92 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageAHWMSX/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.2.png","update":false} [ +308 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:08 +246 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 2 03:08 +246 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 3 [ +91 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageVRFHMX/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.3.png","update":false} [ +266 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:08 +247 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 3 03:08 +247 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 4 [ +101 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageNBJQOT/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.4.png","update":false} 03:09 +247 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 4 [ +260 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:09 +248 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 4 03:09 +248 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 6 [ +88 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageTBHPOP/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.6.png","update":false} [ +257 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:09 +249 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 6 03:09 +249 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 8 [ +92 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageWXSGIN/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.8.png","update":false} [ +277 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:09 +250 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 8 03:09 +250 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 9 03:10 +250 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 9 [ +89 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageFVLAFG/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.9.png","update":false} [ +326 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:10 +251 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 9 03:10 +251 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 12 [ +90 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageOYKQRJ/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.12.png","update":false} [ +261 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:10 +252 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 12 03:10 +252 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 16 [ +89 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageCDZEGW/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.16.png","update":false} 03:11 +252 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 16 [ +297 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:11 +253 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 16 03:11 +253 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 24 [ +86 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageLYMAEA/image","key":"shadow.PhysicalShape.24.png","update":false} [ +267 ms] <<< {"success":true} 03:11 +254 ~15 -1: test/widgets/shadow_test.dart: Shadows with PhysicalShape elevation 24 03:11 +254 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart [ +69 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F22&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +108 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 03:12 +254 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart 03:13 +254 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart 03:13 +254 ~15 -1: test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart: Resolving with no entries should be a no-op 03:13 +255 ~15 -1: test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart: Resolving with no entries should be a no-op 03:13 +255 ~15 -1: test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart: First entry should always win 03:13 +256 ~15 -1: test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart: First entry should always win 03:13 +256 ~15 -1: test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart: Re-use after resolve should work 03:13 +257 ~15 -1: test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart: Re-use after resolve should work 03:13 +257 ~15 -1: test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart: works with transformed events 03:13 +258 ~15 -1: test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart: works with transformed events 03:13 +258 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart [+2069 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F23&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +34 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 03:14 +258 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart 03:15 +258 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart 03:16 +258 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart 03:16 +258 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Custom selected and unselected textStyles are honored 03:16 +259 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Custom selected and unselected textStyles are honored 03:16 +259 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Custom selected and unselected iconThemes are honored 03:17 +259 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Custom selected and unselected iconThemes are honored 03:17 +260 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Custom selected and unselected iconThemes are honored 03:17 +260 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: No selected destination when selectedIndex is null 03:17 +261 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: No selected destination when selectedIndex is null 03:17 +261 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: backgroundColor can be changed 03:17 +262 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: backgroundColor can be changed 03:17 +262 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: elevation can be changed 03:17 +263 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: elevation can be changed 03:17 +263 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=none (default) 03:18 +263 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=none (default) 03:18 +264 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=none (default) 03:18 +264 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=selected 03:18 +265 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=selected 03:18 +265 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=all 03:18 +266 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=all 03:18 +266 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders wider for a destination with a long label - [labelType]=all 03:18 +267 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders wider for a destination with a long label - [labelType]=all 03:18 +267 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders only icons - [labelType]=none (default) 03:19 +267 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders only icons - [labelType]=none (default) 03:19 +268 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders only icons - [labelType]=none (default) 03:19 +268 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders icons and labels - [labelType]=all 03:19 +269 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders icons and labels - [labelType]=all 03:19 +269 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders icons and selected label - [labelType]=selected 03:19 +270 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Renders icons and selected label - [labelType]=selected 03:19 +270 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:19 +271 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:19 +271 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:20 +271 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:20 +272 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:20 +272 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:20 +273 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:20 +273 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:20 +274 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:20 +274 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:20 +275 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:20 +275 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:21 +275 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:21 +276 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:21 +276 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:21 +277 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:21 +277 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:21 +278 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:21 +278 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:21 +279 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:21 +279 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:21 +280 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:21 +280 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:22 +280 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:22 +281 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:22 +281 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:22 +282 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:22 +282 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=-1.0 (default) 03:22 +283 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=-1.0 (default) 03:22 +283 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=0.0 03:22 +284 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=0.0 03:22 +284 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=1.0 03:23 +284 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=1.0 03:23 +285 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=1.0 03:23 +285 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Leading and trailing appear in the correct places 03:23 +286 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Leading and trailing appear in the correct places 03:23 +286 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=LTR 03:24 +286 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=LTR 03:24 +287 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=LTR 03:24 +287 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=RTL 03:24 +288 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=RTL 03:24 +288 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail gets wider with longer labels are larger text scale 03:24 +289 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail gets wider with longer labels are larger text scale 03:24 +289 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail final width can be changed 03:25 +289 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail final width can be changed 03:25 +290 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail final width can be changed 03:25 +290 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail transition does not jump from the beginning 03:25 +291 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail transition does not jump from the beginning 03:25 +291 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail animation can be consumed 03:26 +291 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail animation can be consumed 03:26 +292 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Extended rail animation can be consumed 03:26 +292 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: onDestinationSelected is called 03:26 +293 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: onDestinationSelected is called 03:26 +293 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: onDestinationSelected is not called if null 03:26 +294 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: onDestinationSelected is not called if null 03:26 +294 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Changing destinations animate when [labelType]=selected 03:27 +294 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Changing destinations animate when [labelType]=selected 03:27 +295 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Changing destinations animate when [labelType]=selected 03:27 +295 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Changing destinations animate for selectedIndex=null 03:27 +296 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Changing destinations animate for selectedIndex=null 03:27 +296 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Changing destinations animate when selectedIndex=null during transition 03:28 +296 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Changing destinations animate when selectedIndex=null during transition 03:28 +297 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Changing destinations animate when selectedIndex=null during transition 03:28 +297 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Semantics - labelType=[none] 03:28 +298 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Semantics - labelType=[none] 03:28 +298 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Semantics - labelType=[selected] 03:28 +299 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Semantics - labelType=[selected] 03:28 +299 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Semantics - labelType=[all] 03:28 +300 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Semantics - labelType=[all] 03:28 +300 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Semantics - extended 03:29 +300 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Semantics - extended 03:29 +301 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Semantics - extended 03:29 +301 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination padding properly applied - NavigationRailLabelType.all 03:29 +302 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination padding properly applied - NavigationRailLabelType.all 03:29 +302 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination padding properly applied - NavigationRailLabelType.selected 03:29 +303 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination padding properly applied - NavigationRailLabelType.selected 03:29 +303 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination padding properly applied - NavigationRailLabelType.none 03:29 +304 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination padding properly applied - NavigationRailLabelType.none 03:29 +304 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds indicator by default when ThemeData.useMaterial3 is true 03:30 +304 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds indicator by default when ThemeData.useMaterial3 is true 03:30 +305 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds indicator by default when ThemeData.useMaterial3 is true 03:30 +305 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds indicator when useIndicator is true 03:30 +306 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds indicator when useIndicator is true 03:30 +306 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination does not add indicator when useIndicator is false 03:30 +307 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination does not add indicator when useIndicator is false 03:30 +307 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds an oval indicator when no labels are present 03:30 +308 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds an oval indicator when no labels are present 03:30 +308 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds an oval indicator when selected labels are present 03:30 +309 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds an oval indicator when selected labels are present 03:30 +309 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds an oval indicator when all labels are present 03:30 +310 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination adds an oval indicator when all labels are present 03:30 +310 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination has center aligned indicator - [labelType]=none 03:31 +310 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination has center aligned indicator - [labelType]=none 03:31 +311 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRailDestination has center aligned indicator - [labelType]=none 03:31 +311 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail respects the notch/system navigation bar in landscape mode 03:31 +312 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail respects the notch/system navigation bar in landscape mode 03:31 +312 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders ripple 03:31 +313 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders ripple 03:31 +313 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders ripple - extended 03:31 +314 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders ripple - extended 03:31 +314 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders properly when padding is applied 03:32 +314 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders properly when padding is applied 03:32 +315 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders properly when padding is applied 03:32 +315 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Indicator renders properly when NavigationRai.minWidth < default minWidth 03:32 +316 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Indicator renders properly when NavigationRai.minWidth < default minWidth 03:32 +316 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders properly with custom padding and minWidth 03:32 +317 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders properly with custom padding and minWidth 03:32 +317 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders properly with long labels 03:32 +318 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator renders properly with long labels 03:32 +318 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator scale transform 03:32 +319 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: NavigationRail indicator scale transform 03:32 +319 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Navigation destination updates indicator color and shape 03:33 +319 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Navigation destination updates indicator color and shape 03:33 +320 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Navigation destination updates indicator color and shape 03:33 +320 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination's respect their disabled state 03:33 +321 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Destination's respect their disabled state 03:33 +321 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=none (default) 03:33 +322 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=none (default) 03:33 +322 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=selected 03:33 +323 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=selected 03:33 +323 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=all 03:33 +324 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Renders at the correct default width - [labelType]=all 03:33 +324 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:34 +324 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:34 +325 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:34 +325 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:34 +326 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:34 +326 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:34 +327 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=none (default), [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:34 +327 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:34 +328 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:34 +328 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:34 +329 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:34 +329 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:35 +329 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:35 +330 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=selected, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:35 +330 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:35 +331 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:35 +331 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:35 +332 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:35 +332 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:35 +333 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct - [labelType]=all, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:35 +333 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:35 +334 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=1.0 (default) 03:35 +334 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:36 +334 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:36 +335 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=3.0 03:36 +335 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:36 +336 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Destination spacing is correct for a compact rail - [preferredWidth]=56, [textScaleFactor]=0.75 03:36 +336 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=-1.0 (default) 03:36 +337 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=-1.0 (default) 03:36 +337 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=0.0 03:36 +338 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=0.0 03:36 +338 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=1.0 03:36 +339 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Group alignment works - [groupAlignment]=1.0 03:36 +339 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Leading and trailing appear in the correct places 03:36 +340 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Leading and trailing appear in the correct places 03:36 +340 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=LTR 03:37 +340 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=LTR 03:37 +341 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=LTR 03:37 +341 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=RTL 03:37 +342 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail animates the width and labels appear - [textDirection]=RTL 03:37 +342 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail gets wider with longer labels are larger text scale 03:37 +343 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail gets wider with longer labels are larger text scale 03:37 +343 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail final width can be changed 03:38 +343 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail final width can be changed 03:38 +344 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail final width can be changed 03:38 +344 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail transition does not jump from the beginning 03:38 +345 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 Extended rail transition does not jump from the beginning 03:38 +345 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 NavigationRailDestination adds circular indicator when no labels are present 03:38 +346 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 NavigationRailDestination adds circular indicator when no labels are present 03:38 +346 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 NavigationRailDestination has center aligned indicator - [labelType]=none 03:38 +347 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 NavigationRailDestination has center aligned indicator - [labelType]=none 03:38 +347 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 NavigationRail respects the notch/system navigation bar in landscape mode 03:39 +347 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 NavigationRail respects the notch/system navigation bar in landscape mode 03:39 +348 ~15 -1: test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart: Material 2 NavigationRail respects the notch/system navigation bar in landscape mode 03:39 +348 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart [+25197 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F24&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +100 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 03:40 +348 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart 03:41 +348 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart 03:41 +348 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: ... DeltaTextInputClient send the correct configuration to the platform and responds to updateEditingValueWithDeltas method correctly 03:41 +349 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: ... DeltaTextInputClient send the correct configuration to the platform and responds to updateEditingValueWithDeltas method correctly 03:41 +349 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: DeltaTextInputClient Invalid TextRange fails loudly when being converted to JSON - NonTextUpdate 03:41 +350 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: DeltaTextInputClient Invalid TextRange fails loudly when being converted to JSON - NonTextUpdate 03:41 +350 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: DeltaTextInputClient Invalid TextRange fails loudly when being converted to JSON - Faulty deltaStart and deltaEnd 03:41 +351 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: DeltaTextInputClient Invalid TextRange fails loudly when being converted to JSON - Faulty deltaStart and deltaEnd 03:41 +351 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: DeltaTextInputClient Invalid TextRange fails loudly when being converted to JSON - Faulty Selection 03:41 +352 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: DeltaTextInputClient Invalid TextRange fails loudly when being converted to JSON - Faulty Selection 03:41 +352 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: DeltaTextInputClient Invalid TextRange fails loudly when being converted to JSON - Faulty Composing Region 03:41 +353 ~15 -1: test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart: DeltaTextInputClient Invalid TextRange fails loudly when being converted to JSON - Faulty Composing Region 03:41 +353 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart [+2106 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F25&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +21 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 03:42 +353 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart 03:43 +353 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart 03:43 +353 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening An unopened CupertinoContextMenu renders child in the same place as without 03:43 +354 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening An unopened CupertinoContextMenu renders child in the same place as without 03:43 +354 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening Can open CupertinoContextMenu by tap and hold 03:44 +354 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening Can open CupertinoContextMenu by tap and hold 03:44 +355 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening Can open CupertinoContextMenu by tap and hold 03:44 +355 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening CupertinoContextMenu is in the correct position when within a nested navigator 03:44 +356 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening CupertinoContextMenu is in the correct position when within a nested navigator 03:44 +356 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening CupertinoContextMenu with a basic builder opens and closes the same as when providing a child 03:45 +356 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening CupertinoContextMenu with a basic builder opens and closes the same as when providing a child 03:45 +357 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening CupertinoContextMenu with a basic builder opens and closes the same as when providing a child 03:45 +357 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening CupertinoContextMenu with a builder can change the animation 03:45 +358 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening CupertinoContextMenu with a builder can change the animation 03:45 +358 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening Hovering over Cupertino context menu updates cursor to clickable on Web 03:45 +359 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening Hovering over Cupertino context menu updates cursor to clickable on Web 03:45 +359 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening CupertinoContextMenu is in the correct position when within a Transform.scale 03:45 +360 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu before and during opening CupertinoContextMenu is in the correct position when within a Transform.scale 03:45 +360 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Last action does not have border 03:46 +360 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Last action does not have border 03:46 +361 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Last action does not have border 03:46 +361 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Can close CupertinoContextMenu by background tap 03:46 +362 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Can close CupertinoContextMenu by background tap 03:46 +362 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Can close CupertinoContextMenu by dragging down 03:47 +362 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Can close CupertinoContextMenu by dragging down 03:47 +363 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Can close CupertinoContextMenu by dragging down 03:47 +363 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Can close CupertinoContextMenu by flinging down 03:47 +364 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Can close CupertinoContextMenu by flinging down 03:47 +364 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Backdrop is added using ModalRoute's filter parameter 03:48 +364 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Backdrop is added using ModalRoute's filter parameter 03:48 +365 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Backdrop is added using ModalRoute's filter parameter 03:48 +365 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Preview widget should have the correct border radius 03:48 +366 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open Preview widget should have the correct border radius 03:48 +366 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open CupertinoContextMenu width is correct 03:48 +367 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open CupertinoContextMenu width is correct 03:48 +367 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open ContextMenu route animation doesn't throw exception on dismiss 03:49 +367 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open ContextMenu route animation doesn't throw exception on dismiss 03:49 +368 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: CupertinoContextMenu when open ContextMenu route animation doesn't throw exception on dismiss 03:49 +368 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: Open layout differs depending on child's position on screen Portrait 03:50 +368 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: Open layout differs depending on child's position on screen Portrait 03:50 +369 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: Open layout differs depending on child's position on screen Portrait 03:50 +369 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: Open layout differs depending on child's position on screen Landscape 03:50 +370 ~15 -1: test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart: Open layout differs depending on child's position on screen Landscape 03:50 +370 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/system_chrome_test.dart [+9465 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F26&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 03:51 +370 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/system_chrome_test.dart [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +18 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 03:52 +370 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/system_chrome_test.dart 03:53 +370 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/system_chrome_test.dart 03:53 +370 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: SystemChrome overlay style test 03:53 +371 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: SystemChrome overlay style test 03:53 +371 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setPreferredOrientations control test 03:53 +372 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setPreferredOrientations control test 03:53 +372 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setApplicationSwitcherDescription control test 03:53 +373 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setApplicationSwitcherDescription control test 03:53 +373 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setApplicationSwitcherDescription missing plugin 03:53 +374 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setApplicationSwitcherDescription missing plugin 03:53 +374 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setEnabledSystemUIMode control test 03:53 +375 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setEnabledSystemUIMode control test 03:53 +375 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setEnabledSystemUIMode asserts for overlays in manual configuration 03:53 +376 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setEnabledSystemUIMode asserts for overlays in manual configuration 03:53 +376 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setEnabledSystemUIMode passes correct overlays for manual configuration 03:53 +377 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setEnabledSystemUIMode passes correct overlays for manual configuration 03:53 +377 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setSystemUIChangeCallback control test 03:53 +378 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: setSystemUIChangeCallback control test 03:53 +378 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: toString works as intended 03:53 +379 ~15 -1: test/services/system_chrome_test.dart: toString works as intended 03:53 +379 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/checkbox_test.dart [+2242 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F27&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +105 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 03:54 +379 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/checkbox_test.dart 03:55 +379 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/checkbox_test.dart 03:55 +379 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox size is configurable by ThemeData.materialTapTargetSize 03:55 +380 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox size is configurable by ThemeData.materialTapTargetSize 03:55 +380 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox semantics 03:55 +381 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox semantics 03:55 +381 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Can wrap Checkbox with Semantics 03:56 +381 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Can wrap Checkbox with Semantics 03:56 +382 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Can wrap Checkbox with Semantics 03:56 +382 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox tristate: true 03:56 +383 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox tristate: true 03:56 +383 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: has semantics for tristate 03:56 +384 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: has semantics for tristate 03:56 +384 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: has semantic events 03:56 +385 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: has semantic events 03:56 +385 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox tristate rendering, programmatic transitions 03:56 +386 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox tristate rendering, programmatic transitions 03:56 +386 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox color rendering 03:56 +387 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox color rendering 03:56 +387 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox is focusable and has correct focus color 03:57 +387 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox is focusable and has correct focus color 03:57 +388 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox is focusable and has correct focus color 03:57 +388 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox with splash radius set 03:57 +389 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox with splash radius set 03:57 +389 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox starts the splash in center, even when tap is on the corner 03:57 +390 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox starts the splash in center, even when tap is on the corner 03:57 +390 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox can be hovered and has correct hover color 03:57 +391 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox can be hovered and has correct hover color 03:57 +391 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox can be toggled by keyboard shortcuts 03:57 +392 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox can be toggled by keyboard shortcuts 03:57 +392 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox responds to density changes. 03:57 +393 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox responds to density changes. 03:57 +393 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox stops hover animation when removed from the tree. 03:57 +394 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox stops hover animation when removed from the tree. 03:57 +394 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox changes mouse cursor when hovered 03:58 +394 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox changes mouse cursor when hovered 03:58 +395 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox changes mouse cursor when hovered 03:58 +395 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox fill color resolves in enabled/disabled states 03:58 +396 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox fill color resolves in enabled/disabled states 03:58 +396 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox fill color resolves in hovered/focused states 03:58 +397 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox fill color resolves in hovered/focused states 03:58 +397 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox respects shape and side 03:58 +398 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox respects shape and side 03:58 +398 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox default overlay color in active/pressed/focused/hovered states 03:58 +399 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox default overlay color in active/pressed/focused/hovered states 03:58 +399 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox overlay color resolves in active/pressed/focused/hovered states 03:59 +399 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox overlay color resolves in active/pressed/focused/hovered states 03:59 +400 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox overlay color resolves in active/pressed/focused/hovered states 03:59 +400 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Tristate Checkbox overlay color resolves in pressed active/inactive states 03:59 +401 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Tristate Checkbox overlay color resolves in pressed active/inactive states 03:59 +401 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Do not crash when widget disappears while pointer is down 03:59 +402 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Do not crash when widget disappears while pointer is down 03:59 +402 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox BorderSide side only applies when unselected in M2 03:59 +403 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox BorderSide side only applies when unselected in M2 03:59 +403 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox MaterialStateBorderSide applies unconditionally 03:59 +404 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox MaterialStateBorderSide applies unconditionally 03:59 +404 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: disabled checkbox shows tooltip 03:59 +405 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: disabled checkbox shows tooltip 03:59 +405 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox has default error color when isError is set to true - M3 04:00 +405 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox has default error color when isError is set to true - M3 04:00 +406 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox has default error color when isError is set to true - M3 04:00 +406 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox MaterialStateBorderSide applies in error states - M3 04:00 +407 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox MaterialStateBorderSide applies in error states - M3 04:00 +407 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox has correct default shape - M3 04:00 +408 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox has correct default shape - M3 04:00 +408 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox.adaptive shows the correct platform widget 04:00 +409 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox.adaptive shows the correct platform widget 04:00 +409 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox respects fillColor when it is unchecked 04:00 +410 ~15 -1: test/material/checkbox_test.dart: Checkbox respects fillColor when it is unchecked 04:00 +410 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/semantics/semantics_owner_test.dart [+7502 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F28&debug=false 04:01 +410 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/semantics/semantics_owner_test.dart [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +102 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:02 +410 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/semantics/semantics_owner_test.dart 04:03 +410 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/semantics/semantics_owner_test.dart 04:03 +410 ~15 -1: test/semantics/semantics_owner_test.dart: Performing SemanticsAction.showOnScreen does not crash if node no longer exist 04:03 +411 ~15 -1: test/semantics/semantics_owner_test.dart: Performing SemanticsAction.showOnScreen does not crash if node no longer exist 04:03 +411 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart [+2170 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F29&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +95 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:04 +411 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart 04:05 +411 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart 04:05 +411 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: TimePickerThemeData copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 04:05 +412 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: TimePickerThemeData copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 04:05 +412 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: TimePickerThemeData lerp special cases 04:05 +413 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: TimePickerThemeData lerp special cases 04:05 +413 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: TimePickerThemeData null fields by default 04:05 +414 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: TimePickerThemeData null fields by default 04:05 +414 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Default TimePickerThemeData debugFillProperties 04:05 +415 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Default TimePickerThemeData debugFillProperties 04:05 +415 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: TimePickerThemeData implements debugFillProperties 04:05 +416 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: TimePickerThemeData implements debugFillProperties 04:05 +416 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Passing no TimePickerThemeData uses defaults 04:06 +416 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Passing no TimePickerThemeData uses defaults 04:06 +417 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Passing no TimePickerThemeData uses defaults 04:06 +417 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Passing no TimePickerThemeData uses defaults - input mode 04:07 +417 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Passing no TimePickerThemeData uses defaults - input mode 04:07 +418 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Passing no TimePickerThemeData uses defaults - input mode 04:07 +418 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Time picker uses values from TimePickerThemeData 04:07 +419 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Time picker uses values from TimePickerThemeData 04:07 +419 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Time picker uses values from TimePickerThemeData with InputDecorationTheme - input mode 04:08 +419 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Time picker uses values from TimePickerThemeData with InputDecorationTheme - input mode 04:08 +420 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Time picker uses values from TimePickerThemeData with InputDecorationTheme - input mode 04:08 +420 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Time picker uses values from TimePickerThemeData without InputDecorationTheme - input mode 04:08 +421 ~15 -1: test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart: Time picker uses values from TimePickerThemeData without InputDecorationTheme - input mode 04:08 +421 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart [+5094 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F30&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +18 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:09 +421 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart 04:10 +421 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart 04:10 +421 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: DropdownMenuThemeData copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 04:10 +422 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: DropdownMenuThemeData copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 04:10 +422 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: DropdownMenuThemeData lerp special cases 04:10 +423 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: DropdownMenuThemeData lerp special cases 04:10 +423 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: Default DropdownMenuThemeData debugFillProperties 04:10 +424 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: Default DropdownMenuThemeData debugFillProperties 04:10 +424 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: With no other configuration, defaults are used 04:11 +424 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: With no other configuration, defaults are used 04:11 +425 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: With no other configuration, defaults are used 04:11 +425 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: ThemeData.dropdownMenuTheme overrides defaults 04:12 +425 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: ThemeData.dropdownMenuTheme overrides defaults 04:12 +426 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: ThemeData.dropdownMenuTheme overrides defaults 04:12 +426 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: DropdownMenuTheme overrides ThemeData and defaults 04:12 +427 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: DropdownMenuTheme overrides ThemeData and defaults 04:12 +427 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: Widget parameters overrides DropdownMenuTheme, ThemeData and defaults 04:13 +427 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: Widget parameters overrides DropdownMenuTheme, ThemeData and defaults 04:13 +428 ~15 -1: test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart: Widget parameters overrides DropdownMenuTheme, ThemeData and defaults 04:13 +428 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart [+4704 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F31&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +11 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:14 +428 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart 04:15 +428 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart 04:15 +428 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaInsertion Verify creation of insertion delta when inserting at a collapsed selection. 04:15 +429 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaInsertion Verify creation of insertion delta when inserting at a collapsed selection. 04:15 +429 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaInsertion Verify creation of insertion delta when inserting at end of composing region. 04:15 +430 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaInsertion Verify creation of insertion delta when inserting at end of composing region. 04:15 +430 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaInsertion Verify invalid TextEditingDeltaInsertion fails to apply 04:15 +431 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaInsertion Verify invalid TextEditingDeltaInsertion fails to apply 04:15 +431 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaInsertion Verify TextEditingDeltaInsertion debugFillProperties 04:15 +432 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaInsertion Verify TextEditingDeltaInsertion debugFillProperties 04:15 +432 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaDeletion Verify creation of deletion delta when deleting. 04:15 +433 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaDeletion Verify creation of deletion delta when deleting. 04:15 +433 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaDeletion Verify creation of deletion delta when deleting at end of composing region. 04:15 +434 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaDeletion Verify creation of deletion delta when deleting at end of composing region. 04:15 +434 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaDeletion Verify invalid TextEditingDeltaDeletion fails to apply 04:15 +435 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaDeletion Verify invalid TextEditingDeltaDeletion fails to apply 04:15 +435 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaDeletion Verify TextEditingDeltaDeletion debugFillProperties 04:15 +436 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaDeletion Verify TextEditingDeltaDeletion debugFillProperties 04:15 +436 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify creation of replacement delta when replacing with longer. 04:15 +437 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify creation of replacement delta when replacing with longer. 04:15 +437 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify creation of replacement delta when replacing with shorter. 04:15 +438 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify creation of replacement delta when replacing with shorter. 04:15 +438 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify creation of replacement delta when replacing with same. 04:15 +439 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify creation of replacement delta when replacing with same. 04:15 +439 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify invalid TextEditingDeltaReplacement fails to apply 04:15 +440 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify invalid TextEditingDeltaReplacement fails to apply 04:15 +440 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify TextEditingDeltaReplacement debugFillProperties 04:15 +441 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaReplacement Verify TextEditingDeltaReplacement debugFillProperties 04:15 +441 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate Verify non text update delta created. 04:15 +442 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate Verify non text update delta created. 04:15 +442 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate Verify invalid TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate fails to apply 04:15 +443 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate Verify invalid TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate fails to apply 04:15 +443 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate Verify TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate debugFillProperties 04:15 +444 ~15 -1: test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart: TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate Verify TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate debugFillProperties 04:15 +444 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart [+2092 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F32&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +28 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:16 +444 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart 04:17 +444 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart 04:17 +444 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Explicit automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView with itemExtent 04:18 +444 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Explicit automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView with itemExtent 04:18 +445 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Explicit automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView with itemExtent 04:18 +445 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Explicit automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView without itemExtent 04:18 +446 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Explicit automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView without itemExtent 04:18 +446 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Explicit automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with GridView 04:18 +447 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Explicit automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with GridView 04:18 +447 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Implied automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView with itemExtent 04:19 +447 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Implied automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView with itemExtent 04:19 +448 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Implied automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView with itemExtent 04:19 +448 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Implied automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView without itemExtent 04:19 +449 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Implied automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with ListView without itemExtent 04:19 +449 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Implied automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with GridView 04:19 +450 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Implied automatic keep-alive AutomaticKeepAlive with GridView 04:19 +450 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive double 04:19 +451 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive double 04:19 +451 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive double 2 04:19 +452 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive double 2 04:19 +452 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive with keepAlive set to true before initState 04:20 +452 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive with keepAlive set to true before initState 04:20 +453 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive with keepAlive set to true before initState 04:20 +453 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive with keepAlive set to true before initState and widget goes out of scope 04:20 +454 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive with keepAlive set to true before initState and widget goes out of scope 04:20 +454 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive with SliverKeepAliveWidget 04:20 +455 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: AutomaticKeepAlive with SliverKeepAliveWidget 04:20 +455 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Keep alive Listenable has its listener removed once called 04:20 +456 ~15 -1: test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart: Keep alive Listenable has its listener removed once called 04:20 +456 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/animation/live_binding_test.dart [+4774 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F33&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +88 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +23 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:21 +456 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/animation/live_binding_test.dart 04:22 +456 ~15 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/animation/live_binding_test.dart 04:22 +456 ~15 -1: test/animation/live_binding_test.dart: Should show event indicator for pointer events 04:22 +456 ~16 -1: test/animation/live_binding_test.dart: Should show event indicator for pointer events 04:22 +456 ~16 -1: test/animation/live_binding_test.dart: Should show event indicator for pointer events with setSurfaceSize 04:22 +456 ~17 -1: test/animation/live_binding_test.dart: Should show event indicator for pointer events with setSurfaceSize 04:22 +456 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/app_bar_test.dart [+2117 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F34&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +21 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:23 +456 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/app_bar_test.dart 04:24 +456 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/app_bar_test.dart 04:25 +456 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/app_bar_test.dart 04:25 +456 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centers title on iOS 04:26 +456 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centers title on iOS 04:26 +457 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centers title on iOS 04:26 +457 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:true centers on Android 04:26 +458 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:true centers on Android 04:26 +458 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false title start edge is 16.0 (LTR) 04:26 +459 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false title start edge is 16.0 (LTR) 04:26 +459 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false title start edge is 16.0 (RTL) 04:26 +460 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false title start edge is 16.0 (RTL) 04:26 +460 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar titleSpacing:32 title start edge is 32.0 (LTR) 04:26 +461 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar titleSpacing:32 title start edge is 32.0 (LTR) 04:26 +461 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar titleSpacing:32 title start edge is 32.0 (RTL) 04:26 +462 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar titleSpacing:32 title start edge is 32.0 (RTL) 04:26 +462 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false leading button title left edge is 72.0 (LTR) 04:26 +463 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false leading button title left edge is 72.0 (LTR) 04:26 +463 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false leading button title left edge is 72.0 (RTL) 04:26 +464 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false leading button title left edge is 72.0 (RTL) 04:26 +464 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false title overflow OK 04:27 +464 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false title overflow OK 04:27 +465 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:false title overflow OK 04:27 +465 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:true title overflow OK (LTR) 04:27 +466 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:true title overflow OK (LTR) 04:27 +466 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:true title overflow OK (RTL) 04:27 +467 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar centerTitle:true title overflow OK (RTL) 04:27 +467 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar with no Scaffold 04:27 +468 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar with no Scaffold 04:27 +468 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar render at zero size 04:27 +469 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar render at zero size 04:27 +469 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar actions are vertically centered 04:27 +470 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar actions are vertically centered 04:27 +470 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar drawer icon has default size 04:27 +471 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar drawer icon has default size 04:27 +471 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar drawer icon has default color 04:28 +471 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar drawer icon has default color 04:28 +472 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar drawer icon has default color 04:28 +472 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar drawer icon is sized by iconTheme 04:28 +473 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar drawer icon is sized by iconTheme 04:28 +473 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar drawer icon is colored by iconTheme 04:28 +474 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar drawer icon is colored by iconTheme 04:28 +474 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar endDrawer icon has default size 04:28 +475 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar endDrawer icon has default size 04:28 +475 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar endDrawer icon has default color 04:28 +476 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar endDrawer icon has default color 04:28 +476 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar endDrawer icon is sized by iconTheme 04:28 +477 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar endDrawer icon is sized by iconTheme 04:28 +477 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar endDrawer icon is colored by iconTheme 04:28 +478 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar endDrawer icon is colored by iconTheme 04:28 +478 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: leading widget extends to edge and is square 04:29 +479 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: leading widget extends to edge and is square 04:29 +479 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: test action is 4dp from edge and 48dp min 04:29 +480 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: test action is 4dp from edge and 48dp min 04:29 +480 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar default configuration 04:29 +481 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar default configuration 04:29 +481 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, pinned 04:29 +482 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, pinned 04:29 +482 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, pinned and floating 04:30 +482 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, pinned and floating 04:30 +483 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, pinned and floating 04:30 +483 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, floating with snap:true 04:30 +484 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, floating with snap:true 04:30 +484 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, floating and pinned with snap:true 04:31 +484 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, floating and pinned with snap:true 04:31 +485 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, floating and pinned with snap:true 04:31 +485 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, collapsedHeight 04:31 +486 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar expandedHeight, collapsedHeight 04:31 +486 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium defaults 04:32 +486 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium defaults 04:32 +487 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium defaults 04:32 +487 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large defaults 04:32 +488 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large defaults 04:32 +488 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar uses the specified elevation or defaults to 4.0 04:32 +489 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar uses the specified elevation or defaults to 4.0 04:32 +489 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: scrolledUnderElevation 04:33 +489 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: scrolledUnderElevation 04:33 +490 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: scrolledUnderElevation 04:33 +490 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: scrolledUnderElevation with nested scroll view 04:34 +490 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: scrolledUnderElevation with nested scroll view 04:35 +490 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: scrolledUnderElevation with nested scroll view 04:35 +491 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: scrolledUnderElevation with nested scroll view 04:35 +491 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar elevation Respects forceElevated parameter 04:35 +492 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar elevation Respects forceElevated parameter 04:35 +492 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar elevation Uses elevation of AppBarTheme by default 04:35 +493 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar elevation Uses elevation of AppBarTheme by default 04:35 +493 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.forceMaterialTransparency forceMaterialTransparency == true allows gestures beneath the app bar 04:35 +494 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.forceMaterialTransparency forceMaterialTransparency == true allows gestures beneath the app bar 04:35 +494 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.forceMaterialTransparency forceMaterialTransparency == false does not allow gestures beneath the app bar 04:35 +495 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.forceMaterialTransparency forceMaterialTransparency == false does not allow gestures beneath the app bar 04:35 +495 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar dimensions, with and without bottom, primary 04:35 +496 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar dimensions, with and without bottom, primary 04:35 +496 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar in body excludes bottom SafeArea padding 04:35 +497 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar in body excludes bottom SafeArea padding 04:35 +497 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar updates when you add a drawer 04:36 +497 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar updates when you add a drawer 04:36 +498 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar updates when you add a drawer 04:36 +498 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar does not draw menu for drawer if automaticallyImplyLeading is false 04:36 +499 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar does not draw menu for drawer if automaticallyImplyLeading is false 04:36 +499 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar does not update the leading if a route is popped case 1 04:36 +500 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar does not update the leading if a route is popped case 1 04:36 +500 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar does not update the leading if a route is popped case 2 04:36 +501 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar does not update the leading if a route is popped case 2 04:36 +501 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar ink splash draw on the correct canvas 04:36 +502 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar ink splash draw on the correct canvas 04:36 +502 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar handles loose children 0 04:36 +503 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar handles loose children 0 04:36 +503 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar handles loose children 1 04:36 +504 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar handles loose children 1 04:36 +504 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar handles loose children 2 04:37 +504 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar handles loose children 2 04:37 +505 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar handles loose children 2 04:37 +505 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar handles loose children 3 04:37 +506 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar handles loose children 3 04:37 +506 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar positioning of leading and trailing widgets with top padding 04:37 +507 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar positioning of leading and trailing widgets with top padding 04:37 +507 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar positioning of leading and trailing widgets with top padding 04:37 +508 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar positioning of leading and trailing widgets with top padding 04:37 +508 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar positioning of leading and trailing widgets with bottom padding 04:37 +509 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar positioning of leading and trailing widgets with bottom padding 04:37 +509 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar provides correct semantics in LTR 04:37 +510 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar provides correct semantics in LTR 04:37 +510 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar provides correct semantics in RTL 04:37 +511 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar provides correct semantics in RTL 04:37 +511 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar excludes header semantics correctly 04:37 +512 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar excludes header semantics correctly 04:37 +512 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar excludes header semantics correctly 04:37 +513 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar excludes header semantics correctly 04:37 +513 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar with flexible space has correct semantics order 04:37 +514 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar with flexible space has correct semantics order 04:37 +514 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar draws a light system bar for a dark background 04:37 +515 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar draws a light system bar for a dark background 04:37 +515 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar draws a dark system bar for a light background 04:38 +515 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar draws a dark system bar for a light background 04:38 +516 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar draws a dark system bar for a light background 04:38 +516 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Default system bar brightness based on AppBar background color brightness. 