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dart bin/test_runner.dart test -t run_release_test_windows --results-file c:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\resultsft28a_lq\results --luci-builder Windows_arm64 run_release_test_windows --git-branch master Processing: Windows_arm64 run_release_test_windows dart bin/test_runner.dart test -t run_release_test_windows --results-file c:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\resultsft28a_lq\results --luci-builder "Windows_arm64 run_release_test_windows" --git-branch master [] Running task "run_release_test_windows" Starting process for task: [run_release_test_windows] Executing "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart --disable-dart-dev --enable-vm-service=0 --no-pause-isolates-on-exit bin/tasks/run_release_test_windows.dart" in "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\dev\devicelab" with environment {BOT: true, LANG: en_US.UTF-8} [2024-03-20 09:59:16.287292] [STDOUT] The Dart VM service is listening on [run_release_test_windows] Connected to VM server. [2024-03-20 09:59:18.464616] [STDOUT] Running task with a timeout of null. [2024-03-20 09:59:18.464616] [STDOUT] Enabling configs for macOS and Linux... [2024-03-20 09:59:18.491384] [STDOUT] Executing "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\bin\flutter config -v --enable-macos-desktop --enable-linux-desktop" in "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\dev\devicelab" with environment {BOT: true, LANG: en_US.UTF-8} [2024-03-20 09:59:19.039639] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +23 ms] Could not interpret results of "git describe": 3.21.0-11.0.pre.52 [2024-03-20 09:59:19.242937] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +248 ms] Unable to locate an Android SDK. [2024-03-20 09:59:19.462330] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +223 ms] Setting "enable-linux-desktop" value to "true". [2024-03-20 09:59:19.472652] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +5 ms] Setting "enable-macos-desktop" value to "true". [2024-03-20 09:59:19.473204] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +1 ms] [2024-03-20 09:59:19.473933] [STDOUT] stdout: You may need to restart any open editors for them to read new settings. [2024-03-20 09:59:19.493570] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +29 ms] "flutter config" took 168ms. [2024-03-20 09:59:19.506229] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +3 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 0ms [2024-03-20 09:59:19.506229] [STDOUT] stdout: [ ] Running 0 shutdown hooks [2024-03-20 09:59:19.506229] [STDOUT] stdout: [ ] Shutdown hooks complete [2024-03-20 09:59:19.510683] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +1 ms] exiting with code 0 [2024-03-20 09:59:19.587338] [STDOUT] Found FLUTTER_LOGS_DIR dump directory c:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\flutter_logs_dir [2024-03-20 09:59:19.602784] [STDOUT] Executing "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\bin\flutter run lib/empty.dart -d windows --release --ci --debug-logs-dir=c:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\flutter_logs_dir" in "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk/dev/integration_tests/ui" with environment {BOT: false, LANG: en_US.UTF-8} [2024-03-20 09:59:25.933927] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Downloading windows-x64-debug/windows-x64-flutter tools... 5.3s [2024-03-20 09:59:27.451293] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Downloading windows-x64/flutter-cpp-client-wrapper tools... 51ms [2024-03-20 09:59:31.265916] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Downloading windows-x64-profile/windows-x64-flutter tools... 3.7s [2024-03-20 09:59:36.049348] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Downloading windows-x64-release/windows-x64-flutter tools... 3.5s [2024-03-20 09:59:39.851008] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Resolving dependencies... [2024-03-20 09:59:42.789827] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Downloading packages... [2024-03-20 09:59:44.587918] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + _fe_analyzer_shared 67.0.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.587918] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + analyzer 6.4.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.587918] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + args 2.4.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.587918] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + async 2.11.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.587918] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + boolean_selector 2.1.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.587918] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + characters 1.3.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.587918] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + clock 1.1.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.594326] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + collection 1.18.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.594928] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + convert 3.1.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.594928] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + coverage 1.7.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.595439] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + crypto 3.0.3 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.595981] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + fake_async 1.3.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.596067] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + file 7.0.