04:38 +517 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Default system bar brightness based on AppBar background color brightness. 04:38 +517 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Default status bar color 04:38 +518 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Default status bar color 04:38 +518 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar systemOverlayStyle is use to style status bar and navigation bar 04:38 +519 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar systemOverlayStyle is use to style status bar and navigation bar 04:38 +519 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Changing SliverAppBar snap from true to false 04:38 +520 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Changing SliverAppBar snap from true to false 04:38 +520 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar shape default 04:38 +521 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar shape default 04:38 +521 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar with shape 04:38 +522 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar with shape 04:38 +522 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar shape default 04:38 +523 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar shape default 04:38 +523 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar with shape 04:39 +523 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar with shape 04:39 +524 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar with shape 04:39 +524 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBars title has upper limit on text scaling, textScaleFactor = 1, 1.34, 2 04:39 +525 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBars title has upper limit on text scaling, textScaleFactor = 1, 1.34, 2 04:39 +525 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBars with jumbo titles, textScaleFactor = 3, 3.5, 4 04:39 +526 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBars with jumbo titles, textScaleFactor = 3, 3.5, 4 04:39 +526 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar configures the delegate properly 04:39 +527 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar configures the delegate properly 04:39 +527 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar respects toolbarHeight 04:39 +528 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar respects toolbarHeight 04:39 +528 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar default collapsedHeight with respect to toolbarHeight 04:40 +529 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar default collapsedHeight with respect to toolbarHeight 04:40 +529 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar collapsedHeight with toolbarHeight 04:40 +530 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar collapsedHeight with toolbarHeight 04:40 +530 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar collapsedHeight 04:40 +531 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar collapsedHeight 04:40 +531 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar respects leadingWidth 04:40 +532 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar respects leadingWidth 04:40 +532 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar respects leadingWidth 04:40 +533 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar respects leadingWidth 04:40 +533 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar with EndDrawer doesn't have leading 04:40 +534 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar with EndDrawer doesn't have leading 04:40 +534 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar.titleSpacing defaults to NavigationToolbar.kMiddleSpacing 04:40 +535 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar.titleSpacing defaults to NavigationToolbar.kMiddleSpacing 04:40 +535 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.titleSpacing defaults to NavigationToolbar.kMiddleSpacing 04:41 +535 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.titleSpacing defaults to NavigationToolbar.kMiddleSpacing 04:41 +536 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.titleSpacing defaults to NavigationToolbar.kMiddleSpacing 04:41 +536 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar foregroundColor and backgroundColor 04:41 +537 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar foregroundColor and backgroundColor 04:41 +537 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Leading, title, and actions show correct default colors 04:41 +538 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Leading, title, and actions show correct default colors 04:41 +538 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Icons are colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 Icons and IconButtons are colored by IconTheme in M3 04:41 +539 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Icons are colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 Icons and IconButtons are colored by IconTheme in M3 04:41 +539 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Icons are colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 Action icons and IconButtons are colored by ActionIconTheme - M3 04:41 +540 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Icons are colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 Action icons and IconButtons are colored by ActionIconTheme - M3 04:41 +540 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Icons are colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 The actionIconTheme property overrides iconTheme - M3 04:41 +541 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Icons are colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 The actionIconTheme property overrides iconTheme - M3 04:41 +541 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Icons are colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 AppBar.iconTheme should override any IconButtonTheme present in the theme - M3 04:41 +542 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Icons are colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 AppBar.iconTheme should override any IconButtonTheme present in the theme - M3 04:41 +542 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: ... and ActionIconTheme in M3 AppBar.iconTheme should override any IconButtonTheme present in the theme for widgets containing an iconButton - M3 04:41 +543 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: ... and ActionIconTheme in M3 AppBar.iconTheme should override any IconButtonTheme present in the theme for widgets containing an iconButton - M3 04:41 +543 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: ... colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 AppBar.actionsIconTheme should override any IconButtonTheme present in the theme - M3 04:42 +543 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: ... colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 AppBar.actionsIconTheme should override any IconButtonTheme present in the theme - M3 04:42 +544 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: ... colored correctly by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 AppBar.actionsIconTheme should override any IconButtonTheme present in the theme - M3 04:42 +544 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: ... in M3 AppBar.actionsIconTheme should override any IconButtonTheme present in the theme for widgets containing an iconButton - M3 04:42 +545 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: ... in M3 AppBar.actionsIconTheme should override any IconButtonTheme present in the theme for widgets containing an iconButton - M3 04:42 +545 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: ... by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 The foregroundColor property of the AppBar overrides any IconButtonTheme present in the theme - M3 04:42 +546 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: ... by IconTheme and ActionIconTheme in M3 The foregroundColor property of the AppBar overrides any IconButtonTheme present in the theme - M3 04:42 +546 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor 04:42 +547 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor 04:42 +547 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace 04:42 +548 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace 04:42 +548 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor - reverse 04:42 +549 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor - reverse 04:42 +549 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace - reverse 04:43 +549 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace - reverse 04:43 +550 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace - reverse 04:43 +550 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor - not triggered in reverse for short content 04:43 +551 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor - not triggered in reverse for short content 04:43 +551 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace - not triggered in reverse for short content 04:43 +552 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder SliverAppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace - not triggered in reverse for short content 04:43 +552 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor for horizontal scrolling 04:43 +553 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor for horizontal scrolling 04:43 +553 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor 04:43 +554 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor 04:43 +554 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace 04:43 +555 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace 04:43 +555 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor - reverse 04:44 +555 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor - reverse 04:44 +556 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor - reverse 04:44 +556 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace - reverse 04:44 +557 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace - reverse 04:44 +557 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar _handleScrollNotification safely calls setState() 04:44 +558 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar _handleScrollNotification safely calls setState() 04:44 +558 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar does not trigger on horizontal scroll 04:44 +559 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar does not trigger on horizontal scroll 04:44 +559 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor - not triggered in reverse for short content 04:44 +560 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor - not triggered in reverse for short content 04:44 +560 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace - not triggered in reverse for short content 04:44 +561 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: MaterialStateColor scrolledUnder AppBar backgroundColor with FlexibleSpace - not triggered in reverse for short content 04:44 +561 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: The second page should have a back button even it has a end drawer 04:45 +561 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: The second page should have a back button even it has a end drawer 04:45 +562 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: The second page should have a back button even it has a end drawer 04:45 +562 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Only local entries that imply app bar dismissal will introduce an back button 04:45 +563 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Only local entries that imply app bar dismissal will introduce an back button 04:45 +563 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar.preferredHeightFor 04:45 +564 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar.preferredHeightFor 04:45 +564 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar title with actions should have the same position regardless of centerTitle 04:45 +565 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar title with actions should have the same position regardless of centerTitle 04:45 +565 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar leading widget can take up arbitrary space 04:45 +566 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar leading widget can take up arbitrary space 04:45 +566 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium collapsed title does not overlap with leading/actions widgets 04:45 +567 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium collapsed title does not overlap with leading/actions widgets 04:45 +567 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large collapsed title does not overlap with leading/actions widgets 04:46 +567 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large collapsed title does not overlap with leading/actions widgets 04:46 +568 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large collapsed title does not overlap with leading/actions widgets 04:46 +568 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium respects title spacing 04:46 +569 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium respects title spacing 04:46 +569 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large respects title spacing 04:46 +570 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large respects title spacing 04:46 +570 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium without the leading widget updates collapsed title padding 04:47 +570 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium without the leading widget updates collapsed title padding 04:47 +571 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium without the leading widget updates collapsed title padding 04:47 +571 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large without the leading widget updates collapsed title padding 04:47 +572 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large without the leading widget updates collapsed title padding 04:47 +572 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar large & medium title respects automaticallyImplyLeading 04:47 +573 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar large & medium title respects automaticallyImplyLeading 04:47 +573 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium with bottom widget 04:47 +574 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium with bottom widget 04:47 +574 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large with bottom widget 04:48 +574 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large with bottom widget 04:48 +575 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large with bottom widget 04:48 +575 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium expanded title has upper limit on text scaling 04:48 +576 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium expanded title has upper limit on text scaling 04:48 +576 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large expanded title has upper limit on text scaling 04:48 +577 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large expanded title has upper limit on text scaling 04:48 +577 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium expanded title position is adjusted with textScaleFactor 04:48 +578 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium expanded title position is adjusted with textScaleFactor 04:48 +578 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large expanded title position is adjusted with textScaleFactor 04:48 +579 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large expanded title position is adjusted with textScaleFactor 04:48 +579 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar.forceMaterialTransparency forceMaterialTransparency == true allows gestures beneath the app bar 04:49 +579 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar.forceMaterialTransparency forceMaterialTransparency == true allows gestures beneath the app bar 04:49 +580 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar.forceMaterialTransparency forceMaterialTransparency == true allows gestures beneath the app bar 04:49 +580 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar.forceMaterialTransparency forceMaterialTransparency == false does not allow gestures beneath the app bar 04:49 +581 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: AppBar.forceMaterialTransparency forceMaterialTransparency == false does not allow gestures beneath the app bar 04:49 +581 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Material 2 SliverAppBar.medium defaults 04:49 +582 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Material 2 SliverAppBar.medium defaults 04:49 +582 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Material 2 SliverAppBar.large defaults 04:49 +583 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_test.dart: Material 2 SliverAppBar.large defaults 04:49 +583 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/gestures/scale_test.dart [+26782 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F35&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +18 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:50 +583 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/gestures/scale_test.dart 04:51 +583 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/gestures/scale_test.dart 04:51 +583 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Should recognize scale gestures 04:51 +584 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Should recognize scale gestures 04:51 +584 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Rejects scale gestures from unallowed device kinds 04:51 +585 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Rejects scale gestures from unallowed device kinds 04:51 +585 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gestures starting from allowed device kinds cannot be ended from unallowed devices 04:51 +586 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gestures starting from allowed device kinds cannot be ended from unallowed devices 04:51 +586 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gesture competes with drag 04:51 +587 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gesture competes with drag 04:51 +587 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Should recognize rotation gestures 04:51 +588 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Should recognize rotation gestures 04:51 +588 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: First rotation test 04:51 +589 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: First rotation test 04:51 +589 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gestures pointer count test 04:51 +590 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gestures pointer count test 04:51 +590 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Should recognize scale gestures from pointer pan/zoom events 04:51 +591 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Should recognize scale gestures from pointer pan/zoom events 04:51 +591 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Pointer pan/zooms should work alongside touches 04:51 +592 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Pointer pan/zooms should work alongside touches 04:51 +592 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gesture competes with drag for trackpad gesture 04:51 +593 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gesture competes with drag for trackpad gesture 04:51 +593 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gesture from pan/zoom events properly handles DragStartBehavior.start 04:51 +594 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: Scale gesture from pan/zoom events properly handles DragStartBehavior.start 04:51 +594 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: scale trackpadScrollCausesScale 04:51 +595 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: scale trackpadScrollCausesScale 04:51 +595 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: scale ending velocity 04:51 +596 ~17 -1: test/gestures/scale_test.dart: scale ending velocity 04:51 +596 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/intrinsic_width_test.dart 04:52 +596 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/intrinsic_width_test.dart [+2197 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F36&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +107 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:53 +596 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/intrinsic_width_test.dart 04:54 +596 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/intrinsic_width_test.dart 04:54 +596 ~17 -1: test/widgets/intrinsic_width_test.dart: Intrinsic stepWidth, stepHeight 04:54 +597 ~17 -1: test/widgets/intrinsic_width_test.dart: Intrinsic stepWidth, stepHeight 04:54 +597 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/image_decoder_test.dart [+2194 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F37&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +93 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:55 +597 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/image_decoder_test.dart 04:56 +597 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/image_decoder_test.dart 04:56 +597 ~17 -1: test/painting/image_decoder_test.dart: Image decoder control test 04:56 +598 ~17 -1: test/painting/image_decoder_test.dart: Image decoder control test 04:56 +598 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart [+2026 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F38&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +129 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 04:57 +598 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart 04:58 +598 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart 04:58 +598 ~17 -1: test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart: AnimatedPadding.debugFillProperties 04:58 +599 ~17 -1: test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart: AnimatedPadding.debugFillProperties 04:58 +599 ~17 -1: test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart: AnimatedPadding padding visual-to-directional animation 04:58 +600 ~17 -1: test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart: AnimatedPadding padding visual-to-directional animation 04:58 +600 ~17 -1: test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart: AnimatedPadding animated padding clamped to positive values 04:58 +601 ~17 -1: test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart: AnimatedPadding animated padding clamped to positive values 04:58 +601 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart [+2278 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F39&debug=false 04:59 +601 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +11 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 05:00 +601 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart 05:01 +601 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart 05:01 +601 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder defaults 05:01 +602 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder defaults 05:01 +602 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder copyWith, ==, hashCode 05:01 +603 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder copyWith, ==, hashCode 05:01 +603 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder 05:01 +604 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder 05:01 +604 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder with StrokeAlign 05:01 +605 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder with StrokeAlign 05:01 +605 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder and CircleBorder 05:01 +606 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder and CircleBorder 05:01 +606 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder and RoundedRectBorder with 05:01 +607 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder and RoundedRectBorder with 05:01 +607 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder and RoundedRectBorder with circular BorderRadius 05:01 +608 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder and RoundedRectBorder with circular BorderRadius 05:01 +608 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder and RoundedRectBorder with BorderRadiusDirectional 05:01 +609 ~17 -1: test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart: StadiumBorder and RoundedRectBorder with BorderRadiusDirectional 05:01 +609 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/border_test.dart [+2130 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F40&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +97 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 05:02 +609 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/border_test.dart 05:03 +609 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/border_test.dart 05:03 +609 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.fromBorderSide constructor 05:03 +610 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.fromBorderSide constructor 05:03 +610 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.symmetric constructor 05:03 +611 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.symmetric constructor 05:03 +611 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.merge 05:03 +612 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.merge 05:03 +612 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.add 05:03 +613 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.add 05:03 +613 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.scale 05:03 +614 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.scale 05:03 +614 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.dimensions 05:03 +615 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.dimensions 05:03 +615 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.isUniform 05:03 +616 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.isUniform 05:03 +616 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.lerp 05:03 +617 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.lerp 05:03 +617 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border - throws correct exception with strokeAlign 05:03 +618 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border - throws correct exception with strokeAlign 05:03 +618 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.dimension 05:03 +619 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Border.dimension 05:03 +619 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Non-Uniform Border variations 05:03 +620 ~17 -1: test/painting/border_test.dart: Non-Uniform Border variations 05:03 +620 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/heroes_test.dart [+2334 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F41&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +103 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 05:04 +620 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/heroes_test.dart 05:05 +620 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/heroes_test.dart 05:05 +620 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate 05:06 +620 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate 05:06 +621 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate 05:06 +621 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes still animate after hero controller is swapped. 05:07 +621 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes still animate after hero controller is swapped. 05:07 +622 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes still animate after hero controller is swapped. 05:07 +622 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate should hide original hero 05:07 +623 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate should hide original hero 05:07 +623 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Destination hero is rebuilt midflight 05:07 +624 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Destination hero is rebuilt midflight 05:07 +624 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animation is fastOutSlowIn 05:08 +624 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animation is fastOutSlowIn 05:08 +625 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animation is fastOutSlowIn 05:08 +625 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes are not interactive 05:08 +626 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes are not interactive 05:08 +626 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Popping on first frame does not cause hero observer to crash 05:08 +627 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Popping on first frame does not cause hero observer to crash 05:08 +627 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Overlapping starting and ending a hero transition works ok 05:08 +628 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Overlapping starting and ending a hero transition works ok 05:08 +628 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: One route, two heroes, same tag, throws 05:08 +629 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: One route, two heroes, same tag, throws 05:08 +629 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero push transition interrupted by a pop 05:09 +629 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero push transition interrupted by a pop 05:09 +630 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero push transition interrupted by a pop 05:09 +630 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero pop transition interrupted by a push 05:09 +631 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero pop transition interrupted by a push 05:09 +631 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Destination hero disappears mid-flight 05:10 +631 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Destination hero disappears mid-flight 05:10 +632 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Destination hero disappears mid-flight 05:10 +632 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Destination hero scrolls mid-flight 05:10 +633 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Destination hero scrolls mid-flight 05:10 +633 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Destination hero scrolls out of view mid-flight 05:10 +634 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Destination hero scrolls out of view mid-flight 05:10 +634 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Aborted flight 05:11 +634 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Aborted flight 05:11 +635 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Aborted flight 05:11 +635 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Stateful hero child state survives flight 05:11 +636 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Stateful hero child state survives flight 05:11 +636 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero createRectTween 05:11 +637 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero createRectTween 05:11 +637 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero createRectTween for Navigator that is not full screen 05:12 +637 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero createRectTween for Navigator that is not full screen 05:12 +638 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero createRectTween for Navigator that is not full screen 05:12 +638 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Pop interrupts push, reverses flight 05:12 +639 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Pop interrupts push, reverses flight 05:12 +639 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can override flight shuttle in to hero 05:13 +639 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can override flight shuttle in to hero 05:13 +640 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can override flight shuttle in to hero 05:13 +640 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can override flight shuttle in from hero 05:13 +641 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can override flight shuttle in from hero 05:13 +641 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: toHero's shuttle builder over fromHero's shuttle builder 05:13 +642 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: toHero's shuttle builder over fromHero's shuttle builder 05:13 +642 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can override flight launch pads 05:13 +643 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can override flight launch pads 05:13 +643 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes do not transition on back gestures by default (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:13 +644 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes do not transition on back gestures by default (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:13 +644 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes do not transition on back gestures by default (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 05:14 +644 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes do not transition on back gestures by default (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 05:14 +645 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes do not transition on back gestures by default (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 05:14 +645 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes can transition on gesture in one frame (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:14 +646 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes can transition on gesture in one frame (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:14 +646 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes can transition on gesture in one frame (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 05:14 +647 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes can transition on gesture in one frame (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 05:14 +647 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate should hide destination hero and display original hero in case of dismissed (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:15 +647 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate should hide destination hero and display original hero in case of dismissed (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:15 +648 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate should hide destination hero and display original hero in case of dismissed (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:15 +648 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate should hide destination hero and display original hero in case of dismissed (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 05:15 +649 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes animate should hide destination hero and display original hero in case of dismissed (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 05:15 +649 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Handles transitions when a non-default initial route is set 05:15 +650 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Handles transitions when a non-default initial route is set 05:15 +650 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can push/pop on outer Navigator if nested Navigator contains Heroes 05:16 +650 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can push/pop on outer Navigator if nested Navigator contains Heroes 05:16 +651 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can push/pop on outer Navigator if nested Navigator contains Heroes 05:16 +651 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can hero from route in root Navigator to route in nested Navigator 05:16 +652 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can hero from route in root Navigator to route in nested Navigator 05:16 +652 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero within a Hero, throws 05:16 +653 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero within a Hero, throws 05:16 +653 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can push/pop on outer Navigator if nested Navigators contains same Heroes 05:16 +654 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Can push/pop on outer Navigator if nested Navigators contains same Heroes 05:16 +654 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero within a Hero subtree, throws 05:16 +655 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero within a Hero subtree, throws 05:16 +655 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero within a Hero subtree with Builder, throws 05:16 +656 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero within a Hero subtree with Builder, throws 05:16 +656 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero within a Hero subtree with LayoutBuilder, throws 05:17 +656 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero within a Hero subtree with LayoutBuilder, throws 05:17 +657 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero within a Hero subtree with LayoutBuilder, throws 05:17 +657 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes fly on pushReplacement 05:17 +658 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes fly on pushReplacement 05:17 +658 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: On an iOS back swipe and snap, only a single flight should take place 05:17 +659 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: On an iOS back swipe and snap, only a single flight should take place 05:17 +659 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: From hero's state should be preserved, heroes work well with child widgets that has global keys 05:17 +660 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: From hero's state should be preserved, heroes work well with child widgets that has global keys 05:17 +660 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero works with images that don't have both width and height specified 05:17 +661 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Hero works with images that don't have both width and height specified 05:17 +661 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Remove user gesture driven flights when the gesture is invalid (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:18 +661 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Remove user gesture driven flights when the gesture is invalid (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:18 +662 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Remove user gesture driven flights when the gesture is invalid (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 05:18 +662 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Remove user gesture driven flights when the gesture is invalid (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 05:18 +663 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Remove user gesture driven flights when the gesture is invalid (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 05:18 +663 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: In a pop transition, when fromHero is null, the to hero should eventually become visible 05:18 +664 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: In a pop transition, when fromHero is null, the to hero should eventually become visible 05:18 +664 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: popped hero uses fastOutSlowIn curve 05:19 +664 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: popped hero uses fastOutSlowIn curve 05:19 +665 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: popped hero uses fastOutSlowIn curve 05:19 +665 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes in enabled HeroMode do transition 05:19 +666 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes in enabled HeroMode do transition 05:19 +666 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes in disabled HeroMode do not transition 05:19 +667 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: Heroes in disabled HeroMode do not transition 05:19 +667 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: kept alive Hero does not throw when the transition begins 05:19 +668 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: kept alive Hero does not throw when the transition begins 05:19 +668 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: toHero becomes unpaintable after the transition begins 05:19 +669 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: toHero becomes unpaintable after the transition begins 05:19 +669 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: diverting to a keepalive but unpaintable hero 05:20 +669 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: diverting to a keepalive but unpaintable hero 05:20 +670 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: diverting to a keepalive but unpaintable hero 05:20 +670 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: smooth transition between different incoming data 05:20 +671 ~17 -1: test/widgets/heroes_test.dart: smooth transition between different incoming data 05:20 +671 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart [+16946 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F42&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +20 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 05:21 +671 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart 05:22 +671 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart 05:22 +671 ~17 -1: test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart: Flutter Logo golden test 05:23 +671 ~17 -1: test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart: Flutter Logo golden test [+2512 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +1 ms] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerCYYRMQ/listener.dart [ +21 ms] <- recompile file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerCYYRMQ/listener.dart ae8ac294-5391-4619-8fa2-38e52871c21a [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerCYYRMQ/listener.dart [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/flutter_build/dart_plugin_registrant.dart [ ] <- ae8ac294-5391-4619-8fa2-38e52871c21a [ +273 ms] <- accept [ ] <- reset [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerCYYRMQ/listener.dart took 294ms [ +11 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageIWBZBB/image","key":"flutter_logo.png","update":false} 05:24 +671 ~17 -1: test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart: Flutter Logo golden test [ +848 ms] <<< {"success":true} 05:24 +672 ~17 -1: test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart: Flutter Logo golden test 05:24 +672 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart [ +89 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F43&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +101 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 05:25 +672 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart 05:26 +672 ~17 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart 05:26 +672 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 05:26 +673 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 05:26 +673 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme lerp special cases 05:26 +674 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme lerp special cases 05:26 +674 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: Passing no AppBarTheme returns defaults 05:27 +674 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: Passing no AppBarTheme returns defaults 05:27 +675 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: Passing no AppBarTheme returns defaults 05:27 +675 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar uses values from AppBarTheme 05:27 +676 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar uses values from AppBarTheme 05:27 +676 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar widget properties take priority over theme 05:27 +677 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar widget properties take priority over theme 05:27 +677 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar icon color takes priority over everything 05:27 +678 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar icon color takes priority over everything 05:27 +678 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme properties take priority over ThemeData properties 05:27 +679 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme properties take priority over ThemeData properties 05:27 +679 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: ThemeData colorScheme is used when no AppBarTheme is set 05:28 +679 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: ThemeData colorScheme is used when no AppBarTheme is set 05:28 +680 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: ThemeData colorScheme is used when no AppBarTheme is set 05:28 +680 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar iconTheme with color=null defers to outer IconTheme 05:28 +681 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar iconTheme with color=null defers to outer IconTheme 05:28 +681 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar uses AppBarTheme.centerTitle when centerTitle is null 05:28 +682 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar uses AppBarTheme.centerTitle when centerTitle is null 05:28 +682 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.centerTitle takes priority over AppBarTheme.centerTitle 05:28 +683 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.centerTitle takes priority over AppBarTheme.centerTitle 05:28 +683 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.centerTitle adapts to TargetPlatform when AppBarTheme.centerTitle is null 05:28 +684 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.centerTitle adapts to TargetPlatform when AppBarTheme.centerTitle is null 05:28 +684 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.shadowColor takes priority over AppBarTheme.shadowColor 05:28 +685 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.shadowColor takes priority over AppBarTheme.shadowColor 05:28 +685 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.surfaceTintColor takes priority over AppBarTheme.surfaceTintColor 05:28 +686 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.surfaceTintColor takes priority over AppBarTheme.surfaceTintColor 05:28 +686 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.iconTheme.color takes priority over IconButtonTheme.foregroundColor - M3 05:29 +686 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.iconTheme.color takes priority over IconButtonTheme.foregroundColor - M3 05:29 +687 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.iconTheme.color takes priority over IconButtonTheme.foregroundColor - M3 05:29 +687 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.iconTheme.size takes priority over IconButtonTheme.iconSize - M3 05:29 +688 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.iconTheme.size takes priority over IconButtonTheme.iconSize - M3 05:29 +688 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.actionsIconTheme.color takes priority over IconButtonTheme.foregroundColor - M3 05:29 +689 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.actionsIconTheme.color takes priority over IconButtonTheme.foregroundColor - M3 05:29 +689 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.actionsIconTheme.size takes priority over IconButtonTheme.iconSize - M3 05:29 +690 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.actionsIconTheme.size takes priority over IconButtonTheme.iconSize - M3 05:29 +690 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.foregroundColor takes priority over IconButtonTheme.foregroundColor - M3 05:29 +691 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme.foregroundColor takes priority over IconButtonTheme.foregroundColor - M3 05:29 +691 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar uses AppBarTheme.titleSpacing 05:29 +692 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar uses AppBarTheme.titleSpacing 05:29 +692 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.titleSpacing takes priority over AppBarTheme.titleSpacing 05:29 +693 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBar.titleSpacing takes priority over AppBarTheme.titleSpacing 05:29 +693 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar uses AppBarTheme.titleSpacing 05:30 +693 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar uses AppBarTheme.titleSpacing 05:30 +694 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar uses AppBarTheme.titleSpacing 05:30 +694 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.titleSpacing takes priority over AppBarTheme.titleSpacing 05:30 +695 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.titleSpacing takes priority over AppBarTheme.titleSpacing 05:30 +695 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium uses AppBarTheme properties 05:30 +696 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium uses AppBarTheme properties 05:30 +696 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium properties take priority over AppBarTheme properties 05:30 +697 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.medium properties take priority over AppBarTheme properties 05:30 +697 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large uses AppBarTheme properties 05:31 +697 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large uses AppBarTheme properties 05:31 +698 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large uses AppBarTheme properties 05:31 +698 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large properties take priority over AppBarTheme properties 05:31 +699 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar.large properties take priority over AppBarTheme properties 05:31 +699 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar medium & large supports foregroundColor 05:31 +700 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: SliverAppBar medium & large supports foregroundColor 05:31 +700 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: Default AppBarTheme debugFillProperties 05:31 +701 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: Default AppBarTheme debugFillProperties 05:31 +701 ~17 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme implements debugFillProperties 05:31 +701 ~18 -1: test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart: AppBarTheme implements debugFillProperties 05:31 +701 ~18 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/input_decorator_test.dart [+6970 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F44&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +100 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 05:32 +701 ~18 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/input_decorator_test.dart 05:33 +701 ~18 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/input_decorator_test.dart 05:34 +701 ~18 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/input_decorator_test.dart 05:34 +701 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label text layout 05:35 +701 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label text layout 05:35 +702 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label text layout 05:35 +702 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label widget layout 05:36 +702 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label widget layout 05:36 +703 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label widget layout 05:36 +703 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label animation duration and curve 05:36 +704 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label animation duration and curve 05:36 +704 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField no-strut 05:36 +705 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField no-strut 05:36 +705 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField 05:37 +705 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField 05:37 +706 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField 05:37 +706 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands true multiline TextField 05:37 +707 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands true multiline TextField 05:37 +707 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands true multiline TextField with outline border 05:37 +708 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands true multiline TextField with outline border 05:37 +708 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/hint layout 05:37 +709 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/hint layout 05:37 +709 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label/hint layout 05:37 +710 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label/hint layout 05:37 +710 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label/hint dense layout 05:37 +711 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label/hint dense layout 05:37 +711 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with no input border 05:38 +711 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with no input border 05:38 +712 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with no input border 05:38 +712 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator error/helper/counter layout 05:38 +713 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator error/helper/counter layout 05:38 +713 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator counter text, widget, and null 05:38 +714 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator counter text, widget, and null 05:38 +714 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration errorMaxLines 05:38 +715 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration errorMaxLines 05:38 +715 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration helperMaxLines 05:39 +715 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration helperMaxLines 05:39 +716 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration helperMaxLines 05:39 +716 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix texts 05:39 +717 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix texts 05:39 +717 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator icon/prefix/suffix 05:39 +718 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator icon/prefix/suffix 05:39 +718 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator iconColor/prefixIconColor/suffixIconColor 05:39 +719 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator iconColor/prefixIconColor/suffixIconColor 05:39 +719 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator suffixIconColor in M3 error state 05:39 +720 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator suffixIconColor in M3 error state 05:39 +720 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration default floatingLabelStyle resolves hovered/focused states 05:39 +721 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration default floatingLabelStyle resolves hovered/focused states 05:39 +721 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix widgets 05:40 +721 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix widgets 05:40 +722 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix widgets 05:40 +722 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator tall prefix 05:40 +723 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator tall prefix 05:40 +723 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator tall prefix with border 05:40 +724 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator tall prefix with border 05:40 +724 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefixIcon/suffixIcon 05:40 +725 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefixIcon/suffixIcon 05:40 +725 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefixIconConstraints/suffixIconConstraints 05:40 +726 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefixIconConstraints/suffixIconConstraints 05:40 +726 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: prefix/suffix icons are centered when smaller than 48 by 48 05:40 +727 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: prefix/suffix icons are centered when smaller than 48 by 48 05:40 +727 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects reduced theme visualDensity 05:40 +728 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects reduced theme visualDensity 05:40 +728 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects increased theme visualDensity 05:41 +728 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects increased theme visualDensity 05:41 +729 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects increased theme visualDensity 05:41 +729 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: prefix/suffix icons increase height of decoration when larger than 48 by 48 05:41 +730 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: prefix/suffix icons increase height of decoration when larger than 48 by 48 05:41 +730 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints No InputDecorator constraints 05:41 +731 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints No InputDecorator constraints 05:41 +731 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints InputDecoratorThemeData constraints 05:41 +732 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints InputDecoratorThemeData constraints 05:41 +732 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints InputDecorator constraints 05:41 +733 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints InputDecorator constraints 05:41 +733 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align top (default) 05:41 +734 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align top (default) 05:41 +734 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align center 05:41 +735 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align center 05:41 +735 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align bottom 05:41 +736 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align bottom 05:41 +736 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align as a double 05:41 +737 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align as a double 05:41 +737 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case works with density and content padding 05:41 +738 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case works with density and content padding 05:41 +738 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align top 05:42 +738 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align top 05:42 +739 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align top 05:42 +739 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align center (default) 05:42 +740 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align center (default) 05:42 +740 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align bottom 05:42 +741 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align bottom 05:42 +741 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align top 05:42 +742 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align top 05:42 +742 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align center 05:42 +743 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align center 05:42 +743 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align bottom 05:42 +744 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align bottom 05:42 +744 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align center 05:42 +745 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align center 05:42 +745 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align top 05:42 +746 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align top 05:42 +746 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align bottom 05:42 +747 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align bottom 05:42 +747 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align double 05:42 +748 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align double 05:42 +748 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align top (default) 05:43 +748 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align top (default) 05:43 +749 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align top (default) 05:43 +749 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align center 05:43 +750 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align center 05:43 +750 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align bottom 05:43 +751 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align bottom 05:43 +751 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border 05:43 +752 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border 05:43 +752 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and label 05:43 +753 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and label 05:43 +753 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and contentPadding 05:43 +754 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and contentPadding 05:43 +754 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and contentPadding and label 05:43 +755 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and contentPadding and label 05:43 +755 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and lopsided contentPadding and label 05:43 +756 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and lopsided contentPadding and label 05:43 +756 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Floating label is aligned with prefixIcon by default in M3 05:43 +757 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Floating label is aligned with prefixIcon by default in M3 05:43 +757 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Floating label for filled input decoration is aligned with text 05:44 +757 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Floating label for filled input decoration is aligned with text 05:44 +758 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Floating label for filled input decoration is aligned with text 05:44 +758 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment top align includes padding 05:44 +759 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment top align includes padding 05:44 +759 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment center align ignores padding 05:44 +760 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment center align ignores padding 05:44 +760 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment bottom align includes padding 05:44 +761 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment bottom align includes padding 05:44 +761 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment padding exceeds middle keeps top at middle 05:44 +762 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment padding exceeds middle keeps top at middle 05:44 +762 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - LTR, not dense 05:44 +763 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - LTR, not dense 05:44 +763 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - RTL, not dense 05:44 +764 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - RTL, not dense 05:44 +764 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - LTR, dense 05:44 +765 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - LTR, dense 05:44 +765 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - RTL, dense 05:44 +766 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - RTL, dense 05:44 +766 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator error/helper/counter RTL layout 05:44 +767 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator error/helper/counter RTL layout 05:44 +767 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix RTL 05:45 +767 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix RTL 05:45 +768 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix RTL 05:45 +768 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator contentPadding RTL layout 05:45 +769 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator contentPadding RTL layout 05:45 +769 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: FloatingLabelAlignment.toString() 05:45 +770 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: FloatingLabelAlignment.toString() 05:45 +770 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width outline textField 05:45 +771 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width outline textField 05:45 +771 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width outline textField with prefix and suffix icons 05:45 +772 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width outline textField with prefix and suffix icons 05:45 +772 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width filled textField 05:45 +773 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width filled textField 05:45 +773 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width filled textField with prefix and suffix icons 05:45 +774 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width filled textField with prefix and suffix icons 05:45 +774 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR with icon aligned start 05:45 +775 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR with icon aligned start 05:45 +775 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR with icon aligned center 05:45 +776 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR with icon aligned center 05:45 +776 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned start 05:46 +776 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned start 05:46 +777 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned start 05:46 +777 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned center 05:46 +778 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned center 05:46 +778 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL with icon aligned start 05:46 +779 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL with icon aligned start 05:46 +779 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL with icon aligned center 05:46 +780 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL with icon aligned center 05:46 +780 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL without icon aligned start 05:46 +781 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL without icon aligned start 05:46 +781 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL without icon aligned center 05:46 +782 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL without icon aligned center 05:46 +782 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix dense layout 05:46 +783 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix dense layout 05:46 +783 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty InputDecoration 05:46 +784 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty InputDecoration 05:46 +784 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: contentPadding smaller than kMinInteractiveDimension 05:47 +784 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: contentPadding smaller than kMinInteractiveDimension 05:47 +785 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: contentPadding smaller than kMinInteractiveDimension 05:47 +785 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.collapsed 05:47 +786 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.collapsed 05:47 +786 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with baseStyle 05:47 +787 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with baseStyle 05:47 +787 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty style overrides 05:47 +788 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty style overrides 05:47 +788 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration outline shape with no border and no floating placeholder 05:47 +789 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration outline shape with no border and no floating placeholder 05:47 +789 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration outline shape with no border and no floating placeholder not empty 05:47 +790 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration outline shape with no border and no floating placeholder not empty 05:47 +790 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 05:47 +791 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 05:47 +791 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme copyWith correctly copies and replaces values 05:47 +792 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme copyWith correctly copies and replaces values 05:47 +792 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme outline border 05:47 +793 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme outline border 05:47 +793 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme outline border, dense layout 05:47 +794 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme outline border, dense layout 05:47 +794 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme style overrides 05:47 +795 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme style overrides 05:47 +795 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme style overrides (focused) 05:48 +795 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme style overrides (focused) 05:48 +796 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme style overrides (focused) 05:48 +796 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.toString() 05:48 +797 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.toString() 05:48 +797 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.debugDescribeChildren 05:48 +798 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.debugDescribeChildren 05:48 +798 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty border and label 05:48 +799 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty border and label 05:48 +799 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.inputDecoration 05:48 +800 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.inputDecoration 05:48 +800 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.inputDecoration with MaterialState 05:48 +801 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.inputDecoration with MaterialState 05:48 +801 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineInputBorder fillColor is clipped by border 05:48 +802 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineInputBorder fillColor is clipped by border 05:48 +802 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator UnderlineInputBorder fillColor is clipped by border 05:48 +803 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator UnderlineInputBorder fillColor is clipped by border 05:48 +803 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator constrained to 0x0 05:48 +804 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator constrained to 0x0 05:48 +804 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon [+16892 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +1 ms] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerJVDWGC/listener.dart [ +18 ms] <- recompile file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerJVDWGC/listener.dart eed95365-7a1b-4f53-92da-7a7fc9889b93 [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerJVDWGC/listener.dart [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/flutter_build/dart_plugin_registrant.dart [ ] <- eed95365-7a1b-4f53-92da-7a7fc9889b93 05:49 +804 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon [ +366 ms] <- accept [ ] <- reset [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerJVDWGC/listener.dart took 385ms [ +13 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageLWRYDL/image","key":"input_decorator.outline_label.ltr.png","update":false} [ +773 ms] <<< {"success":true} 05:50 +804 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon [ +259 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageDYGWCI/image","key":"input_decorator.outline_label.rtl.png","update":false} [ +290 ms] <<< {"success":true} 05:50 +805 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon [ +210 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageGURSMG/image","key":"input_decorator.outline_icon_label.ltr.png","update":false} 05:51 +805 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon [ +269 ms] <<< {"success":true} [ +130 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageTZTMUS/image","key":"input_decorator.outline_icon_label.rtl.png","update":false} [ +264 ms] <<< {"success":true} 05:51 +806 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon 05:51 +806 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator draws and animates hoverColor 05:51 +807 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator draws and animates hoverColor 05:51 +807 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator draws and animates focusColor 05:52 +807 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator draws and animates focusColor 05:52 +808 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator draws and animates focusColor 05:52 +808 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator withdraws label when not empty or focused 05:52 +809 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator withdraws label when not empty or focused 05:52 +809 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.toString() 05:52 +810 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.toString() 05:52 +810 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration default border uses colorScheme 05:52 +811 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration default border uses colorScheme 05:52 +811 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration borders 05:52 +812 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration borders 05:52 +812 ~18 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder borders scale down to fit when large values are passed in 05:52 +812 ~19 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder borders scale down to fit when large values are passed in 05:52 +812 ~19 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: rounded OutlineInputBorder with zero padding just wraps the label 05:52 +812 ~20 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: rounded OutlineInputBorder with zero padding just wraps the label 05:52 +812 ~20 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder with should draw a rectangular border 05:52 +812 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder with should draw a rectangular border 05:52 +812 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder radius carries over when lerping 05:53 +812 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder radius carries over when lerping 05:53 +813 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder radius carries over when lerping 05:53 +813 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder async lerp 05:53 +814 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder async lerp 05:53 +814 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputBorder equality 05:53 +815 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputBorder equality 05:53 +815 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputBorder hashCodes 05:53 +816 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputBorder hashCodes 05:53 +816 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme implements debugFillDescription 05:53 +817 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme implements debugFillDescription 05:53 +817 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: uses alphabetic baseline for CJK layout 05:53 +818 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: uses alphabetic baseline for CJK layout 05:53 +818 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label Y coordinate 05:53 +819 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label Y coordinate 05:53 +819 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label obeys floatingLabelBehavior 05:53 +820 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label obeys floatingLabelBehavior 05:53 +820 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator hint is displayed when floatingLabelBehavior is always 05:53 +821 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator hint is displayed when floatingLabelBehavior is always 05:53 +821 ~21 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label width scales when focused 05:53 +821 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label width scales when focused 05:53 +821 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical can be updated 05:53 +822 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical can be updated 05:53 +822 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator label width isn't affected by prefix or suffix 05:54 +822 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator label width isn't affected by prefix or suffix 05:54 +823 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator label width isn't affected by prefix or suffix 05:54 +823 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder and InputDecorator long labels and in Floating, the width should ignore the icon width 05:54 +824 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder and InputDecorator long labels and in Floating, the width should ignore the icon width 05:54 +824 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: given enough space, constrained and unconstrained heights result in the same size widget 05:55 +824 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: given enough space, constrained and unconstrained heights result in the same size widget 05:55 +825 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: given enough space, constrained and unconstrained heights result in the same size widget 05:55 +825 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: A vertically constrained TextField still positions its text inside of itself 05:55 +826 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: A vertically constrained TextField still positions its text inside of itself 05:55 +826 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: visual density is included in the intrinsic height calculation 05:55 +827 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: visual density is included in the intrinsic height calculation 05:55 +827 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: error message for negative baseline 05:55 +828 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: error message for negative baseline 05:55 +828 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with no content padding 05:55 +829 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with no content padding 05:55 +829 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with prefix icon 05:56 +829 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with prefix icon 05:56 +830 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with prefix icon 05:56 +830 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with suffix icon 05:56 +831 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with suffix icon 05:56 +831 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with prefix 05:56 +832 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with prefix 05:56 +832 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with suffix 05:56 +833 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with suffix 05:56 +833 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with icon 05:56 +834 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with icon 05:56 +834 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme floatingLabelStyle overrides label widget styles when the widget is a text widget (focused) 05:56 +835 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme floatingLabelStyle overrides label widget styles when the widget is a text widget (focused) 05:56 +835 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme labelStyle overrides label widget styles when the widget is a text widget 05:56 +836 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme labelStyle overrides label widget styles when the widget is a text widget 05:56 +836 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: hint style overflow works 05:57 +836 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: hint style overflow works 05:57 +837 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: hint style overflow works 05:57 +837 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label text layout 05:57 +838 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label text layout 05:57 +838 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label widget layout 05:58 +838 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label widget layout 05:58 +839 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label widget layout 05:58 +839 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label animation duration and curve 05:58 +840 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label animation duration and curve 05:58 +840 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField no-strut 05:59 +840 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField no-strut 05:59 +841 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField no-strut 05:59 +841 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField 05:59 +842 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands false multiline TextField 05:59 +842 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands true multiline TextField 05:59 +843 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands true multiline TextField 05:59 +843 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands true multiline TextField with outline border 05:59 +844 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: alignLabelWithHint expands true multiline TextField with outline border 05:59 +844 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/hint layout 05:59 +845 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/hint layout 05:59 +845 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label/hint layout 06:00 +845 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label/hint layout 06:00 +846 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label/hint layout 06:00 +846 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label/hint dense layout 06:00 +847 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator input/label/hint dense layout 06:00 +847 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with no input border 06:00 +848 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with no input border 06:00 +848 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator error/helper/counter layout 06:00 +849 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator error/helper/counter layout 06:00 +849 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator counter text, widget, and null 06:00 +850 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator counter text, widget, and null 06:00 +850 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration errorMaxLines 06:01 +850 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration errorMaxLines 06:01 +851 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration errorMaxLines 06:01 +851 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration helperMaxLines 06:01 +852 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration helperMaxLines 06:01 +852 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix texts 06:01 +853 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix texts 06:01 +853 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator icon/prefix/suffix 06:01 +854 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator icon/prefix/suffix 06:01 +854 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator iconColor/prefixIconColor/suffixIconColor 06:01 +855 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator iconColor/prefixIconColor/suffixIconColor 06:01 +855 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator suffixIconColor in M3 error state 06:01 +856 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator suffixIconColor in M3 error state 06:01 +856 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration default floatingLabelStyle resolves hovered/focused states 06:02 +856 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration default floatingLabelStyle resolves hovered/focused states 06:02 +857 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration default floatingLabelStyle resolves hovered/focused states 06:02 +857 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix widgets 06:02 +858 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix widgets 06:02 +858 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator tall prefix 06:02 +859 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator tall prefix 06:02 +859 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator tall prefix with border 06:02 +860 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator tall prefix with border 06:02 +860 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefixIcon/suffixIcon 06:02 +861 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefixIcon/suffixIcon 06:02 +861 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefixIconConstraints/suffixIconConstraints 06:02 +862 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefixIconConstraints/suffixIconConstraints 06:02 +862 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: prefix/suffix icons are centered when smaller than 48 by 48 06:02 +863 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: prefix/suffix icons are centered when smaller than 48 by 48 06:02 +863 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects reduced theme visualDensity 06:02 +864 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects reduced theme visualDensity 06:02 +864 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects increased theme visualDensity 06:03 +864 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects increased theme visualDensity 06:03 +865 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator respects increased theme visualDensity 06:03 +865 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: prefix/suffix icons increase height of decoration when larger than 48 by 48 06:03 +866 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: prefix/suffix icons increase height of decoration when larger than 48 by 48 06:03 +866 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints No InputDecorator constraints 06:03 +867 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints No InputDecorator constraints 06:03 +867 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints InputDecoratorThemeData constraints 06:03 +868 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints InputDecoratorThemeData constraints 06:03 +868 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints InputDecorator constraints 06:03 +869 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: constraints InputDecorator constraints 06:03 +869 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align top (default) 06:03 +870 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align top (default) 06:03 +870 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align center 06:03 +871 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align center 06:03 +871 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align bottom 06:03 +872 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align bottom 06:03 +872 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align as a double 06:03 +873 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case align as a double 06:03 +873 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case works with density and content padding 06:03 +874 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position simple case works with density and content padding 06:03 +874 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align top 06:04 +874 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align top 06:04 +875 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align top 06:04 +875 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align center (default) 06:04 +876 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align center (default) 06:04 +876 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align bottom 06:04 +877 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border align bottom 06:04 +877 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align top 06:04 +878 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align top 06:04 +878 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align center 06:04 +879 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align center 06:04 +879 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align bottom 06:04 +880 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align bottom 06:04 +880 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align center 06:04 +881 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix align center 06:04 +881 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align top 06:04 +882 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align top 06:04 +882 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align bottom 06:04 +883 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align bottom 06:04 +883 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align double 06:04 +884 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position outline border and prefix InputDecorator tall prefix with border align double 06:04 +884 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align top (default) 06:05 +884 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align top (default) 06:05 +885 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align top (default) 06:05 +885 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align center 06:05 +886 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align center 06:05 +886 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align bottom 06:05 +887 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical position label align bottom 06:05 +887 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border 06:05 +888 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border 06:05 +888 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and label 06:05 +889 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and label 06:05 +889 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and contentPadding 06:05 +890 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and contentPadding 06:05 +890 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and contentPadding and label 06:05 +891 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and contentPadding and label 06:05 +891 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and lopsided contentPadding and label 06:05 +892 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Centers when border and lopsided contentPadding and label 06:05 +892 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Floating label is aligned with prefixIcon by default in M3 06:05 +893 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Floating label is aligned with prefixIcon by default in M3 06:05 +893 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Floating label for filled input decoration is aligned with text 06:05 +894 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder default alignment Floating label for filled input decoration is aligned with text 06:05 +894 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment top align includes padding 06:06 +894 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment top align includes padding 06:06 +895 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment top align includes padding 06:06 +895 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment center align ignores padding 06:06 +896 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment center align ignores padding 06:06 +896 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment bottom align includes padding 06:06 +897 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment bottom align includes padding 06:06 +897 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment padding exceeds middle keeps top at middle 06:06 +898 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder 3 point interpolation alignment padding exceeds middle keeps top at middle 06:06 +898 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - LTR, not dense 06:06 +899 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - LTR, not dense 06:06 +899 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - RTL, not dense 06:06 +900 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - RTL, not dense 06:06 +900 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - LTR, dense 06:06 +901 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - LTR, dense 06:06 +901 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - RTL, dense 06:06 +902 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: counter text has correct right margin - RTL, dense 06:06 +902 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator error/helper/counter RTL layout 06:06 +903 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator error/helper/counter RTL layout 06:06 +903 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix RTL 06:06 +904 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix RTL 06:06 +904 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator contentPadding RTL layout 06:07 +904 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator contentPadding RTL layout 06:07 +905 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator contentPadding RTL layout 06:07 +905 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: FloatingLabelAlignment.toString() 06:07 +906 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: FloatingLabelAlignment.toString() 06:07 +906 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width outline textField 06:07 +907 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width outline textField 06:07 +907 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width outline textField with prefix and suffix icons 06:07 +908 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width outline textField with prefix and suffix icons 06:07 +908 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width filled textField 06:07 +909 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width filled textField 06:07 +909 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width filled textField with prefix and suffix icons 06:07 +910 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: inputText width filled textField with prefix and suffix icons 06:07 +910 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR with icon aligned start 06:07 +911 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR with icon aligned start 06:07 +911 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR with icon aligned center 06:07 +912 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR with icon aligned center 06:07 +912 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned start 06:07 +913 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned start 06:07 +913 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned center 06:08 +913 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned center 06:08 +914 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment LTR without icon aligned center 06:08 +914 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL with icon aligned start 06:08 +915 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL with icon aligned start 06:08 +915 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL with icon aligned center 06:08 +916 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL with icon aligned center 06:08 +916 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL without icon aligned start 06:08 +917 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL without icon aligned start 06:08 +917 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL without icon aligned center 06:08 +918 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: floatingLabelAlignment RTL without icon aligned center 06:08 +918 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix dense layout 06:08 +919 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator prefix/suffix dense layout 06:08 +919 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty InputDecoration 06:08 +920 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty InputDecoration 06:08 +920 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: contentPadding smaller than kMinInteractiveDimension 06:08 +921 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: contentPadding smaller than kMinInteractiveDimension 06:08 +921 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.collapsed 06:09 +922 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.collapsed 06:09 +922 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with baseStyle 06:09 +923 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with baseStyle 06:09 +923 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty style overrides 06:09 +924 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty style overrides 06:09 +924 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration outline shape with no border and no floating placeholder 06:09 +925 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration outline shape with no border and no floating placeholder 06:09 +925 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration outline shape with no border and no floating placeholder not empty 06:09 +926 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration outline shape with no border and no floating placeholder not empty 06:09 +926 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 06:09 +927 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 06:09 +927 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme copyWith correctly copies and replaces values 06:09 +928 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme copyWith correctly copies and replaces values 06:09 +928 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme outline border 06:09 +929 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme outline border 06:09 +929 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme outline border, dense layout 06:09 +930 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme outline border, dense layout 06:09 +930 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme style overrides 06:09 +931 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme style overrides 06:09 +931 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme style overrides (focused) 06:09 +932 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme style overrides (focused) 06:09 +932 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.toString() 06:09 +933 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.toString() 06:09 +933 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.debugDescribeChildren 06:10 +933 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.debugDescribeChildren 06:10 +934 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator.debugDescribeChildren 06:10 +934 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty border and label 06:10 +935 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator with empty border and label 06:10 +935 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.inputDecoration 06:10 +936 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.inputDecoration 06:10 +936 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.inputDecoration with MaterialState 06:10 +937 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.inputDecoration with MaterialState 06:10 +937 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineInputBorder fillColor is clipped by border 06:10 +938 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineInputBorder fillColor is clipped by border 06:10 +938 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator UnderlineInputBorder fillColor is clipped by border 06:10 +939 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator UnderlineInputBorder fillColor is clipped by border 06:10 +939 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator constrained to 0x0 06:10 +940 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator constrained to 0x0 06:10 +940 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon [+19100 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageAOXDLC/image","key":"input_decorator.outline_label.ltr.png","update":false} [ +263 ms] <<< {"success":true} [ +221 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageDLUSFP/image","key":"input_decorator.outline_label.rtl.png","update":false} 06:11 +940 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon [ +309 ms] <<< {"success":true} 06:11 +941 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon [ +189 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageZCQWVL/image","key":"input_decorator.outline_icon_label.ltr.png","update":false} [ +269 ms] <<< {"success":true} [ +130 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageHMVXFI/image","key":"input_decorator.outline_icon_label.rtl.png","update":false} 06:12 +941 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon [ +263 ms] <<< {"success":true} 06:12 +942 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator OutlineBorder focused label with icon 06:12 +942 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator draws and animates hoverColor 06:12 +943 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator draws and animates hoverColor 06:12 +943 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator draws and animates focusColor 06:12 +944 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator draws and animates focusColor 06:12 +944 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator withdraws label when not empty or focused 06:13 +944 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator withdraws label when not empty or focused 06:13 +945 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator withdraws label when not empty or focused 06:13 +945 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.toString() 06:13 +946 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme.toString() 06:13 +946 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration default border uses colorScheme 06:13 +947 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration default border uses colorScheme 06:13 +947 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration borders 06:13 +948 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecoration borders 06:13 +948 ~22 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder borders scale down to fit when large values are passed in 06:13 +948 ~23 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder borders scale down to fit when large values are passed in 06:13 +948 ~23 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: rounded OutlineInputBorder with zero padding just wraps the label 06:13 +948 ~24 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: rounded OutlineInputBorder with zero padding just wraps the label 06:13 +948 ~24 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder with should draw a rectangular border 06:13 +948 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder with should draw a rectangular border 06:13 +948 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder radius carries over when lerping 06:13 +949 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder radius carries over when lerping 06:13 +949 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder async lerp 06:13 +950 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder async lerp 06:13 +950 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputBorder equality 06:13 +951 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputBorder equality 06:13 +951 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputBorder hashCodes 06:13 +952 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputBorder hashCodes 06:13 +952 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme implements debugFillDescription 06:13 +953 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme implements debugFillDescription 06:13 +953 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: uses alphabetic baseline for CJK layout 06:14 +953 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: uses alphabetic baseline for CJK layout 06:14 +954 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: uses alphabetic baseline for CJK layout 06:14 +954 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label Y coordinate 06:14 +955 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label Y coordinate 06:14 +955 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label obeys floatingLabelBehavior 06:14 +956 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label obeys floatingLabelBehavior 06:14 +956 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator hint is displayed when floatingLabelBehavior is always 06:14 +957 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator hint is displayed when floatingLabelBehavior is always 06:14 +957 ~25 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label width scales when focused 06:14 +957 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator floating label width scales when focused 06:14 +957 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical can be updated 06:14 +958 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: textAlignVertical can be updated 06:14 +958 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator label width isn't affected by prefix or suffix 06:14 +959 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorator label width isn't affected by prefix or suffix 06:14 +959 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder and InputDecorator long labels and in Floating, the width should ignore the icon width 06:15 +959 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder and InputDecorator long labels and in Floating, the width should ignore the icon width 06:15 +960 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: OutlineInputBorder and InputDecorator long labels and in Floating, the width should ignore the icon width 06:15 +960 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: given enough space, constrained and unconstrained heights result in the same size widget 06:15 +961 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: given enough space, constrained and unconstrained heights result in the same size widget 06:15 +961 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: A vertically constrained TextField still positions its text inside of itself 06:15 +962 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: A vertically constrained TextField still positions its text inside of itself 06:15 +962 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: visual density is included in the intrinsic height calculation 06:15 +963 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: visual density is included in the intrinsic height calculation 06:15 +963 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: error message for negative baseline 06:15 +964 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: error message for negative baseline 06:15 +964 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with no content padding 06:16 +964 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with no content padding 06:16 +965 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with no content padding 06:16 +965 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with prefix icon 06:16 +966 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with prefix icon 06:16 +966 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with suffix icon 06:16 +967 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with suffix icon 06:16 +967 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with prefix 06:16 +968 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with prefix 06:16 +968 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with suffix 06:16 +969 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with suffix 06:16 +969 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with icon 06:16 +970 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: min intrinsic height for TextField with icon 06:16 +970 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme floatingLabelStyle overrides label widget styles when the widget is a text widget (focused) 06:17 +970 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme floatingLabelStyle overrides label widget styles when the widget is a text widget (focused) 06:17 +971 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme floatingLabelStyle overrides label widget styles when the widget is a text widget (focused) 06:17 +971 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme labelStyle overrides label widget styles when the widget is a text widget 06:17 +972 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: InputDecorationTheme labelStyle overrides label widget styles when the widget is a text widget 06:17 +972 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: hint style overflow works 06:17 +973 ~26 -1: test/material/input_decorator_test.dart: hint style overflow works 06:17 +973 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/filter_chip_test.dart [+5199 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F45&debug=false [ +40 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +85 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +22 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 06:18 +973 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/filter_chip_test.dart 06:19 +973 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/filter_chip_test.dart 06:19 +973 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: FilterChip defaults 06:20 +973 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: FilterChip defaults 06:20 +974 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: FilterChip defaults 06:20 +974 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: FilterChip.elevated defaults 06:20 +975 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: FilterChip.elevated defaults 06:20 +975 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: FilterChip can be tapped 06:20 +976 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: FilterChip can be tapped 06:20 +976 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color is determined by platform brightness when light 06:20 +977 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color is determined by platform brightness when light 06:20 +977 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color is determined by platform brightness when dark 06:20 +978 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color is determined by platform brightness when dark 06:20 +978 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color can be set by the chip theme 06:21 +978 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color can be set by the chip theme 06:21 +979 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color can be set by the chip theme 06:21 +979 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color can be set by the chip constructor 06:21 +980 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color can be set by the chip constructor 06:21 +980 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color is set by chip constructor even when a theme color is specified 06:21 +981 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: Filter chip check mark color is set by chip constructor even when a theme color is specified 06:21 +981 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: FilterChip clipBehavior properly passes through to the Material 06:21 +982 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: FilterChip clipBehavior properly passes through to the Material 06:21 +982 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: M3 width should not change with selection 06:21 +983 ~26 -1: test/material/filter_chip_test.dart: M3 width should not change with selection 06:21 +983 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart [+4095 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F46&debug=false [ +38 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +114 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 06:22 +983 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart 06:23 +983 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart 06:23 +983 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger will schedule a frame 06:23 +984 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger will schedule a frame 06:23 +984 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger smoke test 06:24 +984 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger smoke test 06:24 +985 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger smoke test 06:24 +985 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger reparents subtree 06:24 +986 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger reparents subtree 06:24 +986 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger interaction test 06:24 +987 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger interaction test 06:24 +987 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger interaction test - negative 06:24 +988 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger interaction test - negative 06:24 +988 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger scroll test 06:24 +989 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger scroll test 06:24 +989 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger long press 06:24 +990 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger long press 06:24 +990 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: 06:25 +990 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: 06:25 +991 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: 06:25 +991 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 06:25 +992 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 06:25 +992 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:25 +993 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:25 +993 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 06:25 +994 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 06:25 +994 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:25 +995 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:25 +995 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: 06:26 +995 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: 06:26 +996 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger slider (variant: 06:26 +996 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger checkbox 06:26 +997 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger checkbox 06:26 +997 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger checkbox message 06:26 +998 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger checkbox message 06:26 +998 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: 06:26 +999 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: 06:26 +999 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 06:26 +1000 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 06:26 +1000 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:26 +1001 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:26 +1001 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 06:26 +1002 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 06:26 +1002 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:26 +1003 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:26 +1003 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: 06:26 +1004 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger ignores duplicated label and tooltip for Android (variant: 06:26 +1004 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger textfield 06:26 +1005 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger textfield 06:26 +1005 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger label style is used in the painter. 06:26 +1006 ~26 -1: test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart: SemanticsDebugger label style is used in the painter. 