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.596067] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + flutter 0.0.0 from sdk flutter [2024-03-20 09:59:44.596582] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + flutter_driver 0.0.0 from sdk flutter [2024-03-20 09:59:44.597234] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + flutter_test 0.0.0 from sdk flutter [2024-03-20 09:59:44.597234] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + frontend_server_client 3.2.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.597234] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol 0.0.0 from sdk flutter [2024-03-20 09:59:44.597748] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + glob 2.1.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.597748] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + http_multi_server 3.2.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.598296] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + http_parser 4.0.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.598296] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + integration_test 0.0.0 from sdk flutter [2024-03-20 09:59:44.598845] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + io 1.0.4 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.598919] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + js 0.7.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.598919] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + leak_tracker 10.0.4 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.599432] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + leak_tracker_flutter_testing 3.0.3 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.599432] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + leak_tracker_testing 3.0.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.599432] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + logging 1.2.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.600036] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + matcher 0.12.16+1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.600548] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + material_color_utilities 0.8.0 (0.11.1 available) [2024-03-20 09:59:44.601642] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + meta 1.12.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.601836] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + mime 1.0.5 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.601836] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + node_preamble 2.0.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.601836] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + package_config 2.1.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.602348] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + path 1.9.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.602348] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + platform 3.1.4 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.602348] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + pool 1.5.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.602348] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + process 5.0.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.602890] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + pub_semver 2.1.4 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.602890] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + shelf 1.4.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.602890] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + shelf_packages_handler 3.0.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.603425] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + shelf_static 1.1.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.603484] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + shelf_web_socket 1.0.4 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.603484] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + sky_engine 0.0.99 from sdk flutter [2024-03-20 09:59:44.603484] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + source_map_stack_trace 2.1.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.604050] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + source_maps 0.10.12 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.604050] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + source_span 1.10.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.604050] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + stack_trace 1.11.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.604562] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + stream_channel 2.1.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.604676] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + string_scanner 1.2.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.604676] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + sync_http 0.3.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.604676] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + term_glyph 1.2.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.604676] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + test 1.25.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.605306] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + test_api 0.7.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.605306] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + test_core 0.6.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.605306] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + typed_data 1.3.