06:26 +1006 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart [+4890 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F47&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +95 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 06:27 +1006 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart 06:28 +1006 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart 06:28 +1006 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns all results from its children 06:28 +1007 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns all results from its children 06:28 +1007 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.find returns the first result from its children 06:28 +1008 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.find returns the first result from its children 06:28 +1008 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns empty result when finding nothing 06:28 +1009 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns empty result when finding nothing 06:28 +1009 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.find returns null when finding nothing 06:28 +1010 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.find returns null when finding nothing 06:28 +1010 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations stops at the first opaque child 06:28 +1011 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations stops at the first opaque child 06:28 +1011 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns children's opacity (true) 06:28 +1012 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns children's opacity (true) 06:28 +1012 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns children's opacity (false) 06:28 +1013 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns children's opacity (false) 06:28 +1013 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns false as opacity when finding nothing 06:28 +1014 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ContainerLayer.findAllAnnotations returns false as opacity when finding nothing 06:28 +1014 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: OffsetLayer.findAllAnnotations respects offset 06:28 +1015 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: OffsetLayer.findAllAnnotations respects offset 06:28 +1015 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ClipRectLayer.findAllAnnotations respects clipRect 06:28 +1016 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ClipRectLayer.findAllAnnotations respects clipRect 06:28 +1016 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ClipRRectLayer.findAllAnnotations respects clipRRect 06:28 +1017 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ClipRRectLayer.findAllAnnotations respects clipRRect 06:28 +1017 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ClipPathLayer.findAllAnnotations respects clipPath 06:28 +1018 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: ClipPathLayer.findAllAnnotations respects clipPath 06:28 +1018 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: TransformLayer.findAllAnnotations respects transform 06:28 +1019 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: TransformLayer.findAllAnnotations respects transform 06:28 +1019 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: TransformLayer.findAllAnnotations correctly transforms with perspective 06:28 +1020 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: TransformLayer.findAllAnnotations correctly transforms with perspective 06:28 +1020 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: TransformLayer.findAllAnnotations skips when transform is irreversible 06:28 +1021 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: TransformLayer.findAllAnnotations skips when transform is irreversible 06:28 +1021 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: LeaderLayer.findAllAnnotations respects offset 06:28 +1022 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: LeaderLayer.findAllAnnotations respects offset 06:28 +1022 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should append to the list and return the given opacity (false) during a successful hit 06:28 +1023 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should append to the list and return the given opacity (false) during a successful hit 06:28 +1023 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should append to the list and return the given opacity (true) during a successful hit 06:28 +1024 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should append to the list and return the given opacity (true) during a successful hit 06:28 +1024 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations has default opacity as false 06:28 +1025 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations has default opacity as false 06:28 +1025 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should still check children and return children's opacity (false) during a failed hit 06:28 +1026 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should still check children and return children's opacity (false) during a failed hit 06:28 +1026 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should still check children and return children's opacity (true) during a failed hit 06:28 +1027 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should still check children and return children's opacity (true) during a failed hit 06:28 +1027 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should not add to children's opacity during a successful hit if it is not opaque 06:28 +1028 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should not add to children's opacity during a successful hit if it is not opaque 06:28 +1028 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should add to children's opacity during a successful hit if it is opaque 06:28 +1029 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should add to children's opacity during a successful hit if it is opaque 06:28 +1029 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should clip its annotation using size and offset (positive) 06:28 +1030 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should clip its annotation using size and offset (positive) 06:28 +1030 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should clip its annotation using size and offset (negative) 06:28 +1031 ~26 -1: test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart: AnnotatedRegionLayer.findAllAnnotations should clip its annotation using size and offset (negative) 06:28 +1031 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart [+2089 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F48&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. 06:29 +1031 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart [ +22 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 06:30 +1031 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart 06:31 +1031 ~26 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart 06:31 +1031 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator(value: 0.0) can be constructed and has empty semantics by default 06:31 +1032 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator(value: 0.0) can be constructed and has empty semantics by default 06:31 +1032 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator(value: null) can be constructed and has empty semantics by default 06:31 +1033 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator(value: null) can be constructed and has empty semantics by default 06:31 +1033 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator custom minHeight 06:31 +1034 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator custom minHeight 06:31 +1034 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator paint (LTR) 06:31 +1035 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator paint (LTR) 06:31 +1035 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator paint (RTL) 06:31 +1036 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator paint (RTL) 06:31 +1036 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator indeterminate (LTR) 06:31 +1037 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator indeterminate (LTR) 06:31 +1037 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator paint (RTL) 06:31 +1038 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator paint (RTL) 06:31 +1038 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with colors 06:31 +1039 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with colors 06:31 +1039 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with animation with null colors 06:31 +1040 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with animation with null colors 06:31 +1040 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator(value: 0.0) can be constructed and has value semantics by default 06:31 +1041 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator(value: 0.0) can be constructed and has value semantics by default 06:31 +1041 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator(value: null) can be constructed and has empty semantics by default 06:31 +1042 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator(value: null) can be constructed and has empty semantics by default 06:31 +1042 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator causes a repaint when it changes 06:31 +1043 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator causes a repaint when it changes 06:31 +1043 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator stroke width 06:31 +1044 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator stroke width 06:31 +1044 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator strokeAlign 06:31 +1045 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator strokeAlign 06:31 +1045 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator with strokeCap 06:31 +1046 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator with strokeCap 06:31 +1046 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with indicatorBorderRadius 06:31 +1047 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with indicatorBorderRadius 06:31 +1047 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator paint colors 06:31 +1048 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator paint colors 06:31 +1048 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: RefreshProgressIndicator paint colors 06:32 +1048 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: RefreshProgressIndicator paint colors 06:32 +1049 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: RefreshProgressIndicator paint colors 06:32 +1049 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: RefreshProgressIndicator with a round indicator 06:32 +1050 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: RefreshProgressIndicator with a round indicator 06:32 +1050 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Indeterminate RefreshProgressIndicator keeps spinning until end of time (approximate) 06:32 +1051 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Indeterminate RefreshProgressIndicator keeps spinning until end of time (approximate) 06:32 +1051 ~26 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: RefreshProgressIndicator uses expected animation 06:32 +1051 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: RefreshProgressIndicator uses expected animation 06:32 +1051 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Determinate CircularProgressIndicator stops the animator 06:32 +1052 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Determinate CircularProgressIndicator stops the animator 06:32 +1052 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with height 12.0 06:32 +1053 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with height 12.0 06:32 +1053 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with a height less than the minimum 06:32 +1054 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with a height less than the minimum 06:32 +1054 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with default height 06:32 +1055 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator with default height 06:32 +1055 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator can be made accessible 06:32 +1056 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator can be made accessible 06:32 +1056 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator that is determinate gets default a11y value 06:32 +1057 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator that is determinate gets default a11y value 06:32 +1057 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator that is determinate does not default a11y value when label is null 06:32 +1058 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator that is determinate does not default a11y value when label is null 06:32 +1058 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator that is indeterminate does not default a11y value 06:32 +1059 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: LinearProgressIndicator that is indeterminate does not default a11y value 06:32 +1059 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator can be made accessible 06:32 +1060 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: CircularProgressIndicator can be made accessible 06:32 +1060 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: RefreshProgressIndicator can be made accessible 06:32 +1061 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: RefreshProgressIndicator can be made accessible 06:32 +1061 ~27 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Indeterminate CircularProgressIndicator uses expected animation 06:32 +1061 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Indeterminate CircularProgressIndicator uses expected animation 06:32 +1061 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator displays CupertinoActivityIndicator in iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:32 +1062 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator displays CupertinoActivityIndicator in iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:32 +1062 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator displays CupertinoActivityIndicator in iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:32 +1063 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator displays CupertinoActivityIndicator in iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:32 +1063 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator can use backgroundColor to change tick color for iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:32 +1064 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator can use backgroundColor to change tick color for iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:32 +1064 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator can use backgroundColor to change tick color for iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:33 +1064 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator can use backgroundColor to change tick color for iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:33 +1065 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator can use backgroundColor to change tick color for iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:33 +1065 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator does not display CupertinoActivityIndicator in non-iOS (variant: 06:33 +1066 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator does not display CupertinoActivityIndicator in non-iOS (variant: 06:33 +1066 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator does not display CupertinoActivityIndicator in non-iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 06:33 +1067 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator does not display CupertinoActivityIndicator in non-iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 06:33 +1067 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator does not display CupertinoActivityIndicator in non-iOS (variant: 06:33 +1068 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator does not display CupertinoActivityIndicator in non-iOS (variant: 06:33 +1068 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator does not display CupertinoActivityIndicator in non-iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 06:33 +1069 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: Adaptive CircularProgressIndicator does not display CupertinoActivityIndicator in non-iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 06:33 +1069 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: ProgressIndicatorTheme.wrap() always creates a new ProgressIndicatorTheme 06:33 +1070 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: ProgressIndicatorTheme.wrap() always creates a new ProgressIndicatorTheme 06:33 +1070 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: default size of CircularProgressIndicator is 36x36 - M3 06:33 +1071 ~28 -1: test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart: default size of CircularProgressIndicator is 36x36 - M3 06:33 +1071 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/stepper_test.dart [+4704 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F49&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +80 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +22 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 06:34 +1071 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/stepper_test.dart 06:35 +1071 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/stepper_test.dart 06:35 +1071 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Material3 has sentence case labels 06:36 +1071 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Material3 has sentence case labels 06:36 +1072 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Material3 has sentence case labels 06:36 +1072 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper tap callback test 06:36 +1073 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper tap callback test 06:36 +1073 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper expansion test 06:37 +1073 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper expansion test 06:37 +1074 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper expansion test 06:37 +1074 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper horizontal size test 06:37 +1075 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper horizontal size test 06:37 +1075 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper visibility test 06:37 +1076 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper visibility test 06:37 +1076 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper button test 06:38 +1076 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper button test 06:38 +1077 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper button test 06:38 +1077 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper disabled step test 06:38 +1078 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper disabled step test 06:38 +1078 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper scroll test 06:38 +1079 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper scroll test 06:38 +1079 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper index test 06:39 +1079 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper index test 06:39 +1080 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper index test 06:39 +1080 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper custom controls test 06:39 +1081 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper custom controls test 06:39 +1081 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper custom indexed controls test 06:39 +1082 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper custom indexed controls test 06:39 +1082 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper error test 06:39 +1083 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper error test 06:39 +1083 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Nested stepper error test 06:40 +1083 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Nested stepper error test 06:40 +1084 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Nested stepper error test 06:40 +1084 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper icons size test 06:40 +1085 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper icons size test 06:40 +1085 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper physics scroll error test 06:41 +1085 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper physics scroll error test 06:41 +1086 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper physics scroll error test 06:41 +1086 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Vertical Stepper can't be focused when disabled. 06:41 +1087 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Vertical Stepper can't be focused when disabled. 06:41 +1087 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Horizontal Stepper can't be focused when disabled. 06:41 +1088 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Horizontal Stepper can't be focused when disabled. 06:41 +1088 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper header title should not overflow 06:42 +1088 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper header title should not overflow 06:42 +1089 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper header title should not overflow 06:42 +1089 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper header subtitle should not overflow 06:42 +1090 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper header subtitle should not overflow 06:42 +1090 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper enabled button styles 06:42 +1091 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper enabled button styles 06:42 +1091 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper disabled button styles 06:43 +1091 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper disabled button styles 06:43 +1092 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper disabled button styles 06:43 +1092 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Vertical and Horizontal Stepper physics test 06:43 +1093 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Vertical and Horizontal Stepper physics test 06:43 +1093 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper horizontal size test 06:43 +1094 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper horizontal size test 06:43 +1094 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper custom elevation 06:43 +1095 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper custom elevation 06:43 +1095 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper with default elevation 06:44 +1095 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper with default elevation 06:44 +1096 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper with default elevation 06:44 +1096 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper horizontal preserves state 06:44 +1097 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper horizontal preserves state 06:44 +1097 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper custom margin 06:44 +1098 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper custom margin 06:44 +1098 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper with Alternative Label 06:44 +1099 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper with Alternative Label 06:44 +1099 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper Connector Style 06:45 +1099 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper Connector Style 06:45 +1100 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper Connector Style 06:45 +1100 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper stepIconBuilder test 06:45 +1101 ~28 -1: test/material/stepper_test.dart: Stepper stepIconBuilder test 06:45 +1101 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart [+11558 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F50&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +21 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 06:46 +1101 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart 06:47 +1101 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart 06:47 +1101 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer.debugFillProperties 06:47 +1102 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer.debugFillProperties 06:47 +1102 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer control test 06:47 +1103 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer control test 06:47 +1103 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer overanimate test 06:47 +1104 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer overanimate test 06:47 +1104 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer padding visual-to-directional animation 06:47 +1105 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer padding visual-to-directional animation 06:47 +1105 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer alignment visual-to-directional animation 06:47 +1106 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer alignment visual-to-directional animation 06:47 +1106 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: Animation rerun 06:47 +1107 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: Animation rerun 06:47 +1107 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer sets transformAlignment 06:47 +1108 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer sets transformAlignment 06:47 +1108 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer sets clipBehavior 06:48 +1108 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer sets clipBehavior 06:48 +1109 ~28 -1: test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart: AnimatedContainer sets clipBehavior 06:48 +1109 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/radio_test.dart [+2497 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F51&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +116 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 06:49 +1109 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/radio_test.dart 06:50 +1109 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/radio_test.dart 06:50 +1109 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio control test 06:50 +1110 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio control test 06:50 +1110 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio can be toggled when toggleable is set 06:50 +1111 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio can be toggled when toggleable is set 06:50 +1111 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio size is configurable by ThemeData.materialTapTargetSize 06:50 +1112 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio size is configurable by ThemeData.materialTapTargetSize 06:50 +1112 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: 06:50 +1113 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: 06:50 +1113 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 06:50 +1114 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 06:50 +1114 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:50 +1115 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 06:50 +1115 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 06:50 +1116 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 06:50 +1116 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:50 +1117 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 06:50 +1117 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: 06:50 +1118 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio selected semantics - platform adaptive (variant: 06:50 +1118 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio semantics 06:51 +1118 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio semantics 06:51 +1119 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio semantics 06:51 +1119 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: has semantic events 06:51 +1120 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: has semantic events 06:51 +1120 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio ink ripple is displayed correctly - M2 [+3256 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +1 ms] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerCZEMCO/listener.dart [ +20 ms] <- recompile file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerCZEMCO/listener.dart 4a9e6867-709a-4a4d-a11b-9240e9758c3b [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerCZEMCO/listener.dart [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/flutter_build/dart_plugin_registrant.dart [ ] <- 4a9e6867-709a-4a4d-a11b-9240e9758c3b [ +345 ms] <- accept [ ] <- reset [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerCZEMCO/listener.dart took 366ms [ +8 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageXZEFJM/image","key":"radio.ink_ripple.png","update":false} 06:52 +1120 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio ink ripple is displayed correctly - M2 [ +728 ms] <<< {"success":true} 06:52 +1121 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio ink ripple is displayed correctly - M2 06:52 +1121 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio with splash radius set 06:52 +1122 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio with splash radius set 06:52 +1122 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio is focusable and has correct focus color 06:53 +1122 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio is focusable and has correct focus color 06:53 +1123 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio is focusable and has correct focus color 06:53 +1123 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio can be hovered and has correct hover color 06:53 +1124 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio can be hovered and has correct hover color 06:53 +1124 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio can be controlled by keyboard shortcuts 06:53 +1125 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio can be controlled by keyboard shortcuts 06:53 +1125 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio responds to density changes. 06:53 +1126 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio responds to density changes. 06:53 +1126 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio changes mouse cursor when hovered 06:53 +1127 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio changes mouse cursor when hovered 06:53 +1127 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio button fill color resolves in enabled/disabled states 06:53 +1128 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio button fill color resolves in enabled/disabled states 06:53 +1128 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio fill color resolves in hovered/focused states 06:54 +1128 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio fill color resolves in hovered/focused states 06:54 +1129 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio fill color resolves in hovered/focused states 06:54 +1129 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio overlay color resolves in active/pressed/focused/hovered states 06:54 +1130 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio overlay color resolves in active/pressed/focused/hovered states 06:54 +1130 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Do not crash when widget disappears while pointer is down 06:54 +1131 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Do not crash when widget disappears while pointer is down 06:54 +1131 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: disabled radio shows tooltip 06:54 +1132 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: disabled radio shows tooltip 06:54 +1132 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio button default colors 06:55 +1132 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio button default colors 06:55 +1133 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio button default colors 06:55 +1133 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio button default overlay colors in hover/focus/press states 06:55 +1134 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio button default overlay colors in hover/focus/press states 06:55 +1134 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio.adaptive shows the correct platform widget 06:55 +1135 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio.adaptive shows the correct platform widget 06:55 +1135 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio default overlayColor and fillColor resolves pressed state 06:55 +1136 ~28 -1: test/material/radio_test.dart: Radio default overlayColor and fillColor resolves pressed state 06:55 +1136 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_2_test.dart [+3393 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F52&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 06:56 +1136 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_2_test.dart [ +99 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 06:57 +1136 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_2_test.dart 06:58 +1136 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_2_test.dart 06:58 +1136 ~28 -1: test/widgets/semantics_2_test.dart: Semantics 2 06:58 +1137 ~28 -1: test/widgets/semantics_2_test.dart: Semantics 2 06:58 +1137 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/font_loader_test.dart [+2214 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F53&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +32 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 06:59 +1137 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/font_loader_test.dart 07:00 +1137 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/font_loader_test.dart 07:00 +1137 ~28 -1: test/services/font_loader_test.dart: Font loader test 07:00 +1138 ~28 -1: test/services/font_loader_test.dart: Font loader test 07:00 +1138 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart [+1965 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F54&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +106 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:01 +1138 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart 07:02 +1138 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart 07:02 +1138 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal drag triggers dismiss scrollDirection=vertical 07:03 +1138 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal drag triggers dismiss scrollDirection=vertical 07:03 +1139 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal drag triggers dismiss scrollDirection=vertical 07:03 +1139 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal fling triggers dismiss scrollDirection=vertical 07:03 +1140 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal fling triggers dismiss scrollDirection=vertical 07:03 +1140 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal fling does not trigger at zero offset, but does otherwise 07:04 +1140 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal fling does not trigger at zero offset, but does otherwise 07:04 +1141 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal fling does not trigger at zero offset, but does otherwise 07:04 +1141 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Vertical drag triggers dismiss scrollDirection=horizontal 07:04 +1142 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Vertical drag triggers dismiss scrollDirection=horizontal 07:04 +1142 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-left with DismissDirection.endToStart triggers dismiss (LTR) 07:04 +1143 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-left with DismissDirection.endToStart triggers dismiss (LTR) 07:04 +1143 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-right with DismissDirection.startToEnd triggers dismiss (LTR) 07:04 +1144 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-right with DismissDirection.startToEnd triggers dismiss (LTR) 07:04 +1144 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-right with DismissDirection.endToStart triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:04 +1145 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-right with DismissDirection.endToStart triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:04 +1145 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-left with DismissDirection.startToEnd triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:05 +1145 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-left with DismissDirection.startToEnd triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:05 +1146 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-left with DismissDirection.startToEnd triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:05 +1146 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-left with DismissDirection.endToStart triggers dismiss (LTR) 07:05 +1147 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-left with DismissDirection.endToStart triggers dismiss (LTR) 07:05 +1147 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-right with DismissDirection.startToEnd triggers dismiss (LTR) 07:05 +1148 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-right with DismissDirection.startToEnd triggers dismiss (LTR) 07:05 +1148 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-right with DismissDirection.endToStart triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:06 +1148 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-right with DismissDirection.endToStart triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:06 +1149 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-right with DismissDirection.endToStart triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:06 +1149 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-left with DismissDirection.startToEnd triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:06 +1150 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-left with DismissDirection.startToEnd triggers dismiss (RTL) 07:06 +1150 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-up with DismissDirection.up triggers dismiss 07:06 +1151 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-up with DismissDirection.up triggers dismiss 07:06 +1151 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-down with DismissDirection.down triggers dismiss 07:07 +1151 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-down with DismissDirection.down triggers dismiss 07:07 +1152 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-down with DismissDirection.down triggers dismiss 07:07 +1152 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-up with DismissDirection.up triggers dismiss 07:07 +1153 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-up with DismissDirection.up triggers dismiss 07:07 +1153 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-down with DismissDirection.down triggers dismiss 07:07 +1154 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-down with DismissDirection.down triggers dismiss 07:07 +1154 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-left has no effect on dismissible with a high dismiss threshold 07:07 +1155 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: drag-left has no effect on dismissible with a high dismiss threshold 07:07 +1155 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-left has no effect on dismissible with a high dismiss threshold 07:08 +1155 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-left has no effect on dismissible with a high dismiss threshold 07:08 +1156 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: fling-left has no effect on dismissible with a high dismiss threshold 07:08 +1156 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Verify that drag-move events do not assert 07:08 +1157 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Verify that drag-move events do not assert 07:08 +1157 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: dismissing bottom then top (smoketest) 07:08 +1158 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: dismissing bottom then top (smoketest) 07:08 +1158 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Dismissible starts from the full size when collapsing 07:08 +1159 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Dismissible starts from the full size when collapsing 07:08 +1159 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Checking fling item before movementDuration completes 07:08 +1160 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Checking fling item before movementDuration completes 07:08 +1160 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Checking fling item after movementDuration 07:08 +1161 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Checking fling item after movementDuration 07:08 +1161 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal fling less than threshold 07:09 +1161 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal fling less than threshold 07:09 +1162 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Horizontal fling less than threshold 07:09 +1162 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Vertical fling less than threshold 07:09 +1163 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Vertical fling less than threshold 07:09 +1163 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: confirmDismiss returns values: true, false, null 07:10 +1163 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: confirmDismiss returns values: true, false, null 07:10 +1164 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: confirmDismiss returns values: true, false, null 07:10 +1164 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Pending confirmDismiss does not cause errors 07:10 +1165 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Pending confirmDismiss does not cause errors 07:10 +1165 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Dismissible cannot be dragged with pending confirmDismiss 07:10 +1166 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Dismissible cannot be dragged with pending confirmDismiss 07:10 +1166 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Drag to end and release - items does not get stuck if confirmDismiss returns false 07:10 +1167 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Drag to end and release - items does not get stuck if confirmDismiss returns false 07:10 +1167 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Dismissible with null resizeDuration calls onDismissed immediately 07:10 +1168 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Dismissible with null resizeDuration calls onDismissed immediately 07:10 +1168 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: setState that does not remove the Dismissible from tree should throw Error 07:10 +1169 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: setState that does not remove the Dismissible from tree should throw Error 07:10 +1169 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Dismissible.behavior should behave correctly during hit testing 07:10 +1170 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Dismissible.behavior should behave correctly during hit testing 07:10 +1170 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: DismissDirection.none does not trigger dismiss 07:10 +1171 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: DismissDirection.none does not trigger dismiss 07:10 +1171 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: DismissDirection.none does not prevent scrolling 07:11 +1171 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: DismissDirection.none does not prevent scrolling 07:11 +1172 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: DismissDirection.none does not prevent scrolling 07:11 +1172 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: onUpdate 07:11 +1173 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: onUpdate 07:11 +1173 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Change direction does not lose child state 07:11 +1174 ~28 -1: test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart: Change direction does not lose child state 07:11 +1174 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart [+11060 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F55&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +115 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:12 +1174 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart 07:13 +1174 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart 07:13 +1174 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: PlatformMenuBar basic menu structure is transmitted to platform using onSelected 07:14 +1174 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: PlatformMenuBar basic menu structure is transmitted to platform using onSelected 07:14 +1175 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: PlatformMenuBar basic menu structure is transmitted to platform using onSelected 07:14 +1175 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: PlatformMenuBar basic menu structure is transmitted to platform using onSelectedIntent 07:14 +1176 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: PlatformMenuBar basic menu structure is transmitted to platform using onSelectedIntent 07:14 +1176 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: PlatformMenuBar asserts when more than one has locked the delegate 07:14 +1177 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: PlatformMenuBar asserts when more than one has locked the delegate 07:14 +1177 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: PlatformMenuBar diagnostics 07:14 +1178 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: PlatformMenuBar diagnostics 07:14 +1178 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: MenuBarItem diagnostics 07:14 +1179 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: MenuBarItem diagnostics 07:14 +1179 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: ShortcutSerialization character constructor 07:14 +1180 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: ShortcutSerialization character constructor 07:14 +1180 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: ShortcutSerialization modifier constructor 07:14 +1181 ~28 -1: test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart: ShortcutSerialization modifier constructor 07:14 +1181 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_3_test.dart [+2834 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F56&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +115 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:15 +1181 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_3_test.dart 07:16 +1181 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_3_test.dart 07:16 +1181 ~28 -1: test/widgets/semantics_3_test.dart: Semantics 3 07:16 +1182 ~28 -1: test/widgets/semantics_3_test.dart: Semantics 3 07:16 +1182 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart [+2186 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F57&debug=false [ +41 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 07:17 +1182 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart [ +88 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +20 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:18 +1182 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart 07:19 +1182 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart 07:19 +1182 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Tap changes toggle state 07:19 +1183 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Tap changes toggle state 07:19 +1183 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Need at least 2 children 07:19 +1184 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Need at least 2 children 07:19 +1184 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Padding works 07:19 +1185 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Padding works 07:19 +1185 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Value attribute must be the key of one of the children widgets 07:19 +1186 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Value attribute must be the key of one of the children widgets 07:19 +1186 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Widgets have correct default text/icon styles, change correctly on selection 07:19 +1187 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Widgets have correct default text/icon styles, change correctly on selection 07:19 +1187 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Segmented controls respects themes 07:19 +1188 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Segmented controls respects themes 07:19 +1188 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: SegmentedControl is correct when user provides custom colors 07:19 +1189 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: SegmentedControl is correct when user provides custom colors 07:19 +1189 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Widgets are centered within segments 07:20 +1189 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Widgets are centered within segments 07:20 +1190 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Widgets are centered within segments 07:20 +1190 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Tap calls onValueChanged 07:20 +1191 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Tap calls onValueChanged 07:20 +1191 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: State does not change if onValueChanged does not call setState() 07:20 +1192 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: State does not change if onValueChanged does not call setState() 07:20 +1192 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Background color of child should change on selection, and should not change when tapped again 07:20 +1193 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Background color of child should change on selection, and should not change when tapped again 07:20 +1193 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Children can be non-Text or Icon widgets (in this case, a Container or Placeholder widget) 07:20 +1194 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Children can be non-Text or Icon widgets (in this case, a Container or Placeholder widget) 07:20 +1194 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Passed in value is child initially selected 07:20 +1195 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Passed in value is child initially selected 07:20 +1195 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Null input for value results in no child initially selected 07:20 +1196 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Null input for value results in no child initially selected 07:20 +1196 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Long press changes background color of not-selected child 07:20 +1197 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Long press changes background color of not-selected child 07:20 +1197 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Long press does not change background color of currently-selected child 07:20 +1198 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Long press does not change background color of currently-selected child 07:20 +1198 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Height of segmented control is determined by tallest widget 07:20 +1199 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Height of segmented control is determined by tallest widget 07:20 +1199 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Width of each segmented control segment is determined by widest widget 07:20 +1200 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Width of each segmented control segment is determined by widest widget 07:20 +1200 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Width is finite in unbounded space 07:20 +1201 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Width is finite in unbounded space 07:20 +1201 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Directionality test - RTL should reverse order of widgets 07:20 +1202 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Directionality test - RTL should reverse order of widgets 07:20 +1202 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Correct initial selection and toggling behavior - RTL 07:20 +1203 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Correct initial selection and toggling behavior - RTL 07:20 +1203 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Segmented control semantics 07:20 +1204 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Segmented control semantics 07:20 +1204 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Non-centered taps work on smaller widgets 07:20 +1205 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Non-centered taps work on smaller widgets 07:20 +1205 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Hit-tests report accurate local position in segments 07:20 +1206 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Hit-tests report accurate local position in segments 07:20 +1206 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Segment still hittable with a child that has no hitbox 07:20 +1207 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Segment still hittable with a child that has no hitbox 07:20 +1207 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Animation is correct when the selected segment changes 07:20 +1208 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Animation is correct when the selected segment changes 07:20 +1208 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Animation is correct when widget is rebuilt 07:20 +1209 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Animation is correct when widget is rebuilt 07:20 +1209 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Multiple segments are pressed 07:21 +1209 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Multiple segments are pressed 07:21 +1210 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Multiple segments are pressed 07:21 +1210 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Transition is triggered while a transition is already occurring 07:21 +1211 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Transition is triggered while a transition is already occurring 07:21 +1211 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Segment is selected while it is transitioning to unselected state 07:21 +1212 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Segment is selected while it is transitioning to unselected state 07:21 +1212 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Add segment while animation is running 07:21 +1213 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Add segment while animation is running 07:21 +1213 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Remove segment while animation is running 07:21 +1214 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Remove segment while animation is running 07:21 +1214 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Remove currently animating segment 07:21 +1215 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Remove currently animating segment 07:21 +1215 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Quick double tap doesn't break the internal state 07:21 +1216 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Quick double tap doesn't break the internal state 07:21 +1216 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Golden Test Placeholder Widget [+4404 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +1 ms] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerMVYEND/listener.dart [ +19 ms] <- recompile file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerMVYEND/listener.dart 928e4188-2ef5-415c-947d-36b023cc6cd5 [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerMVYEND/listener.dart [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/flutter_build/dart_plugin_registrant.dart [ ] <- 928e4188-2ef5-415c-947d-36b023cc6cd5 [ +324 ms] <- accept [ ] <- reset [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerMVYEND/listener.dart took 344ms [ +9 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageQSAPXH/image","key":"segmented_control_test.0.png","update":false} 07:22 +1216 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Golden Test Placeholder Widget [ +708 ms] <<< {"success":true} 07:22 +1217 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Golden Test Placeholder Widget 07:22 +1217 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Golden Test Pressed State [ +135 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageVVLLFX/image","key":"segmented_control_test.1.png","update":false} [ +284 ms] <<< {"success":true} 07:23 +1217 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Golden Test Pressed State 07:23 +1218 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Golden Test Pressed State 07:23 +1218 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Hovering over Cupertino segmented control updates cursor to clickable on Web 07:23 +1219 ~28 -1: test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart: Hovering over Cupertino segmented control updates cursor to clickable on Web 07:23 +1219 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/run_app_test.dart [ +100 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F58&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +81 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +17 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:24 +1219 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/run_app_test.dart 07:25 +1219 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/run_app_test.dart 07:25 +1219 ~28 -1: test/widgets/run_app_test.dart: runApp inside onPressed does not throw 07:25 +1220 ~28 -1: test/widgets/run_app_test.dart: runApp inside onPressed does not throw 07:25 +1220 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/action_chip_test.dart [+2349 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F59&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +81 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +21 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:26 +1220 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/action_chip_test.dart 07:27 +1220 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/action_chip_test.dart 07:27 +1220 ~28 -1: test/material/action_chip_test.dart: ActionChip defaults 07:28 +1220 ~28 -1: test/material/action_chip_test.dart: ActionChip defaults 07:28 +1221 ~28 -1: test/material/action_chip_test.dart: ActionChip defaults 07:28 +1221 ~28 -1: test/material/action_chip_test.dart: ActionChip.elevated defaults 07:28 +1222 ~28 -1: test/material/action_chip_test.dart: ActionChip.elevated defaults 07:28 +1222 ~28 -1: test/material/action_chip_test.dart: ActionChip can be tapped 07:28 +1223 ~28 -1: test/material/action_chip_test.dart: ActionChip can be tapped 07:28 +1223 ~28 -1: test/material/action_chip_test.dart: ActionChip clipBehavior properly passes through to the Material 07:28 +1224 ~28 -1: test/material/action_chip_test.dart: ActionChip clipBehavior properly passes through to the Material 07:28 +1224 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/selection_test.dart [+3189 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F60&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 07:29 +1224 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/selection_test.dart [ +85 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +27 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:30 +1224 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/rendering/selection_test.dart 07:30 +1224 ~28 -1: test/rendering/selection_test.dart: selection utils selectionBasedOnRect works 07:31 +1224 ~28 -1: test/rendering/selection_test.dart: selection utils selectionBasedOnRect works 07:31 +1225 ~28 -1: test/rendering/selection_test.dart: selection utils selectionBasedOnRect works 07:31 +1225 ~28 -1: test/rendering/selection_test.dart: selection utils adjustDragOffset works 07:31 +1226 ~28 -1: test/rendering/selection_test.dart: selection utils adjustDragOffset works 07:31 +1226 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart [+2002 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F61&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +81 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +33 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:32 +1226 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart 07:33 +1226 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart 07:33 +1226 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: ScrollController control test 07:33 +1227 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: ScrollController control test 07:33 +1228 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: ScrollController control test 07:33 +1228 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: DrivenScrollActivity ending after dispose 07:33 +1229 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: DrivenScrollActivity ending after dispose 07:33 +1229 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Read operations on ScrollControllers with no positions fail 07:33 +1230 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Read operations on ScrollControllers with no positions fail 07:33 +1230 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Read operations on ScrollControllers with more than one position fail 07:33 +1231 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Read operations on ScrollControllers with more than one position fail 07:33 +1231 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Write operations on ScrollControllers with no positions fail 07:34 +1231 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Write operations on ScrollControllers with no positions fail 07:34 +1232 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Write operations on ScrollControllers with no positions fail 07:34 +1232 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Write operations on ScrollControllers with more than one position do not throw 07:34 +1233 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Write operations on ScrollControllers with more than one position do not throw 07:34 +1233 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Scroll controllers notify when the position changes 07:34 +1234 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: Scroll controllers notify when the position changes 07:34 +1234 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: keepScrollOffset 07:34 +1235 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: keepScrollOffset 07:34 +1235 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: isScrollingNotifier works with pointer scroll 07:34 +1236 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart: isScrollingNotifier works with pointer scroll 07:34 +1236 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/scheduler/binding_test.dart [+3346 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F62&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +94 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:35 +1236 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/scheduler/binding_test.dart 07:36 +1236 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/scheduler/binding_test.dart 07:36 +1236 ~28 -1: test/scheduler/binding_test.dart: scheduleForcedFrame sets up frame callbacks 07:36 +1237 ~28 -1: test/scheduler/binding_test.dart: scheduleForcedFrame sets up frame callbacks 07:36 +1237 ~28 -1: test/scheduler/binding_test.dart: debugAssertNoTimeDilation does not throw if time dilate already reset 07:36 +1238 ~28 -1: test/scheduler/binding_test.dart: debugAssertNoTimeDilation does not throw if time dilate already reset 07:36 +1238 ~28 -1: test/scheduler/binding_test.dart: debugAssertNoTimeDilation throw if time dilate not reset 07:36 +1239 ~28 -1: test/scheduler/binding_test.dart: debugAssertNoTimeDilation throw if time dilate not reset 07:36 +1239 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart [+2026 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F63&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +97 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 07:37 +1239 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart 07:38 +1239 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart 07:38 +1239 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: mouse can select multiple widgets 07:39 +1239 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: mouse can select multiple widgets 07:39 +1240 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: mouse can select multiple widgets 07:39 +1240 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: mouse can select multiple widgets - horizontal 07:39 +1241 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: mouse can select multiple widgets - horizontal 07:39 +1241 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward 07:40 +1241 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward 07:41 +1241 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward 07:42 +1241 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward 07:43 +1241 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward 07:44 +1241 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward 07:45 +1241 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward 07:45 +1242 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward 07:45 +1242 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll works for small scrollable 07:46 +1242 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll works for small scrollable 07:46 +1243 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll works for small scrollable 07:46 +1243 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward 07:47 +1243 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward 07:48 +1243 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward 07:49 +1243 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward 07:50 +1243 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward 07:51 +1243 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward 07:51 +1244 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward 07:51 +1244 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward - horizontal 07:52 +1244 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward - horizontal 07:52 +1245 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll forward - horizontal 07:52 +1245 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward - horizontal 07:53 +1245 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward - horizontal 07:54 +1245 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward - horizontal 07:54 +1246 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll backward - horizontal 07:54 +1246 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: preserve selection when out of view. 07:55 +1246 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: preserve selection when out of view. 07:55 +1247 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: preserve selection when out of view. 07:55 +1247 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all non-Apple (variant: 07:55 +1248 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all non-Apple (variant: 07:55 +1248 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all non-Apple (variant: 07:56 +1248 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all non-Apple (variant: 07:56 +1249 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all non-Apple (variant: 07:56 +1249 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all non-Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 07:56 +1250 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all non-Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 07:56 +1250 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all non-Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 07:56 +1251 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all non-Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 07:56 +1251 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 07:56 +1252 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 07:56 +1252 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 07:57 +1252 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 07:57 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: can select all - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 07:57 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 07:58 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 07:59 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 08:00 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 08:01 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 08:02 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 08:03 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 08:04 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 08:05 +1253 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 08:05 +1254 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging selection handles forward 08:05 +1254 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging start selection handle stops scroll when released 08:05 +1255 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging start selection handle stops scroll when released 08:05 +1255 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging end selection handle stops scroll when released 08:06 +1255 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging end selection handle stops scroll when released 08:06 +1256 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: select to scroll by dragging end selection handle stops scroll when released 08:06 +1256 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: 08:06 +1257 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: 08:06 +1257 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:06 +1258 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:06 +1258 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:07 +1258 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:07 +1259 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:07 +1259 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:07 +1260 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:07 +1260 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:07 +1261 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:07 +1261 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: 08:08 +1261 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: 08:08 +1262 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical (variant: 08:08 +1262 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: 08:08 +1263 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: 08:08 +1263 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:08 +1264 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:08 +1264 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:09 +1264 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:09 +1265 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:09 +1265 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:09 +1266 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:09 +1266 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:09 +1267 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:09 +1267 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: 08:10 +1267 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: 08:10 +1268 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - vertical reversed (variant: 08:10 +1268 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: 08:10 +1269 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: 08:10 +1269 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:10 +1270 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:10 +1270 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:10 +1271 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:10 +1271 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:10 +1272 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:10 +1272 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:11 +1272 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:11 +1273 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:11 +1273 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: 08:11 +1274 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal (variant: 08:11 +1274 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: 08:11 +1275 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: 08:11 +1275 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:11 +1276 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:11 +1276 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:11 +1277 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:11 +1277 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:12 +1277 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:12 +1278 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:12 +1278 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:12 +1279 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:12 +1279 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: 08:12 +1280 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: keyboard selection should auto scroll - horizontal reversed (variant: 08:12 +1280 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases selection starts outside of the scrollable 08:12 +1281 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases selection starts outside of the scrollable 08:12 +1281 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases nested scrollables keep selection alive 08:13 +1281 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases nested scrollables keep selection alive 08:13 +1282 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases nested scrollables keep selection alive 08:13 +1282 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:13 +1283 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:13 +1283 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:14 +1283 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:14 +1284 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:14 +1284 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - non-Apple (variant: 08:14 +1285 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - non-Apple (variant: 08:14 +1285 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - non-Apple (variant: 08:14 +1286 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - non-Apple (variant: 08:14 +1286 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - non-Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:14 +1287 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - non-Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 08:14 +1287 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - non-Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:15 +1287 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - non-Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:15 +1288 ~28 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart: Complex cases can copy off screen selection - non-Apple (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 08:15 +1288 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/badge_test.dart [+38301 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F64&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +118 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 08:16 +1288 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/badge_test.dart 08:17 +1288 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/badge_test.dart 08:17 +1288 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Large Badge defaults 08:17 +1289 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Large Badge defaults 08:17 +1289 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Large Badge defaults with RTL 08:17 +1290 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Large Badge defaults with RTL 08:17 +1290 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Badge.count 08:18 +1290 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Badge.count 08:18 +1291 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Badge.count 08:18 +1291 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Small Badge defaults 08:18 +1292 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Small Badge defaults 08:18 +1292 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Small Badge RTL defaults 08:18 +1293 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Small Badge RTL defaults 08:18 +1293 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Large Badge textStyle and colors 08:18 +1294 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Large Badge textStyle and colors 08:18 +1294 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: isLabelVisible 08:18 +1295 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: isLabelVisible 08:18 +1295 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Large Badge alignment 08:19 +1295 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Large Badge alignment 08:19 +1296 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Large Badge alignment 08:19 +1296 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Small Badge alignment 08:19 +1297 ~28 -1: test/material/badge_test.dart: Small Badge alignment 08:19 +1297 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart [+4250 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F65&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +15 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 08:20 +1297 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart 08:21 +1297 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart 08:21 +1297 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: ActionIconThemeData copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 08:21 +1298 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: ActionIconThemeData copyWith, ==, hashCode basics 08:21 +1298 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: ActionIconThemeData copyWith overrides all properties 08:21 +1299 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: ActionIconThemeData copyWith overrides all properties 08:21 +1299 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: ActionIconThemeData defaults 08:21 +1300 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: ActionIconThemeData defaults 08:21 +1300 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: Default ActionIconThemeData debugFillProperties 08:21 +1301 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: Default ActionIconThemeData debugFillProperties 08:21 +1301 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: ActionIconThemeData implements debugFillProperties 08:21 +1302 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: ActionIconThemeData implements debugFillProperties 08:21 +1302 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: Action buttons use ThemeData action icon theme 08:22 +1302 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: Action buttons use ThemeData action icon theme 08:22 +1303 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: Action buttons use ThemeData action icon theme 08:22 +1303 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: Action buttons use ActionIconTheme 08:22 +1304 ~28 -1: test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart: Action buttons use ActionIconTheme 08:22 +1304 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart [+3002 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F66&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +106 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 08:23 +1304 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart 08:24 +1304 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart 08:24 +1304 ~28 -1: test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart: MergeSemantics 08:25 +1304 ~28 -1: test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart: MergeSemantics 08:25 +1305 ~28 -1: test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart: MergeSemantics 08:25 +1305 ~28 -1: test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart: MergeSemantics works if other nodes are implicitly merged into its node 08:25 +1306 ~28 -1: test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart: MergeSemantics works if other nodes are implicitly merged into its node 08:25 +1306 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/page_view_test.dart [+2282 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F67&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +94 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 08:26 +1306 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/page_view_test.dart 08:27 +1306 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/page_view_test.dart 08:27 +1306 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView.builder respects findChildIndexCallback 08:27 +1307 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView.builder respects findChildIndexCallback 08:27 +1307 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView resize from zero-size viewport should not lose state 08:27 +1308 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView resize from zero-size viewport should not lose state 08:27 +1308 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Change the page through the controller when zero-size viewport 08:27 +1309 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Change the page through the controller when zero-size viewport 08:27 +1309 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: _PagePosition.applyViewportDimension should not throw 08:27 +1310 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: _PagePosition.applyViewportDimension should not throw 08:27 +1310 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageController cannot return page while unattached 08:27 +1311 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageController cannot return page while unattached 08:27 +1311 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView control test 08:28 +1311 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView control test 08:28 +1312 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView control test 08:28 +1312 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView does not squish when overscrolled (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:28 +1313 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView does not squish when overscrolled (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:28 +1313 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView does not squish when overscrolled (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:28 +1314 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView does not squish when overscrolled (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:28 +1314 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageController control test 08:28 +1315 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageController control test 08:28 +1315 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageController page stability 08:28 +1316 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageController page stability 08:28 +1316 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageController nextPage and previousPage return Futures that resolve 08:28 +1317 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageController nextPage and previousPage return Futures that resolve 08:28 +1317 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView in zero-size container 08:28 +1318 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView in zero-size container 08:28 +1318 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Page changes at halfway point 08:29 +1318 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Page changes at halfway point 08:29 +1319 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Page changes at halfway point 08:29 +1319 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Bouncing scroll physics ballistics does not overshoot 08:29 +1320 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Bouncing scroll physics ballistics does not overshoot 08:29 +1320 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView viewportFraction 08:29 +1321 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView viewportFraction 08:29 +1321 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Page snapping disable and reenable 08:29 +1322 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Page snapping disable and reenable 08:29 +1322 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView small viewportFraction 08:29 +1323 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView small viewportFraction 08:29 +1323 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView large viewportFraction 08:29 +1324 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView large viewportFraction 08:29 +1324 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Updating PageView large viewportFraction 08:29 +1325 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Updating PageView large viewportFraction 08:29 +1325 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView large viewportFraction can scroll to the last page and snap 08:29 +1326 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView large viewportFraction can scroll to the last page and snap 08:29 +1326 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: All visible pages are able to receive touch events 08:29 +1327 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: All visible pages are able to receive touch events 08:29 +1327 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: the current item remains centered on constraint change 08:29 +1328 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: the current item remains centered on constraint change 08:29 +1328 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView does not report page changed on overscroll 08:29 +1329 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView does not report page changed on overscroll 08:29 +1329 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView can restore page 08:29 +1330 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView can restore page 08:29 +1330 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView exposes semantics of children 08:30 +1330 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView exposes semantics of children 08:30 +1331 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView exposes semantics of children 08:30 +1331 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageMetrics 08:30 +1332 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageMetrics 08:30 +1332 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Page controller can handle rounding issue 08:30 +1333 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: Page controller can handle rounding issue 08:30 +1333 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView can participate in a11y scrolling 08:30 +1334 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView can participate in a11y scrolling 08:30 +1334 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView respects clipBehavior 08:30 +1335 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView respects clipBehavior 08:30 +1335 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView.padEnds tests 08:30 +1336 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView.padEnds tests 08:30 +1336 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView - precision error inside RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor 08:30 +1337 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView - precision error inside RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor 08:30 +1337 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView content should not be stretched on precision error 08:30 +1338 ~28 -1: test/widgets/page_view_test.dart: PageView content should not be stretched on precision error 08:30 +1338 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart [+5241 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F68&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +102 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 08:31 +1338 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart 08:32 +1338 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart 08:32 +1338 ~28 -1: test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart: Router state restoration without RouteInformationProvider 08:32 +1339 ~28 -1: test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart: Router state restoration without RouteInformationProvider 08:32 +1339 ~28 -1: test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart: Router state restoration with RouteInformationProvider 08:32 +1340 ~28 -1: test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart: Router state restoration with RouteInformationProvider 08:32 +1340 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/search_test.dart [+2282 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F69&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 08:33 +1340 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/search_test.dart [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +22 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 08:34 +1340 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/search_test.dart 08:35 +1340 ~28 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/search_test.dart 08:35 +1340 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Changing query moves cursor to the end of query 08:36 +1340 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Changing query moves cursor to the end of query 08:36 +1341 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Changing query moves cursor to the end of query 08:36 +1341 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Can open and close search 08:36 +1342 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Can open and close search 08:36 +1342 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Can close search with system back button to return null 08:37 +1342 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Can close search with system back button to return null 08:37 +1343 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Can close search with system back button to return null 08:37 +1343 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Hint text color overridden 08:38 +1343 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Hint text color overridden 08:38 +1344 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Hint text color overridden 08:38 +1344 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Requests suggestions 08:38 +1345 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Requests suggestions 08:38 +1345 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Shows Results and closes search 08:39 +1345 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Shows Results and closes search 08:39 +1346 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Shows Results and closes search 08:39 +1346 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Can switch between results and suggestions 08:40 +1346 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Can switch between results and suggestions 08:40 +1347 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Can switch between results and suggestions 08:40 +1347 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Fresh search always starts with empty query 08:41 +1347 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Fresh search always starts with empty query 08:41 +1348 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Fresh search always starts with empty query 08:41 +1348 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Initial queries are honored 08:41 +1349 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Initial queries are honored 08:41 +1349 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Initial query null re-used previous query 08:41 +1350 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Initial query null re-used previous query 08:41 +1350 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Changing query shows up in search field 08:42 +1350 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Changing query shows up in search field 08:42 +1351 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Changing query shows up in search field 08:42 +1351 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: transitionAnimation runs while search fades in/out 08:42 +1352 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: transitionAnimation runs while search fades in/out 08:42 +1352 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Closing nested search returns to search 08:43 +1352 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Closing nested search returns to search 08:43 +1353 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Closing nested search returns to search 08:43 +1353 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Closing search with nested search shown goes back to underlying route 08:44 +1353 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Closing search with nested search shown goes back to underlying route 08:44 +1354 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Closing search with nested search shown goes back to underlying route 08:44 +1354 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom searchFieldLabel value 08:45 +1354 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom searchFieldLabel value 08:45 +1355 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom searchFieldLabel value 08:45 +1355 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Default searchFieldLabel is used when it is set to null 08:45 +1356 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Default searchFieldLabel is used when it is set to null 08:45 +1356 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom searchFieldStyle value 08:46 +1356 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom searchFieldStyle value 08:46 +1357 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom searchFieldStyle value 08:46 +1357 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: keyboard show search button by default 08:46 +1358 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: keyboard show search button by default 08:46 +1358 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom textInputAction results in keyboard with corresponding button 08:46 +1359 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom textInputAction results in keyboard with corresponding button 08:46 +1359 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: contributes semantics includes routeName on Android 08:47 +1359 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: contributes semantics includes routeName on Android 08:47 +1360 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: contributes semantics includes routeName on Android 08:47 +1360 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: contributes semantics does not include routeName (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:47 +1361 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: contributes semantics does not include routeName (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 08:47 +1361 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: contributes semantics does not include routeName (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:48 +1361 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: contributes semantics does not include routeName (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:48 +1362 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: contributes semantics does not include routeName (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 08:48 +1362 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom searchFieldDecorationTheme value 08:48 +1363 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Custom searchFieldDecorationTheme value 08:48 +1363 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: text in search bar contrasts background (light mode) 08:48 +1364 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: text in search bar contrasts background (light mode) 08:48 +1364 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: text in search bar contrasts background (dark mode) 08:49 +1364 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: text in search bar contrasts background (dark mode) 08:49 +1365 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: text in search bar contrasts background (dark mode) 08:49 +1365 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: `Leading` and `Actions` nullable test 08:49 +1366 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: `Leading` and `Actions` nullable test 08:49 +1366 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: showSearch with useRootNavigator 08:50 +1366 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: showSearch with useRootNavigator 08:50 +1367 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: showSearch with useRootNavigator 08:50 +1367 ~28 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Query text field shows toolbar initially 08:50 +1367 ~29 -1: test/material/search_test.dart: Query text field shows toolbar initially 08:50 +1367 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart [+17712 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F70&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +16 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 08:51 +1367 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart 08:52 +1367 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart 08:52 +1367 ~29 -1: test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart: PhysicalModel updates clipBehavior in updateRenderObject 08:53 +1367 ~29 -1: test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart: PhysicalModel updates clipBehavior in updateRenderObject 08:53 +1368 ~29 -1: test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart: PhysicalModel updates clipBehavior in updateRenderObject 08:53 +1368 ~29 -1: test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart: PhysicalShape updates clipBehavior in updateRenderObject 08:53 +1369 ~29 -1: test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart: PhysicalShape updates clipBehavior in updateRenderObject 08:53 +1369 ~29 -1: test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart: PhysicalModel - clips when overflows and elevation is 0 08:54 +1369 ~29 -1: test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart: PhysicalModel - clips when overflows and elevation is 0 [+3212 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerFBIZJO/listener.dart [ +18 ms] <- recompile file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerFBIZJO/listener.dart dab5e989-e3a7-4f83-9f18-033e8ada2549 [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerFBIZJO/listener.dart [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/flutter_build/dart_plugin_registrant.dart [ ] <- dab5e989-e3a7-4f83-9f18-033e8ada2549 [ +317 ms] <- accept [ ] <- reset [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerFBIZJO/listener.dart took 336ms [ +11 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageAVKXYE/image","key":"physical_model_overflow.png","update":false} 08:55 +1369 ~29 -1: test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart: PhysicalModel - clips when overflows and elevation is 0 [ +858 ms] <<< {"success":true} 08:55 +1370 ~29 -1: test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart: PhysicalModel - clips when overflows and elevation is 0 08:55 +1370 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart [ +174 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F71&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +105 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 08:56 +1370 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart 08:57 +1370 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart 08:57 +1370 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier position should be at gesture position if does not violate any positioning rules 08:58 +1370 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier position should be at gesture position if does not violate any positioning rules [+2792 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ +1 ms] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerBMILLS/listener.dart [ +16 ms] <- recompile file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerBMILLS/listener.dart 9a19f01d-3bf0-47ff-bc7c-7c84c5e49afc [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerBMILLS/listener.dart [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/flutter_build/dart_plugin_registrant.dart [ ] <- 9a19f01d-3bf0-47ff-bc7c-7c84c5e49afc [ +300 ms] <- accept [ ] <- reset [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerBMILLS/listener.dart took 317ms [ +9 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageWKCAWO/image","key":"cupertino_magnifier.position.default.png","update":false} 08:59 +1370 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier position should be at gesture position if does not violate any positioning rules [ +785 ms] <<< {"success":true} 08:59 +1371 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier position should be at gesture position if does not violate any positioning rules 08:59 +1371 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier position should never horizontally be outside of Screen Padding 08:59 +1372 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier position should never horizontally be outside of Screen Padding 08:59 +1372 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier position should have some vertical drag 08:59 +1373 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier position should have some vertical drag 08:59 +1373 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier status should hide if gesture is far below the text field 09:00 +1373 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier status should hide if gesture is far below the text field 09:00 +1374 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier status should hide if gesture is far below the text field 09:00 +1374 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier status should re-show if gesture moves back up 09:00 +1375 ~29 -1: test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart: CupertinoTextEditingMagnifier status should re-show if gesture moves back up 09:00 +1375 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart [ +667 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F72&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +39 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:01 +1375 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart 09:02 +1375 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart 09:02 +1375 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: MatrixUtils.transformRect handles very large finite values 09:02 +1376 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: MatrixUtils.transformRect handles very large finite values 09:02 +1376 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: MatrixUtils.getAsTranslation() 09:02 +1377 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: MatrixUtils.getAsTranslation() 09:02 +1377 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: cylindricalProjectionTransform identity 09:02 +1378 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: cylindricalProjectionTransform identity 09:02 +1378 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: cylindricalProjectionTransform rotate with no radius 09:02 +1379 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: cylindricalProjectionTransform rotate with no radius 09:02 +1379 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: cylindricalProjectionTransform radius does not change scale 09:02 +1380 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: cylindricalProjectionTransform radius does not change scale 09:02 +1380 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: cylindricalProjectionTransform calculation spot check 09:02 +1381 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: cylindricalProjectionTransform calculation spot check 09:02 +1381 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: forceToPoint 09:02 +1382 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: forceToPoint 09:02 +1382 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: transformRect with no perspective (w = 1) 09:02 +1383 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: transformRect with no perspective (w = 1) 09:02 +1383 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: transformRect with perspective (w != 1) 09:02 +1384 ~29 -1: test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart: transformRect with perspective (w != 1) 09:02 +1384 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart [+2285 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F73&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +118 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:03 +1384 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart 09:04 +1384 ~29 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart 09:04 +1384 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses line 09:04 +1385 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses line 09:04 +1385 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses string 09:04 +1386 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses string 09:04 +1386 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses StackTrace 09:04 +1387 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses StackTrace 09:04 +1387 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses complex stack 09:04 +1388 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses complex stack 09:04 +1388 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses stack without cols 09:04 +1389 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses stack without cols 09:04 +1389 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses web stack 09:04 +1390 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses web stack 09:04 +1390 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses ... 09:04 +1391 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Parses ... 09:04 +1391 ~29 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Live handling of Stack Overflows 09:04 +1391 ~30 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Live handling of Stack Overflows 09:04 +1391 ~30 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Traces from package:stack_trace throw assertion 09:04 +1392 ~30 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Traces from package:stack_trace throw assertion 09:04 +1392 ~30 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Can parse web constructor invocation with unknown class name 09:04 +1393 ~30 -1: test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart: Can parse web constructor invocation with unknown class name 09:04 +1393 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart [+2022 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F74&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +24 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:05 +1393 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart 09:06 +1393 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart 09:06 +1393 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: root bucket values 09:06 +1394 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: root bucket values 09:06 +1394 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: child bucket values 09:06 +1395 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: child bucket values 09:06 +1395 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claim child with existing data 09:06 +1396 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claim child with existing data 09:06 +1396 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claim child with no existing data 09:06 +1397 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claim child with no existing data 09:06 +1397 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claim child that is already claimed throws if not given up 09:06 +1398 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claim child that is already claimed throws if not given up 09:07 +1398 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claim child that is already claimed does not throw if given up 09:07 +1399 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claim child that is already claimed does not throw if given up 09:07 +1399 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claiming a claimed child twice and only giving it up once throws 09:07 +1400 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: claiming a claimed child twice and only giving it up once throws 09:07 +1400 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: unclaiming and then claiming same id gives fresh bucket 09:07 +1401 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: unclaiming and then claiming same id gives fresh bucket 09:07 +1401 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: cleans up raw data if last value/child is dropped 09:07 +1402 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: cleans up raw data if last value/child is dropped 09:07 +1402 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: dispose deletes data 09:07 +1403 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: dispose deletes data 09:07 +1403 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: rename is no-op if same id 09:07 +1404 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: rename is no-op if same id 09:07 +1404 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: rename to unused id 09:07 +1405 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: rename to unused id 09:07 +1405 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: rename to used id throws if id is not given up 09:07 +1406 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: rename to used id throws if id is not given up 09:07 +1406 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: rename to used id does not throw if id is given up 09:07 +1407 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: rename to used id does not throw if id is given up 09:07 +1407 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: renaming a to be added child 09:07 +1408 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: renaming a to be added child 09:07 +1408 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopt is no-op if same parent 09:07 +1409 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopt is no-op if same parent 09:07 +1409 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopt fresh child 09:07 +1410 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopt fresh child 09:07 +1410 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopt child that already had a parent 09:07 +1411 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopt child that already had a parent 09:07 +1411 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopting child throws if id is already in use and not given up 09:07 +1412 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopting child throws if id is already in use and not given up 09:07 +1412 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopting child does not throw if id is already in use and given up 09:07 +1413 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopting child does not throw if id is already in use and given up 09:07 +1413 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopting a to-be-added child under an already in use id 09:07 +1414 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: adopting a to-be-added child under an already in use id 09:07 +1414 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: throws when used after dispose 09:07 +1415 ~30 -1: test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart: throws when used after dispose 09:07 +1415 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/async_test.dart [+2168 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F75&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +17 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:08 +1415 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/async_test.dart 09:09 +1415 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/async_test.dart 09:09 +1415 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot requiring data preserves the stackTrace 09:09 +1416 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot requiring data preserves the stackTrace 09:09 +1416 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot requiring data succeeds if data is present 09:09 +1417 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot requiring data succeeds if data is present 09:09 +1417 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot requiring data fails if there is an error 09:09 +1418 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot requiring data fails if there is an error 09:09 +1418 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot requiring data fails if snapshot has neither data nor error 09:09 +1419 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot requiring data fails if snapshot has neither data nor error 09:09 +1419 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot AsyncSnapshot basic constructors 09:09 +1420 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot AsyncSnapshot basic constructors 09:09 +1420 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot withError uses empty stack trace if no stack trace is specified 09:09 +1421 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: AsyncSnapshot withError uses empty stack trace if no stack trace is specified 09:09 +1421 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: Async smoke tests FutureBuilder 09:09 +1422 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: Async smoke tests FutureBuilder 09:09 +1422 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: Async smoke tests StreamBuilder 09:09 +1423 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: Async smoke tests StreamBuilder 09:09 +1423 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: Async smoke tests StreamFold 09:09 +1424 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: Async smoke tests StreamFold 09:09 +1424 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder gives expected snapshot with SynchronousFuture 09:09 +1425 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder gives expected snapshot with SynchronousFuture 09:09 +1425 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder gracefully handles transition from null future 09:09 +1426 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder gracefully handles transition from null future 09:09 +1426 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder gracefully handles transition to null future 09:09 +1427 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder gracefully handles transition to null future 09:09 +1427 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder gracefully handles transition to other future 09:09 +1428 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder gracefully handles transition to other future 09:09 +1428 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder tracks life-cycle of Future to success 09:09 +1429 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder tracks life-cycle of Future to success 09:09 +1429 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder tracks life-cycle of Future to error 09:09 +1430 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder tracks life-cycle of Future to error 09:09 +1430 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder runs the builder using given initial data 09:09 +1431 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder runs the builder using given initial data 09:09 +1431 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder ignores initialData when reconfiguring 09:09 +1432 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder ignores initialData when reconfiguring 09:09 +1432 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder debugRethrowError rethrows caught error 09:10 +1432 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder debugRethrowError rethrows caught error 09:11 +1432 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder debugRethrowError rethrows caught error 09:11 +1433 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder debugRethrowError rethrows caught error 09:11 +1433 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder gracefully handles transition from null stream 09:11 +1434 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder gracefully handles transition from null stream 09:11 +1434 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder gracefully handles transition to null stream 09:11 +1435 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder gracefully handles transition to null stream 09:11 +1435 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder gracefully handles transition to other stream 09:11 +1436 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder gracefully handles transition to other stream 09:11 +1436 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder tracks events and errors of stream until completion 09:11 +1437 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder tracks events and errors of stream until completion 09:11 +1437 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder runs the builder using given initial data 09:11 +1438 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder runs the builder using given initial data 09:11 +1438 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder ignores initialData when reconfiguring 09:11 +1439 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilder ignores initialData when reconfiguring 09:11 +1439 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when completing with data 09:11 +1440 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when completing with data 09:11 +1440 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when completing with error and with empty stack trace 09:11 +1441 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when completing with error and with empty stack trace 09:11 +1441 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when completing with error and with stack trace 09:11 +1442 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when completing with error and with stack trace 09:11 +1442 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when Future is null 09:11 +1443 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when Future is null 09:11 +1443 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when initialData is used with null Future and Stream 09:11 +1444 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when initialData is used with null Future and Stream 09:11 +1444 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when using initialData and completing with data 09:11 +1445 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder behave identically on Stream from Future when using initialData and completing with data 09:11 +1445 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilderBase gracefully handles transition from null stream 09:11 +1446 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilderBase gracefully handles transition from null stream 09:11 +1446 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilderBase gracefully handles transition to null stream 09:11 +1447 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilderBase gracefully handles transition to null stream 09:11 +1447 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilderBase gracefully handles transition to other stream 09:11 +1448 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilderBase gracefully handles transition to other stream 09:11 +1448 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilderBase tracks events and errors until completion 09:11 +1449 ~30 -1: test/widgets/async_test.dart: StreamBuilderBase tracks events and errors until completion 09:11 +1449 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart [+4648 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F76&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 09:12 +1449 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +34 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:13 +1449 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart 09:14 +1449 ~30 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart 09:14 +1449 ~30 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when open input connection in didUpdateWidget, should not throw 09:15 +1449 ~30 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when open input connection in didUpdateWidget, should not throw 09:15 +1450 ~30 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when open input connection in didUpdateWidget, should not throw 09:15 +1450 ~30 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Text with selection can be shown on the screen when the keyboard shown 09:15 +1451 ~30 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Text with selection can be shown on the screen when the keyboard shown 09:15 +1451 ~30 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: ScheduleShowCaretOnScreen with no animation when the view changes metrics 09:15 +1452 ~30 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: ScheduleShowCaretOnScreen with no animation when the view changes metrics 09:15 +1452 ~30 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: RTL arabic correct caret placement after trailing whitespace 09:15 +1452 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: RTL arabic correct caret placement after trailing whitespace 09:15 +1452 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: has expected defaults 09:15 +1453 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: has expected defaults 09:15 +1453 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when backgroundCursorColor is updated, RenderEditable should be updated 09:15 +1454 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when backgroundCursorColor is updated, RenderEditable should be updated 09:15 +1454 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text keyboard is requested when maxLines is default 09:16 +1454 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text keyboard is requested when maxLines is default 09:16 +1455 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text keyboard is requested when maxLines is default 09:16 +1455 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "unspecified" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1456 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "unspecified" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1456 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "none" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1457 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "none" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1457 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "done" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1458 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "done" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1458 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "send" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1459 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "send" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1459 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "go" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1460 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "go" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1460 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "search" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1461 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "search" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1461 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "send" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1462 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "send" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1462 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "next" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1463 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "next" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1463 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "previous" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1464 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "previous" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1464 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "continue" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1465 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "continue" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1465 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "join" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1466 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "join" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1466 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "route" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1467 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "route" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1467 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "emergencyCall" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1468 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Keyboard is configured for "emergencyCall" action when explicitly requested 09:16 +1468 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: insertContent does not throw and parses data correctly 09:16 +1469 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: insertContent does not throw and parses data correctly 09:16 +1469 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: onAppPrivateCommand does not throw 09:17 +1469 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: onAppPrivateCommand does not throw 09:17 +1470 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: onAppPrivateCommand does not throw 09:17 +1470 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints infer keyboard types from autofillHints: ios (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:17 +1471 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints infer keyboard types from autofillHints: ios (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:17 +1471 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints infer keyboard types from autofillHints: ios (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:17 +1472 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints infer keyboard types from autofillHints: ios (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:17 +1472 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints infer keyboard types from autofillHints: non-ios 09:17 +1473 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints infer keyboard types from autofillHints: non-ios 09:17 +1473 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints inferred