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.605822] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + vector_math 2.1.4 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.605822] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + vm_service 14.1.0 (14.2.0 available) [2024-03-20 09:59:44.606380] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + watcher 1.1.0 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.606380] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + web 0.5.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.606380] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + web_socket_channel 2.4.4 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.606927] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + webdriver 3.0.3 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.606927] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + webkit_inspection_protocol 1.2.1 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.606927] [STDOUT] run:stdout: + yaml 3.1.2 [2024-03-20 09:59:44.607464] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Changed 64 dependencies! [2024-03-20 09:59:44.607464] [STDOUT] run:stdout: 2 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints. [2024-03-20 09:59:44.607996] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Try `flutter pub outdated` for more information. [2024-03-20 09:59:45.964900] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Launching lib/empty.dart on Windows in release mode... [2024-03-20 10:00:43.346478] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Building Windows application... 57.2s [2024-03-20 10:00:43.377506] [STDOUT] run:stdout: √ Built build\windows\x64\runner\Release\ui.exe [2024-03-20 10:00:43.424773] [STDOUT] run:stdout: [2024-03-20 10:00:43.424773] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Flutter run key commands. [2024-03-20 10:00:43.436793] [STDOUT] run:stdout: h List all available interactive commands. [2024-03-20 10:00:43.436793] [STDOUT] run:stdout: c Clear the screen [2024-03-20 10:00:43.439622] [STDOUT] run:stdout: q Quit (terminate the application on the device). [2024-03-20 10:00:43.455913] [STDOUT] run:stdout: [2024-03-20 10:00:43.472459] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Application finished. [2024-03-20 10:00:43.581178] [STDERR] Task failed: Did not find expected line [2024-03-20 10:00:43.581178] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:00:43.586581] [STDERR] Built build\windows\x64\runner\Release\app.exe [2024-03-20 10:00:43.587101] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:00:43.587421] [STDERR] in flutter run --release stdout [2024-03-20 10:00:43.587933] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:00:43.588032] [STDERR] [√ Built build\windows\x64\runner\Release\ui.exe, , Flutter run key commands., h List all available interactive commands., c Clear the screen, q Quit (terminate the application on the device)., , Application finished.] [2024-03-20 10:00:43.588545] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:00:43.588545] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:00:43.588545] [STDERR] Stack trace: [2024-03-20 10:00:43.643433] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 372:5 RunOutputTask._findNextMatcherInList [2024-03-20 10:00:43.643433] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 192:5 WindowsRunOutputTest.verifyBuildOutput [2024-03-20 10:00:43.657804] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 236:5 DesktopRunOutputTest.verify [2024-03-20 10:00:43.657804] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 341:14<fn> [2024-03-20 10:00:43.658551] [STDERR] ===== asynchronous gap =========================== [2024-03-20 10:00:43.659063] [STDERR] dart:async _CustomZone.registerBinaryCallback [2024-03-20 10:00:43.659386] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart 278:26 _TaskRunner._performTask.<fn> [2024-03-20 10:00:43.659386] [STDERR] package:stack_trace Chain.capture [2024-03-20 10:00:43.659386] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart 277:11 _TaskRunner._performTask [2024-03-20 10:00:43.659901] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart 170:43 [2024-03-20 10:00:43.660210] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:00:43.661049] [STDOUT] Checking for reboot [run_release_test_windows] Process terminated with exit code 0. Task result: { "success": false, "reason": "Task failed: Did not find expected line\n\nBuilt build\\windows\\x64\\runner\\Release\\app.exe\n\nin flutter run --release stdout\n\n[√ Built build\\windows\\x64\\runner\\Release\\ui.exe, , Flutter run key commands., h List all available interactive commands., c Clear the screen, q Quit (terminate the application on the device)., , Application finished.]\n" } Finished task "run_release_test_windows" Running task "run_release_test_windows" Starting process for task: [run_release_test_windows] Executing "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart --disable-dart-dev --enable-vm-service=0 --no-pause-isolates-on-exit bin/tasks/run_release_test_windows.dart" in "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\dev\devicelab" with environment {BOT: true, LANG: en_US.UTF-8} [2024-03-20 10:00:44.536006] [STDOUT] The Dart VM service is listening on [run_release_test_windows] Connected to VM server. [2024-03-20 10:00:47.244085] [STDOUT] Running task with a timeout of null. [2024-03-20 10:00:47.244085] [STDOUT] Enabling configs for macOS and Linux... [2024-03-20 10:00:47.275099] [STDOUT] Executing "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\bin\flutter config -v --enable-macos-desktop --enable-linux-desktop" in "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\dev\devicelab" with environment {BOT: true, LANG: en_US.UTF-8} [2024-03-20 10:00:47.854286] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +29 ms] Could not interpret results of "git describe": 3.21.0-11.0.pre.52 [2024-03-20 10:00:48.057779] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +256 ms] Unable to locate an Android SDK. [2024-03-20 10:00:48.292475] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +230 ms] Setting "enable-linux-desktop" value to "true". [2024-03-20 10:00:48.302631] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +5 ms] Setting "enable-macos-desktop" value to "true". [2024-03-20 10:00:48.306435] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +1 ms] [2024-03-20 10:00:48.306435] [STDOUT] stdout: You may need to restart any open editors for them to read new settings. [2024-03-20 10:00:48.324126] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +30 ms] "flutter config" took 186ms. [2024-03-20 10:00:48.340233] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +3 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 0ms [2024-03-20 10:00:48.340233] [STDOUT] stdout: [ ] Running 0 shutdown hooks [2024-03-20 10:00:48.340233] [STDOUT] stdout: [ ] Shutdown hooks complete [2024-03-20 10:00:48.343876] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +1 ms] exiting with code 0 [2024-03-20 10:00:48.435160] [STDOUT] Found FLUTTER_LOGS_DIR dump directory c:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\flutter_logs_dir [2024-03-20 10:00:48.447770] [STDOUT] Executing "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\bin\flutter run lib/empty.dart -d windows --release --ci --debug-logs-dir=c:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\flutter_logs_dir" in "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk/dev/integration_tests/ui" with environment {BOT: false, LANG: en_US.UTF-8} [2024-03-20 10:00:51.031106] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Launching lib/empty.dart on Windows in release mode... [2024-03-20 10:01:07.554629] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Building Windows application... 16.3s [2024-03-20 10:01:07.570330] [STDOUT] run:stdout: √ Built build\windows\x64\runner\Release\ui.exe [2024-03-20 10:01:07.617025] [STDOUT] run:stdout: [2024-03-20 10:01:07.632306] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Flutter run key commands. [2024-03-20 10:01:07.637551] [STDOUT] run:stdout: h List all available interactive commands. [2024-03-20 10:01:07.638635] [STDOUT] run:stdout: c Clear the screen [2024-03-20 10:01:07.639192] [STDOUT] run:stdout: q Quit (terminate the application on the device). [2024-03-20 10:01:07.651154] [STDOUT] run:stdout: [2024-03-20 10:01:07.674575] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Application finished. [2024-03-20 10:01:07.772831] [STDERR] Task failed: Did not find expected line [2024-03-20 10:01:07.776735] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:07.776735] [STDERR] Built build\windows\x64\runner\Release\app.exe [2024-03-20 10:01:07.776735] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:07.777252] [STDERR] in flutter run --release stdout [2024-03-20 10:01:07.777252] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:07.777802] [STDERR] [√ Built build\windows\x64\runner\Release\ui.exe, , Flutter run key commands., h List all available interactive commands., c Clear the screen, q Quit (terminate the application on the device)., , Application finished.] [2024-03-20 10:01:07.777802] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:07.778349] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:07.778349] [STDERR] Stack trace: [2024-03-20 10:01:07.850600] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 372:5 RunOutputTask._findNextMatcherInList [2024-03-20 10:01:07.850600] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 192:5 WindowsRunOutputTest.verifyBuildOutput [2024-03-20 10:01:07.854379] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 236:5 DesktopRunOutputTest.verify [2024-03-20 10:01:07.854379] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 341:14<fn> [2024-03-20 10:01:07.854379] [STDERR] ===== asynchronous gap =========================== [2024-03-20 10:01:07.854896] [STDERR] dart:async _CustomZone.registerBinaryCallback [2024-03-20 10:01:07.854896] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart 278:26 _TaskRunner._performTask.<fn> [2024-03-20 10:01:07.854896] [STDERR] package:stack_trace Chain.capture [2024-03-20 10:01:07.854896] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart 277:11 _TaskRunner._performTask [2024-03-20 10:01:07.855438] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart 170:43 [2024-03-20 10:01:07.855438] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:07.857069] [STDOUT] Checking for reboot [run_release_test_windows] Process terminated with exit code 0. Task result: { "success": false, "reason": "Task failed: Did not find expected line\n\nBuilt build\\windows\\x64\\runner\\Release\\app.exe\n\nin flutter run --release stdout\n\n[√ Built build\\windows\\x64\\runner\\Release\\ui.exe, , Flutter run key commands., h List all available interactive commands., c Clear the screen, q Quit (terminate the application on the device)., , Application finished.]