keyboard types can be overridden: ios (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:17 +1474 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints inferred keyboard types can be overridden: ios (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:17 +1474 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints inferred keyboard types can be overridden: ios (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:17 +1475 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints inferred keyboard types can be overridden: ios (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:17 +1475 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints inferred keyboard types can be overridden: non-ios 09:17 +1476 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Infer keyboardType from autofillHints inferred keyboard types can be overridden: non-ios 09:17 +1476 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: multiline keyboard is requested when set explicitly 09:17 +1477 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: multiline keyboard is requested when set explicitly 09:17 +1477 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText sends enableInteractiveSelection to config 09:17 +1478 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText sends enableInteractiveSelection to config 09:17 +1478 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection persists when unfocused 09:17 +1479 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection persists when unfocused 09:17 +1479 ~31 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection rects re-sent when refocused (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:17 +1479 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection rects re-sent when refocused (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:17 +1479 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not derive selection color from DefaultSelectionStyle 09:17 +1480 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not derive selection color from DefaultSelectionStyle 09:17 +1480 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: visiblePassword keyboard is requested when set explicitly 09:17 +1481 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: visiblePassword keyboard is requested when set explicitly 09:17 +1481 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: enableSuggestions flag is sent to the engine properly 09:17 +1482 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: enableSuggestions flag is sent to the engine properly 09:17 +1482 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: enableIMEPersonalizedLearning flag is sent to the engine properly 09:17 +1483 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: enableIMEPersonalizedLearning flag is sent to the engine properly 09:17 +1483 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: smartDashesType and smartQuotesType sent to the engine properly 09:17 +1484 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: smartDashesType and smartQuotesType sent to the engine properly 09:17 +1484 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: smartDashesType and smartQuotesType default to true when obscureText is false 09:17 +1485 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: smartDashesType and smartQuotesType default to true when obscureText is false 09:17 +1485 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: smartDashesType and smartQuotesType default to false when obscureText is true 09:18 +1485 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: smartDashesType and smartQuotesType default to false when obscureText is true 09:18 +1486 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: smartDashesType and smartQuotesType default to false when obscureText is true 09:18 +1486 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection overlay will update when text grow bigger 09:18 +1487 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection overlay will update when text grow bigger 09:18 +1487 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can update style of previous activated EditableText 09:18 +1488 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can update style of previous activated EditableText 09:18 +1488 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Multiline keyboard with newline action is requested when maxLines = null 09:18 +1489 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Multiline keyboard with newline action is requested when maxLines = null 09:18 +1489 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Text keyboard is requested when explicitly set and maxLines = null 09:18 +1490 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Text keyboard is requested when explicitly set and maxLines = null 09:18 +1490 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Correct keyboard is requested when set explicitly and maxLines > 1 09:18 +1491 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Correct keyboard is requested when set explicitly and maxLines > 1 09:18 +1491 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: multiline keyboard is requested when set implicitly 09:18 +1492 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: multiline keyboard is requested when set implicitly 09:18 +1492 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: single line inputs have correct default keyboard 09:18 +1493 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: single line inputs have correct default keyboard 09:18 +1493 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: The focus and callback behavior are correct when TextInputClient.onConnectionClosed message received 09:18 +1494 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: The focus and callback behavior are correct when TextInputClient.onConnectionClosed message received 09:18 +1494 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: connection is closed when TextInputClient.onConnectionClosed message received 09:18 +1495 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: connection is closed when TextInputClient.onConnectionClosed message received 09:18 +1495 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: closed connection reopened when user focused 09:19 +1495 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: closed connection reopened when user focused 09:19 +1496 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: closed connection reopened when user focused 09:19 +1496 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: closed connection reopened when user focused on another field 09:19 +1497 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: closed connection reopened when user focused on another field 09:19 +1497 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: kept-alive EditableText does not crash when layout is skipped 09:19 +1498 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: kept-alive EditableText does not crash when layout is skipped 09:19 +1498 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can show toolbar when there is text and a selection 09:19 +1499 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can show toolbar when there is text and a selection 09:19 +1499 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: BrowserContextMenu web can show flutter context menu when the browser context menu is disabled 09:19 +1500 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: BrowserContextMenu web can show flutter context menu when the browser context menu is disabled 09:19 +1500 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can hide toolbar with DismissIntent 09:20 +1500 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can hide toolbar with DismissIntent 09:20 +1501 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can hide toolbar with DismissIntent 09:20 +1501 ~32 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: toolbar hidden on mobile when orientation changes (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:20 +1501 ~33 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: toolbar hidden on mobile when orientation changes (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:20 +1501 ~33 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: toolbar hidden on mobile when orientation changes (variant: 09:20 +1501 ~34 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: toolbar hidden on mobile when orientation changes (variant: 09:20 +1501 ~34 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Paste is shown only when there is something to paste 09:20 +1502 ~34 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Paste is shown only when there is something to paste 09:20 +1502 ~34 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection does not collapse selection on desktop and iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:20 +1502 ~35 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection does not collapse selection on desktop and iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:20 +1502 ~35 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection does not collapse selection on desktop and iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:20 +1502 ~36 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection does not collapse selection on desktop and iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:20 +1502 ~36 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection does not collapse selection on desktop and iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:20 +1502 ~37 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection does not collapse selection on desktop and iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:20 +1502 ~37 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection does not collapse selection on desktop and iOS (variant: 09:20 +1502 ~38 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection does not collapse selection on desktop and iOS (variant: 09:20 +1502 ~38 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection collapses selection and hides the toolbar on Android and Fuchsia (variant: 09:20 +1502 ~39 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection collapses selection and hides the toolbar on Android and Fuchsia (variant: 09:20 +1502 ~39 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection collapses selection and hides the toolbar on Android and Fuchsia (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:20 +1502 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Copy selection collapses selection and hides the toolbar on Android and Fuchsia (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:20 +1502 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can show the toolbar after clearing all text 09:20 +1503 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can show the toolbar after clearing all text 09:20 +1503 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can dynamically disable options in toolbar 09:20 +1504 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can dynamically disable options in toolbar 09:20 +1504 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can dynamically disable select all option in toolbar - cupertino 09:20 +1505 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can dynamically disable select all option in toolbar - cupertino 09:20 +1505 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can dynamically disable select all option in toolbar - material 09:20 +1506 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can dynamically disable select all option in toolbar - material 09:20 +1506 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: cut and paste are disabled in read only mode even if explicitly set 09:21 +1506 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: cut and paste are disabled in read only mode even if explicitly set 09:21 +1507 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: cut and paste are disabled in read only mode even if explicitly set 09:21 +1507 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: cut and copy are disabled in obscured mode even if explicitly set 09:21 +1508 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: cut and copy are disabled in obscured mode even if explicitly set 09:21 +1508 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: cut and copy do nothing in obscured mode even if explicitly called 09:21 +1509 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: cut and copy do nothing in obscured mode even if explicitly called 09:21 +1509 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: select all does nothing if obscured and read-only, even if explicitly called 09:21 +1510 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: select all does nothing if obscured and read-only, even if explicitly called 09:21 +1510 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns null when toolbarOptions are empty 09:21 +1511 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns null when toolbarOptions are empty 09:21 +1511 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns empty array when only cut is selected in toolbarOptions but cut is not enabled 09:21 +1512 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns empty array when only cut is selected in toolbarOptions but cut is not enabled 09:21 +1512 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns only cut button when only cut is selected in toolbarOptions and cut is enabled 09:21 +1513 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns only cut button when only cut is selected in toolbarOptions and cut is enabled 09:21 +1513 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns empty array when only copy is selected in toolbarOptions but copy is not enabled 09:21 +1514 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns empty array when only copy is selected in toolbarOptions but copy is not enabled 09:21 +1514 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns only copy button when only copy is selected in toolbarOptions and copy is enabled 09:22 +1514 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns only copy button when only copy is selected in toolbarOptions and copy is enabled 09:22 +1515 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns only copy button when only copy is selected in toolbarOptions and copy is enabled 09:22 +1515 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns empty array when only paste is selected in toolbarOptions but paste is not enabled 09:22 +1516 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns empty array when only paste is selected in toolbarOptions but paste is not enabled 09:22 +1516 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns only paste button when only paste is selected in toolbarOptions and paste is enabled 09:22 +1517 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns only paste button when only paste is selected in toolbarOptions and paste is enabled 09:22 +1517 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns empty array when only selectAll is selected in toolbarOptions but selectAll is not enabled 09:22 +1518 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns empty array when only selectAll is selected in toolbarOptions but selectAll is not enabled 09:22 +1518 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns only selectAll button when only selectAll is selected in toolbarOptions and selectAll is enabled 09:22 +1519 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: buttonItemsForToolbarOptions returns only selectAll button when only selectAll is selected in toolbarOptions and selectAll is enabled 09:22 +1519 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles the read-only flag correctly 09:22 +1520 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles the read-only flag correctly 09:22 +1520 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Does not accept updates when read-only 09:22 +1521 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Does not accept updates when read-only 09:22 +1521 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Read-only fields do not format text 09:23 +1521 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Read-only fields do not format text 09:23 +1522 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Read-only fields do not format text 09:23 +1522 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changes during Scribble interaction should have the scribble cause (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changes during Scribble interaction should have the scribble cause (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~40 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Requests focus and changes the selection when onScribbleFocus is called (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~41 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Requests focus and changes the selection when onScribbleFocus is called (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~41 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Declares itself for Scribble interaction if the bounds overlap the scribble rect and the widget is touchable (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~42 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Declares itself for Scribble interaction if the bounds overlap the scribble rect and the widget is touchable (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~42 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: single line Scribble fields can show a horizontal placeholder (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~43 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: single line Scribble fields can show a horizontal placeholder (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~43 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: multiline Scribble fields can show a vertical placeholder (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~44 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: multiline Scribble fields can show a vertical placeholder (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:23 +1523 ~44 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Sends "updateConfig" when read-only flag is flipped 09:23 +1524 ~44 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Sends "updateConfig" when read-only flag is flipped 09:23 +1524 ~44 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Sends "updateConfig" when obscureText is flipped 09:23 +1525 ~44 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Sends "updateConfig" when obscureText is flipped 09:23 +1525 ~44 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Fires onChanged when text changes via TextSelectionOverlay 09:23 +1525 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Fires onChanged when text changes via TextSelectionOverlay 09:23 +1525 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: none) 09:23 +1526 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: none) 09:23 +1526 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: unspecified) 09:24 +1526 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: unspecified) 09:24 +1527 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: unspecified) 09:24 +1527 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: done) 09:24 +1528 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: done) 09:24 +1528 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: go) 09:24 +1529 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: go) 09:24 +1529 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: search) 09:24 +1530 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: search) 09:24 +1530 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: send) 09:24 +1531 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: send) 09:24 +1531 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: next) 09:24 +1532 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: next) 09:24 +1532 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: previous) 09:25 +1532 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: previous) 09:25 +1533 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: previous) 09:25 +1533 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: continueAction) 09:25 +1534 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: continueAction) 09:25 +1534 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: join) 09:25 +1535 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: join) 09:25 +1535 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: route) 09:25 +1536 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: route) 09:25 +1536 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: emergencyCall) 09:25 +1537 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: emergencyCall) 09:25 +1537 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: newline) 09:26 +1537 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: newline) 09:26 +1538 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Handles focus correctly when action is invoked (variant: newline) 09:26 +1538 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Does not lose focus by default when "done" action is pressed and onEditingComplete is provided 09:26 +1539 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Does not lose focus by default when "done" action is pressed and onEditingComplete is provided 09:26 +1539 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: When "done" is pressed callbacks are invoked: onEditingComplete > onSubmitted 09:26 +1540 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: When "done" is pressed callbacks are invoked: onEditingComplete > onSubmitted 09:26 +1540 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: When "next" is pressed callbacks are invoked: onEditingComplete > onSubmitted 09:26 +1541 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: When "next" is pressed callbacks are invoked: onEditingComplete > onSubmitted 09:26 +1541 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: When "newline" action is called on a Editable text with maxLines == 1 callbacks are invoked: onEditingComplete > onSubmitted 09:26 +1542 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: When "newline" action is called on a Editable text with maxLines == 1 callbacks are invoked: onEditingComplete > onSubmitted 09:26 +1542 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: When "newline" action is called on a Editable text with maxLines != 1, onEditingComplete and onSubmitted callbacks are not invoked. 09:26 +1543 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: When "newline" action is called on a Editable text with maxLines != 1, onEditingComplete and onSubmitted callbacks are not invoked. 09:26 +1543 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: finalizeEditing should reset the input connection when shouldUnfocus is true but the unfocus is cancelled 09:27 +1543 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: finalizeEditing should reset the input connection when shouldUnfocus is true but the unfocus is cancelled 09:27 +1544 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: finalizeEditing should reset the input connection when shouldUnfocus is true but the unfocus is cancelled 09:27 +1544 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: requesting focus in the onSubmitted callback should keep the onscreen keyboard visible 09:27 +1545 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: requesting focus in the onSubmitted callback should keep the onscreen keyboard visible 09:27 +1545 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: iOS autocorrection rectangle should appear on demand and dismiss when the text changes or when focus is lost 09:27 +1546 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: iOS autocorrection rectangle should appear on demand and dismiss when the text changes or when focus is lost 09:27 +1546 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Changing controller updates EditableText 09:27 +1547 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Changing controller updates EditableText 09:27 +1547 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText identifies as text field (w/ focus) in semantics 09:27 +1548 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText identifies as text field (w/ focus) in semantics 09:27 +1548 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText sets multi-line flag in semantics 09:27 +1549 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText sets multi-line flag in semantics 09:27 +1549 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText includes text as value in semantics 09:27 +1550 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText includes text as value in semantics 09:27 +1550 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: exposes correct cursor movement semantics 09:27 +1551 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: exposes correct cursor movement semantics 09:27 +1551 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can move cursor with a11y means - character 09:28 +1551 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can move cursor with a11y means - character 09:28 +1552 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can move cursor with a11y means - character 09:28 +1552 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can move cursor with a11y means - word 09:28 +1553 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can move cursor with a11y means - word 09:28 +1553 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can extend selection with a11y means - character 09:28 +1554 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can extend selection with a11y means - character 09:28 +1554 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can extend selection with a11y means - word 09:28 +1555 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can extend selection with a11y means - word 09:28 +1555 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: password fields have correct semantics 09:28 +1556 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: password fields have correct semantics 09:28 +1556 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: password fields become obscured with the right semantics when set 09:28 +1557 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: password fields become obscured with the right semantics when set 09:28 +1557 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: password fields can have their obscuring character customized 09:28 +1558 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: password fields can have their obscuring character customized 09:28 +1558 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: password briefly shows last character when entered on mobile 09:29 +1558 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: password briefly shows last character when entered on mobile 09:29 +1559 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: password briefly shows last character when entered on mobile 09:29 +1559 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: a11y copy/cut/paste are exposed 09:29 +1560 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: a11y copy/cut/paste are exposed 09:29 +1560 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: a11y copy/cut/paste can copy/cut/paste with a11y 09:29 +1561 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: a11y copy/cut/paste can copy/cut/paste with a11y 09:29 +1561 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: a11y copy/cut/paste copying with a11y works even when toolbar is hidden 09:29 +1562 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: a11y copy/cut/paste copying with a11y works even when toolbar is hidden 09:29 +1562 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can set text with a11y 09:29 +1563 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can set text with a11y 09:29 +1563 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: allows customizing text style in subclasses 09:29 +1564 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: allows customizing text style in subclasses 09:29 +1564 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: onChanged callback only invoked on text changes 09:30 +1564 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: onChanged callback only invoked on text changes 09:30 +1565 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: onChanged callback only invoked on text changes 09:30 +1565 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Formatters are skipped if text has not changed 09:30 +1566 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Formatters are skipped if text has not changed 09:30 +1566 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: default keyboardAppearance is respected 09:30 +1567 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: default keyboardAppearance is respected 09:30 +1567 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: location of widget is sent on show keyboard 09:30 +1568 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: location of widget is sent on show keyboard 09:30 +1568 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: transform and size is reset when text connection opens 09:30 +1569 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: transform and size is reset when text connection opens 09:30 +1569 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: size and transform are sent when they change 09:30 +1570 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: size and transform are sent when they change 09:30 +1570 ~45 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection rects are sent when they change (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:30 +1570 ~46 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection rects are sent when they change (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:30 +1570 ~46 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection rects are not sent if scribbleEnabled is false (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:30 +1570 ~47 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection rects are not sent if scribbleEnabled is false (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:30 +1570 ~47 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection rects sent even when character corners are outside of paintBounds (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:30 +1570 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection rects sent even when character corners are outside of paintBounds (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:30 +1570 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text styling info is sent on show keyboard 09:30 +1571 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text styling info is sent on show keyboard 09:30 +1571 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text styling info is sent on show keyboard (bold override) 09:30 +1572 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text styling info is sent on show keyboard (bold override) 09:30 +1572 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text styling info is sent on style update 09:30 +1573 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text styling info is sent on style update 09:30 +1573 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setCaretRect called with proper coordinates 09:30 +1574 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setCaretRect called with proper coordinates 09:30 +1574 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setCaretRect only send updates when necessary 09:31 +1574 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setCaretRect only send updates when necessary 09:31 +1575 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setCaretRect only send updates when necessary 09:31 +1575 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setCaretRect not sent with selection 09:31 +1576 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setCaretRect not sent with selection 09:31 +1576 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setMarkedTextRect called when the composing range changes 09:31 +1577 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setMarkedTextRect called when the composing range changes 09:31 +1577 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setMarkedTextRect only send updates when necessary 09:31 +1578 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setMarkedTextRect only send updates when necessary 09:31 +1578 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setMarkedTextRect zero matrix paint transform 09:31 +1579 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setMarkedTextRect zero matrix paint transform 09:31 +1579 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: custom keyboardAppearance is respected 09:31 +1580 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: custom keyboardAppearance is respected 09:31 +1580 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Composing text is underlined and underline is cleared when losing focus 09:31 +1581 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Composing text is underlined and underline is cleared when losing focus 09:31 +1581 ~48 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection toolbar visibility 09:31 +1581 ~49 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection toolbar visibility 09:31 +1581 ~49 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection handle visibility 09:31 +1581 ~50 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection handle visibility 09:31 +1581 ~50 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection handle visibility RTL 09:31 +1581 ~51 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection handle visibility RTL 09:31 +1581 ~51 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~52 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~52 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~53 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~53 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~54 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~54 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~55 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~55 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~56 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~56 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~57 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (RawKeyEvent) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~57 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~58 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~58 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~59 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~59 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~60 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~60 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~61 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~61 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~62 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~62 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~63 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard text selection works (ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~63 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~64 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~64 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~65 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~65 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~66 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~66 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~67 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~67 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~68 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~68 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~69 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard shortcuts respect read-only (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~69 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~70 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~70 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~71 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~71 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~72 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~72 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~73 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~73 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~74 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~74 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~75 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~75 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~76 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~76 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~77 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~77 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~78 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~78 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~79 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~79 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~80 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~80 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~81 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~81 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~82 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~82 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~83 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~83 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~84 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~84 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~85 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~85 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~86 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~86 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~87 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: end keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~87 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~88 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~88 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~89 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~89 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~90 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~90 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~91 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~91 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~92 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~92 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~93 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~93 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (Windows only) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~94 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys (Windows only) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~94 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys scrolling (Mac only) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~95 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: home/end keys scrolling (Mac only) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~95 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~96 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~96 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~97 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~97 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~98 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~98 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~99 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~99 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~100 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~100 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~101 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~101 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~102 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~102 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~103 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:31 +1581 ~103 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~104 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~104 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~105 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:31 +1581 ~105 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~106 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~106 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~107 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + end keys and wordwraps (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~107 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys to document boundary (Mac only) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~108 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: shift + home/end keys to document boundary (Mac only) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~108 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: control + home/end keys (Windows only) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~109 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: control + home/end keys (Windows only) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~109 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: control + shift + home/end keys (Windows only) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~110 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: control + shift + home/end keys (Windows only) (variant: 09:31 +1581 ~110 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pageup/pagedown keys on Apple platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~111 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pageup/pagedown keys on Apple platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~111 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pageup/pagedown keys on Apple platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~112 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pageup/pagedown keys on Apple platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~112 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pageup/pagedown keys in a one line field on Apple platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~113 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pageup/pagedown keys in a one line field on Apple platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~113 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pageup/pagedown keys in a one line field on Apple platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~114 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pageup/pagedown keys in a one line field on Apple platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~114 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection handle visibility (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~115 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection handle visibility (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:31 +1581 ~115 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection handle visibility (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: text selection handle visibility (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:31 +1581 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: scrolling doesn't bounce 09:32 +1581 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: scrolling doesn't bounce 09:32 +1582 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: scrolling doesn't bounce 09:32 +1582 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: bringIntoView brings the caret into view when in a viewport 09:33 +1582 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: bringIntoView brings the caret into view when in a viewport 09:33 +1583 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: bringIntoView brings the caret into view when in a viewport 09:33 +1583 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: bringIntoView does nothing if the physics prohibits implicit scrolling 09:33 +1584 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: bringIntoView does nothing if the physics prohibits implicit scrolling 09:33 +1584 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can change scroll controller 09:33 +1585 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can change scroll controller 09:33 +1585 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: getLocalRectForCaret does not throw when it sees an infinite point 09:33 +1586 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: getLocalRectForCaret does not throw when it sees an infinite point 09:33 +1586 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: obscured multiline fields throw an exception 09:33 +1587 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: obscured multiline fields throw an exception 09:33 +1587 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: batch editing batch editing works 09:33 +1588 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: batch editing batch editing works 09:33 +1588 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: batch editing batch edits need to be nested properly 09:34 +1588 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: batch editing batch edits need to be nested properly 09:34 +1589 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: batch editing batch edits need to be nested properly 09:34 +1589 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: batch editing catch unfinished batch edits on disposal 09:34 +1590 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: batch editing catch unfinished batch edits on disposal 09:34 +1590 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not send editing values more than once input from text input plugin 09:34 +1591 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not send editing values more than once input from text input plugin 09:34 +1591 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not send editing values more than once input from text selection menu 09:34 +1592 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not send editing values more than once input from text selection menu 09:34 +1592 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not send editing values more than once input from controller 09:34 +1593 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not send editing values more than once input from controller 09:34 +1593 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not send editing values more than once input from changing controller 09:34 +1594 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not send editing values more than once input from changing controller 09:34 +1594 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: input imm channel calls are ordered correctly 09:34 +1595 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: input imm channel calls are ordered correctly 09:34 +1595 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard is requested after setEditingState after switching to a new text field 09:34 +1596 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: keyboard is requested after setEditingState after switching to a new text field 09:34 +1596 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Autofill does not request focus 09:34 +1597 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Autofill does not request focus 09:34 +1597 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setEditingState is not called when text changes 09:35 +1597 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setEditingState is not called when text changes 09:35 +1598 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setEditingState is not called when text changes 09:35 +1598 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setEditingState is called when text changes on controller 09:35 +1599 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: setEditingState is called when text changes on controller 09:35 +1599 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Synchronous test of local and remote editing values 09:35 +1600 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Synchronous test of local and remote editing values 09:35 +1600 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Send text input state to engine when the input formatter rejects user input 09:35 +1601 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Send text input state to engine when the input formatter rejects user input 09:35 +1601 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Repeatedly receiving [TextEditingValue] will not trigger a keyboard request 09:35 +1602 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Repeatedly receiving [TextEditingValue] will not trigger a keyboard request 09:35 +1602 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingController TextEditingController.text set to empty string clears field 09:35 +1603 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingController TextEditingController.text set to empty string clears field 09:35 +1603 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingController TextEditingController.clear() behavior test 09:36 +1603 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingController TextEditingController.clear() behavior test 09:36 +1604 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingController TextEditingController.clear() behavior test 09:36 +1604 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingController TextEditingController.buildTextSpan receives build context 09:36 +1605 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingController TextEditingController.buildTextSpan receives build context 09:36 +1605 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingController controller listener changes value 09:36 +1606 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingController controller listener changes value 09:36 +1606 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: autofocus:true on first frame does not throw 09:36 +1607 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: autofocus:true on first frame does not throw 09:36 +1607 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: updateEditingValue filters multiple calls from formatter 09:36 +1608 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: updateEditingValue filters multiple calls from formatter 09:36 +1608 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: formatter logic handles repeat filtering 09:36 +1609 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: formatter logic handles repeat filtering 09:36 +1609 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: formatter logic handles initial repeat edge case 09:36 +1610 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: formatter logic handles initial repeat edge case 09:36 +1610 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText changes mouse cursor when hovered 09:36 +1611 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText changes mouse cursor when hovered 09:36 +1611 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Can access characters on editing string 09:36 +1612 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Can access characters on editing string 09:36 +1612 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText can set and update clipBehavior 09:36 +1613 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText can set and update clipBehavior 09:36 +1613 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText inherits DefaultTextHeightBehavior 09:37 +1614 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText inherits DefaultTextHeightBehavior 09:37 +1614 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText defaultTextHeightBehavior is used over inherited widget 09:37 +1615 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText defaultTextHeightBehavior is used over inherited widget 09:37 +1615 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Asserts if composing text is not valid 09:37 +1616 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Asserts if composing text is not valid 09:37 +1616 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Preserves composing range if cursor moves within that range 09:37 +1617 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Preserves composing range if cursor moves within that range 09:37 +1617 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Clears composing range if cursor moves outside that range 09:37 +1618 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Clears composing range if cursor moves outside that range 09:37 +1618 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Clears composing range if cursor moves outside that range - case two 09:37 +1619 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Clears composing range if cursor moves outside that range - case two 09:37 +1619 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter will not cause crash while the TextEditingValue is composing 09:37 +1620 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter will not cause crash while the TextEditingValue is composing 09:37 +1620 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter handles composing text correctly, continued 09:37 +1621 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter handles composing text correctly, continued 09:37 +1621 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter enforced composing truncated 09:37 +1622 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter enforced composing truncated 09:37 +1622 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter default truncate behaviors with different platforms 09:37 +1623 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter default truncate behaviors with different platforms 09:37 +1623 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter composing range removed if it's overflowed the truncated value's length 09:37 +1624 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter composing range removed if it's overflowed the truncated value's length 09:37 +1624 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter composing range removed with different platforms 09:38 +1624 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter composing range removed with different platforms 09:38 +1625 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter composing range removed with different platforms 09:38 +1625 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter composing range handled correctly when it's overflowed 09:38 +1626 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter composing range handled correctly when it's overflowed 09:38 +1626 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter typing in the middle with different platforms. 09:38 +1627 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Length formatter typing in the middle with different platforms. 09:38 +1627 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors onSelectionChanged can throw errors 09:38 +1628 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors onSelectionChanged can throw errors 09:38 +1628 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors onChanged can throw errors 09:38 +1629 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors onChanged can throw errors 09:38 +1629 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors onEditingComplete can throw errors 09:38 +1630 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors onEditingComplete can throw errors 09:38 +1630 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors onSubmitted can throw errors 09:38 +1631 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors onSubmitted can throw errors 09:38 +1631 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors input formatters can throw errors 09:39 +1631 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors input formatters can throw errors 09:39 +1632 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: callback errors input formatters can throw errors 09:39 +1632 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: delete doesn't cause crash when selection is -1,-1 09:39 +1633 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: delete doesn't cause crash when selection is -1,-1 09:39 +1633 ~116 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can change behavior by overriding text editing shortcuts 09:39 +1633 ~117 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can change behavior by overriding text editing shortcuts 09:39 +1633 ~117 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: 09:39 +1633 ~118 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: 09:39 +1633 ~118 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:39 +1633 ~119 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:39 +1633 ~119 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:39 +1633 ~120 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:39 +1633 ~120 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:39 +1633 ~121 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:39 +1633 ~121 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~122 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~122 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: 09:39 +1633 ~123 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating by word (variant: 09:39 +1633 ~123 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: 09:39 +1633 ~124 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: 09:39 +1633 ~124 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:39 +1633 ~125 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:39 +1633 ~125 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:39 +1633 ~126 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:39 +1633 ~126 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:39 +1633 ~127 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:39 +1633 ~127 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~128 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~128 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: 09:39 +1633 ~129 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: navigating multiline text (variant: 09:39 +1633 ~129 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac's expand by line behavior on multiple lines (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~130 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac's expand by line behavior on multiple lines (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~130 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac's expand extent position (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~131 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac's expand extent position (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~131 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: expanding selection to start/end single line (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~132 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: expanding selection to start/end single line (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:39 +1633 ~132 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can change text editing behavior by overriding actions 09:39 +1633 ~133 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can change text editing behavior by overriding actions 09:39 +1633 ~133 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: ignore key event from web platform (variant: RawKeyEvent) 09:39 +1634 ~133 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: ignore key event from web platform (variant: RawKeyEvent) 09:39 +1634 ~133 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: ignore key event from web platform (variant: ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) 09:39 +1635 ~133 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: ignore key event from web platform (variant: ui.KeyData then RawKeyEvent) 09:39 +1635 ~133 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: the toolbar is disposed when selection changes and there is no selectionControls 09:39 +1635 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: the toolbar is disposed when selection changes and there is no selectionControls 09:39 +1635 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not leak animation controllers 09:39 +1636 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText does not leak animation controllers 09:39 +1636 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Floating cursor affinity 09:39 +1637 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Floating cursor affinity 09:39 +1637 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Floating cursor ending with selection 09:39 +1638 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Floating cursor ending with selection 09:39 +1638 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view SelectAll toolbar action will not set max scroll on designated platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:40 +1638 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view SelectAll toolbar action will not set max scroll on designated platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:40 +1639 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view SelectAll toolbar action will not set max scroll on designated platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:40 +1639 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view SelectAll toolbar action will not set max scroll on designated platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:40 +1640 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view SelectAll toolbar action will not set max scroll on designated platforms (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:40 +1640 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view Selection will be scrolled into view with SelectionChangedCause (variant: 09:40 +1641 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view Selection will be scrolled into view with SelectionChangedCause (variant: 09:40 +1641 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view Selection will be scrolled into view with SelectionChangedCause (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:41 +1641 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view Selection will be scrolled into view with SelectionChangedCause (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:41 +1642 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view Selection will be scrolled into view with SelectionChangedCause (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:41 +1642 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view Selection will be scrolled into view with SelectionChangedCause (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:41 +1643 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view Selection will be scrolled into view with SelectionChangedCause (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:41 +1643 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view Selection will be scrolled into view with SelectionChangedCause (variant: 09:41 +1644 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Selection changed scroll into view Selection will be scrolled into view with SelectionChangedCause (variant: 09:41 +1644 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Should not scroll on paste if caret already visible 09:42 +1644 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Should not scroll on paste if caret already visible 09:42 +1645 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Should not scroll on paste if caret already visible 09:42 +1645 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Autofill enabled by default 09:42 +1646 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Autofill enabled by default 09:42 +1646 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Autofill can be disabled 09:42 +1647 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Autofill can be disabled 09:42 +1647 ~134 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~135 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~135 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~136 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~136 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~137 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~137 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~138 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~138 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~139 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~139 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~140 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and non-focused field (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~140 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~141 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~141 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~142 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~142 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~143 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~143 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~144 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~144 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~145 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~145 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~146 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Should have no effect on an empty and focused field (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~146 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~147 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~147 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~148 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~148 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~149 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~149 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~150 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~150 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~151 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~151 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~152 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo a single insertion (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~152 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~153 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~153 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~154 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~154 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~155 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~155 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~156 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~156 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~157 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~157 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~158 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo/redo multiple insertions (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~158 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo as intented when adding a delay between undos (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~159 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can undo as intented when adding a delay between undos (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~159 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~160 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~160 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~161 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~161 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~162 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~162 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~163 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~163 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~164 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~164 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~165 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Cursor does not jump after undo (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~165 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~166 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~166 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~167 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~167 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~168 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~168 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~169 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~169 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~170 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~170 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~171 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Initial value is recorded when an undo is received just after getting the focus (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~171 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~172 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~172 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~173 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~173 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~174 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~174 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~175 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~175 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~176 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~176 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~177 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory Can make changes in the middle of the history (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~177 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~178 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~178 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~179 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~179 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~180 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~180 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~181 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~181 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~182 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~182 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~183 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, duplicate changes (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~183 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~184 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~184 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~185 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~185 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~186 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~186 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~187 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~187 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~188 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~188 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~189 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory inside EditableText, autofocus (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~189 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~190 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~190 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~191 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~191 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~192 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~192 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~193 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~193 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~194 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does not save composing changes (except Android) (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~194 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does save composing changes on Android (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~195 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory does save composing changes on Android (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~195 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~196 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~196 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~197 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 09:42 +1647 ~197 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~198 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1647 ~198 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~199 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 09:42 +1647 ~199 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~200 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1647 ~200 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~201 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: TextEditingHistory saves right up to composing change even when throttled (variant: 09:42 +1647 ~201 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pasting with the keyboard collapses the selection and places it after the pasted content 09:42 +1647 ~202 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: pasting with the keyboard collapses the selection and places it after the pasted content 09:42 +1647 ~202 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText consumes ActivateIntent and ButtonActivateIntent 09:42 +1648 ~202 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText consumes ActivateIntent and ButtonActivateIntent 09:42 +1648 ~202 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can paste and remove field 09:42 +1648 ~203 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can paste and remove field 09:42 +1648 ~203 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can cut and remove field 09:42 +1648 ~204 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can cut and remove field 09:42 +1648 ~204 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-A/E (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~205 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-A/E (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~205 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-A/E (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~206 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-A/E (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~206 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-F/B (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~207 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-F/B (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~207 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-F/B (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~208 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-F/B (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~208 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-N/P (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~209 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-N/P (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~209 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-N/P (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~210 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-N/P (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~210 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-T to transpose with normal characters (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~211 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-T to transpose with normal characters (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~211 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-T to transpose with normal characters (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~212 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-T to transpose with normal characters (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~212 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-T to transpose with extended grapheme clusters (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~213 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-T to transpose with extended grapheme clusters (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:42 +1648 ~213 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-T to transpose with extended grapheme clusters (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~214 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts ctrl-T to transpose with extended grapheme clusters (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 09:42 +1648 ~214 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts macOS selectors work 09:42 +1649 ~214 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Mac document shortcuts macOS selectors work 09:42 +1649 ~214 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: contextMenuBuilder is used in place of the default text selection toolbar 09:42 +1649 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: contextMenuBuilder is used in place of the default text selection toolbar 09:42 +1649 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Spell check configured properly when spell check disabled by default 09:42 +1650 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Spell check configured properly when spell check disabled by default 09:42 +1650 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Spell check configured properly when spell check disabled manually 09:43 +1650 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Spell check configured properly when spell check disabled manually 09:43 +1651 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Spell check configured properly when spell check disabled manually 09:43 +1651 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Error thrown when spell check configuration defined without specifying misspelled text style 09:43 +1652 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Error thrown when spell check configuration defined without specifying misspelled text style 09:43 +1652 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: ... Spell check configured properly when spell check enabled without specified spell check service and native spell check service defined 09:43 +1653 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: ... Spell check configured properly when spell check enabled without specified spell check service and native spell check service defined 09:43 +1653 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Spell check configured properly with specified spell check service 09:43 +1654 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Spell check configured properly with specified spell check service 09:43 +1654 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Spell check disabled when spell check configuration specified but no default spell check service available 09:43 +1655 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check Spell check disabled when spell check configuration specified but no default spell check service available 09:43 +1655 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex finds correct span with cursor in middle of a word 09:43 +1656 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex finds correct span with cursor in middle of a word 09:43 +1656 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex finds correct span with cursor on edge of a word 09:43 +1657 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex finds correct span with cursor on edge of a word 09:43 +1657 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex finds no span when cursor out of range of spans 09:43 +1658 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex finds no span when cursor out of range of spans 09:43 +1658 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex finds no span when word correctly spelled 09:43 +1659 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex finds no span when word correctly spelled 09:43 +1659 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check can show spell check suggestions toolbar when there are spell check results 09:44 +1659 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check can show spell check suggestions toolbar when there are spell check results 09:44 +1660 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check can show spell check suggestions toolbar when there are spell check results 09:44 +1660 ~215 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check can show spell check suggestions toolbar when there are no spell check results on iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:44 +1660 ~216 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check can show spell check suggestions toolbar when there are no spell check results on iOS (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:44 +1660 ~216 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check cupertino spell check suggestions toolbar buttons correctly change the composing region 09:44 +1661 ~216 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check cupertino spell check suggestions toolbar buttons correctly change the composing region 09:44 +1661 ~216 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check material spell check suggestions toolbar buttons correctly change the composing region 09:44 +1662 ~216 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check material spell check suggestions toolbar buttons correctly change the composing region 09:44 +1662 ~216 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check replacing puts cursor at the end of the word (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:44 +1662 ~217 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check replacing puts cursor at the end of the word (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 09:44 +1662 ~217 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check replacing puts cursor at the end of the word (variant: 09:44 +1662 ~218 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check replacing puts cursor at the end of the word (variant: 09:44 +1662 ~218 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check tapping on a misspelled word hides the handles (variant: 09:44 +1662 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: Spell check tapping on a misspelled word hides the handles (variant: 09:44 +1662 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: magnifier should build nothing by default 09:44 +1663 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: magnifier should build nothing by default 09:44 +1663 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can handle the partial selection of a multi-code-unit glyph 09:44 +1664 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: can handle the partial selection of a multi-code-unit glyph 09:44 +1664 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: does not crash when didChangeMetrics is called after unmounting 09:44 +1665 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: does not crash when didChangeMetrics is called after unmounting 09:44 +1665 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: _CompositionCallback widget does not skip frames 09:45 +1665 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: _CompositionCallback widget does not skip frames 09:45 +1666 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: _CompositionCallback widget does not skip frames 09:45 +1666 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection behavior when receiving focus tabbing between fields 09:45 +1667 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection behavior when receiving focus tabbing between fields 09:45 +1667 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection behavior when receiving focus Selection is updated when the field has focus and the new selection is invalid 09:45 +1668 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection behavior when receiving focus Selection is updated when the field has focus and the new selection is invalid 09:45 +1668 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection behavior when receiving focus when having focus stolen between frames on web 09:45 +1669 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: selection behavior when receiving focus when having focus stolen between frames on web 09:45 +1669 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText respects MediaQuery.boldText 09:45 +1670 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: EditableText respects MediaQuery.boldText 09:45 +1670 ~219 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: code points are treated as single characters in obscure mode 09:45 +1670 ~220 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: code points are treated as single characters in obscure mode 09:45 +1670 ~220 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when manually placing the cursor in the middle of a code point 09:45 +1670 ~221 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when manually placing the cursor in the middle of a code point 09:45 +1670 ~221 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when inserting a malformed string 09:45 +1670 ~222 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when inserting a malformed string 09:45 +1670 ~222 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when inserting a malformed string that is a sequence of dangling high surrogates 09:45 +1670 ~223 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when inserting a malformed string that is a sequence of dangling high surrogates 09:45 +1670 ~223 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when inserting a malformed string that is a sequence of dangling low surrogates 09:45 +1670 ~224 -1: test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart: when inserting a malformed string that is a sequence of dangling low surrogates 09:45 +1670 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart [+33630 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F77&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +20 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:46 +1670 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart 09:47 +1670 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart 09:47 +1670 ~224 -1: test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart: Animation created from ValueListenable 09:47 +1671 ~224 -1: test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart: Animation created from ValueListenable 09:47 +1671 ~224 -1: test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart: Animation created from ValueListenable can transform value 09:47 +1672 ~224 -1: test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart: Animation created from ValueListenable can transform value 09:47 +1672 ~224 -1: test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart: Animation created from ValueListenable can be transformed via drive 09:47 +1673 ~224 -1: test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart: Animation created from ValueListenable can be transformed via drive 09:47 +1673 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/build_fail_test.dart [+2017 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F78&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 09:48 +1673 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/build_fail_test.dart [ +109 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:49 +1673 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/build_fail_test.dart 09:49 +1673 ~224 -1: test/widgets/build_fail_test.dart: Build method that returns context.widget throws FlutterError 09:50 +1673 ~224 -1: test/widgets/build_fail_test.dart: Build method that returns context.widget throws FlutterError 09:50 +1674 ~224 -1: test/widgets/build_fail_test.dart: Build method that returns context.widget throws FlutterError 09:50 +1674 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/set_state_1_test.dart [+2162 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F79&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +81 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +22 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:51 +1674 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/set_state_1_test.dart 09:52 +1674 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/set_state_1_test.dart 09:52 +1674 ~224 -1: test/widgets/set_state_1_test.dart: setState() smoke test 09:52 +1675 ~224 -1: test/widgets/set_state_1_test.dart: setState() smoke test 09:52 +1675 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/text_span_test.dart [+2184 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F80&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +16 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:53 +1675 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/text_span_test.dart 09:54 +1675 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/text_span_test.dart 09:54 +1675 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan equals 09:54 +1676 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan equals 09:54 +1676 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan toStringDeep 09:54 +1677 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan toStringDeep 09:54 +1677 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan toStringDeep for mouse 09:54 +1678 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan toStringDeep for mouse 09:54 +1678 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan toPlainText 09:54 +1679 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan toPlainText 09:54 +1679 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: WidgetSpan toPlainText 09:54 +1680 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: WidgetSpan toPlainText 09:54 +1680 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan toPlainText with semanticsLabel 09:54 +1681 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan toPlainText with semanticsLabel 09:54 +1681 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan widget change test 09:54 +1682 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan widget change test 09:54 +1682 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan nested widget change test 09:54 +1683 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan nested widget change test 09:54 +1683 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: GetSpanForPosition with WidgetSpan 09:54 +1684 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: GetSpanForPosition with WidgetSpan 09:54 +1684 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan computeSemanticsInformation 09:54 +1685 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan computeSemanticsInformation 09:54 +1685 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan visitDirectChildren 09:54 +1686 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan visitDirectChildren 09:54 +1686 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: handles mouse cursor 09:54 +1687 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: handles mouse cursor 09:54 +1687 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: handles onEnter and onExit 09:54 +1688 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: handles onEnter and onExit 09:54 +1688 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan can compute StringAttributes 09:54 +1689 ~224 -1: test/painting/text_span_test.dart: TextSpan can compute StringAttributes 09:54 +1689 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart [+2349 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F81&debug=false 09:55 +1689 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +117 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:56 +1689 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart 09:57 +1689 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart 09:57 +1689 ~224 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart: Can dispose ScrollPosition when hasPixels is false 09:57 +1690 ~224 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart: Can dispose ScrollPosition when hasPixels is false 09:57 +1690 ~224 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart: scrollable in hidden overlay does not crash when unhidden 09:57 +1691 ~224 -1: test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart: scrollable in hidden overlay does not crash when unhidden 09:57 +1691 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/layout_builder_and_state_test.dart [+2598 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F82&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +105 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 09:58 +1691 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/layout_builder_and_state_test.dart 09:59 +1691 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/layout_builder_and_state_test.dart 09:59 +1691 ~224 -1: test/widgets/layout_builder_and_state_test.dart: Calling setState on a widget that moves into a LayoutBuilder in the same frame 10:00 +1691 ~224 -1: test/widgets/layout_builder_and_state_test.dart: Calling setState on a widget that moves into a LayoutBuilder in the same frame 10:00 +1692 ~224 -1: test/widgets/layout_builder_and_state_test.dart: Calling setState on a widget that moves into a LayoutBuilder in the same frame 10:00 +1692 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart [+2189 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F83&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +84 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +17 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:01 +1692 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart 10:02 +1692 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart 10:02 +1692 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: OutlinedButtonThemeData lerp special cases 10:02 +1693 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: OutlinedButtonThemeData lerp special cases 10:02 +1693 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: Material3: Passing no OutlinedButtonTheme returns defaults 10:02 +1694 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: Material3: Passing no OutlinedButtonTheme returns defaults 10:02 +1694 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: Material2: Passing no OutlinedButtonTheme returns defaults 10:02 +1695 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: Material2: Passing no OutlinedButtonTheme returns defaults 10:02 +1695 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Button style overrides defaults 10:03 +1695 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Button style overrides defaults 10:03 +1696 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Button style overrides defaults 10:03 +1696 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Button theme style overrides defaults 10:03 +1697 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Button theme style overrides defaults 10:03 +1697 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Overall Theme button theme style overrides defaults 10:03 +1698 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Overall Theme button theme style overrides defaults 10:03 +1698 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Button style overrides defaults, empty theme and overall styles 10:03 +1699 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Button style overrides defaults, empty theme and overall styles 10:03 +1699 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Button theme style overrides defaults, empty button and overall styles 10:03 +1700 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: [Theme, TextTheme, OutlinedButton style overrides] Button theme style overrides defaults, empty button and overall styles 10:03 +1700 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: ... OutlinedButton style overrides] Overall Theme button theme style overrides defaults, null theme and empty overall style 10:03 +1701 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: ... OutlinedButton style overrides] Overall Theme button theme style overrides defaults, null theme and empty overall style 10:03 +1701 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: Material3: Theme shadowColor 10:03 +1702 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: Material3: Theme shadowColor 10:03 +1702 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: Material2: Theme shadowColor 10:04 +1702 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: Material2: Theme shadowColor 10:04 +1703 ~224 -1: test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart: Material2: Theme shadowColor 10:04 +1703 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart [+4102 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F84&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +102 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:05 +1703 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart 10:06 +1703 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart 10:06 +1703 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: hitTestBehavior test - HitTestBehavior.deferToChild/opaque 10:06 +1704 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: hitTestBehavior test - HitTestBehavior.deferToChild/opaque 10:06 +1704 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: hitTestBehavior test - HitTestBehavior.deferToChild and non-opaque 10:06 +1705 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: hitTestBehavior test - HitTestBehavior.deferToChild and non-opaque 10:06 +1705 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: hitTestBehavior test - HitTestBehavior.translucent 10:06 +1706 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: hitTestBehavior test - HitTestBehavior.translucent 10:06 +1706 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: onEnter and onExit can be triggered with mouse buttons pressed 10:06 +1707 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: onEnter and onExit can be triggered with mouse buttons pressed 10:06 +1707 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: detects pointer enter 10:06 +1708 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: detects pointer enter 10:06 +1708 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: detects pointer exiting 10:06 +1709 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: detects pointer exiting 10:06 +1709 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer enter when a mouse is connected 10:06 +1710 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer enter when a mouse is connected 10:06 +1710 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer exit when a mouse is disconnected 10:06 +1711 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer exit when a mouse is disconnected 10:06 +1711 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer enter when widget appears 10:06 +1712 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer enter when widget appears 10:06 +1712 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: doesn't trigger pointer exit when widget disappears 10:06 +1713 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: doesn't trigger pointer exit when widget disappears 10:06 +1713 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer enter when widget moves in 10:06 +1714 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer enter when widget moves in 10:06 +1714 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer exit when widget moves out 10:06 +1715 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: triggers pointer exit when widget moves out 10:06 +1715 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: detects hover from touch devices 10:07 +1715 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: detects hover from touch devices 10:07 +1716 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: detects hover from touch devices 10:07 +1716 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Hover works with nested listeners 10:07 +1717 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Hover works with nested listeners 10:07 +1717 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Hover transfers between two listeners 10:07 +1718 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Hover transfers between two listeners 10:07 +1718 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: applies mouse cursor 10:07 +1719 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: applies mouse cursor 10:07 +1719 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion uses updated callbacks 10:07 +1720 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion uses updated callbacks 10:07 +1720 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: needsCompositing set when parent class needsCompositing is set 10:07 +1721 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: needsCompositing set when parent class needsCompositing is set 10:07 +1721 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: works with transform 10:07 +1722 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: works with transform 10:07 +1722 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: needsCompositing is always false 10:07 +1723 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: needsCompositing is always false 10:07 +1723 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Callbacks aren't called during build 10:07 +1724 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Callbacks aren't called during build 10:07 +1724 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion activate/deactivate don't duplicate annotations 10:07 +1725 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion activate/deactivate don't duplicate annotations 10:07 +1725 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Exit event when unplugging mouse should have a position 10:07 +1726 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Exit event when unplugging mouse should have a position 10:07 +1726 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: detects pointer enter with closure arguments 10:07 +1727 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: detects pointer enter with closure arguments 10:07 +1727 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion paints child once and only once when MouseRegion is inactive 10:07 +1728 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion paints child once and only once when MouseRegion is inactive 10:07 +1728 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion paints child once and only once when MouseRegion is active 10:07 +1729 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion paints child once and only once when MouseRegion is active 10:07 +1729 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: A MouseRegion mounted under the pointer should take effect in the next postframe 10:07 +1730 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: A MouseRegion mounted under the pointer should take effect in the next postframe 10:07 +1730 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: A MouseRegion unmounted under the pointer should not trigger state change 10:07 +1731 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: A MouseRegion unmounted under the pointer should not trigger state change 10:07 +1731 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: A MouseRegion moved into the mouse should take effect in the next postframe 10:07 +1732 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: A MouseRegion moved into the mouse should take effect in the next postframe 10:07 +1732 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion respects opacity: a transparent one should allow MouseRegions behind it to receive pointers 10:07 +1733 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion respects opacity: a transparent one should allow MouseRegions behind it to receive pointers 10:07 +1733 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion respects opacity: an opaque one should prevent MouseRegions behind it receiving pointers 10:07 +1734 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion respects opacity: an opaque one should prevent MouseRegions behind it receiving pointers 10:07 +1734 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion respects opacity: opaque should default to true 10:08 +1734 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion respects opacity: opaque should default to true 10:08 +1735 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: MouseRegion respects opacity: opaque should default to true 10:08 +1735 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: an empty opaque MouseRegion is effective 10:08 +1736 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: an empty opaque MouseRegion is effective 10:08 +1736 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Changing MouseRegion's callbacks is effective and doesn't repaint 10:08 +1737 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Changing MouseRegion's callbacks is effective and doesn't repaint 10:08 +1737 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Changing MouseRegion.opaque is effective and repaints 10:08 +1738 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Changing MouseRegion.opaque is effective and repaints 10:08 +1738 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Changing MouseRegion.cursor is effective and repaints 10:08 +1739 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Changing MouseRegion.cursor is effective and repaints 10:08 +1739 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Changing whether MouseRegion.cursor is null is effective and repaints 10:08 +1740 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Changing whether MouseRegion.cursor is null is effective and repaints 10:08 +1740 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Does not trigger side effects during a reparent 10:08 +1741 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Does not trigger side effects during a reparent 10:08 +1741 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: RenderMouseRegion's debugFillProperties when default 10:08 +1742 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: RenderMouseRegion's debugFillProperties when default 10:08 +1742 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: RenderMouseRegion's debugFillProperties when full 10:08 +1743 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: RenderMouseRegion's debugFillProperties when full 10:08 +1743 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: No new frames are scheduled when mouse moves without triggering callbacks 10:08 +1744 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: No new frames are scheduled when mouse moves without triggering callbacks 10:08 +1744 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Handle mouse events should ignore the detached MouseTrackerAnnotation 10:08 +1745 ~224 -1: test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart: Handle mouse events should ignore the detached MouseTrackerAnnotation 10:08 +1745 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/use_platform_channel_without_initialization_test.dart [+4198 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F85&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +111 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:09 +1745 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/use_platform_channel_without_initialization_test.dart 10:10 +1745 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/use_platform_channel_without_initialization_test.dart 10:10 +1745 ~224 -1: test/services/use_platform_channel_without_initialization_test.dart: throws assertion error iff WidgetsFlutterBinding is not yet initialized 10:10 +1746 ~224 -1: test/services/use_platform_channel_without_initialization_test.dart: throws assertion error iff WidgetsFlutterBinding is not yet initialized 10:10 +1746 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart [+2027 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F86&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +83 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +11 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:11 +1746 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart 10:12 +1746 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart 10:12 +1746 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset control test 10:12 +1747 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset control test 10:12 +1747 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset.lerp() 10:12 +1748 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset.lerp() 10:12 +1748 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset.lerp identical a,b 10:12 +1749 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset.lerp identical a,b 10:12 +1749 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset.fromOffsetAndSize() 10:12 +1750 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset.fromOffsetAndSize() 10:12 +1750 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset.fromOffsetAndRect() 10:12 +1751 ~224 -1: test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart: FractionalOffset.fromOffsetAndRect() 10:12 +1751 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/selection_area_test.dart [+2004 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F87&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 10:13 +1751 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/selection_area_test.dart [ +114 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:14 +1751 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/selection_area_test.dart 10:15 +1751 ~224 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/selection_area_test.dart 10:15 +1751 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: 10:15 +1752 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: 10:15 +1752 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:15 +1753 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:15 +1753 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:15 +1754 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:15 +1754 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:15 +1755 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:15 +1755 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:16 +1755 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:16 +1756 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:16 +1756 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: 10:16 +1757 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: SelectionArea uses correct selection controls (variant: 10:16 +1757 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: Does not crash when long pressing on padding after dragging 10:16 +1758 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: Does not crash when long pressing on padding after dragging 10:16 +1758 ~224 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: builds the default context menu by default 10:16 +1758 ~225 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: builds the default context menu by default 10:16 +1758 ~225 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: builds a custom context menu if provided 10:16 +1758 ~226 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: builds a custom context menu if provided 10:16 +1758 ~226 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: onSelectionChange is called when the selection changes 10:16 +1759 ~226 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: onSelectionChange is called when the selection changes 10:16 +1759 ~226 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: 10:16 +1759 ~227 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: 10:16 +1759 ~227 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:16 +1759 ~228 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:16 +1759 ~228 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:16 +1759 ~229 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:16 +1759 ~229 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:16 +1759 ~230 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:16 +1759 ~230 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:16 +1759 ~231 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:16 +1759 ~231 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: 10:16 +1759 ~232 -1: test/material/selection_area_test.dart: stopping drag of end handle will show the toolbar (variant: 10:16 +1759 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/binding_cannot_schedule_frame_test.dart [+3406 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F88&debug=false [ +33 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +20 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:17 +1759 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/binding_cannot_schedule_frame_test.dart 10:18 +1759 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/binding_cannot_schedule_frame_test.dart 10:18 +1759 ~232 -1: test/widgets/binding_cannot_schedule_frame_test.dart: Can only schedule frames after widget binding attaches the root widget 10:18 +1760 ~232 -1: test/widgets/binding_cannot_schedule_frame_test.dart: Can only schedule frames after widget binding attaches the root widget 10:18 +1760 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart [+2094 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F89&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +10 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:19 +1760 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart 10:20 +1760 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart 10:20 +1760 ~232 -1: test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart: RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter.attachToRenderTree does not schedule frame 10:21 +1760 ~232 -1: test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart: RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter.attachToRenderTree does not schedule frame 10:21 +1761 ~232 -1: test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart: RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter.attachToRenderTree does not schedule frame 10:21 +1761 ~232 -1: test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart: no crosstalk between widget build owners 10:21 +1762 ~232 -1: test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart: no crosstalk between widget build owners 10:21 +1762 ~232 -1: test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart: no crosstalk between focus nodes 10:21 +1763 ~232 -1: test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart: no crosstalk between focus nodes 10:21 +1763 ~232 -1: test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart: able to tear down offscreen tree 10:21 +1764 ~232 -1: test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart: able to tear down offscreen tree 10:21 +1764 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/animation/tween_test.dart [+2390 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F90&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +81 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +20 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:22 +1764 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/animation/tween_test.dart 10:23 +1764 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/animation/tween_test.dart 10:23 +1764 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: throws flutter error when tweening types that do not fully satisfy tween requirements - Object 10:23 +1765 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: throws flutter error when tweening types that do not fully satisfy tween requirements - Object 10:23 +1765 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: throws flutter error when tweening types that do not fully satisfy tween requirements - Color 10:23 +1766 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: throws flutter error when tweening types that do not fully satisfy tween requirements - Color 10:23 +1766 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: throws flutter error when tweening types that do not fully satisfy tween requirements - Rect 10:23 +1767 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: throws flutter error when tweening types that do not fully satisfy tween requirements - Rect 10:23 +1767 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: throws flutter error when tweening types that do not fully satisfy tween requirements - int 10:23 +1768 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: throws flutter error when tweening types that do not fully satisfy tween requirements - int 10:23 +1768 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: Can chain tweens 10:23 +1769 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: Can chain tweens 10:23 +1769 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: Can animate tweens 10:23 +1770 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: Can animate tweens 10:23 +1770 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: Can drive tweens 10:23 +1771 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: Can drive tweens 10:23 +1771 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: BorderTween nullable test 10:23 +1772 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: BorderTween nullable test 10:23 +1772 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: SizeTween 10:23 +1773 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: SizeTween 10:23 +1773 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: IntTween 10:23 +1774 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: IntTween 10:23 +1774 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: RectTween 10:23 +1775 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: RectTween 10:23 +1775 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: Matrix4Tween 10:23 +1776 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: Matrix4Tween 10:23 +1776 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: ConstantTween 10:23 +1777 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: ConstantTween 10:23 +1777 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: ReverseTween 10:23 +1778 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: ReverseTween 10:23 +1778 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: ColorTween 10:23 +1779 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: ColorTween 10:23 +1779 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: StepTween 10:23 +1780 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: StepTween 10:23 +1780 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: CurveTween 10:23 +1781 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: CurveTween 10:23 +1781 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: BorderRadiusTween nullable test 10:23 +1782 ~232 -1: test/animation/tween_test.dart: BorderRadiusTween nullable test 10:23 +1782 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/global_keys_moving_test.dart [+2078 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F91&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +90 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:24 +1782 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/global_keys_moving_test.dart 10:25 +1782 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/global_keys_moving_test.dart 10:25 +1782 ~232 -1: test/widgets/global_keys_moving_test.dart: moving subtrees with global keys - smoketest 10:25 +1783 ~232 -1: test/widgets/global_keys_moving_test.dart: moving subtrees with global keys - smoketest 10:25 +1783 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart [+2222 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F92&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +105 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:26 +1783 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart 10:27 +1783 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart 10:27 +1783 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding basic test (VISUAL) 10:28 +1783 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding basic test (VISUAL) 10:28 +1784 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding basic test (VISUAL) 10:28 +1784 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding basic test (LTR) 10:28 +1785 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding basic test (LTR) 10:28 +1785 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding basic test (RTL) 10:28 +1786 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding basic test (RTL) 10:28 +1786 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding hit testing 10:28 +1787 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding hit testing 10:28 +1787 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding hit testing up 10:28 +1788 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding hit testing up 10:28 +1788 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding hit testing left 10:28 +1789 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding hit testing left 10:28 +1789 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding hit testing right 10:28 +1790 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding hit testing right 10:28 +1790 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding no child 10:28 +1791 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding no child 10:28 +1791 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding with no child reports correct geometry as scroll offset changes 10:28 +1792 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding with no child reports correct geometry as scroll offset changes 10:28 +1792 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding changing padding 10:28 +1793 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding changing padding 10:28 +1793 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding changing direction 10:28 +1794 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: Viewport+SliverPadding changing direction 10:28 +1794 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding propagates geometry offset corrections 10:28 +1795 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding propagates geometry offset corrections 10:28 +1795 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding includes preceding padding in the precedingScrollExtent provided to child 10:28 +1796 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding includes preceding padding in the precedingScrollExtent provided to child 10:28 +1796 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding consumes only its padding from the overlap of its parent's constraints 10:28 +1797 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding consumes only its padding from the overlap of its parent's constraints 10:28 +1797 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding passes the overlap to the child if it's negative 10:28 +1798 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding passes the overlap to the child if it's negative 10:28 +1798 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding passes the paintOrigin of the child on 10:28 +1799 ~232 -1: test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart: SliverPadding passes the paintOrigin of the child on 10:28 +1799 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/slider_test.dart [+2945 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F93&debug=false [ +34 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 10:29 +1799 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/slider_test.dart [ +107 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:30 +1799 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/slider_test.dart 10:31 +1799 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/slider_test.dart 10:31 +1799 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: The initial value should respect the discrete value 10:31 +1800 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: The initial value should respect the discrete value 10:31 +1800 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can move when tapped (LTR) 10:31 +1801 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can move when tapped (LTR) 10:31 +1801 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can move when tapped (RTL) 10:31 +1802 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can move when tapped (RTL) 10:31 +1802 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider doesn't send duplicate change events if tapped on the same value 10:31 +1803 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider doesn't send duplicate change events if tapped on the same value 10:31 +1803 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator shows for a bit after being tapped 10:32 +1803 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator shows for a bit after being tapped 10:32 +1804 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator shows for a bit after being tapped 10:32 +1804 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Discrete Slider repaints and animates when dragged 10:32 +1805 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Discrete Slider repaints and animates when dragged 10:32 +1805 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider doesn't send duplicate change events if tapped on the same value 10:32 +1806 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider doesn't send duplicate change events if tapped on the same value 10:32 +1806 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: discrete Slider repaints when dragged 10:32 +1807 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: discrete Slider repaints when dragged 10:32 +1807 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider take on discrete values 10:32 +1808 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider take on discrete values 10:32 +1808 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be given zero values 10:32 +1809 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be given zero values 10:32 +1809 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can tap in vertical scroller 10:33 +1809 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can tap in vertical scroller 10:33 +1810 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can tap in vertical scroller 10:33 +1810 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider drags immediately (LTR) 10:33 +1811 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider drags immediately (LTR) 10:33 +1811 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider drags immediately (RTL) 10:33 +1812 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider drags immediately (RTL) 10:33 +1812 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider onChangeStart and onChangeEnd fire once 10:33 +1813 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider onChangeStart and onChangeEnd fire once 10:33 +1813 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider sizing 10:33 +1814 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider sizing 10:33 +1814 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider respects textScaleFactor 10:33 +1815 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider respects textScaleFactor 10:33 +1815 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Tick marks are skipped when they are too dense 10:34 +1815 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Tick marks are skipped when they are too dense 10:34 +1816 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Tick marks are skipped when they are too dense 10:34 +1816 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider has correct animations when reparented 10:34 +1817 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider has correct animations when reparented 10:34 +1817 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: 10:34 +1818 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: 10:34 +1818 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:34 +1819 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:34 +1819 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:34 +1820 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:34 +1820 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:34 +1821 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:34 +1821 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:34 +1822 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:34 +1822 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: 10:35 +1822 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: 10:35 +1823 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider Semantics (variant: 10:35 +1823 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider semantics with custom formatter 10:35 +1824 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider semantics with custom formatter 10:35 +1824 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.label info should not write to semantic node 10:35 +1825 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.label info should not write to semantic node 10:35 +1825 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider is focusable and has correct focus color 10:35 +1826 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider is focusable and has correct focus color 10:35 +1826 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider has correct focus color from overlayColor property 10:35 +1827 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider has correct focus color from overlayColor property 10:35 +1827 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be hovered and has correct hover color 10:36 +1827 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be hovered and has correct hover color 10:36 +1828 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be hovered and has correct hover color 10:36 +1828 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider has correct hovered color from overlayColor property 10:36 +1829 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider has correct hovered color from overlayColor property 10:36 +1829 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider is draggable and has correct dragged color 10:36 +1830 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider is draggable and has correct dragged color 10:36 +1830 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider has correct dragged color from overlayColor property 10:36 +1831 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider has correct dragged color from overlayColor property 10:36 +1831 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: OverlayColor property is correctly applied when activeColor is also provided 10:36 +1832 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: OverlayColor property is correctly applied when activeColor is also provided 10:36 +1832 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: 10:37 +1832 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: 10:37 +1833 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: 10:37 +1833 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:37 +1834 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:37 +1834 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:37 +1835 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:37 +1835 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: 10:37 +1836 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: 10:37 +1836 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:37 +1837 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:37 +1837 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:37 +1838 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - LTR (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:37 +1838 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: 10:37 +1839 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: 10:37 +1839 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:38 +1839 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:38 +1840 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:38 +1840 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:38 +1841 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:38 +1841 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: 10:38 +1842 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: 10:38 +1842 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:38 +1843 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:38 +1843 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:38 +1844 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be incremented and decremented by keyboard shortcuts - RTL (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:38 +1844 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: In directional nav, Slider can be navigated out of by using up and down arrows 10:38 +1845 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: In directional nav, Slider can be navigated out of by using up and down arrows 10:38 +1845 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider gains keyboard focus when it gains semantics focus on Windows (variant: 10:38 +1846 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider gains keyboard focus when it gains semantics focus on Windows (variant: 10:38 +1846 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator appears when it should 10:39 +1846 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator appears when it should 10:40 +1846 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator appears when it should 10:40 +1847 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator appears when it should 10:40 +1847 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider doesn't start any animations after dispose 10:40 +1848 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider doesn't start any animations after dispose 10:40 +1848 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider removes value indicator from overlay if Slider gets disposed without value indicator animation completing. 