\n" } Finished task "run_release_test_windows" Running task "run_release_test_windows" Starting process for task: [run_release_test_windows] Executing "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart --disable-dart-dev --enable-vm-service=0 --no-pause-isolates-on-exit bin/tasks/run_release_test_windows.dart" in "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\dev\devicelab" with environment {BOT: true, LANG: en_US.UTF-8} [2024-03-20 10:01:08.491907] [STDOUT] The Dart VM service is listening on [run_release_test_windows] Connected to VM server. [2024-03-20 10:01:10.743041] [STDOUT] Running task with a timeout of null. [2024-03-20 10:01:10.743041] [STDOUT] Enabling configs for macOS and Linux... [2024-03-20 10:01:10.774279] [STDOUT] Executing "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\bin\flutter config -v --enable-macos-desktop --enable-linux-desktop" in "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\dev\devicelab" with environment {BOT: true, LANG: en_US.UTF-8} [2024-03-20 10:01:11.352682] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +26 ms] Could not interpret results of "git describe": 3.21.0-11.0.pre.52 [2024-03-20 10:01:11.587343] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +277 ms] Unable to locate an Android SDK. [2024-03-20 10:01:11.821763] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +231 ms] Setting "enable-linux-desktop" value to "true". [2024-03-20 10:01:11.830784] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +8 ms] Setting "enable-macos-desktop" value to "true". [2024-03-20 10:01:11.831874] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +1 ms] [2024-03-20 10:01:11.831874] [STDOUT] stdout: You may need to restart any open editors for them to read new settings. [2024-03-20 10:01:11.853213] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +30 ms] "flutter config" took 183ms. [2024-03-20 10:01:11.864931] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +4 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 0ms [2024-03-20 10:01:11.864931] [STDOUT] stdout: [ ] Running 0 shutdown hooks [2024-03-20 10:01:11.868579] [STDOUT] stdout: [ ] Shutdown hooks complete [2024-03-20 10:01:11.870736] [STDOUT] stdout: [ +1 ms] exiting with code 0 [2024-03-20 10:01:11.962764] [STDOUT] Found FLUTTER_LOGS_DIR dump directory c:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\flutter_logs_dir [2024-03-20 10:01:11.972411] [STDOUT] Executing "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk\bin\flutter run lib/empty.dart -d windows --release --ci --debug-logs-dir=c:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\flutter_logs_dir" in "C:\opt\s\w\ir\x\w\recipe_cleanup\tmplgherumk\flutter sdk/dev/integration_tests/ui" with environment {BOT: false, LANG: en_US.UTF-8} [2024-03-20 10:01:14.575152] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Launching lib/empty.dart on Windows in release mode... [2024-03-20 10:01:24.252333] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Building Windows application... 9.5s [2024-03-20 10:01:24.268042] [STDOUT] run:stdout: √ Built build\windows\x64\runner\Release\ui.exe [2024-03-20 10:01:24.315238] [STDOUT] run:stdout: [2024-03-20 10:01:24.326699] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Flutter run key commands. [2024-03-20 10:01:24.331138] [STDOUT] run:stdout: h List all available interactive commands. [2024-03-20 10:01:24.332634] [STDOUT] run:stdout: c Clear the screen [2024-03-20 10:01:24.333714] [STDOUT] run:stdout: q Quit (terminate the application on the device). [2024-03-20 10:01:24.347224] [STDOUT] run:stdout: [2024-03-20 10:01:24.363025] [STDOUT] run:stdout: Application finished. [2024-03-20 10:01:24.457148] [STDERR] Task failed: Did not find expected line [2024-03-20 10:01:24.457148] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:24.472368] [STDERR] Built build\windows\x64\runner\Release\app.exe [2024-03-20 10:01:24.472368] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:24.472368] [STDERR] in flutter run --release stdout [2024-03-20 10:01:24.472368] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:24.472885] [STDERR] [√ Built build\windows\x64\runner\Release\ui.exe, , Flutter run key commands., h List all available interactive commands., c Clear the screen, q Quit (terminate the application on the device)., , Application finished.] [2024-03-20 10:01:24.472885] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:24.472885] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:24.473427] [STDERR] Stack trace: [2024-03-20 10:01:24.534925] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 372:5 RunOutputTask._findNextMatcherInList [2024-03-20 10:01:24.534925] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 192:5 WindowsRunOutputTest.verifyBuildOutput [2024-03-20 10:01:24.544854] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 236:5 DesktopRunOutputTest.verify [2024-03-20 10:01:24.544854] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/run_tests.dart 341:14<fn> [2024-03-20 10:01:24.544854] [STDERR] ===== asynchronous gap =========================== [2024-03-20 10:01:24.544854] [STDERR] dart:async _CustomZone.registerBinaryCallback [2024-03-20 10:01:24.545372] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart 278:26 _TaskRunner._performTask.<fn> [2024-03-20 10:01:24.545372] [STDERR] package:stack_trace Chain.capture [2024-03-20 10:01:24.545372] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart 277:11 _TaskRunner._performTask [2024-03-20 10:01:24.545372] [STDERR] package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart 170:43 [2024-03-20 10:01:24.545915] [STDERR] [2024-03-20 10:01:24.547529] [STDOUT] Checking for reboot [run_release_test_windows] Process terminated with exit code 0. Task result: { "success": false, "reason": "Task failed: Did not find expected line\n\nBuilt build\\windows\\x64\\runner\\Release\\app.exe\n\nin flutter run --release stdout\n\n[√ Built build\\windows\\x64\\runner\\Release\\ui.exe, , Flutter run key commands., h List all available interactive commands., c Clear the screen, q Quit (terminate the application on the device)., , Application finished.]\n" } Finished task "run_release_test_windows" Flaky status for "run_release_test_windows" Consistently failed across all 3 executions. flaky: false