10:40 +1849 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider removes value indicator from overlay if Slider gets disposed without value indicator animation completing. 10:40 +1849 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.adaptive 10:41 +1850 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.adaptive 10:41 +1850 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider respects height from theme 10:41 +1851 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider respects height from theme 10:41 +1851 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider changes mouse cursor when hovered 10:41 +1852 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider changes mouse cursor when hovered 10:41 +1852 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider MaterialStateMouseCursor resolves correctly 10:41 +1853 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider MaterialStateMouseCursor resolves correctly 10:41 +1853 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider implements debugFillProperties 10:41 +1854 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider implements debugFillProperties 10:41 +1854 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider track paints correctly when the shape is rectangular 10:41 +1855 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider track paints correctly when the shape is rectangular 10:41 +1855 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: SliderTheme change should trigger re-layout 10:41 +1856 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: SliderTheme change should trigger re-layout 10:41 +1856 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be painted in a narrower constraint 10:41 +1857 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider can be painted in a narrower constraint 10:41 +1857 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Update the divisions and value at the same time for Slider 10:41 +1858 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Update the divisions and value at the same time for Slider 10:41 +1858 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider paints thumbColor 10:42 +1858 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider paints thumbColor 10:42 +1859 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider paints thumbColor 10:42 +1859 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.adaptive paints thumbColor on Android 10:42 +1860 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.adaptive paints thumbColor on Android 10:42 +1860 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: If thumbColor is null, it defaults to CupertinoColors.white 10:42 +1861 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: If thumbColor is null, it defaults to CupertinoColors.white 10:42 +1861 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.adaptive passes thumbColor to CupertinoSlider 10:42 +1862 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.adaptive passes thumbColor to CupertinoSlider 10:42 +1862 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Drag gesture uses provided gesture settings 10:42 +1863 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Drag gesture uses provided gesture settings 10:42 +1863 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay appear only when hovered on the thumb on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:42 +1864 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay appear only when hovered on the thumb on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:42 +1864 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay appear only when hovered on the thumb on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:42 +1865 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay appear only when hovered on the thumb on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:42 +1865 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay appear only when hovered on the thumb on desktop (variant: 10:43 +1865 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay appear only when hovered on the thumb on desktop (variant: 10:43 +1866 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay appear only when hovered on the thumb on desktop (variant: 10:43 +1866 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:43 +1867 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:43 +1867 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:43 +1868 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:43 +1868 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: 10:43 +1869 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Overlay remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: 10:43 +1869 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator disappears after adjusting the slider 10:43 +1870 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator disappears after adjusting the slider 10:43 +1870 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:44 +1870 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:44 +1871 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:44 +1871 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:44 +1872 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:44 +1872 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: 10:44 +1873 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Value indicator remains when Slider is in focus on desktop (variant: 10:44 +1873 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Event on Slider should perform no-op if already unmounted 10:44 +1874 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Event on Slider should perform no-op if already unmounted 10:44 +1874 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Material 2 Slider can be hovered and has correct hover color 10:44 +1875 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Material 2 Slider can be hovered and has correct hover color 10:44 +1875 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Material 2 Slider is focusable and has correct focus color 10:44 +1876 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Material 2 Slider is focusable and has correct focus color 10:44 +1876 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Material 2 Slider is draggable and has correct dragged color 10:45 +1876 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Material 2 Slider is draggable and has correct dragged color 10:45 +1877 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Material 2 Slider is draggable and has correct dragged color 10:45 +1877 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.allowedInteraction SliderInteraction.tapOnly 10:45 +1878 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.allowedInteraction SliderInteraction.tapOnly 10:45 +1878 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.allowedInteraction SliderInteraction.tapAndSlide 10:45 +1879 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.allowedInteraction SliderInteraction.tapAndSlide 10:45 +1879 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.allowedInteraction SliderInteraction.slideOnly 10:45 +1880 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.allowedInteraction SliderInteraction.slideOnly 10:45 +1880 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.allowedInteraction SliderInteraction.slideThumb 10:45 +1881 ~232 -1: test/material/slider_test.dart: Slider.allowedInteraction SliderInteraction.slideThumb 10:45 +1881 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/text_semantics_test.dart [+16546 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F94&debug=false [ +36 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +38 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:46 +1881 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/text_semantics_test.dart 10:47 +1881 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/widgets/text_semantics_test.dart 10:47 +1881 ~232 -1: test/widgets/text_semantics_test.dart: SemanticsNode ids are stable 10:47 +1882 ~232 -1: test/widgets/text_semantics_test.dart: SemanticsNode ids are stable 10:47 +1882 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/system_sound_test.dart [+2226 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F95&debug=false 10:48 +1882 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/system_sound_test.dart [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +85 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +18 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:49 +1882 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/system_sound_test.dart 10:50 +1882 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/services/system_sound_test.dart 10:50 +1882 ~232 -1: test/services/system_sound_test.dart: System sound control test 10:50 +1883 ~232 -1: test/services/system_sound_test.dart: System sound control test 10:50 +1883 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/scaffold_test.dart [+2033 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F96&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 [ +82 ms] [CHROME]: [0616/] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. [ +19 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 10:51 +1883 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/scaffold_test.dart 10:52 +1883 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/scaffold_test.dart 10:52 +1883 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: extendBodyBehindAppBar change should not cause the body widget lose state 10:52 +1884 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: extendBodyBehindAppBar change should not cause the body widget lose state 10:52 +1884 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold drawer callback test 10:53 +1884 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold drawer callback test 10:53 +1885 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold drawer callback test 10:53 +1885 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold drawer callback test - only call when changed 10:54 +1885 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold drawer callback test - only call when changed 10:54 +1886 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold drawer callback test - only call when changed 10:54 +1886 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold control test 10:54 +1887 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold control test 10:54 +1887 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold large bottom padding test 10:54 +1888 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold large bottom padding test 10:54 +1888 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Floating action entrance/exit animation 10:54 +1889 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Floating action entrance/exit animation 10:54 +1889 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Floating action button shrinks when bottom sheet becomes dominant 10:54 +1890 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Floating action button shrinks when bottom sheet becomes dominant 10:54 +1890 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold shows scrim when bottom sheet becomes dominant 10:55 +1890 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold shows scrim when bottom sheet becomes dominant 10:55 +1891 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold shows scrim when bottom sheet becomes dominant 10:55 +1891 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Floating action button directionality 10:55 +1892 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Floating action button directionality 10:55 +1892 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Floating Action Button bottom padding not consumed by viewInsets 10:55 +1893 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Floating Action Button bottom padding not consumed by viewInsets 10:55 +1893 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: viewPadding change should trigger _ScaffoldLayout re-layout 10:55 +1894 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: viewPadding change should trigger _ScaffoldLayout re-layout 10:55 +1894 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer scrolling 10:55 +1895 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer scrolling 10:55 +1895 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar scrolls to top (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:56 +1895 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar scrolls to top (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:56 +1896 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar scrolls to top (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:56 +1896 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar scrolls to top (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:56 +1897 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar scrolls to top (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:56 +1897 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar scrolls to top with ease out curve animation (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:56 +1898 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar scrolls to top with ease out curve animation (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:56 +1898 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar scrolls to top with ease out curve animation (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:56 +1899 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar scrolls to top with ease out curve animation (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:56 +1899 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar does not scroll to top (variant: 10:57 +1899 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar does not scroll to top (variant: 10:57 +1900 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Tapping the status bar does not scroll to top (variant: 10:57 +1900 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Bottom sheet cannot overlap app bar 10:57 +1901 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Bottom sheet cannot overlap app bar 10:57 +1901 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: BottomSheet bottom padding is not consumed by viewInsets 10:57 +1902 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: BottomSheet bottom padding is not consumed by viewInsets 10:57 +1902 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent bottom buttons are persistent 10:57 +1903 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent bottom buttons are persistent 10:57 +1903 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent bottom buttons alignment 10:57 +1904 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent bottom buttons alignment 10:57 +1904 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent bottom buttons apply media padding 10:57 +1905 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent bottom buttons apply media padding 10:57 +1905 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: persistentFooterButtons with bottomNavigationBar apply SafeArea properly 10:58 +1905 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: persistentFooterButtons with bottomNavigationBar apply SafeArea properly 10:58 +1906 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: persistentFooterButtons with bottomNavigationBar apply SafeArea properly 10:58 +1906 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent bottom buttons bottom padding is not consumed by viewInsets 10:58 +1907 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent bottom buttons bottom padding is not consumed by viewInsets 10:58 +1907 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: back arrow Back arrow uses correct default (variant: 10:58 +1908 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: back arrow Back arrow uses correct default (variant: 10:58 +1908 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: back arrow Back arrow uses correct default (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:58 +1909 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: back arrow Back arrow uses correct default (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:58 +1909 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: back arrow Back arrow uses correct default (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:58 +1910 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: back arrow Back arrow uses correct default (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:58 +1910 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: back arrow Back arrow uses correct default (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:58 +1911 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: back arrow Back arrow uses correct default (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:58 +1911 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: 10:58 +1912 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: 10:58 +1912 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:58 +1913 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:58 +1913 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:59 +1913 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:59 +1914 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 10:59 +1914 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:59 +1915 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 10:59 +1915 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:59 +1916 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 10:59 +1916 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: 10:59 +1917 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly (variant: 10:59 +1917 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: 10:59 +1918 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: 10:59 +1918 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:59 +1919 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 10:59 +1919 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 11:00 +1919 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 11:00 +1920 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 11:00 +1920 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 11:00 +1921 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 11:00 +1921 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 11:00 +1922 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 11:00 +1922 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: 11:00 +1923 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with PageRouteBuilder (variant: 11:00 +1923 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: 11:00 +1924 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: 11:00 +1924 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 11:01 +1924 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 11:01 +1925 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 11:01 +1925 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 11:01 +1926 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 11:01 +1926 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 11:01 +1927 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 11:01 +1927 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 11:01 +1928 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 11:01 +1928 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: 11:01 +1929 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: close button Close button shows correctly with custom page route (variant: 11:01 +1929 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with container 11:01 +1930 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with container 11:01 +1930 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with sized container 11:01 +1931 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with sized container 11:01 +1931 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with centered container 11:01 +1932 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with centered container 11:01 +1932 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with button 11:01 +1933 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with button 11:01 +1933 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with extendBody 11:02 +1933 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with extendBody 11:02 +1934 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with extendBody 11:02 +1934 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with extendBodyBehindAppBar 11:02 +1935 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: body size body size with extendBodyBehindAppBar 11:02 +1935 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Open drawer hides underlying semantics tree 11:02 +1936 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Open drawer hides underlying semantics tree 11:02 +1936 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold and extreme window padding 11:02 +1937 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold and extreme window padding 11:02 +1937 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold and extreme window padding - persistent footer buttons only 11:03 +1937 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold and extreme window padding - persistent footer buttons only 11:03 +1938 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Scaffold and extreme window padding - persistent footer buttons only 11:03 +1938 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry bottomNavigationBar 11:03 +1939 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry bottomNavigationBar 11:03 +1939 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry no bottomNavigationBar 11:03 +1940 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry no bottomNavigationBar 11:03 +1940 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Scaffold BottomNavigationBar bottom padding is not consumed by viewInsets. 11:03 +1941 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Scaffold BottomNavigationBar bottom padding is not consumed by viewInsets. 11:03 +1941 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry floatingActionButton 11:03 +1942 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry floatingActionButton 11:03 +1942 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry no floatingActionButton 11:03 +1943 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry no floatingActionButton 11:03 +1943 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry floatingActionButton entrance/exit animation 11:03 +1944 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry floatingActionButton entrance/exit animation 11:03 +1944 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry change notifications 11:03 +1945 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry change notifications 11:03 +1945 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Simultaneous drawers on either side 11:04 +1945 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Simultaneous drawers on either side 11:04 +1946 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Simultaneous drawers on either side 11:04 +1946 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Drawer state query correctly 11:04 +1947 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Drawer state query correctly 11:04 +1947 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Dual Drawer Opening 11:05 +1947 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Dual Drawer Opening 11:05 +1948 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Dual Drawer Opening 11:05 +1948 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Drawer opens correctly with padding from MediaQuery (LTR) 11:05 +1949 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Drawer opens correctly with padding from MediaQuery (LTR) 11:05 +1949 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Drawer opens correctly with padding from MediaQuery (RTL) 11:05 +1950 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldGeometry Drawer opens correctly with padding from MediaQuery (RTL) 11:05 +1950 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer opens correctly with custom edgeDragWidth 11:05 +1951 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer opens correctly with custom edgeDragWidth 11:05 +1951 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture when it is disabled on mobile (variant: 11:06 +1951 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture when it is disabled on mobile (variant: 11:06 +1952 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture when it is disabled on mobile (variant: 11:06 +1952 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture when it is disabled on mobile (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 11:06 +1953 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture when it is disabled on mobile (variant: TargetPlatform.iOS) 11:06 +1953 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture when it is disabled on mobile (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 11:06 +1954 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture when it is disabled on mobile (variant: TargetPlatform.fuchsia) 11:06 +1954 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 11:06 +1955 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.linux) 11:06 +1955 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 11:07 +1955 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 11:07 +1956 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture on desktop (variant: TargetPlatform.macOS) 11:07 +1956 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture on desktop (variant: 11:07 +1957 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer does not open with a drag gesture on desktop (variant: 11:07 +1957 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: End drawer does not open with a drag gesture when it is disabled 11:07 +1958 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: End drawer does not open with a drag gesture when it is disabled 11:07 +1958 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Nested scaffold body insets 11:07 +1959 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Nested scaffold body insets 11:07 +1959 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test showBottomSheet() while Scaffold has bottom sheet 11:08 +1959 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test showBottomSheet() while Scaffold has bottom sheet 11:08 +1960 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test showBottomSheet() while Scaffold has bottom sheet 11:08 +1960 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test didUpdate bottomSheet while a previous bottom sheet is still displayed 11:08 +1961 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test didUpdate bottomSheet while a previous bottom sheet is still displayed 11:08 +1961 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test Call to Scaffold.of() without context 11:08 +1962 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test Call to Scaffold.of() without context 11:08 +1962 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test Call to Scaffold.geometryOf() without context 11:08 +1963 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test Call to Scaffold.geometryOf() without context 11:08 +1963 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test FloatingActionButton always keeps the same position regardless of extendBodyBehindAppBar 11:08 +1964 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: FlutterError control test FloatingActionButton always keeps the same position regardless of extendBodyBehindAppBar 11:08 +1964 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldMessenger.maybeOf can return null if not found 11:08 +1965 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldMessenger.maybeOf can return null if not found 11:08 +1965 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldMessenger.of will assert if not found 11:08 +1966 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldMessenger.of will assert if not found 11:08 +1966 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldMessenger checks for nesting when a new Scaffold is registered 11:09 +1966 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldMessenger checks for nesting when a new Scaffold is registered 11:09 +1967 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldMessenger checks for nesting when a new Scaffold is registered 11:09 +1967 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer can be dismissed with escape keyboard shortcut 11:09 +1968 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Drawer can be dismissed with escape keyboard shortcut 11:09 +1968 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldMessenger showSnackBar throws an intuitive error message if called during build 11:09 +1969 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: ScaffoldMessenger showSnackBar throws an intuitive error message if called during build 11:09 +1969 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent BottomSheet is not dismissible via a11y means 11:09 +1970 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: Persistent BottomSheet is not dismissible via a11y means 11:09 +1970 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: can rebuild and remove bottomSheet at the same time 11:09 +1971 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: can rebuild and remove bottomSheet at the same time 11:09 +1971 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: showBottomSheet removes scrim when draggable sheet is dismissed 11:09 +1972 ~232 -1: test/material/scaffold_test.dart: showBottomSheet removes scrim when draggable sheet is dismissed 11:09 +1972 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart [+19638 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F97&debug=false [ +35 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 11:10 +1972 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart [ +98 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 11:11 +1972 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart 11:12 +1972 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart 11:12 +1972 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Initial date is the default 11:12 +1973 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Initial date is the default 11:12 +1973 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Changing initial date is reflected in text value 11:12 +1974 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Changing initial date is reflected in text value 11:12 +1974 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Valid date entry 11:13 +1974 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Valid date entry 11:13 +1975 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Valid date entry 11:13 +1975 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Invalid text entry shows errorFormat text 11:13 +1976 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Invalid text entry shows errorFormat text 11:13 +1976 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Valid text entry, but date outside first or last date shows bounds shows errorInvalid text 11:13 +1977 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Valid text entry, but date outside first or last date shows bounds shows errorInvalid text 11:13 +1977 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField selectableDatePredicate will be used to show errorInvalid if date is not selectable 11:14 +1977 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField selectableDatePredicate will be used to show errorInvalid if date is not selectable 11:14 +1978 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField selectableDatePredicate will be used to show errorInvalid if date is not selectable 11:14 +1978 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Empty field shows hint text when focused 11:14 +1979 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Empty field shows hint text when focused 11:14 +1979 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Label text 11:14 +1980 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Label text 11:14 +1980 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Semantics 11:14 +1981 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Semantics 11:14 +1981 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField InputDecorationTheme is honored 11:15 +1981 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField InputDecorationTheme is honored 11:15 +1982 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField InputDecorationTheme is honored 11:15 +1982 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Date text localization 11:15 +1983 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField Date text localization 11:15 +1983 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField when an empty date is entered and acceptEmptyDate is true, then errorFormatText is not shown 11:15 +1984 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField when an empty date is entered and acceptEmptyDate is true, then errorFormatText is not shown 11:15 +1984 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField when an empty date is entered and acceptEmptyDate is false, then errorFormatText is shown 11:15 +1985 ~232 -1: test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart: InputDatePickerFormField when an empty date is entered and acceptEmptyDate is false, then errorFormatText is shown 11:15 +1985 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/material_test.dart [+5874 ms] Serving tests at http://localhost:42123/static/index.html?managerUrl=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A42123%2F98&debug=false [ +37 ms] Using Chromium 114.0.5735.0 11:16 +1985 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/material_test.dart [ +103 ms] [CHROME]: [ ] [CHROME]: DevTools listening on ws:// 11:17 +1985 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/material_test.dart 11:18 +1985 ~232 -1: compiling /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test/material/material_test.dart 11:18 +1985 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: MaterialApp.home nullable and update test 11:18 +1986 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: MaterialApp.home nullable and update test 11:18 +1986 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: default Material debugFillProperties 11:18 +1987 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: default Material debugFillProperties 11:18 +1987 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Material implements debugFillProperties 11:18 +1988 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Material implements debugFillProperties 11:18 +1988 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: LayoutChangedNotification test 11:18 +1989 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: LayoutChangedNotification test 11:18 +1989 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: ListView scroll does not repaint 11:18 +1990 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: ListView scroll does not repaint 11:18 +1990 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Shadow color defaults 11:18 +1991 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Shadow color defaults 11:18 +1991 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Shadows animate smoothly 11:18 +1992 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Shadows animate smoothly 11:18 +1992 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Shadow colors animate smoothly 11:19 +1992 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Shadow colors animate smoothly 11:19 +1993 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Shadow colors animate smoothly 11:19 +1993 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparent material widget does not absorb hit test 11:19 +1994 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparent material widget does not absorb hit test 11:19 +1994 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Surface Tint Overlay applyElevationOverlayColor does not effect anything with useMaterial3 set to true 11:19 +1995 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Surface Tint Overlay applyElevationOverlayColor does not effect anything with useMaterial3 set to true 11:19 +1995 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Surface Tint Overlay surfaceTintColor is used to as an overlay to indicate elevation 11:19 +1996 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Surface Tint Overlay surfaceTintColor is used to as an overlay to indicate elevation 11:19 +1996 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 applyElevationOverlayColor set to false does not change surface color 11:19 +1997 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 applyElevationOverlayColor set to false does not change surface color 11:19 +1997 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 applyElevationOverlayColor set to true applies a semi-transparent onSurface color to the surface color 11:19 +1998 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 applyElevationOverlayColor set to true applies a semi-transparent onSurface color to the surface color 11:19 +1998 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 overlay will not apply to materials using a non-surface color 11:19 +1999 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 overlay will not apply to materials using a non-surface color 11:19 +1999 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 overlay will not apply to materials using a light theme 11:19 +2000 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 overlay will not apply to materials using a light theme 11:19 +2000 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 overlay will apply to materials with a non-opaque surface color 11:19 +2001 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 overlay will apply to materials with a non-opaque surface color 11:19 +2001 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 Expected overlay color can be computed using colorWithOverlay 11:19 +2002 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Elevation Overlay M2 Expected overlay color can be computed using colorWithOverlay 11:19 +2002 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping No clip by default 11:19 +2003 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping No clip by default 11:19 +2003 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping clips to bounding rect by default given Clip.antiAlias 11:19 +2004 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping clips to bounding rect by default given Clip.antiAlias 11:19 +2004 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping clips to rounded rect when borderRadius provided given Clip.antiAlias 11:19 +2005 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping clips to rounded rect when borderRadius provided given Clip.antiAlias 11:19 +2005 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping clips to shape when provided given Clip.antiAlias 11:19 +2006 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping clips to shape when provided given Clip.antiAlias 11:19 +2006 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping supports directional clips 11:19 +2007 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Transparency clipping supports directional clips 11:19 +2007 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels canvas 11:19 +2008 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels canvas 11:19 +2008 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels canvas with borderRadius and elevation 11:19 +2009 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels canvas with borderRadius and elevation 11:19 +2009 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels canvas with shape and elevation 11:19 +2010 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels canvas with shape and elevation 11:19 +2010 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels card 11:19 +2011 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels card 11:19 +2011 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels card with borderRadius and elevation 11:19 +2012 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels card with borderRadius and elevation 11:19 +2012 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels card with shape and elevation 11:19 +2013 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels card with shape and elevation 11:19 +2013 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels circle 11:19 +2014 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels circle 11:19 +2014 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels button 11:19 +2015 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels button 11:19 +2015 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels button with elevation and borderRadius 11:19 +2016 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels button with elevation and borderRadius 11:19 +2016 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels button with elevation and shape 11:20 +2016 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels button with elevation and shape 11:20 +2017 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: PhysicalModels button with elevation and shape 11:20 +2017 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted on physical layers 11:20 +2018 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted on physical layers 11:20 +2018 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted for transparent material 11:20 +2019 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted for transparent material 11:20 +2019 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is not painted for when border side is none 11:20 +2020 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is not painted for when border side is none 11:20 +2020 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted above child by default [+4417 ms] Discovered flutter_test_config.dart in /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/test [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerATVXYD/listener.dart [ +19 ms] <- recompile file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerATVXYD/listener.dart 1eed8c42-63ab-41d9-bfb5-6439f891f642 [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerATVXYD/listener.dart [ ] file:///b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter/.dart_tool/flutter_build/dart_plugin_registrant.dart [ ] <- 1eed8c42-63ab-41d9-bfb5-6439f891f642 [ +329 ms] <- accept [ ] <- reset [ ] Compiling file:///b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/listenerATVXYD/listener.dart took 349ms [ +9 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageUJURVN/image","key":"material.border_paint_above.png","update":false} 11:21 +2020 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted above child by default [ +736 ms] <<< {"success":true} 11:21 +2021 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted above child by default 11:21 +2021 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted below child when specified [ +335 ms] Preparing to send command: {"imageFile":"/b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_web_platform.HISAVG/imageLQGDBD/image","key":"material.border_paint_below.png","update":false} 11:22 +2021 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted below child when specified [ +283 ms] <<< {"success":true} 11:22 +2022 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: Border painting border is painted below child when specified 11:22 +2022 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: InkFeature skips painting if intermediate node skips 11:22 +2023 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: InkFeature skips painting if intermediate node skips 11:22 +2023 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: LookupBoundary hides Material from Material.maybeOf 11:22 +2024 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: LookupBoundary hides Material from Material.maybeOf 11:22 +2024 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: LookupBoundary hides Material from Material.of 11:22 +2025 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: LookupBoundary hides Material from Material.of 11:22 +2025 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: LookupBoundary hides Material from debugCheckHasMaterial 11:22 +2026 ~232 -1: test/material/material_test.dart: LookupBoundary hides Material from debugCheckHasMaterial 11:22 +2026 ~232 -1: Some tests failed. [ +316 ms] Deleting /b/s/w/ir/x/t/flutter_tools.STKVLU/flutter_test_compiler.AKSNXV... [ +7 ms] killing pid 77047 [ +53 ms] Runtime for phase TestRunner: Wall-clock: 0:12:06.440534; combined: 0:12:06.440607. [ ] Runtime for phase Compile: Wall-clock: 0:00:18.748264; combined: 0:00:18.748357. [ ] Runtime for phase Run: Wall-clock: 0:00:00.000000; combined: 0:00:00.000000. [ ] Runtime for phase CoverageTotal: Wall-clock: 0:00:00.000000; combined: 0:00:00.000000. [ ] Runtime for phase CoverageCollect: Wall-clock: 0:00:00.000000; combined: 0:00:00.000000. [ ] Runtime for phase CoverageParseJson: Wall-clock: 0:00:00.000000; combined: 0:00:00.000000. [ ] Runtime for phase CoverageAddHitmap: Wall-clock: 0:00:00.000000; combined: 0:00:00.000000. [ ] Runtime for phase CoverageDataCollect: Wall-clock: 0:00:00.000000; combined: 0:00:00.000000. [ ] Runtime for phase WatcherFinishedTest: Wall-clock: 0:00:00.000000; combined: 0:00:00.000000. [ +1 ms] "flutter test" took 732,371ms. [ +4 ms] #0 throwToolExit (package:flutter_tools/src/base/common.dart:10:3) #1 TestCommand.runCommand (package:flutter_tools/src/commands/test.dart:506:7) <asynchronous suspension> #2<anonymous closure> (package:flutter_tools/src/runner/flutter_command.dart:1297:27) <asynchronous suspension> #3<anonymous closure> (package:flutter_tools/src/base/context.dart:150:19) <asynchronous suspension> #4 CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:212:13) <asynchronous suspension> #5 FlutterCommandRunner.runCommand.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter_tools/src/runner/flutter_command_runner.dart:339:9) <asynchronous suspension> #6<anonymous closure> (package:flutter_tools/src/base/context.dart:150:19) <asynchronous suspension> #7 FlutterCommandRunner.runCommand (package:flutter_tools/src/runner/flutter_command_runner.dart:285:5) <asynchronous suspension> #8 run.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter_tools/runner.dart:115:9) <asynchronous suspension> #9<anonymous closure> (package:flutter_tools/src/base/context.dart:150:19) <asynchronous suspension> #10 main (package:flutter_tools/executable.dart:91:3) <asynchronous suspension> [ +12 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 0ms [ ] Running 1 shutdown hook [+1745 ms] Shutdown hooks complete [ ] exiting with code 1 ╔═╡ERROR╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Command: ../../bin/flutter test -v --platform=chrome --web-renderer=html --dart-define=DART_HHH_BOT=false test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart test/gestures/tap_test.dart test/widgets/inherited_test.dart test/painting/image_stream_test.dart test/widgets/route_notification_messages_test.dart test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart test/foundation/collections_test.dart test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart test/widgets/binding_first_frame_developer_test.dart test/foundation/consolidate_response_test.dart test/rendering/transform_test.dart test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart test/painting/oval_border_test.dart test/material/menu_style_test.dart test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart test/widgets/shadow_test.dart test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart test/services/system_chrome_test.dart test/material/checkbox_test.dart test/semantics/semantics_owner_test.dart test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart test/animation/live_binding_test.dart test/material/app_bar_test.dart test/gestures/scale_test.dart test/widgets/intrinsic_width_test.dart test/painting/image_decoder_test.dart test/material/time_picker_test.dart test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart test/painting/border_test.dart test/widgets/heroes_test.dart test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart test/material/input_decorator_test.dart test/material/filter_chip_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart test/material/stepper_test.dart test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart test/material/radio_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_2_test.dart test/services/font_loader_test.dart test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_3_test.dart test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart test/widgets/run_app_test.dart test/material/action_chip_test.dart test/rendering/selection_test.dart test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart test/scheduler/binding_test.dart test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart test/material/badge_test.dart test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart test/widgets/page_view_test.dart test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart test/material/search_test.dart test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart test/widgets/async_test.dart test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart test/widgets/build_fail_test.dart test/widgets/set_state_1_test.dart test/material/data_table_test.dart test/painting/text_span_test.dart test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart test/widgets/layout_builder_and_state_test.dart test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart test/services/use_platform_channel_without_initialization_test.dart test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart test/material/selection_area_test.dart test/widgets/binding_cannot_schedule_frame_test.dart test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart test/animation/tween_test.dart test/widgets/global_keys_moving_test.dart test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart test/material/slider_test.dart test/widgets/text_semantics_test.dart test/services/system_sound_test.dart test/material/scaffold_test.dart test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart test/material/material_test.dart ║ Command exited with exit code 1 but expected zero exit code. ║ Working directory: /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter ║ stdout and stderr output: ║ (stdout/stderr output was more than 10 lines) ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ▌16:00:44▐ Test failed. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ For your convenience, the error messages reported above are repeated here: 🙙 🙛 Command: ../../bin/flutter test -v --platform=chrome --web-renderer=html --dart-define=DART_HHH_BOT=false test/rendering/paragraph_test.dart test/cupertino/localizations_test.dart test/material/elevated_button_theme_test.dart test/material/ink_sparkle_test.dart test/gestures/tap_test.dart test/widgets/inherited_test.dart test/painting/image_stream_test.dart test/widgets/route_notification_messages_test.dart test/material/list_tile_theme_test.dart test/widgets/aspect_ratio_test.dart test/foundation/collections_test.dart test/widgets/performance_overlay_test.dart test/widgets/binding_first_frame_developer_test.dart test/foundation/consolidate_response_test.dart test/rendering/transform_test.dart test/widgets/box_sliver_mismatch_test.dart test/services/keyboard_key_test.dart test/painting/oval_border_test.dart test/material/menu_style_test.dart test/material/expansion_tile_test.dart test/scheduler/scheduler_test.dart test/material/material_states_controller_test.dart test/material/dialog_theme_test.dart test/widgets/shadow_test.dart test/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver_test.dart test/material/navigation_rail_test.dart test/services/delta_text_input_test.dart test/cupertino/context_menu_test.dart test/services/system_chrome_test.dart test/material/checkbox_test.dart test/semantics/semantics_owner_test.dart test/material/time_picker_theme_test.dart test/material/dropdown_menu_theme_test.dart test/services/text_editing_delta_test.dart test/widgets/automatic_keep_alive_test.dart test/animation/live_binding_test.dart test/material/app_bar_test.dart test/gestures/scale_test.dart test/widgets/intrinsic_width_test.dart test/painting/image_decoder_test.dart test/material/time_picker_test.dart test/widgets/animated_padding_test.dart test/painting/stadium_border_test.dart test/painting/border_test.dart test/widgets/heroes_test.dart test/material/flutter_logo_test.dart test/material/app_bar_theme_test.dart test/material/input_decorator_test.dart test/material/filter_chip_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_debugger_test.dart test/rendering/layer_annotations_test.dart test/material/progress_indicator_test.dart test/material/stepper_test.dart test/widgets/animated_container_test.dart test/material/radio_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_2_test.dart test/services/font_loader_test.dart test/widgets/dismissible_test.dart test/widgets/platform_menu_bar_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_3_test.dart test/cupertino/segmented_control_test.dart test/widgets/run_app_test.dart test/material/action_chip_test.dart test/rendering/selection_test.dart test/widgets/scroll_controller_test.dart test/scheduler/binding_test.dart test/widgets/scrollable_selection_test.dart test/material/badge_test.dart test/material/action_icons_theme_test.dart test/widgets/semantics_merge_test.dart test/widgets/page_view_test.dart test/widgets/router_restoration_test.dart test/material/search_test.dart test/widgets/physical_model_test.dart test/cupertino/magnifier_test.dart test/painting/matrix_utils_test.dart test/foundation/stack_frame_test.dart test/services/restoration_bucket_test.dart test/widgets/async_test.dart test/widgets/editable_text_test.dart test/animation/animation_from_listener_test.dart test/widgets/build_fail_test.dart test/widgets/set_state_1_test.dart test/material/data_table_test.dart test/painting/text_span_test.dart test/widgets/scrollable_in_overlay_test.dart test/widgets/layout_builder_and_state_test.dart test/material/outlined_button_theme_test.dart test/widgets/mouse_region_test.dart test/services/use_platform_channel_without_initialization_test.dart test/painting/fractional_offset_test.dart test/material/selection_area_test.dart test/widgets/binding_cannot_schedule_frame_test.dart test/widgets/independent_widget_layout_test.dart test/animation/tween_test.dart test/widgets/global_keys_moving_test.dart test/widgets/slivers_padding_test.dart test/material/slider_test.dart test/widgets/text_semantics_test.dart test/services/system_sound_test.dart test/material/scaffold_test.dart test/material/input_date_picker_form_field_test.dart test/material/material_test.dart Command exited with exit code 1 but expected zero exit code. Working directory: /b/s/w/ir/x/w/flutter/packages/flutter stdout and stderr output: (stdout/stderr output was more than 10 lines) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━